• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 1,015 Views, 6 Comments

SteamPony Express - SketchIt

A young pony finding herself venturing from her sheltered life on her own into a chaotic world!

  • ...

The Mane Event

"Please fillies and gentlecolts may I have your attention please!" The mayor's voice echoed over the large congregation of ponies who were ready to hear her out, some already excited as they knew what this meeting was all about.

North, Applebloom, Spike, and Scootaloo had woke Sketch-it and had her trotting behind slowly as she yawned with her eyes barely open and her mane a bit untidy. Sketch-it grumbled through her sleepy voice,

"aghhh what's all the commotion about mares?" Scootaloo having heard the news from North and Spike exploded in Sketch-it's face loudly,

"The Cake family is hosting a competition and we're all going to compete for it! The prize is a cash award and one month of cupcakes FOR FREE!" Sketch-it's face was still in shock mode after being yelled at in her groggy state, her eyes widened and face surprised with a grimmace.

North turned her head and struck a glance back at the ponies as she trotted along the street explaining,

"Well to be technical about it, through the year businesses have been holding events to make money so they can afford giving relief for the soldiers over seas. It's common practice around Equestria, but seeing as the Cake Family provides most of these festivities you can be sure Ponyville has a blast every event! I'm really interested in the competition, the money prize is five hundred bits!" North seemed to have herself held up high today in particular. She seemed determined already to win the said competition. Spike acknowledged her confidence as he stated,

"North here is going to mop up the competition today, she's been training for the event since the last one a couple of months ago." Scootaloo picked up her pace by the Alicorn and with a snickering gesture she responded,

"Pssshhhh this flight challenge I'm totally not losing to you again, I've been timing my deliveries for months, Last big delivery, ten packages and sixty envelopes, less than three minutes!" North gladly accepted her challenge and answered with a boast,

"Heh, just try and keep up the pace with me will ya, I feel bad when everypony takes forever to finish after me." Now Sketch-it was really starting to hear the sassy tone coming out of her friend's mouth.

"What's with the perplexin face there Sketch?" She turned her head over to see Applebloom's face filled with question. Pointing at the two ponies in front of them and Spike who was now getting between them both adding to the competitive energy between the two. She didn't have to say anything because Applebloom knew exactly what she was meaning. "Oh don't you worry bout them two, they have been doin this fer years now, they never really mean any harm they just like gettin pumped up before competin." Sketch-it felt relieved to hear it was all for fun. Applebloom also added with a whisper, "Considerin they never really have won enough events to win the whole competition it's funny to watchem get at one another, but if anythin gets too heated withem me and Sweetie Belle put them in their place, ain't that right?" Sweetie belle nodded also adding to the conversation,

"Absolutely, it's kind of adorable to me personally, it's like an ongoing sibling rivalry, you have the brilliant dashing older sister who can't accept defeat, versus the determined younger sister who may not be incredibly book smart, but she has a fire of willpower on her side. In the end they never truly win, but they have fun testing their strength against one another."

"Heh, yeah but Scootaloo rarely gets to beat North, especially in the flight competition fer pegasus, as fer us non flyin ponies I tend to setem straight with my hooves, not that i'm tooting my own horn ya know, but I've beat both ofem several times with haybale bucking, tug'o'war, and other activities..." The two competitive ponies turned their attention to the boasting Applebloom and Sketch-it began to slink away by Sweetie Belle staying out of the fray of words!

"Put a hoof in it, you're not gonna beat me, I got the race in the bag!"

"Psshh, I can run circles round you two fillies in a hoof race!"

"Oh yeah!" North and Scootaloo began to butt heads with Applebloom as their competitiveness started to really get at one another. Sketch felt worried once more but as luck would have it Sweetie Belle reassured her it's nothing to be worried about.

"These competitions come and go, and they've always been friends no matter how crazy they get..." Sketch-it tried to smile but it came out as a nervous half smile inquiring to Sweetie Belle how crazy it would get. "Trust me, if you enter the competition you'll want to stay clear..."

"Mehhh I don't feel like it, but I suppose I could watch and cheer them on. I've been up late last night finally finishing up on the growth magic spell, I sorta had it right but for some odd reason the petals were extremely large, still trying to learn my focus."

"You two feather hooves couldn't hoof wrastle a turtle and win!" Applebloom's voice came out sharp as Scootaloo tried to counter,

"Oh yeah well you, you can't fly!" North and Applebloom looked at her for a moment wondering if she was gonna save herself from the derp argument she had formed. She glanced back at them going, "WHAT... it's true she can't fly..." North slapped her face with a hoof and Applebloom just gloated in front of them,

"Looks like I'm also better at come backs too!" North stopped her right there and snapped,

"Pssshhh, your come backs can't touch this alicorn, I just got too much SWAG for that!"

"What's that supposed to mean!" The mares were almost at the town square but as the words died down, North finished with,

"Oh nothing really, just something we alicorns got..." Cleverly put she had Applebloom and Scootaloo both baffled.

The troop of ponies finally arrived behind the large crowd in the town square and listened to the Mayor as she finally had the everypony hushed. Her voice carried a happy warm tone when she addressed the crowd,

"Alright as you all may know already, we have gathered here today for yet another event hosted by our local shop keepers to raise money for relief supplies to the fronts, so everypony we're counting on you to have as much fun as possible, and remember that every purchase from the businesses today will be going to helping our soldiers over seas, so spend spend spend! Don't forget to sign up for the events to see if you can win the prize today, as you know these events are completely open for anypony to come and go as you please. For those ponies who want to play games and not compete for the prize, anypony will have access to each event after it is used for competitors first, GOOD LUCK EVERYPONY and HAVE FUN!!"

The crowd cheered wildly as the cake siblings fired two confetti cannons showering everypony in colorful paper mache. Mr. Cake walked up to the podium and began to clear his throat as he announced,

"Will everypony who is competing in today's challenges please see Mr. Anvil and Le-Clerc, and everypony else can go ahead and enjoy vendors and stalls already set up for the wait periods of each event, first event we're getting ready right now is the hoof race all ponies are welcome to sign up."

Over at the sign up table, there was a large black coat stallion with an anvil for a cutie mark, Mr. Anvil was the smithy that locally owned a business for small time metal work like tools, skillets or anything he could make to give convenience to the town. Le-Clerc was a partner in his smithwork and they both shared a contract in constructing parts that would later be assembled into the weapons the Royal Guard and the Equestrian Army used. They usually always involved themselves in this gathering because helping arm the soldiers was one of the major things Ponyville did, though nopony really had any idea that Anvil and Le-clerc build these weird parts only to be made into guns in a larger factory.

The three competitive mares ran to the line rumbling through a couple of ponies with them griping and complaining about their behavior, but the girls managed their way to the sign up sheets and tied their hooves around one another attempting to get their name on first.


"No me, I'm signing first..." North just laughed at them as she levitated the pen from them and quickly wrote her name across the first open spot on the sheet.

"Boom! First to sign up, and i'm gonna be first to win this prize!" Sweetie Belle began to go off to the stalls to do her generous duty of buying a few knick knacks from the vendors. The others galloped to the starting line which was on the outskirts of town on a winding road that led back through town in a loop.

Sketch-it hovered around the vendors watching to see what other ponies would join the competition. Spike of course had a bit of curiosity and sacrificed watching the three mare's smack talk one another during the wait, to see what his new unicorn friend was up to.

"Watcha doin Sketch? Sizing up the competition to see if ya wanna have a whack at it?" Sketch-it shook her head simply answering,

"Nope, I'm just watching to see who all is joining the competition, i'm just curious, also I'm gonna check out the gem vendor, you wanna tag along Spike." Spike loved his gems so he could not resist to go look at some, knowing it may torment him for it later.

The clouds were cleared for the occasion, ponies were picnicking around the park where the main portion of the events were being prepared, the stalls were bustling as if the Ponyville marketplace had a super sell off.

Sketch-it turned her head to the sign up line as she approached the gem stall, she caught glimpse of a lime green coat mare with a strawberry blonde mane and tail, she looked like a christmas toy with her cutie mark being the picture of a little red ball and four jacks. Sketch-it looked further back and noticed a few other ponies, but the ones that caught her off guard were the gypsy ponies in the back!

She heard of the gypsy ponies, a mysterious group of nomadic wanderers, some were honest ponyfolk and others were just plain dastardly! One of the two ponies signed up as the other just followed with a rather smug look on her face as her mane drooped over her face hiding the side of her face from view.

"Excuse me, are you here to buy or are you just going to keep staring off in space?" Sketch-it turned to the confused shop keeper, a fine corporate cut mane stallion with an eye glass staring back at her. Spike's eyes were darting at all the lovely sapphires, and rubies littering the stall, some even on jewelery. Sketch-it wanted to purchase a sapphire specifically for a spell that required said gem stone, Spike though had been eyeballing a flaming ruby stone.

