• Published 21st Sep 2018
  • 1,298 Views, 12 Comments

Aim for the Stars - Cirrus Sky

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are going to be the best in their fields. They might just help each other get there.

  • ...


Campus was buzzing with new students and returning learners. It made for a mixed crowd of those who knew where to go and what to do and the newbies trying to work things out. Twilight was a little half and half. She had attended once every two months as part of a remote learning course she'd taken while at high school.

Her dad had asked her to graduate normally, not wanting his little girl to pack off to university too soon. The remote course was a compromise they both agreed to. So, she knew her way around the place, enough to have some idea where to go. But this was still a new experience for her.

Crystal U was famous in the country for having great STEM courses and Twilight had been practically headhunted to attend, scholarships and bursaries loaded on to attract “the brightest mind of a generation” as one course head had put it.

As exceptional as Crystal U was though, it was still a university campus. There were a lot of shenanigans and activities going on around her. “Watch out!” Someone yelled. In the brief moment before a soccer ball collided with the back of her head, Twilight could have sworn she knew the voice.

But face-planting on the lawn was something of a distraction.

Lying flat on the grass Twilight's head was ringing from the hit. But the shout, and the next, were from someone she knew.

“Oh my god, I so did not mean to hit you, I was punting it to Soarin.” Someone started to lift Twilight. “I am so sorry... Twilight Sparkle!” The woman hauled her up and suddenly Twilight was face to face with:

“Rainbow Dash!” Standing, but still held up by Rainbow, Twilight was immediately grabbed into and embrace.

“I haven't seen you in years!” Rainbow held tight. Twilight blushed brightly, in the intervening years Rainbow had grown up. She had grown up. Their bodies had matured from gangly teens. They were equal in height.

They were pressing together in a way Twilight found both mortifying and wonderful. Sometime while she considered their physical changes, Twilight had put her arms around Rainbow and neither of them had let go yet.

Parting finally, both women just looked at each other, tallying their memory with the present. Rainbow was wearing a shirt with an Air Force logo and a Crystal U Letter jacket. A nice similarity to the past. Twilight knew her own style hadn't changed too much either.

“No glasses?” Rainbow smiled, Twilight was a pretty cute shade of pink right now.

“Sometimes.” Twilight slipped her hand down to catch Rainbow's. “Contacts most of the time, glasses for evenings and all-nighters.”

“Good to know. You look cute in glasses.” Rainbow flashed a grin and Twilight got flustered.

“It's been years.” Twilight changed the subject quickly. She and Rainbow had emailed a few times a year, but neither of them had mentioned the parting kiss. Or the fact they were both going to Crystal University. “I didn't know you were going here.” Rainbow hadn't pulled her hand free and Twilight was happy to keep on holding hands.

“I'm going to get a BSc in physics.” Rainbow looked proud of herself. “What about you? I bet you're doing everything going.”

“Something like that.” Twilight mumbled, it was nearly true. She had already technically completed some courses first semester requirements and had been jumped ahead to the second. Wanting to talk longer, she was disappointed to hear someone call.

“Hey Rainbow! We got to get over to meet the gym for the Induction!” A man with navy hair shouted over.

“Sorry Egghead, going to have to do that if I want to keep up on my PT.” Rainbow gave Twilight's hand a squeeze, the old nickname comfortable to say. “Meet me at the coffee place right? Coffee Cherry, it's on campus.” With that, Rainbow raced after her friend. The soccer ball was still there on the grass by Twilight.

She picked up the ball and carried on towards her dorm. Making a note of the campus cafe, she didn't mind visiting often to try and meet Rainbow.

“Why on earth do you have a soccer ball?” Moondancer stood in her dorm doorway, she and Twilight didn't room together but they were on the same floor.

“I just bumped in to an old friend.” Twilight smiled. She had remained close to Moondancer, actually being friends instead of their childish assertion of “Intellectual Colleague”. The other girl had kept better contact with Sunburst and Starlight, but the pair had lived in a nearby town and been easier to meet up with. Now they were all at University together.

But so was Rainbow Dash.

“That's cool.” Moondancer moved to go back into her room. “My dorm mate hasn't got in yet, but I'll let you know if we make plans. You can bring your roomie too.”

“Sure 'Dancer, I'll let you know when I see her.” Twilight was still smiling as she got to her own dorm, she placed the ball by her bed. Taking a mental note to remember to return it to Rainbow.


Twilight met her room-mate at the end of the day. She knew they existed from the personal items on their side of the room, the girl who arrived was quiet but also unassuming to the point of invisibility.

Wallflower Blush was friendly but shy, she was taking Biology and hoped to focus on as many plant and green growth based projects as possible in the future. Amazingly, to Twilight, she had a girlfriend already in her third year of college, majoring in Electrical Engineering. “So, if you want the dorm to yourself, don't feel bad. I can go and crash with Red.” The green haired girl said.

