• Published 30th Sep 2018
  • 5,213 Views, 153 Comments

An Alagaësia Dragon - Silverwolfdemon

I was at work one day, cleaning up to go home when I found this plushy, now I'm a Dragon in a magical land. Wonder how my boss is going to like this?

  • ...


I sat on a balcony of the Keep after the lesson with Celestia and Luna. I was pondering the issue with my rider. Has this ever happened before, the bond scaring a young rider off? And if it has, who and where is my rider? Are they safe?

“Why is this such an issue? Why did they run from me? I’m fierce and strong! Even if I’m young, I could have protected them from whatever danger that befell them.” I huffed as Starswirl walked up.

“So you are a new kind of dragon and are bonded to someone who is not here?” He asked as he sat down next to me in a chair he had brought, which was a Chair of velvet leather cushions made of maple wood. The varnish smell a bit fresh, so it seemed new to me as the now purpled robed stallion carefully sat down.

“That is an excellent summary of the situation, yes.” I wrote down in response

“I hope she has not run into Discord. That spirit, while not malicious, is also not a benign being.” He sighed. “Many nations have gone to chaotic ruin from his antics, our one city-state of Equestria is one of the few not to fall.”

“doubtful, he'd likely find me too good a target to pass up on if that were the case,” I replied.

“You most likely were saved by our wards being tested at Mt. Canterhorn. The stop just north of the mountain.” He explained as I remember my rider ran North West from my hatching egg. The memories of the sudden cold as I hatched had caused a bit of gap in my mind from the shock.

A new flash of recollection struck me; I furiously wrote down what I had seen, “the one who hatched me had a pink coat, a purple, magenta, and yellow curled tail…” no.no.no.no

“Sounds Crystalian.” He said looking disgusted and annoyed. “We were at war with their king before they disappeared. I believe they’re war with the gryphons or Discord at this point.” He spat.

No. No! No! “Bucking Tartarus I know whom I bonded to but if I am right I won't meet her again until a thousand years in the future,” I complained

“She may have thought to use your egg to gain refuge in our city.” He explained. “May have thought you as natural stone if she had been young enough. So should we still look for her?”

“We could try, but it's doubtful she still exists in this age, her name is Mi Amore Cadenza,”

“Hmmm, sound familiar, she may have been part of the old royal line before Sombra’s coup.”

“if I got the information right, Princess Amore was the founder before Sombra. Mi Amore Cadenza is a pegasus filly, Though it May change in the future,”

“Like my pupils.” He said leaning back. “Yes, we’ll send scouts, but if they spot the serpent, they will fall back.” He told me.

“Have Celestia and Luna wield the Elements of Harmony on him.” I wrote down.

“They won’t till it is a last resort when he’s at our doorstep.” The stallion sighed, “I have tried convincing them, but we all worry about the Everfree Forest and what taking the fruits will do to it.”

“Nothing will happen, but after a thousand and ten years they will have to return them.”

“So now you’re a soothsayer?” He chuckled at me. “You can try, but they are stubborn in their worry.”

“Maybe, I haven't fully grasped my abilities.” I replied, “Supposedly I should have extrasensory perception and resistance against mental manipulation, Flame manipulation, and enhanced senses. Extrasensory perception comes with precognition plus I have magic. Things become interesting when that was thrown into the mix.”

I stretched before continuing, “So soothsaying is possible within reach of my abilities as is Divination, do you have that school of magic here?” I asked curiosity guiding me.

“Celestia is pioneering it.” He told me. “I just barely discovered it. Though I am surprised that you would tempt fate.”

“I’m a dragon; fate revolves around me!” I wrote looking at him with what I hoped was pride.

“Hmmm, well the future is always changing. For now focus on your studies, worry about saving the world later.” He told me patting my head. “You are still a child at the moment.”

I huffed at him. I was a dragon and even as small as I was I was still the most dangerous and beautiful thing in this city.

“Now, now, you can’t just rush off. The young always do, and the young are always hurt by what the young chase. Be patient, even if the young don’t always listen.” He chuckled at me.

“I’m a dragon.” I wrote down.

“And the last of your kind in this land. The last Hope, don’t deprive the world of your splendor little Sapphire.” He told me sagely. “And if you can delve into the future, don’t look too far that you become lost in the moment that may never come.”

“Okay,” I wrote before flopping down to read. The parchment I had was on fire based spell which Celestia said was a more natural transition from light magic to destruction magic.

Hmmm, I have some ancestral memories helping learn my body, don’t I? It’s mentioned or alluded to in the books. Might be why I’m acting how I am. I have the same memories as Saphira II, not just her body. And Magic acts differently here, not linked to the ancient language like in the books, but I have a decent knowledge of it. I pondered as my mind drifted from the book for a moment. What if I used the ancient language here? Would my magic be more focused and boosted. I’m already abnormal for my use of direct magic at this point anyway.

I sighed at my thoughts before returning to my studies. So far I was able to cast spells quickly, but it has been draining on me, though not as bad as yesterday with the telekinesis spell. I couldn’t practice, but I could study.