"That ruby looks so very delicious." The unicorn vendor glared at Spike, the pony was clearly not from Ponyville but knew the events would bring in business, it was usual to find ponies taking advantage of the war. He gave a loud,

"HARUMPH!" Discouraging Spike from his stand, but in turn wanting Sketch's business he gave her a happy smile trying to make up for his rudeness. In turn Sketch replied elegantly,

"Excuse me sir, sorry for the inconvenience, I was just thinking to myself these are very ravishing looking gems, so illustrious and fine cut, where in Equestria did you obtain such a fine selection of such divine and elegant gem stones...?" If there was one thing she learned from Lady Mareweather, it was how to pour on the charm. The unicorn was taken back to his original thought of her and caught by her simply dulcid and proper tone he began to trip up on his words,

"Well, uhhh you see... umm... EHEM!" He cleared his throat as he began to shake nervously, he didn't want to come across this pony befuddled, so he slapped on his charm face and turned to her eyes answering, "Well of course I obtain my lovely gems from the finest auctions across Equestria and even further beyond the empire, you see..." Sketch-it's eyes watched him with a very sensational appeal to him, making his body feel like melting ice cream. He began to explain pointing to his gems, "These rubies I bought from an Auction in Tarkan Mane, a settlement just outside Camelu territory, there's quite a massive ruby mine in the deserts of Muudi... but of course they also mine Quartz and Diamond too, while there I also picked the most elegant cut diamond I could find, its flawless perfection you can clearly see..." He continued on to his collection telling of places he had been, from Germaney, to Galloport, all the way to even Athenus, the city her brother was stationed at in the Southern Leyline.

Inside Sketch-it's mind she knew what he was doing, she seen this done at her auctions with her own art, Lady Mareweather taught her about these one day when they were sitting together having quality time,

"Sketch my dear little filly, what you seen back at the gallery is an auction, and the stallion announcing was an auctioneer." Her mind was picturing the past as a young Filly and she could hear herself respond back to Lady Mareweather,

"What's that Mrs. Mareweather?" The elegant unicorn turned to a mannequin and began to tutor her in some basic ways to get her money's worth of her paintings.

"Auctioneers are responsible for managing the bids on goods and declare the products sold." Lady Mareweather sat by the fireplace cozy with a young sketch-it curled by her side like her own daughter... a shame the mareweather's couldn't have children, Sketch didn't know why but they did have a strong bond with some of the orphaned foals, but they absolutely adored Sketch-it, and for this they taught her everything they could just as if she was their own. A bit of favoritism but they were equally nice to the other orphans.

Sketch looked up at Mrs. Mareweather confused.

"Why did he say nice things about my picture, did he really mean it?" She could remember Mrs. Mareweather gazing at the fireplace replying softly,

"Well sometimes auctioneers will talk up the price on the merchandise, this is to usually arouse the bidders to bid more compulsively as the merchandise sounds more and more desirable... but your piece was very magnificent to begin with dear, so in truth what he described was perfect." Mrs. Mareweather took a little one bit coin and replied, "But you be weary Sketch and hold your bits tight, talking up prices is very common and someponies..." As Mrs. Mareweather slowly slid the coin over to Sketch, she reached for it and Mrs. Mareweather snatched it up. Poor Sketch being very sensitive felt something rewarded to her was taken away and started to look up at Mrs. Mareweather with teary eyes. "Will swindel you just like that, they will take your money away without you even knowing it." The Mareweathers were of a few good wealthy ponies priding themselves as good folk, but Luna be cursed back to the moon they would never allow swindlers to take advantage of them.

She slid the little coin to Sketch again and she held it in her little hooves looking up to Mrs. Mareweather replying,

"I won't let them. I'll pay what I pay." Mrs. Mareweather began to speak about the method of talking down a price, teaching Sketch-it the countering method to these swindlers and the tale tale signs of these swindlers. She also told her never to do such a thing to an honest pony as it was the wrong thing to do. "Don't you worry Mrs. Mareweather I won't let you down." With a warm smile Mrs. Mareweather nuzzled up against Sketch's cheek feeling a deep longing in her heart wishing Sketch would call her mom, wishing she could've had Sketch as her own flesh and blood.

This lesson had made Sketch always withdrawn to bargain prices unless they were fixed like a store, but her need for a sapphire for her spell was making her risk haggling the price down if he was preparing to overprice it. He obviously did not know who she was, she did not have flashy clothes but she had certainly caught his attention. Her next move would be to go at him for the ruby and the sapphire she was gazing at. With a confident raising of her head she spoke back hoping her facade would not be see through as she was definitely nervous of her deed,

"Oh... oh my!" She abruptly gained his concern as she picked up the ruby in question for Spike. She could see it was very fine, and it glistened a bright cherry red.

"What is it!?" He addressed to her nervously. Sketch-it began to put her acting lessons to practice as she whined,

"Oh dear this poor ruby, sir, I must implore you that you allow me to buy this ruby from you, it is so overshadowed by the quality of your selection, I can see this ruby was not perfectly cut as these others and the luster is a few shades off and any jewelery expert could spot this flaw, I insist that you give me a fair price to take this poor thing away from your gems so that you may not be scoffed by anypony with an eye for these illustrious stones!" She didn't know if she poured it too thick but she hoped that he would fall for it, in truth the ruby was not as badly damaged as she made it out to be.

The stallion had a skeptical look, curiously wanting to cross examine her honesty, but Spike had an idea, he could see what she was doing after all that was the exact ruby he was looking at. To add to her insult on the ruby he assured,

"Pfftt, It's not all that great, for a treat maybe but it's definitely no fire ruby." The stallion laughed nervously and attempted to convince her otherwise,

"Surely it's not that noticeable for you two... I think you're bluffing me to get me to lower the price..." Sensing the nervous air he quickly stared them down catching their act replying, "It's two hundred and fifty bits and I'm standing on that." Sketch-it nodded slowly to herself and sneered,

"Oh then you must not know me... if that's the case then you sir are bluffing, I'm the famous Mareweather child prodigy artist known all around the outer colonies!" She knew she would have him in her hooves if he denied knowing her. Her beautiful art had been shown everywhere from private to public collectors auctions, gems, paintings, rare relics she had been around all of them. To catch him not knowing her from the outer colonies would be hard to explain how he had been across the lands and not heard of her. Sure enough he replied giving clear evidence,

"I've seen her, and you miss are no child prodigy, I've seen this filly at the Galloport National Gallery, when I was looking over the Eternity Sea Sapphire..." Suddenly she was caught off guard herself, this stallion was no joke, if he's seen her long ago, he must not know what she looks like now, but this stallion was at least being honest for being into his business, she knew that sapphire and had seen it during that exhibition. She didn't have but a few hundred bits in her satchel, not enough to buy both if the ruby was going to cost two hundred fifty.

"You must've not been around to see me grow up then sir, let me just show you right now, I keep my supplies handy everywhere I go, maybe this will jog your memory." Again he became skeptical but sure enough the prodigy artist, took a good look at his expression, and began to draw him and his stand. He couldn't see the process, but he could see shades of color flying about and a pencil and brush stroking the paper with a maddening fury. "A finishing touch here, some splash of color for these emeralds, and... done!" She spun the picture around and flashing in his eyes was a rather dapper picture of himself with a quizzical grin as if saying to the on looker 'What color is your fancy?' around him were exquisite shades of gems perfectly designed to shine out through the picture!

"Celestia be blessed...!" Completely with a loss of words his shocked expression gazed at Sketch-it with sheer disbelief. Ideas rolled in his head the image was so amazing he felt it would be far more attractive and would stand out more than his boring sign of a diamond with it's silly colors out of a drawing book. "It is you, I can't... this is, oh I am deeply sorry for questioning your identity ma'am a lot of ponies like to swindle me but that should not have given me the right to misjudge you..."

"It's ok, I kinda feel silly, for a moment I thought you were a swindling pony too..." He chuckled at Sketch-it responding,

"Well I can see why you may think so, I'm running a gem and jewelery vendor in a little town, but it's because a lot of ponies tend to be compulsive spenders during these charity events, and I have to boost prices to have money for travel and to donate, most of these precious stones were bought after they were cut fresh from the mines so they costed a bit more, but that's the price i pay for having them shined and ready for sale... oh my..." He suddenly realized they were still strangers to one another and he had to correct his ill behavior introducing himself, "Look at us we have been so uncivil we didn't even give proper introduction, the name's Felix Bucksworth, world explorer, travelled the lands of Zebrica, to the mountains of the Ibex..." Spike still was not impressed, seeing as the stallion gave a nasty look at him. He leaned over to Sketch-it and whispered,

"I still don't trust him..." Sketch-it gave a silent nod but he seemed harmless enough.

"Well my name is Sketch-it if you are curious, I'm still interested in that sapphire and the ruby... I'm working on a spell that requires a gem stone."

"Ahhh well, tell you what, for you lucky filly I'll give you both for two hundred fifty bits and throw in that painting and you got yourself a deal. You'll pay for the ruby and that painting will trade for the sapphire."

"Deal." She took it immediately not wanting to chance anymore conflict, the unicorn had spent several minutes trying to pull off something she thought she could do. Tossing up a pouch full of two hundred fifty bits and the painting she took the two gems and gave the ruby to Spike.

"Awww sweet, finally a ruby, I've not had a gem stone in months!" He tossed it in the air and it disappeared in his mouth with a loud rock crunching noise. As Sketch slipped the sapphire in her satchel Spike raised a claw asking, "So what was that all about?"

"Nothing, just me and my failed attempt to bargain a price down. Either he's really really good at swindling or he's being honest, frankly gems that size usually is lower than two hundred bits or so, but it was nice of him to take the painting, that was probably a fair trade, it would've been divided eighty bits for the ruby and a hundred and seventy for the sapphire which was larger than that little thing."