She seemed nice enough, so Twilight was happy to share with the girl. It was also good to know that the dorm could be free. Twilight coloured a little at that thought.


It didn't take long before Twilight bumped into Rainbow again. The soccer ball was in her dorm room still, she was only going for morning coffee. The Coffee Cherry was a nice looking place for a campus coffee shop.

Ordering her favourite, hoping the Coffee Cherry made it well. Twilight took a seat and turned to the page she was on in her book, settling down to read until her first appointment today.

The bell over the door rang as a customer entered. Twilight didn't look away from her book. A few moments later someone sat in the chair at her table. This time Twilight looked up. Striped hair and rose eyes looked over the top of the book. “Hey” Rainbow greeted, coffee in hand.

“Hello Rainbow.” Twilight lowered her book. Today Rainbow was wearing PT uniform. “Air Force?” She remembered yesterday's shirt and now the training gear.

“Yeah.” Rainbow grinned again. “On my eighteenth birthday, I went right to the Air force office and told the recruiter I was going to be an Astronaut.” She scrubbed at her hair with her free hand. “But I had backed it up. I, um, realised I had to get serious after meeting you and learning about space from our chats. So I hit the books hard, did extra courses in science and Russian in the community college through high school. Logged flight hours, I've been flying solo since I was sixteen, so they knew I was firing for space.”

Twilight blushed again. To think it was her influence that had really motivated Rainbow all those years ago. “I'm glad you've gotten this far.” She smiled to the girl.

“More than that Twi', your science website? That was awesome to use when I was studying.” Rainbow took a sip of her coffee.

“It was mostly to test my AIs.” Twilight shrugged, keeping humble. “Smarty and Owl were projects I developed in High School. They aggregate and catalogue science articles for me. Then my sister-in-law suggested I run a website for people to use the resources too.” She found Artificial Intelligence fascinating, adaptive AI was her speciality.

“You're a genius then.” Rainbow chuckled at Twilight's blush. “So what are you studying? I didn't really ask properly.”

“You made a good guess.” Twilight recalled Rainbow's comment the day before. “It is kind of a custom created course-load.” The scholar detailed her learning plan to the pilot who listened with interest. By the end she looked impressed.

“It sounds like you are going to get me to Mars then.” Rainbow laughed. She had finished her coffee and was playing with the wooden stirrer.

“Maybe I will.” Twilight smiled, she found it easy to be confident and certain around Rainbow. Her phone buzzed, her planning app was reminding her about a mentoring session. “That's me. I'll see you again Rainbow.” Twilight stood up and smiled. “We share classes.”

Twilight nearly skipped out. It had been great to catch up with her friend.


“Wallflower, I have nothing to wear to a party.” Twilight lay on her bed in a slight panic. After three months of college, she had finally capitulated to a party invitation. It helped immensely that Rainbow had asked her.

“You're asking me. Wallflower. For party advice.” The green haired girl sat cross-legged on her bed. Shaking her head and laughing when Twilight sighed exaggeratedly.

“You have a girlfriend, I hoped you had some social nous.” Twilight glared at her ceiling.

“Nope. I am adorably shy and therefore irresistible to her personality type.” Wallflower joked. “I got lucky Twilight. She was the girl next door in the crummy apartment block we grew up in. I crushed on her for years, missed her like crazy when she got herself to college and ended up awkwardly kissing her when she came home for the summer.” Wallflower smiled softly in recognition.

“Cute.” Twilight wondered if she could ever gather up the courage to ask Rainbow about their summer camp kiss.

“Okay, I texted Red, she'll be over to help you make an outfit.” Wallflower walked over and looked down at her roomie. “Rainbow invited you, so she wants you there.”

“I know, but I have never been to a real party. She'll think I'm a loser.” Twilight flung her arms over her eyes.

“Rainbow likes you Twilight.” Wallflower shrugged. “She'll just be happy to see you.” There was a knock at the door and Twilight was treated to one of Wallflower's rare smiles. “It's open Red.”

“Hey Green.” A voice said and Twilight looked over. The woman at the door was a familiar face, but not with the name Red.

“Wait, Red is Sunset?” Twilight sat up and looked on in surprise as a classmate from her robotics course stepped beside Wallflower. “We are working together on a project and you never mentioned you were dating my room-mate?”

“It didn't come up.” Sunset shrugged. The redhead had also been placed on the special course by the college robotics department. Matching skilled electrical/mechanical engineers with the advanced AI programmers was creating amazing leaps in technology.

“So, you're going to a party with Rainbow hmm?” Sunset thinned her lips a moment. “Show me what we have to work with.” She watched Twilight go to her closet and open it up, Wallflower had returned to her bed to sit and enjoy the show.