After a bit, Starswirl left me to my studies at sunset, and I enjoyed some night time air. Glancing to the sky, It was a jumbled mess of unrecognizable stars and moon that looked very young. That is if you looked above us, just over the horizon I could see it was still daylight with no sun and sky had turned purple.

“Must be Discord’s doing. Hmmm, I hope we can use the elements on him soon before something happens to my Rider.” I mused feeling a twinge of worry.

Shaking my head both in annoyance and worry for my rider, I got back to the book. Magic is wild. Magic in this world as shown by Discord can be very wild and unpredictable. Gabatorix would have a hemorrhage seeing this world and his need to bring order in his insane way. I could feel the magic in the air, having it sing to me if I listened carefully, tempting me to use it.

“But one fact is that the Ancient Language can bring far more potential into a spell if used. Magic can be cast without it safely here but it’s potential is wasted in the limited casting time. If say Brisingr and cast a fireball spell, the flames are much stronger and last longer. It was little more than note, but it the fact had partly been tested.” I muttered as I looked over the notes.

I yawned again as I felt the need to eat. Sighing I closed the book and walked with it to the Dining Hall, I found it full still, but everyone was slowly getting up to leave once they saw me enter.

I shook my head in irritation. I’m a carnivore, of course, I eat meat. Why are they so jumpy about it?

Snarling I jumped up on the table at the end of the room and cooks brought me cooked deer, as I sniffed the salty and cooked meat. It was browned and with a glaze made from pineapples. I nodded in thanks before I started tearing away flesh and crunching bone. It was well seasoned and tasted terrific, but it felt degrading that I haven’t been able to hunt on my own.

“I need to learn to hunt, being fed every day like this will make me fat and lazy. I’m a dragon, not some pet to be spoiled and fattened. I’ll talk to Starswirl about this.” I said after eating the heart of the deer. I know it’d disgust to the old me, but it was so tasty to my new body!

“Ready for bed little thing.” A maid asked me as she came up to me with a basket full of blankets.

I gave her a flat look before a yawn racked my body. Even if I was growing fast, my body was still young. I did need sleep.

Groaned I jumped into the basket and almost fell out. Much to my appreciation, the Maid did her best to help me in, and I soon found myself drifting off to sleep as she carried me to some place that had been set up for me.

It was a large domed room with a glass roof. It looked to be a ballroom had been refitted into a bedroom. Best guess as to why this room is my potential height compared to other dragons if grow up like them, which I’m not, and would not grow like them.

The maid walked me into a grand room after moving through halls of decorative armor that smelled of oil and polish, the brightly crafted works or war displayed as nothing more than a preamble to this room. It was large, smelled of recently cut rock and dirt, a smell of wax faintly rolling off the floor as we stepped inside. Looking around my gaze beheld an incredible array of colors from the window’s stained glass, each piece of art depicting a new event in what I could only grasp was the history the group I had been settled to with.

Looking above me and the maid I saw a spectacular piece on of work showing the sun and moon wonderfully details, with each crater on the moon shown in exact detail. The two celestial bodies circling a world of blue and green, far less detail but a forest was prominent in the center, showing off a little Keep beheld in its trees. The two Sisters I was being taught by chasing the Celestial bodies as they raced across the sky, each Sister depicted as almost lifelike in their detail.

As the Maid placed me down on the marble floor, I noted that a large pool of water that steamed ever so much sat in the room to the left of me. The heat was giving the place a slightly humid and foggy feel to it, making my little body shiver from the contrast of the night air I had just been in. I looked to the pool, too tired and the humid air making me too relaxed to move from the blanketed basket to care for the walk to it, and I saw runes of the Ancient Language that said Brisinger is slowly heating the pool that marred the perfect marble of what had to be a Ballroom.

I looked around a little more as the Maid checked the pool’s spells and I noticed the pillars of the room had little pictographs, each showing even more scenes like the grand windows. Look at the Roman-like pillars I saw what could only be stories of folklore and legends told by stone etched figures. They each ran from the base of the support to the top tell whole stories in the space of one spire of rock.

I breathed in the humid air, preening and smiling at the fact this room had been redesigned just for me. The size meant to help adjust to what would be my growing size if I was a dragoness of this world, which I am not. I found it a compliment that the ponies would still give me a room fit for kings or queens to slumber in, though I would have to ask for a bigger door once I got larger than this room could hold.

“Nice room,” I muttered as I slowly dozed off.

My dreams were of the land Alagaesia; I was flying over the flat grassy land, the wind blazing past my face as I dove through the air. I smelled fauns and stags racing bellow me, my keen sight picking them up running from a group of wolves. The punny canines were losing them the deer rushing through the yellow and brown leaves of the tree growing dormant for the cold season and giving me an opening.

I opened my claw as I swooped through an opening in the trees full enough for me, catching two fawns in my foreclaws. I felt them struggle and heard them scream before my flexed my legs and snapped their necks. I rose through the air and moved to a cave with artwork and a few things that I had collected in this world. I walked through lightly eyeing these works, not understanding them as I placed the Deer on two spikes over a fire pit as I grabbed plants and rubbed the carcasses with them, using my claws to dig the herbs deep before laying down and watching the meat cook as the fur charred.