"Well if you say it that way Sketch then I agree one hundred percent, that ruby tasted really good I would've paid no more than a hundred for it though. Mmmm wow it has a spicy aftertaste... well maybe a hundred and ten, but that's as far as I would go."

The first event was announced and the ponies around the area started to take their positions.

"Oh gosh where's Sweetie Belle, she said she packed snacks!" Hardly remembering from her groggy journey, she darted towards the picnic area, and sure enough Sweetie Belle had the area ready. "Come on Spike, let's go!"

"I'm right... behind you!" When Spike reached the picnic blanket he fell onto the fabric with a soft, "Agghhh... jeeze I miss being carried around on Twilight's back, walking and running is soooo overrated..." The two ponies laughed softly and the unicorns pulled out a snack from the basket watching over at a distance the ponies gathering at the starting line. Spike inquired to the mares, "So which one of them you think is gonna come out first?"

"I say Applebloom..." Sweetie Belle stated pointing over at the red maned mare preparing herself.

"I donno Sweetie Belle, North is fast... I'd say it's a fifty fifty shot with them two." Sketch mumbled insecurely.

"Pffft I say North's gonna win hooves down." Spike argued back, he had confidence that she was gonna leave Scootaloo and Applebloom in the dust.

Over at the starting line the ponies were prepping for their gallop. Applebloom struck a glare at Scootaloo and North.

"You two ready to eat mah dust!?"

"Oh it's on Bloom!" Scootaloo snapped as she scratched her hoof in the dirt.

"Bring it!" North added with a fierce grin. The three ponies began to prepare their stance to go full gallop. As North focused her eyes on the trail, a voice beside her replied,

"Good luck." The sound of an appaloosan accent grabbed her attention. There in front of her a short reddish blonde mane and greenish coat shimmered. A simple looking earth pony with the jacks on her flank. North just nodded back and responded,

"Good luck to you too..." Caught off guard she had an awkward pause in her head but quickly focusing back on the objective to toss her friends in her dust. Pumpkin cake stood at the starting line levitating the flag in the air with a loud exclamation she yipped,

"ON YOUR MARKS... GET SET... GOOOOO!!! WEEEEEEE!!!!" She spun the flag around and the ponies were off! A total of thirteen contestants galloping down the stretch of road, with North and Applebloom nose to nose and Scootaloo picking up behind them fast.

"Grrrr!!!" The two lead ponies had their faces real close as they tried to psyche one another out, but as they were too focused on themselves another pony had begun to really pick up speed in her gallop. North turned to the side to see what the commotion was about behind them, and there was a fast moving strawberry blonde mane coming up determined to take first prize!

"Holy COW!" North completely didn't hear what was coming from directly behind them, but Applebloom shot off to the side as a white dash blinded by them and the green appaloosan pony sending North spinning out of control into a tree with a THUD! Applebloom ran over to her asking, "North are ya ok...?"

"Yeahhhhh.... i'm feelin, pretyy.... flubbejiorjfdih heheheheeheee..."

"Agghh you took quite a conk on the head there didn't ya... here lemme help ya." Applebloom helped North on her feet, she couldn't do the competition if North couldn't compete, so she escorted her friend over to the picnic area, leaving Scootaloo and a bunch of other ponies trying to pick up the pace on the two fast moving ponies.

"Don't worry girls I'll win this!" Scootaloo charged as fast as she could, but like the others it was useless they couldn't keep up with the ponies.

"Omagosh is she ok!?" Sketch-it, Spike, and Sweetie Belle trotted over to them, and Applebloom answered,

"Yeah, it's just a nasty bump on her head, you three were watchin, what happened?" Spike pointed at the starting line and growled,

"Agghhhh some long maned stallion thinking he's all that, he stayed back until everypony was on the track and he just shoots out and zooms right into everypony. He's a big jerk!" Sketch-it glanced over at the finish line where he stood victorious and eating up the attention, it was of course the gypsy pony that signed up, she looked around and did not see his sibling which struck her as odd.

As the green pony finished behind him she trotted her way up to him and replied,

"Hey congrats on gettin first place, next time though be a little more considerin bout other ponies on the track will ya?" The white and black spotted stallion glared at her like she had no right to tell him what to do as he scoffed,

"Pffftt, I don't compete to be nice, I compete to win, go run along with the other losers." Something struck the pony that this stallion was up to no good and she immediately with friendly concern trotted over to North to see if the mare was alright after being thrown into a tree from his carelessness.

The mares turned their attention to the approaching filly as she asked,

"Is she gonn be ok?" Applebloom gave a stern nod as she glared over at the stallion who was prancing around in front of the awe struck crowd.

"She's fine, thanks fer the sentiment..." Applebloom paused a second turning her head back to the pony inquiring, "Say are you from Appaloosa?"

"Why I sure am, how'd you know?" Applebloom chuckled pointing at her responding,

"Yer accent sounds might familiar is all, reminds me of mahself and mah relatives, what's yer name?"

"Jaxx, with two x's. Just moved here in Ponyville, pappa saved up some money workin fer mom's family. He's buildin that ranch yonder over the field." Jaxx and Applebloom began to carry on when North came to and she looked up, and all she could hear was that appaloosan accent being exchanged around. Her eyes widened for a moment as she opened her mouth,

"Is it me or did my brain just get weird on me, all I can hear is the sound of Applebloom... would some other pony please say something I want to make sure..."

"It's not your brain, you're fine..." Sweetie Belle cooed at her. "Jaxx is from Appaloosa, and her and Applebloom are talking to one another is all." North turned her head and analyzed the pony in front of her, recognizing the mare as the one that wished her good luck the only thing she could respond back was,

"Well no amount of luck could help me avoid whatever in Equestria hit me..." Everypony sneered as they glared at the stallion hopping around snickering and laughing as the other ponies were coming to the finish line. Applebloom opened her mouth,

"That dirty no good, that stallion's a snake in the grass I tell ya!"

"You said it, I went to give him a fair congratulations and he brushed me off like I was some sort of pest." Applebloom snorted angrily, North gave a painful whinny holding her head,

"Agghhhh, I know one thing he's going to feel my WRATH next round!"

"You can count me in North..." Applebloom extended her hoof as she continued to watch that persnickety stallion as he prepared to go for the second competition. Jaxx didn't know these ponies well but she wanted in on this knowing that stallion was being might arrogant, because she had a feeling something was mighty dishonest about that stallion, she extended her hoof with Appleblooms announcing,

"You can also count me in, I ain't goin down without a fight, I need that money to help get the extra materials for my family's ranch house!" North and Applebloom nodded with her and North slapped her hoof in too sharply responding with a great deal of energy in her voice,

"Alright mares, we got the team, now we need a plan..." She waited for Scootaloo to come over and before she could say anything North huddled everypony together.

"Hey what's going on... ..." North motioned Scootaloo to come over. Scootaloo slipped into the large group and whispered, "Seriously Mares, what's going on?"

"Just listen Scootaloo." Cooperating she listened as North began to explain,

"I don't believe for a second that pony can run fast, that was like getting hit by a tornado ok, so here's the plan. I need Sketch-it, Spike and Sweetie Belle watching him for anything suspicious, like tucked wings or magic use, anything out of the ordinary. Me, Jaxx, Scootaloo, and Applebloom will continue to compete, but we'll keep an eye for anything weird. We'll meet back here after each competition got it?" Everypony acknowledged and they broke from their huddle as they jumped to their positions.

The next event was announced the apple bucking contest, where everypony was given a specific amount of apples to buck into a target. Jaxx and Applebloom had an equally confident smile about this event. Ten apples, a score of a hundred was the highest score with bulls eye being ten points. Sketch-it and Sweetie Belle began to snoop around the vicinity of the event field secretly.

"Something does not feel right... agghh feels like a weight has been... ... SPIKE!" Sketch-it looked up on her back and found a lazy Spike complaining back to her in his defense,

"I can't help it I hate walking so much, you can't complain you didn't have to walk from the library all over town to pick up everypony for the event..." She really didn't want to ruin his moment so she let Spike tag along her back. Spike didn't really expect her to accept him to be on her back, she'd be the first since Twilight to let him do such a thing. After plenty of snooping around they came to no conclusion yet. Sweetie Belle, Spike and Sketch turned their attention to the event as it began to start.

"Get ready, Get SET, BUCK THOSE APPLES!" A voice cried out and the competitors began to buck their apples, Sketch-it suddenly realized she was on a very bad end of the field, it was where the apples were going! And she could see Derpy Hooves starting to buck as she attempted to hit the target!

"AGGHHH... OHHH... JEEZE!!!" Sketch-it began to gallop around in a fit as some of the ponies were missing the targets sending blazing apples straight down the field! Spike held on tight to the screaming pony trying to catch the apples in his mouth. He got lucky as Derpy bucked one and sent it careening straight towards him. He snapped down on it and the apple exploded it's deliciousness inside his mouth leaving him licking his lips from the tasty speed snack!

"Wait, don't go yet I like this game!" Spike tried to convince her to stay so he could get another, but Sketch-it took a dive into a bush nearby! When she slammed into the bush, a shaggy maned pony freaked out and galloped away leaving Spike and Sketch-it wondering what just happened. "Was it just me or did a pony just jump out of the bush?" Sketch-It shook her head around loosening the brush in her mane replying,

"Pretty sure I seen it too."

