• Published 24th Sep 2018
  • 1,979 Views, 39 Comments

Dear Friends - B_25

It hasn't been long since Twilight and Spike moved into town. Spike doesn't feel close to the girls, and because of this, writes each of them a letter—hoping to invite them to his party.

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The Letters to My Friends

Dear Friends

Howdy Applejack!

It's me, Spike! Y'know, Twilight's number-one assistant? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course, you already knew that!

I hope you're not worried or nervous or anything like that. This is just a friendly letter! I guess you don't get too many of those from Twilight: it's either a lesson, a report, or epic dealings with some great threat with her!

It wouldn't kill her to write a letter checking up on how you girls were doing. I tried telling her this once: "You should try writing a check-up letter one of these days." After that, she got mad!

Well, not mad, mad. Pretty frustrated though. She tried telling me that each letter ought to serve a purpouse—whatever the heck that means.

Twilight said writing a letter for the sake of writing a letter is just a waste of time. You write a letter to schedule something, like those picnics you girls like to do, and then you check up on your friends.

But I'm not sure I agree with that. Twilight and I talk all the time about nothing. Well, not as much as we used to—only because she's super busy!

So like, wouldn't it be nice to have a letter that checks up on you? When you're at a picnic or whatever, you already expect ponies to ask how you're doing. It's not as special after that.

But a letter? It's something different, y'know? You don't expect a letter to check up on you cause you check up when ya meet up. The letter doesn't have any of that purpose stuff, and because of that, it feels more special.

More special to me, anyway. I'm usually wrong about this kind of stuff. Well, Twilight tells me that I'm wrong. She's super smart, so she's probably right.

But she may be wrong about this letter. I'm not sure yet.

So, how is it working on the farm? You have a pretty big family when we last saw you! Granted, I know your whole family doesn't live with you, but could you imagine if they did?

Anyways. Twilight's going to come upstairs soon. She'll ask what I'm writing about and to who... or whom... something that starts with a "w," and I'll tell her about this letter, and she'll tell me how silly I'm being.

So this letter is checking up on you. I know we're not close like how you and Twilight are close, but we can sorta be friends, right?

Also, if you ever needed help on the farm, feel free to ask me! I may not look like it, but dragons are made from some pretty tough stuff.

Of course, I need to get my work done here first. But after that, I would love to visit you and your farm.

Oh, crud. Twilight's knocking at the door! Gotta dash, bye!

Yo, big R! The one, the only, the most awesome pegasus in the history of wings—THEEE RAINBOW DASH!

So how goes it, Rainbow? Were you chilling when this letter hit you? Sorry if you were practicing and getting this sent you outta whack.

Oh, I should probably open this up by saying who I am, but then again, when have you cared about the small details, right?

Still, Twilight would totally hate on me if I wasn't the tiniest big polite, right? I'm sure other weather ponies make you do the same.

Anyways, it's me, Spike! You and I laughed at Twilight's epic mane-do. I'm still laughing at the mental image! Don't let Twilight fool you—she's still hung up on your historic tornado!

So like, are you usually busy and stuff? Cause when I walk around town, I usually see you kicking and moving clouds. Or flying really fast. When I went to farm one time, you and Applejack were running between trees.

And when I don't see you, everypony tells me you're probably sleeping. Ponies narrow their eyes when they talk about you.

Do you ever get called lazy? Obviously, you're not lazy; you're always working when you're awake. Sure, you sleep a lot, but only because you work so much.

But ponies don't see you working, do they? Everypony comes out to a clear sky, a cloudy sky or whatever, and they just expect it to be that way.

They don't see how hard you work to make the sky that way—only that you sleep a lot.

I wouldn't sweat it much—not that you sweat the small stuff, anyway.

If it helps, ponies do the same with me. I still live with Twilight, and for whatever reason, ponies give me strange looks when I say that.

They also stare at me at the library. It's hard to describe, but when I'm in the lobby and reading a comic book, I can feel somepony staring at me from the pages.