“I really haven't got anything you could wear to a party.” Twilight grumbled, waving an arm at the assortment of skirts, sweaters and blouses. Everything in her preferred shades of magenta, purple and blue. There were a few different patterns and printed designs to work with, but nothing Twilight knew what to do with.

Sunset inspected the closet as Twilight looked on, envious of the older girl's effortless cool in leather jacket and jeans. “Ok, I have some ideas.” Sunset took out some clothes and dropped them in Twilight's arms. “Put those on. I'm going to find shoes.”

“Okay. I'll go use the bathroom.” Twilight retreated. “I only brought three pairs. But my Mom put together a box of “essentials” that might help.” She said before shutting the door to the tiny bathroom. “It's the carton at the bottom of the closet.”

“Alright.” Sunset looked at the sensible Mary Janes, the brogues and one pair of slightly stylish boots. All nice enough for lectures and lab, but nothing that said party.

The box at the bottom yielded better results. “Ah ha, chucks.” Sunset lifted the purple shoes out. “Do you have any socks that will match the blouse? Knee highs with that skirt I picked out.” Sunset said.

“Yeah, I think nearly all of Twilight's socks are knee highs.” Wallflower giggled from her seat.

“I happen to like them.” Twilight countered from the bathroom. After a few beats of silence she emerged from the bathroom dressed in the outfit Sunset had picked out. A purple plaid pleated skirt, pale blue blouse and a plain purple sweater vest. “So?”

“Just a second.” Sunset stepped forward and undid the top two buttons on the blouse. “You're going to a party, you don't need your collar buttoned.” Sunset smirked.

“Right.” Twilight noted that, it had not occurred to her. “Knee-high socks.” She took a pair from her drawer and looked at the shoes Sunset had found. “I don't remember ever having shoes like that.”

“They look brand new.” Wallflower pointed out.

“Mom must have decided I might need them here.” Twilight had pulled on the purple chucks and was lacing them up. “They look nice.” She smiled and tapped her toes.

“Yup.” Sunset popped the p, “When are you going to the party?”

Twilight looked at her watch and jumped. “Any minute now!” She grabbed both the women in a quick hug. “Thanks for the help see you again bye!” Twilight hurried out of the dorm and down the hall.

“Good deed for the day done.” Sunset grinned, her arm around Wallflower.

“Do you think she'll ask Rainbow out tonight?” Wallflower smirked. The pilot was often a subject of conversation from Twilight, the girl was pretty much smitten and it was obvious to everyone but her.

“Maybe. Rainbow has got to be blind if she doesn't want that.” Sunset leered. “Ow!” Wallflower swatted her. “I adore you Green, never fear.” Sunset leaned in and kissed her forehead. “So, your dorm's free for the evening.” She raised her eyebrows and Wallflower, well, blushed.

“Okay Red. Sounds good.” The green haired girl flicked the lock on the dorm door.


“Hi Twi'.” Rainbow was just walking over when Twilight reached the door of her building. She was acting her usual cool self, but Twilight could see the pilot looking at her outfit. The slightly more casual look the two free buttons and the chucks gave her seemed to be appreciated.

“Hello Rainbow.” Twilight smiled and happily held onto the hand that slipped into hers. “Who's party is it tonight?” At the time Rainbow had invited her, Twilight had been too flustered to do more than accept.

“Soarin's party. He wanted to get us Air Force brats together for a party and said to bring friends along.” Rainbow had her fingers threaded through Twilight's, they were both enjoying the feeling. “He lives in one of the places opposite the main building.”

“Thanks for inviting me.” Twilight knew that Rainbow counted her as a friend, but it always made her feel good to be called such.

“Of course I was going to, I'm just surprised you said yes.” Rainbow swung their arms. “You never do parties.”

Twilight froze and thought. “I needed to try and change that, and you did ask me.” She leaned her head on Rainbow's shoulder. “I, I like you.” The words slipped out and Twilight realised what she had said, moving from Rainbow, their clasped hands prevented her from going too far.

Rainbow halted then. “Like... You mean, the like-like kind of way.” She looked at Twilight, the scholar had her head bowed but she nodded. It left Rainbow struggling for words a moment.

“That's Awesome.” Finally worked its way from her head and out of her mouth.

Twilight was looking at her again, shocked and happy all at once. “Really? I mean, I... I always remembered my first kiss and then you were here at college and still wanted to talk to me? I wasn't sure if I could push my luck...”

“Egghead, I've been trying to figure if you were into girls, or you know, anything, since I realised it was you I took out with the soccer ball.” Rainbow pulled Twilight in close and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Want to be girlfriends?”

“Of Course!” Twilight said quickly. More than happy to have her second kiss right there on the quad.

Author's Note:

Chapter two. Jumping in to another point in the lives of two driven and intelligent women. Who really dig each other.

Had to have by main girl in there somewhere too, sorry not sorry.