At that precise moment the stallion had began to buck the apples, and for a moment he looked unstoppable as he bucked all but two apples which when he went to get the last two they flew completely out of range of the target! The crowd of fans he had gave a shocking gasp, he nailed every apple perfectly, why did his two last apples not do the same?

North glared over at him with a snickering notion, she had caught him red hoofed, all that time she ditched her effort to win the round to watch him, and seeing the slip up confirmed her original thought, it was magic! Sensing a faint magic aura around him, and when the aura had dissipated she was one hundred percent sure she knew his game!

"There's no way in Equestria somepony could do that so perfectly then slip up like that." The final competitors with one apple remaining for each was Jaxx and Applebloom who had a flawless streak so far. Giving one another the stare they tried to intimidate the other, but with no avail. In the end they both bucked and the apples hit their target on the mark.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts we have a tie for first place! Applebloom and Jaxx! And in second place is Shire Mane." Finally she had his name so she could address him properly which she took advantage of this moment of fault and trotted up to him. With a bit of charm North explained to him,

"I know your secret... Shire Mane, I'd suggest you start playing fair or I'm gonna bust you for using magic in a no magic competition..." Shire mane's eyes popped out of his shaggy mane feeling nervous and shaking in his hooves. This slip up was definitely not good for his cover. North turned her flank and snapped her tail out at him turning with a glare, "I'm being pretty lenient right now, normally I wouldn't give you a chance to redeem yourself, consider yourself lucky." She strutted off leaving the scared pony gulping his pride down.

Feeling confident she had solved the problem she returned to the others and gave the news. Jaxx looked over at the pony as he staggered anxiously away from North's vicinity.

"Somethin still don't settle right with me, ya sure he's not gonna try anything funny again?" North turned her attention back around and assured,

"He'll either play fair or i'll call him out, though we'll need proof, it isn't like everypony is going to believe us... that's the part i'm trying to work in my head right now." As she contemplated the ponies made their way over to the third event, A pegasus only competition (Including alicorns of course seeing as they are also flight fitted) an obstacle course of clouds, cloud rings, precision loops and other hazards in the sky for the daring flight pony.

"Hey girls, have you seen the other shaggy mane pony, she's like identical to that one but she keeps like disappearing..." As Sketch-it was about to continue, Spike brought up the alert as he pointed over her shoulder,

"There she is!" The group looked back and sure enough standing by Shire Mane was an identical shaggy coat pony.

"Oh wow... I didn't notice her... where was she?" North inquired curiously staring with an odd expression on her face confused as to why she had not seen this pony sooner. Sketch-it began to explain,

"Well I seen her at the sign up area but she didn't sign up, the other one did, but after that she just disappeared, I found her during the apple bucking contest, really by accident i jumped in a bush to get out of the way of flying apples, when me and Spike spooked her, we didn't have time to say anything she ran out of sight..."

North's face suddenly shifted like it began to pause and ponder on a very important clue that just came up. Of course she knew all of this was not able to be proved, for all they had was just accusations and that was not going to get them anywhere, if she didn't get some evidence to piece everything together Shire Mane was going to walk off with those prizes unfairly and nopony would even be the wiser.

North grinned as she turned to Sketch-it and Spike. "Spike, Sketch, it's time to go Double 0 Pony." Spike drooped...

"Awww come on now would've been like the most awesome moment to have that suit, the moment would've been perfect..." As if by magic he felt an aura engulf him and in a flash he looked down and found the suit fitted on him. "WHOA!" He looked around until he seen Sweetie Belle's smiling face. "YESSS!" He hopped off Sketch's back and commenced to pour on the Swagger as he ran his claws across the collar. "Agent Double 0 Spike reporting Chief, what's the mission?" Sketch-it wanted to laugh but she was also a part of this skit so she stood at attention in front of North as she began to explain the next objectives, this time Jaxx, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Spike, and Sketch would be involved.

"Ok so while me and Scootaloo do the flight course event, I want you all to keep watch of those two, see if you can get some proof or find out their next plan, and report it to me, got it?" Spike gave a wise cracking grin as he answered in a rather boasting tone,

"Consider it done chief, alright agents you heard her let's get going."

"Spike you're really letting this go..." He wiggled a claw up to Sketch-it before she could finish and replied,

"Ahh, ah, that's Double 0 Spike to you Agent Sketch." Sketch-it rolled her eyes as she snickered,

"Alright Double 0, I'll follow your lead agent." She trotted behind Spike who now began to walk on his own completely throwing the inconvenience aside as he felt empowered with his persona.

"That's Super Secret Agent to you agent, you're like an agent in training, so you better stick with me through this mission so you may one day be a super secret agent yourself."

"Ok super secret agent, I shall try my best to learn from you."

"I guess we'r splittin up then, so what'r you two gon do?" Jaxx asked Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.

"You can tag along with us." Applebloom answered back. Jaxx nodded and followed behind the two ponies.

Both groups followed over to the congregation of spectators watching the sky for the event to start. While the audience was occupied the mares and Spike started to make their way to the vicinity of the identical ponies.

Spike began to jump and roll through the pony crowd sneaking around as close as he could with Sketch-it still behind several ponies.

"Agghh Spike what are you..." Trying to see she attempted to sneak herself under the crowd only to make several ponies uncomfortable as they looked down at her awkwardly. She smiled nervously and muttled, "I'll just be on my way now... yep don't pay any attention to the pony crawling on the ground..." When she finally managed to leave the crowd. Spike found a nice spot between some bushes just small enough for him to hide.

She finally succeeded in sneaking by them across a small path and she set up her drawing pad and began to work on a picture while keeping her ears alert. She gave a few glimpses around the area, and could see applebloom hiding behind a tree, Sweetie Belle went for a walk by the nearby path looking perfectly harmless, with Jaxx taking safety behind two rocks and a bush.

Perfectly surrounding the area they all soaked up the conversation of the twins.

"That one up there is on to me..."

"Which one?" The mare asked, Shire Mane pointed up at North complaining in a dull annoying tone,

"The Alicorn..." His twin nodded to herself and replied,

"Well if that little dragon and unicorn didn't jump in the bush like a bunch of maniacs I could've kept focus, I'll have to be more alert next time..." Shire Mane turned his attention back to North and sneered with a very dastardly request,

"Sis could you do me a favor though if you can, and teach that nosy pony a lesson, maybe get her out of the competition..."

"Bro you're not seriously wanting me to hurt her do you." She grinned as if she knew what exactly he had in mind. Shire Mane gave her an angry expression as his mouth opened slowly and sourly,

"Yes I want you to make her crash or something, make it amusing though, like move the objects around on her." The mare snickered as she liked the idea her brother had, taking her out of the contest by accident, not only that but to make her look like a total fool convinced this twin to do the cruel deed. She scoffed with a yawning expression,

"This is such a trivial use of my magic..."

The ponies around them began to feel a sense of shock and disgust. The only thing they knew they should do to prevent this was immediately get one of the event staff and catch her in the act. Little did they know as they left, the sneaky pony hid away to do her dirty work.

The ponies ran straight to the cake family who were selling sweets by the bundle. Sketch-it blurted out,

"Mr. And Mrs. Cake, you have to come with us, there's an emergenc...y..." She paused as she turned to find the ponies were out of sight again! "Oh nooo..."

"What's the emergency?" Mr. Cake asked, Applebloom seen the worried look on Sketch-it's face and turned her attention to find the same conclusion out.

"Well bundle me up and call me haystacks, they done gone and weasled off!" Applebloom started to dart her eyes to the sky at North mumbling, "Girls I have a might bad feelin that North is'a bout to be in big trouble."

"Would anypony like to tell me what's going on?" Before Mr. Cake could get an answer they shot off to find the terrible duo.

As they searched, Applebloom kept watch on Scootaloo and North's progress, which North had already made it for a second lap, Scootaloo was right on her tail, but then Applebloom noticed they were coming up on a hot air balloon holding a cloud ring leading towards a precision loop.

"What the..." The operator on the balloon was feeling a draft push the balloon down and as North came up to the ring it jerked down and she flipped out,

"GAHHH WHAT THE!" She dipped down to make the ring, but she was going too fast and her abrupt dip caused her to nail right into the precision loop face first! As she plowed into it, Scootaloo shot up over her and made the loop dee loop perfectly. "What was that, I thought these ponies were trained to keep those things steady!" She gave a sharp complaint as she took back off completing the loop racing up behind Scootaloo.

Coming up was the hazardous cloud surprise, a group of pegasi engineered a timed system to deploy hazard walls in front of the fliers. Applebloom watched nervously as Scootaloo got the timing perfectly, but when North went for it a second round, one of the walls went out of order and THWOP! Applebloom cringed as she closed her eyes painfully,

"Ouch, that's smarts..."

"AGHH!" Plastered on the wall her face in a daze and words yet again coming out in a confused order, "Who, put... thahhtt there.... sommmmee...pny, shud... be carfulll..." North shook her head and attempted to regain her thoughts. "Ughhh what is wrong with me, is it me... no that, that wall I had it timed perfect last lap, it's not supposed to change, unless there was a fault... ..." It didn't take long for her to think of another reason she was getting plowed into objects. "Or it's that stallion again!" She shot off completing the wall hazard heading for the finish line to reach the final lap. "He couldn't fly so now he's trying to knock me out of the competition, that dirty coward!"