I tried telling Twilight this, but she said I just imagine things. I don't like it when Twilight thinks I'm making things up, because then it feels like I'm making things up, then I tend to hate myself for that.

I'll pretend not to feel the staring when I'm reading. It sucks, but better that than disappointing Twilight.

It's kinda like the skies with you, hey? Twilight likes to wake me up early to clean—I hate when she does that, but I get up anyways.

When the sun comes up, and the library is almost cleaned, I complain about how long it's taking us, about how I'd rather be reading a comic book.

Twilight calls me lazy, sometimes, and I don't like it. I work hard for her, and I don't mean to complain so much, but when I'm on tired and bored, talking makes me happy again.

It must be the same for you too, right? Ponies expect libraries to be clean and for skies to be clear and call us lazy anyway.

Maybe if you're not so busy in a few days, we could hang out and, you know, talk? Unless that's totally uncool. I'm up for anything cool.

Keep it dashing, Rainbow Dash!

Why Rarity, it's so delightful writing to you!

Sorry I did not sign my name on the letter. I'm afraid Twilight has yet to design a wax for me. Rest easy in knowing that Spike the Dragon is writing to you now.

I do hope everything is going good... well with your latest designs! You know me not to be a big fan of fashion, though, to be honest with you, I could stare at your dresses instead of reading my comics.

By chance, do you ever get bored during the drawing phrase? All alone in a darkened room, a quill and paper on a desk, with the moon shining from beyond the window?

It must not be so bad, I suppose, since you're drawing something you haven't seen before. Must be like a constant discovery and stuff.

I mean, constant discovery and unfolding of something grander.

I'm kinda the same way with that; just not in an interesting fashion. Pardon the pun; I did not mean... er, intend for it.

When you're designing in you're room, you're bringing something that wasn't before into something real now, and that must be, like, really cool!

Twilight has me sit down at nights to record events, which is a level below you. I mean, sure, we're both creating late at night by ourselves. But you're making something new while I'm just restating the past.

You can't create the past. Twilight gets mad when I do that.

But sometimes I can create. Nothing like the arts that you make, but still, when I'm lucky enough, I can write a letter or two.

I wrote a few to some of the girls, but they never replied. They're probably busy or something like that. It doesn't matter too much, because those letters let me create something: my feelings.

Still not the same as you, but before I wrote, I felt something that I didn't understand too well. That got me to start writing, and when I put what I felt into words, that got me to understand it a better.

I'm still just recording, I guess, but at least I'm recording myself, and it's in the present.

Sorta the same with you, right? You feel an idea and start to draw it, slowly discovering more of it as you go along?

Anyways. I gotta—I must finish these papers before Twilight comes back upstairs. If you ever need help with any work late at night, please let me know.

Twilight may let me sleep over if she knows that I'm helping you. In any case, please write me back.

A pink Pinkie Pie!

How's it going Pinkie? Are you having a super awesome cowabunga day? Because I sure am!

I know it's so totally weird to be receiving a letter from me. I mean, you get letters all the time from me, but they're always by Twilight! She doesn't write them, of course, because I'm the one that does that—I guess you sorta get letters from the both of us?

Well, in any case, this letter is totally all me. Not that the letter is made out of my scales—ah, you know what I mean!

Think you can do me a favor? It's nothing big—just a BIG PARTY for all my friends! Well, friends of my friend, but that still sorta makes them my friend.

But yeah. I wanna throw a party with all the girls together, everyone talking and having fun—myself included!

So can you do it? I promise to help! We can chat while we work. Maybe we could invite MORE of your friends while we're at it.

So write to your friend, Spike, back. We are friends, aren't we?

Hello Fluttershy.

You know that dragon you talked all day with one time? Yeah. That's me. Writing to you now. From a library.

I don't suppose you're free tomorrow? There's going to be a party at the library. I have a bucket with apples and a day's worth of food cooking in the kitchen.

(Please don't tell Twilight about that last part.)

Can you come? I spent a really long time getting everything ready, though I don't think everyone will be coming. It'll be a party even if just us two having fun.

Your... friend, Spike.