"Come on North you can do it, just be a bit more careful now..." Applebloom whispered to herself reassuringly, hoping that her friend would not get too frustrated and get hurt worse.

Sure enough her hoping was short lived when she approached behind Scootaloo the worse possible thing had happened! Scootaloo felt a tug on her body. She began to feel nervous as she shifted around and felt like something was guiding her. North was coming up fast and then it happened!

"WATCH OUT!" North could sense the aura as a Scootaloo was jerked in front of her and the two ponies collided with a loud and painful THWOP! In an instant they began to fall out of the sky! "DEAR CELESTIA!" Unconscious they descended fast! "Somepony help them!" Sketch-it turned her attention as she heard the audience gasping, she seen the two ponies dropping!

"Oh no..." She tried to use her magic but she was too engulfed in her anxiety she couldn't focus straight. "No, no no now is not the time to hang up on me magic, my friends are in danger." She ran towards them and attempted to slow their drop, which she could at least do that. Focusing all her energy she managed to slow them down enough to let Pound Cake fly in and take Scootaloo safely, and Pumpkin Cake in turn added her power to guide North securely to the ground. The group with an audience of ponies ran to see if they were ok.

Luckily both ponies managed to come around quickly. Scootaloo turned to North and the other ponies who gathered around both of them.

"What just happened, I swear something like grabbed me and started to jerk me around..." A pony doctor ran through the audience yelling,

"Everypony clear out, please move now, give the injured space please... come on!" With the stallion doctor, two nurses and two other stallion aids they were brought stretchers. North and Scootaloo were quickly retrieved and brought over to the medical stall.

"Wow... those doctors sure work fast." Applebloom remarked with a surprised brow raised. The group ran to see Scootaloo and North.

"You two ok?" Sketch-it asked.

"Yeah you two sure made one heck of a mid air collision." Applebloom added concerned for their condition. North began to mutter,

"Aghh it's nothing really, I feel fine.... ..." As she said she was fine, trying to get up she found that her shoulder she used to keep from giving Scootaloo a painful impact with her horn, had become extremely sore, and her wing was cramping from the inflammation. "OUCCHHH!! Aghhh... ok nevermind I'm not ok, definitely not ok." Scootaloo thought she was perfectly ok when she tried to move her wing and found a sharp pain in her side! She bit her lower lip making a yipping noise proceeded to lay on her good side whispering,

"Yeah uhhhh... I'm not hurting as bad, but I don't think I want to risk it ya know, can never be too safe.... AAAhhh aahahha AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screeched as the nurse began to bandage her wing. "I meannnnn uhhh... aaaahhhhhh... jeeze mare oww... don't sneak Ouch... up on me oooohhhh, like that OUCH!" North and the other ponies gazed over at her feeble attempts to hide the fact she was in just as much pain.

North began to regret her initial confrontation, but that was not going to stop her from using the resources she had to foil Shire Mane's plan.

"Ok so since we're all still together, here's my plan to make up for this set back..." Before she could start Scootaloo just rolled her eyes and snarled a loud,

"Pffft..." North glared over at her and turned back to the group restating,

"As I was saying, Jaxx, you and Applebloom continue to..." Little did they know that the stallion Shire had slipped around the front of the tent listening in on the conversation. "There's three more events for non fliers, Jaxx you and Applebloom have won one, and that cowardly stallion has one too, should be simple, don't let him win those three contests..."

"Alright North we'll do our best to bamboozle his plan in any way we can." Applebloom nodded affirming she was determined to do whatever she could to stop him. Jaxx reluctantly turned her attention toward the opening of the tent.

"I'll do what I can to stop him, but I also came here to win this ponies, so I'll keep doin what i've been doin." They accepted her assured intentions and Jaxx trotted out to get started on the fourth event. Applebloom joined behind her leaving Sweetie Belle watching over Scootaloo. Spike and Sketch-it were by North's side. North whispered for the two of them to lean towards her.

"Ok now they are gone I have something special for you two to do." Sketch-it did not refuse her friend's request, she was being the brains of the operation and Sketch-it didn't really have any clue what to do right now. "Spike you search for the unicorn, Sketch you help those ponies out there, I'm asking a lot from you this time." Sketch-it felt nervous when her friend told her what she had to do.

"Really, you want me to do that... but what if I?" North assured her before she began to panic,

"It's just two ponies, one is doing the event, the other is hiding out... you'll be fine, now go out there and help them stop those cheaters." Sketch-it hesitated to argue and in a flash galloped out to do as she was told.

The shire stallion ran to give his identical the information of who was all on to them, and he pointed out which ponies were to be targeted to eliminate from the competition.

"Easy peas bro, don't get your mane in bunch. Now get out of here before somepony sees you, specifically one of them!" She snapped with an annoyed and high strung tone, the stallion again felt nervous and shaky when he began to leave the brush where she was hiding.

At that point Spike had walked out of the tent with his vigilant eyes peeled.

"Where are you... ..." He scoured the scenery until he spotted a nervous wreck of a stallion running from a direction to the event ground. "AHA... most likely returning from his accomplice's hiding place. Not today bad guys, Super Secret Agent Spike is on to you!" He began to sing humorously the theme song to Double O Pony as he slipped and snooped around towards the bushes.

"Alright fillies and gentlecolts time now for the fourth event, the Apple Pie eating contest, this competition is specifically brought to you ponies by the Apple Family and by Sweet Apple Acres!" The announcer being Mr. Cake gave a friendly wave to Applebloom as she made her way with the other contestants.

For the occasion, Apple Fritter had rounded up a few of Applebloom's relatives to cook this momentous feast of pie. "Each contestant will be given a set number of pies, the first to finish all the pies and not lose their meal, WINS!" Mr. Cake began to make the countdown, as the ponies readied Applebloom and Jaxx gave the stallion a glare.

Unlike his sister Shire seemed scared of his deed, his initial arrogance snuffed out when the perfect plan became flawed. He could see the two glaring at him and he felt himself making a loud gulping noise as he stared at the pile of pies he was going to eat.

"Pies, pies, ok... ugghhh my brother never had the stomach to eat much, I guess a growth spell will do the trick, enlargen his appetite and this competition will be in the bag." The cruel sister heard the announcement to start the competition and sent forth her spell which immediately made Shire incredibly hungry. He began to start smashing his face and matting his mane with sweet cinnamon apple filling!

Some of the ponies began to grow intimidated near him, but others tried to keep up the pace, including Applebloom and Jaxx. The two of them in unison were chomping down apple pies just as fast... but they began to lose small amounts of precious time as he was nonstop!

Munching and crunching on the crust they fought their way through delicious pie! Several ponies were rushed off the stage as their bellies began to hurt and bloat. Shire in his head he was regretting his action but he could not stop, his stomach wanted more! He finished up towards the last three pies and the girls were having trouble. They had four left, just behind him by one!

Sketch-It glanced out to the stallion confused what she could do, there was nothing really that was telling her he was cheating until she seen something wrong with him. It was almost as if he was trying to refuse to eat them, but something forced him to. At one point Shire was attempting to stop himself but his sister refused to let him lose and had added telekinesis on him, forcing him to eat the pies!

Sketch-it began to do something she didn't know she could do, she could sense magic was being done on Shire Mane, she thought about what North had told her, and what she was about to do was not a good thing if caught. She focused her energy to cast telekinesis upon him! Shire began to act weird in front of the audience as he reached, withdrew, reached again, pulled his hoof back once more.

"Ahhhh!!!" He felt his own hoof smack his face as two ponies attempted to gain control! His sister growled and snarled,

"What in the name of Celestia is this!" She felt an opposing force against her own power which struck her by surprise.

The fight raged on in the contest with Shire managing through all the fight to get down to the last pie, but Jaxx and Applebloom along with one last pony which was hanging on to their stomach painfully, were right on his tail with their last pies.

"This is a close competition fillies and gentlecolts! Four remaining contestants, three are locked with one pie remaining! Who is going to win!" Mr. Cake announced in excitement!

"Oooohhh, when this is over I'm gonna find the pony responsible for this and give them such a pinch!" Shire's sister snapped with a flick of her horn attempting to blast all her power!

"Agggghhhh!" Shire felt like a balloon as he was pulsing with the magic energies fighting, he was too bloated that he couldn't reach the pie even if he wanted to. He attempted several times to grab it, but could not. His increased size scared the pony contestant leaving her running with her hoof to her mouth ready to hurl in case the pies were cursed with something to turn ponies into balloons!

Jaxx and Applebloom looked at one another and dove into their pies! Mr. Cake announced loudly and full of jubilant energy,

"WE HAVE A WINNER!" Sketch-it released her hold taking a deep breath. "The winner of the pie eating contest is JAXX!" The crowd roared, Sketch-it sighed with relief and the other ponies in the group were content with this outcome including North who also was able to see what the outcome of the contest had done to Shire as he was brought into the emergency tent.

"This pony is in terrible condition, doctor what is the diagnosis!?" The doctor stallion looked at Shire swollen and groaning with pie all over his face feeling more than just defeated, he felt humiliated.

"From the looks of this I can only come to the conclusion this poor pony has an allergic reaction of pie, you poor poor pony..." With a noble and very brave expression he replied, "Nurse fetch me the anti allergy shot!" The nurse ran to the main medical tent pulling out a little med kit with a symbol of a pony sneezing by flowers. Shire seen the needle as she came back and he began to grow nervous sweating from a flash of heat!

"Nooo, nooo please not that... i'm fine i'm just a little bloated... nooo NOO get it away AHHH!" Scootaloo turned her head over and scoffed,

"And they thought I was a baby..." When the needle stuck him he squealed as his body began to strangely deflate with a loud whistling noise as if air was going out of a balloon. A strange aura of bloated magic energy left his body. The doctor and nurse glanced at each other with a very confused expression and the doctor gave a profound statement,

"This is a strange medical anomaly I've never seen before..." Shire returned to his original size but his stomach was still hurting from all the pie. When the doctor and nurse left, North turned towards him and asked him how it felt.

"So how did it feel Shire, doesn't feel good does it!" Shire shook his head and mumbled,

"Noooo, it... ugghhhh..." Shire couldn't budge he was out of the competition! North was absolutely satisfied, but sorta began to feel sorry for him when his face shown the expression of the humiliation he had. It almost sounded like he was whimpering tears, but he had turned to his side to not face the two ponies. More deeper inside he can't believe that he was so vengeful to hurt them and his own sister had in turn with her determination had hurt him in the process.

Before she could say anything else a desperate voice echoed out as a mare pushd by two nurses barking,

"Out of my way, I need to see him!" Shire turned to see his sister running into the tent towards him. For a moment he felt hopeful she was gonna say something nice... "I can't believe they would do this to you..." She didn't notice North and Scootaloo laying on the other side. Her brother gave her a pathetic teary eyed glare thinking to himself he should've known she would not accept it as her fault. "Don't give me that look Shire, you know the risk involved, if you want to win, then we got to do this. Now come on and get up you got a chance there's two more events you can win..."

Shire rolled over on her rejecting to get up. She stomped her hoof and growled, "You are pathetic! It's like you don't want to win, what happened to that energy you had at the first event..."

"It's gone when you tried to turn me into a balloon in front of all those ponies! You made me look like a fool in front of everypony sis!" His stubborn sister snapped at him and argued,

"Go ahead and sulk like a baby then, but I, Gypsy Mane am not going to let this competition be lost because my brother is a big prissy crybaby!"

"Shutup, why don't you go out there and turn into a big bloated buffoon and call me that when you know how it feels!"

"Oh boo hoo, cry me a river!" Her voice turned even more annoying and arrogant as she added, "You never could do anything right Shire, always had to have your faithful sister to do everything, mom and dad would be so disappointed in you... well I'm off to go win this and get that reward now, ta-ta."

As the rude and nasty sister trotted out of the tent, North was simmering. She could not believe what she had heard, this was a terrible case of sibling taking advantage of the other sibling. Shire was just trying to stay up to expectations that his sister forced upon him, this sort of control had North completely furious and she wanted Gypsy to get the reward she truly deserved, a good dose of humiliation and punishment!

As she left, Spike barged in crying out,

"North I... know where she's hiding out, I seen her..." He noticed the extra pony in the infirmary tent and quickly shut his mouth sneaking over to North.

"No it's ok Spike, I don't think Shire really cares right now, do you Shire?" The poor stallion just whimpered sadly feeling worthless. "Listen Spike I need you to round up the mares back here, we got some new information to discuss."

"Roger that chief, I'll have the ponies here in a jiff." Spike saluted and slinked out still enjoying his suit and persona. He gathered up the ponies and brought them to North as quickly as he could.

"Please sit tight everypony for the next event, the classic Horseshoe toss!" Gypsy carefully flicked her mane with an evil grin.

"This event is going to be easy as hehheheh, well as pie hahahaha!" Chuckling she quickly hid her horn back in her flowing mane. Little did she know she was going to be in for a ride of her life!

"Ok mares, the jig's up for Gypsy, and here's how we're gonna do it..." She began to whisper the plan to her friends, "Revealing her dirty deed is not enough punishment girls, we're gonna outright make a fool of her in front of everypony, her pride is her weakness. Sketch-it continue to thwart her attempts to win with her magic, Applebloom and Jaxx you keep on doing what you two are doing..." The ponies accepted their jobs, Spike looked over to North and asked what he could do. "You can stay here or tag along with Sketch, we no longer need to snoop for anymore..."

"Awwww... and I didn't get to really do anything important..." North looked over to her little dragon friend and he felt a pat on his shoulder. He turned to her and North assured him,

"Spike you know it's not all about doing important things, like Sketch..." She took a look around to make sure Sketch was out of ear shot. "She once said like the same thing a week or two ago, and it's not important to do important stuff. What is important is that you put the effort to try and do something important." With a big goofy smile she attempted to cheer Spike up, and he nodded with a big goofy smile of his own as he chuckled,

"Gosh North you know everything there is to know about everything it seems." North laughed softly as she felt her shoulder hurt a bit.

"Pssshhh I don't know everything, I just have experience."

Meanwhile the group outside began to ready their fight again, there was two more events they had to do to best Gypsy Mane! Sketch it took off sneaking her hooves into a bush and hiding out with an open view of the competition. Unfortunately for her Gypsy spotted her deed and she snarled,

"Ohh ho, so that's the little filly who was tangling with my magic, your weak magic only matched by your simple minded wits pony, I'll teach you to mess with Gypsy Mane!" The determined shaggy mane pony shimmered her white and black coat in the sunlight as she gave a prideful pose plotting to give Sketch-it a painful retaliation for her deed last event.

The announcer gave the go ahead to run the event and the ponies lined up and began to throw their horseshoes. Applebloom and Jaxx were personally challenging one another which Applebloom was enjoying the competition with somepony that was similar to her. Jaxx had this thing about her that made Applebloom think about her sister.

As the announcer was giving the low down on the contestants' progress, Sketch-it began to prepare herself to mess with Gypsy Mane's plot. Peering out she could see the pretentious pony yawning as if not amused when she tosses the horseshoes. Sketch-it could see a weak magic field around the horsehoes just like when she seen the magic field around Shire. The fields were guiding the horseshoes perfectly around the target.

Applebloom had missed one and Jaxx was hard at work calculating her shots trying to stay with Gypsy. Sketch-it attempted to grab one, but when she did Gypsy Mane gave an evil grimmace as she uttered, "Gotcha." She sent the horseshoe going straight at Sketch who couldn't hold the focus when the force applied sent a painful headache followed by a horseshoe to the face knocking her back into the bush...

"OWWWW... agghhh..." For a bit Sketch was loopy from the blow. The crowd gasped as Gypsy Mane dropped her perfect score.

"Curse her she's made me lose one, but alas she's been given something to think about before she tries to fight me head first hahahaha, my play on words are just as witty as my fiendish plots. Looks like i'll have to even the competition a bit though..." The only threat to her was Jaxx and so she quickly attempted to fix that problem. Sketch-it shook her head and peered back out just barely to see Gypsy waiting for Jaxx to throw her second to last horseshoe.

"Oh no you don't." Sketch-it had the upper hand in this round as Gypsy didn't know she had not been knocked completely out. With a sharp painful headache she muttled through and jolted a force into the horseshoe as Gypsy did.

The audience and Jaxx watched as the horseshoe did a strange boomerang move around the stake. The crowd awed at the sight, but Jaxx felt really ashamed to see what just happened. She didn't let up though, she had one more to go.

"No, that little! That pony has won three events, she's already won the competition!" Gypsy stomped her hoof down and took the last two horseshoes and tossed them aimlessly to the stake not caring. "I'll teach that brat to mess with me, I know just how to fix both my problems, though dirty handed, they brought this upon themselves."

Jaxx was announced the winner and she made her way over to an apple cidar stand to get a fresh cold glass of the delicious cidar.

"That was some whacky flyin horseshoe Jaxx..." Applebloom replied to her as she grabbed a cold cidar glass placing her bits down as well. Jaxx turned her attention over to her as she took gulp.

"That's the thing, I didn't do that..."

"Well North did have Sketch on duty to stop that upstart pony from a messin with us..."

"I feel cheated on that win, I don't feel might deservin of it, i'd rather'd a lost than somepony helpin me even if it was a dirty low down no good pony that made me lose tha point ta begin with." The next event was a pegasus one show stunt contest to see what pony could dazzle the audience the most. As that went on, the next contest for all ponies was in creation. Sketch-it began to wiggle herself away from the bush when she ran into a pair of hooves with a bright flare of fur covering them. A very intense stare came from above her as Gypsy snarled at her,

"You little brat, I've just about had it with your cheap tricks. After this is over I will sweep the ground with your mane, nobody toys with Gypsy Mane and gets away with it, especially a weak little spell flinger as yourself!" She backed Sketch-it up to the side of a tree with her snout up against sketch's snout she grinned at the frightened pony whispering, "Prepare yourself after this contest, I'm going to enjoy making you squeal..." Sketch-it felt the pony enjoyed being up close and personal seeing as she liked scaring and intimidating ponies to her will. Gypsy slapped her mane across sketch's face strutting off showing her flank to Sketch in a rather weird way.

Sketch-it slinked away to her friends to relay what had just happened. When she slipped into the medical tent she caught a happy expression from North as she grinned replying,

"So I hear there's no way in equestria she's gonna win now, Jaxx has this competition in the bag!"

"Yep I have ta say i'm mighty humbled to be beaten by an honest competin pony as yerself Jaxx." Jaxx just threw a hoof out with a modest reply,

"Well despite the dirty cheatin ponies I had fun, but the competition is not over yet, you wanna finish the last round with me Applebloom?" Applebloom nodded as she flicked her mane to the side staring at her competition.

"You kiddin, I'm all over that like bees on flowers!" As they left once more in a flash to get to the next competition, Sweetie Belle, Spike, Scootaloo and North all heard out Sketch-it's predicament when she blurted out,

"Gypsy Mane, is challenging me to a magic battle!"

"WHAT!?" North's eyes jumped at Sketch-it raising a great concern for her friend. "When and why!?"

"She got mad when she caught me trying to out cast her, and it's after the contest..." North's only concern was she knew Sketch still had a problem with focus, as far as North felt that spell flinger had no problem with casting her focus at distances. "What am I gonna do she's literally gonna do as she said, she's gonna sweep the ground with my mane! I'm going to be a pony broom for her amusement!" Her worried words began to grow more and more to a whining annoyance. Sweetie Belle was about to open her mouth when out of nowhere a voice echoed behind her,

"NOT WHILE I'M AROUND!" Everypony turned to find a pony wearing sunglasses and with a mean glare through the shades she replied, "Nopony messes with my friends and gets away with it!" Starlight's dramatic entrance suddenly was ruined when she dropped the tough pony act and trotted over to Sketch-it replying, "I heard the whole conversation when I was watching the pegasus stunt competition getting prepared..."

"Wait what's with the tough pony shades?" Sketch-it asked curiously to her intimidating looking friend.

"Oh these, well I was looking for a sunglasses at one of the vendors but the only one that had a pair was some dinky little stall that had copies of movie stuff, these are from the movie Hoofinator Rise of the Mechanaponiez. I'm into all the sci-fi jazz ya know." Starlight hinted at her fascinations towards science and fiction, but the only pony to respond was North.

"I knew those looked familiar! I watched that like a year or two ago at my parents." North remarked as she pointed at Starlight surprisingly adding, "With those on you look twenty percent tougher, I wouldn't mess with you!" Starlight giggled softly and in her most adorable voice she replicated the line from the movie,

"Prepare to be Hoofinated. Rrrrrgghhh." The girls laughed outloud. The stallion beside them started to laugh himself, he tried to humor them hoping to get a positive response by adding,

"Yeah and that one bit he does where he bucks the H-3000 MechanaPony into the smelter, he's all 'You have been Hoofinated!'"

"You've watched it too!?" Starlight had yet to see every detail so she treated him as if he was not a bad pony, North didn't say anything she was still sour that he was the one that made the call to have her removed from the competition.

"EHEM!" She looked at Starlight all skeptical. The distracted pony turned around with a shy hoof.

"Oh... yeah, right I'm sidetracking, ummm..."

"We need to figure out something to help fight against Gypsy Mane, or else Sketch is gonna be taking a lot of showers to clean out the dirt in her mane after she's through with her... so we seriously have to think of a plan!" As the group huddled, Shire turned his attention to them and aided them in their plan stating,


"Huh?" The group turned their attention squarely on Shire who had a sickening face as he felt a tastey but painful belch of apple pie.

"Surprises, she hates surprises. She's easily distracted by surprises. My sister never liked them." North began to let her mind chew over this weakness, Gypsy's pride was rather huge and at the time she didn't know how to get around humiliating her, Shire knew his sister better than they did and seeing as he was in no mood to let her get out of this for humiliating him in such a horrible way North dictated he was telling the truth. If this was true, they would have a clean attack on her wall of pride.

"Ok so I'm not keen on surprises mares, this is gonna require the tactical mind of a random thinker, or a mixture of ideas to work, so what's it gonna be?" The mares all huddled up with Scootaloo outside the circle trying to listen in complaining,

"Oh come on, don't leave me hangin, agghhh!"

As the time rolled around, Sweetie Belle, Sketch-it, Spike and Starlight all congregated to watch the final event with Applebloom and Jaxx.

"Now time for the final seventh event, the test of ultimate strength the Hay-Bale-Buck, the pony with the longest distance, will win this event!"

"Good luck to ya Applebloom." She spit a loogey in her hoof and extended it to Applebloom.

"Good luck to yew too Jaxx." She did the same and they shook their wet hooves for a fair fight! The pony Gypsy was not anywhere to be seen, she obviously was awaiting for the end of the entire competition.

The competition was hardly exciting until it came to Applebloom and Jaxx. Jaxx managed to buck pretty far, but Applebloom had the ultimate strong hoof ponies to teach her! She bucked the bale at least a yard to two yards further than Jaxx.

The ponies were in an uproar as the contest began to come to a close. The grand prize winner was announced over the audience as Mr. Cake proudly stated,

"Let's give a very loud ponyville congratulations to our winner in this event JAXX!" Another uproar came as ponies cheered for her. Jaxx stepped on the podium and looked at everypony smiling with a bag of bits and a starter tray of cupcakes signifying her reward for the first coming month of autumn.

"Thank you everypony, I'm extremely grateful for the warm welcome me and mah family has been given fer comin to Ponyville. I competed today on account even though my dad had saved money to move here, we were still short some bits and this here will do just fine..." She paused a moment and turned her attention to her family with her sister and brother smiling, the little filly and colt jumping up on their father waving to their sister, but she also turned to Applebloom and something inside her wanted to say she didn't full deserve the whole reward. "But I can't really accept both rewards fer this competition, I donno if ya can believe me but someponies had used their magic on one of my horseshoes i tossed, an in all fairness I feel me and Applebloom made the same score on that, cuz I don't know if it would've made it'r not. If'n I math that right it puts me'n Applebloom at a tie, I gladly pass the cupcake reward to her, fair as fair." Applebloom grew surprised from the gesture, but did not hesitate on it!

Applebloom marched herself up the podium, with a warm expression gave Jaxx a modest remark,

"Jeeze Jaxx you ain't gotta do this ya know..."

"Nonsense, it's the honest thing to do I say." Applebloom smiled as she took the other side of the podium and Mr. Cake once again caught by the sight of warmth started to cry,

"Aahhhh... Fillies... ... an... gentlecolts, this... thi... oh Celestia i'm, ahhh my allergies. What a lovely and very kind thing to do, give some applause to the winners Jaxx and Applebloom... ohhh hoo hoo hoo!" Pumpkin cake and Mrs. Cake looked worried for him, while his son Pound cake patted his dad on the back rolling his eye.

"Jeeze come on dad stop being a big baby..."

"I can't help it... happy stuff makes me so happy I just wanna..."

The entire contest ended but the games began to open up for public use, and the first thing the group of ponies did was join together with North and Scootaloo finally managing to weasle out of the medical tents.

"Well if ya ever wanna hang out with any of us Jaxx you sure are welcome. Might hard to find a real honest pony such as yerself nowadays."

"Thanks Bloom, means a lot to me. I've been needin some friends my pop says..." At that moment Jaxx's sister and brother ran over to her and jumped on her sides with her little sister yelling,

"WOOO, yeah my sister is the bestest pie eater, apple bucking, horseshoe flinging pony round Appaloosa and she's also the bestest horseshoe flinging, pie eatingest, apple buckingest pony in Ponyville!" The girls aweed sweetly when they seen the rambunctious appaloosan filly and colt. The young colt jumped on his sister's back and cried out,

"Sis you gotta teach me how to apple buck like that!" Applebloom suddenly had an idea in her head when the colt had said this.

"So have ya ever apple bucked before the competition?" Jaxx looked at Applebloom like she was crazy to think she had not bucked apples in Appaloosa.

"You kiddin, I used ta work fer a huge apple farm up in Appaloosa with mah dad, that's where we got most the money from..."

"Well would you and yer dad wanna walk with me to Sweet Apple Acres, I has a business proposition fer ya that may help ya if the money still be tight, plus all the free apples ya can eat." Before Applebloom could trot off she felt Jaxx putting her hoof on her shoulder.

"Ya had me at free apples."

The mares were all beginning to greet their new member of the group formally, when a sharp tone came from behind Sketch-it sending her a nervous chill.

"Ehem..." The ponies turned to meet eye to eye with Gypsy Mane. "I have no quarrel with you ponies, it is her I WANT!" Pointing at Sketch-it she made it clear she was not going to be merciful when she starts her evil magic beating.

The ponies all began to take a step forward in front of Sketch-it with Jaxx taking the lead glaring with a stand your ground expression she growled,

"Go take a hike ya dastardly snake, or face us all together!" Behind the group North whispered to Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Starlight to do their thing. North limped her way over to Jaxx and attempted to convince her,

"No it's alright Jaxx, Sketch-it can handle this, right Sketch?" She gave her friend a wink giving the signal that they were getting in position. Confidently Sketch-it took a step forward bobbing her blue mane about with a voice of assurity,

"Absolutely, you don't scare me Gypsy Mane..."

"Funny, you seemed pretty frightened a while ago, or is it because your friends are giving you emotionawww suppoowwt..." She added insult by ending her sentence as if she was talking to a baby, but also adding with a chuckle, "You are even more pathetic than I thought, hiding behind your friends, and injured ones at that..." North didn't like that tone the pony was giving off.

"Hey, just because you like to foolishly take on obstacles by yourself like a derp, does not make her a coward for being smart and seeking comfort with her friends! One day you'll find yourself stuck in a situation where friends could have made all the difference."


"Pretty big demanding for somepony who tried to cheat this whole competition by using somepony else to do the work for you!" The voices started echoing out into the crowd, and ponies nearby turned to look at a fight beginning to boil.

"Aghhh, no I did not, you are just jealous because you couldn't fly straight! Besides it was my brother the whole time, I've been at the stalls..." Before she could get her defense up she heard a voice behind her add,

"NO YOU DID CHEAT... AND SO DID I!" Everypony gasped, glancing at Shire who still had a feeble wobble to his step as he trotted out to dish the truth!

"Whhh... whaaatt, no I did not brother you were the only one in the competition, you're still delusional from that big belly ache you got..."

"Maybe so, but I've been in the medical tent all this TIME! How was I able to do the horseshoe competition!?" Now that the truth was out he added, "My sister used magic on me to win the competition, when I was in the infirmary tent she posed as me in the last events after the apple pie eating contest! The nurses aids can confirm I was in the infirmary tent after the apple pie incident!" North began to feel this was gonna be wrapped up very quick, this surprise has completely caught her off guard.

"Why does he strangely seem so attractive now...?" Sketch-it turned her head at North catching her whispering comment. "What, do you hear him, that's not a weasly dastardly voice that is righteous, it's so dreamy..."

"North do you even hear yourself right now?" North rolled her eyes at Sketch-it replying back,

"Pffft, do you hear yourself right now?"

"I can't believe you'd turn against me like that brother, your own flesh and blood. You bring our family GREAT SHAME!"

"SO WHAT... I'm done with you controlling me with our parents this and parents that! No more stealing, no more unkindness, no more unfairness it's just humiliating and stupid!" Gypsy Mane felt her brother's words soaking in, but unfortunately these words were not calming her, it was raising some serious anger at Sketch-It.

"Errrrr... this is all your fault you spineless filly! I was so close to getting that prize and leaving this place in peace, what's five hundred bits to you anyway!?" She began to throw up smoking mirror effects! Gypsy Mane was apparently talented in the school of illusion. Her illusions unveiled her flank revealing a mirror with sparkles and magic dust around it. "If you all wish to protect her then I have no choice but to do this!" Coincidentally she had also covered her brother's cutie mark which was a shattered mirror strangely.

"NOW!" North cried out, concerning greatly of what was cooking up in that unicorn's horn, Spike and Starlight jumped out of a bush growling and snarling like angry dogs... but with a pony wearing sunglasses and a dragon wearing a suit... it startled Gypsy sending her flopping on her flank misfiring whatever she had charging!

"AGGGHHH WHAT IS!!! You little...!" She raised up charging again when Sweetie Belle popped up from the bushes and gave a strong powerful vocal at such a high pitch a nearby group of glasses began to shatter! Gypsy Mane lost her focus and fizzled out a second time turning her pain stricken face at Sweetie Belle. "AGGHHHH EEEENNOUGH!" She stomped her hoof down and made a quick bolt of push energy and shot it at Sweetie Belle! She dodged back into the bush in time. "These games are getting on my nerves!" Starlight and Spike began to back up afraid to face her angry spells.

"Ok now Sketch-it, let her have it." North replied calmly with a confident grin, Gypsy turned her attention back at Sketch-it when out of the blue an apple flew up and smacked her across the face splashing juice! She froze in shock of what just happened. Another hit her in the face again and she shook her head as it busted apple juice across her mane and snout. "HAHAHAHAH!" North laughed outloud as yet another apple hit her in the face, but then it exploded with apple juice too.

"What the... what is..." Her brother trotted over to her and reassured her,

"They're apple shaped balloons full of juice, completely harmless..." The hoodwinked pony began to grow so confused she was lost, the seriousness was gone as yet another hit her in the face and another hit her brother. Everypony was laughing... but she couldn't understand it, she thought she was striking a very serious mood, but they took it as a joke!

"But, but I'm about to humiliate that pony, I sent three ponies to the infirmary how can you all be laughing!" Her brother just slapped his hoof on her shoulder,

"Because look who is really being humiliated right now...?" She took a moment to think about it, everypony was laughing at her most likely she was covered in apple juice, her plan was revealed... she suddenly realized that nopony was taking her seriously. It was the ultimate surprise and humiliation all curled up into one package to knock her senses, her pride, everything back to reality!

"AND YOU TOTALLY FELL FOR IT, you seriously thought we were going to be afraid of you come on, your little tricks hurt I admit but there's one thing we had that you don't, can you think of it?" North inquired the completely delusional pony.

"But, but you can't no... that pony she was scared of me I know it, you all were taking me seriously, you all were trying to thwart my plan, how do you know I have not even shown my true magic!?" Spike flung his claw out as if to say 'Get Real!'

"Seriously though you thought we were all being serious, that's hilarious! Look at me I'm a dragon wearing a suit and tie how not serious is this, seriously not serious." The eruption of laughter all around just made her lurch back into her brother as they echoed in her head.

Perplexed she turned around figgiting her view on everypony around her watching everypony's loud obnoxious guffaws, she had yet to even have a chance to show her true power, and here she was completely humiliated before she could even defend herself. The amount of confusion in her head left her so fogged she couldn't focus, she fell right into the trap hook, line and sinker!

"Agghhh ahh... bu... buuu, nooo you can't be..." Flustered she couldn't make heads or tails, when her brother tapped her shoulder again. She startled and turned to him.

"Come on sis, we've worn out our welcome here anyway, let's get something to eat for the road, I hear there's a gypsy village moving towards Germaney, if we go now we can catch up."

"Ahhh... ok, suree... whatever you say bro..." He nudged her on her way and they crossed by the mares. Shire stopped to North and extended his hoof. She responded back with a hoof shake remarking,

"That was some crazy planning on your part, you risked a lot to pull it off like that..."

"Well I have good hearing and when i caught the sound of your plan I devised a bit of improv to help out, those illusion spells are no laughing matter I can assure you, but it's ironic to think, you could say we all had cast an illusion on her and yet she freaks out when it is done to her."

"Ha wowww..." North paused a moment gawking at Shire Mane. He began to feel a bit awkward as she googled her eyes around at him. Sketch-it nudged her in her bad shoulder jolting her back to reality, "Haaa, ahhh right... yess well thanks for the help Shire. You are more than welcome to come back to Ponyville."

"Riiight, well I won't be a stranger if I ever travel through again, and thanks for well meddling in our plan, maybe for a change she'll think about not being a manipulative evil pony. For now I bid you all farewell."

As he left out of ear shot Applebloom trotted up beside North and made a snippy remark,

"Ayyeepp, she's giddier than a high sock school pony girls..."

"What nooo... noo, ok well maybe, yeahhh totally...! I donno what it is about him now, it's like he shed away everything wrong and replaced it with everything sooooooo RIGHT..."

Spike gagged his finger in his mouth mumbling,

"Agghhh North come on you're killin me here!" Just when all was silent and everything had died down... the sound of a very dirty song with the vocals going, "Oooooooooohhhhhh YEAHHHhhhhhhh!" Filled the air! Spike's fins curled, and everypony's face grimmaced! The sound was not in one place it was moving towards them and fast, it was the perfect analogy of North's feelings rushing like a freight train, they KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THIS MEANT!

"EVERY MARE FOR HERSELF!" Applebloom yelled! The funky beat chased the girls and Spike launched himself on Sketch-it's back yelling,

"TO THE LIBRARY STEP ON IT!" Scootaloo freaked out as she tried to limp away screaming,

"AGGHHHH NOWWW IS A SUCKY TIME TO BE GROUNDED!" Starlight fled the scene into the sky, leaving Jaxx to flee with her brother and sister! The ponies around the group were already fleeing in a mass!

The area was abandoned leaving poor North standing alone with a funky sound she couldn't understand at the moment as she watched Shire leave her sights.

"Something about that stallion... ..." She stopped her obsessed behavior to flicking her ears around as she could hear the funky beat, it was chilling because it sounded as if it was right behind her. That's when she felt the realization strike her like an anvil! "Please no, let it not be what I think it is..." She very cautiously and slowly turned her head behind her to the image of an earth pony. His little brown flank wiggling about, his tongue stuck out as he made a goofy face dancing to the sound of the funky strange beat emitting from his evil contraption of torture. Her eyes widened in utter awkward fear as he started to dart his eyebrows up and down!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" It didn't take any time for North to launch up in the air even with the pain in her shoulder! "Any amount of pain is better than that!"

"HUEHUEHUEHUEHEEEEHHH!!" Moody Melody darted off and started chasing as many ponies as he could with the song on laughing maliciously with his wheeled phonograph blazing across the ground!

Everypony had made their escape successful but any chance to enjoy the rest of the festival was over. The stall vendors had literally closed up and locked themselves inside waiting for him to leave the area.

When he scared everypony in the town he began to trot pridefully with his phonograph out of the town to wherever a Moody Melody goes.