As I laid there smelling the meat cook I look over to a nest with a clutch of eggs. I felt my chest rumble as I turned them over and tended them. I look to the direction a sound of footsteps were coming from and smiled at purple dragon male that brought in two more deers from his hunt.

Before my dream progressed, I woke to the sound of terrible singing. Opening my eye in annoyance, I found a maid, unicorn, bringing food while she sang off-key, making my ears hurt each time she hit a high key. I wormed out of bed, feeling I was bigger again, my guess about the size of a large dog, and I glared at her, my fury at my sleep being interrupted by such awful singing showing itself as smoke rising from my lips.

It was the same maid from last night. She had green fur and what looked like a rose for a cutie mark. “Why are you singing so badly.” I groaned at her as I rubbed my head.

“My singing is not that bad!” She huffed at me.

I titled my head wonder how she understood that.

Your face told me!” She yelled at me.

I huffed and rolled my eyes. “Who are you, and why are you bringing food?” I wrote down on some paper she brought.

“I’m Prim n Proper, and I’m assigned to you as your attendant while you are not in your lessons.” She explained.

I sighed before looking at the deer; they were feeding me huge meals. I’ll be as big as this room in months if they keep it up. Now that I thought about it, Alagaesian dragons grew in size very quickly if they had enough to eat, with a deer a day I could grow to the size of an earth horse in six weeks, a small house by the end of fall. Summer was starting here.

“I’m going to grow very fast.” I chuckled before digging into the tasty browned meat.

“Once you're clean, we’ll get your scales to shine, and then you’ll move to you’re lessons.” Prim n Proper told me. “Then you’ll have the rest of your day off.”

“Good,” I said as I ripped a chunk off my meal.

After finishing, I was picked up in magic and dunked into the warm water, the blood from my meal washing off as I swam about. Prim grabbed some soap and started lathering it on me as I struggled by the bubbling soap and heating water. “Ack no! Soap is the devil!” I cried out as I tried escaping the bubbly cleaning item.

“I need to clean you, little one.” She told me as she scrubbed all the grime off of me. I struggled against her magic as she turned me this way and that before dunking me, the warm water removing all of the awful bubbles before I rose into the cold air and wrapped into a towel fluffy towel. I wormed in it as she walked me to the room Luna and Celestia had been teaching me.

And so my daily routine started. I had lessons in the morning after a dreadful, but oh so lovely warm bath, as well as enduring Prim n Proper’s oh so beautiful music. I went to the Library to learn more about what my future lessons might hold in the afternoon but kept the practical use within the teachings; I didn’t want to hurt myself. And had a discussion with Starswirl in the evening before the evening meal and then to bed.

It was like this for a couple of months. I learned light magic quickly, followed by fire magic, though the damage to the classroom had made me feel guilty for a few weeks.

“I’m sorry!” I cried out as I tried my best to help put out the flames as Luna cast a few ice spells on the burning chairs and table, the smell of smoke filling my nose and making me want to gag.

“Told you we should have taken this outside!” Luna scolded Celestia.

“It would spread faster outside!” Celestia countered as we fought the flames.

After that, it was ice which felt weird to use but had some fantastic uses. Well now, after two months, I had gotten down light and fire, but the ice was my struggling point.

“You can do this Saphira.” Celestia encouraged me as I tried forming an ice pillar.

“Svell!” I roared in my mind feeling a drain of power from myself making me feel weak as the pillar formed and speared into the roof of the classroom. I felt drained as I could feel bits of dust fall on me from the damaged ceiling stone. Celestia blinked before patting my back. I was now about to her chest with my head.

“A bit too much power. Maybe we should move to power control for a bit.” Luna said as she looked at the pillar of the ice making me grumble.

“She’s still learning Sister. But you’re right.” Celestia sighed as they got to work taking care of my mess.

“I think I might be understanding why Saphira in the books never used magic in such a manor.” I huffed knowing my lessons were going to slow now. “This is getting annoying.”

“Well, let's take a break,” Luna said, as she and her sister finished melting the pillar.

I sighed as I walked out with their permission. “I need some time to vent.”

“Be back tomorrow, we’ll start on control training,” Celestia told me. I still couldn’t talk to them yet, but they’ve learned how to read my body language.

This whole thing was all so annoying. I’m the most magnificent creature in this forest, and I’m struggling with control. I have inspired artists to craft my beautiful image on multiple mediums. I was a living piece of art to the ponies of this city!

“I need to practice opening my mind. It will help me talk to my Rider when we finally meet.” I muttered as I walked towards the forest. I was big enough to not worry about being a target by most predators. “Just a bit longer till I won’t have to worry hydra’s eating me.”

I didn’t get far from the city as found the valley I used practice opening my mind. I found the stump and sat down before breathing in and out, slowly opening my mind. I was still having trouble with focusing too much on one thing like the ants rushing through their caravans back to the colony.

I shook my head in frustration as I focused on one thing again, this time it which plants. Yes, plants think too, just far less complicated than animals. They even talk if you can figure out what pheromones means what, but they mostly warn, ‘hey, get away from my patch, this is my sun, or stop touching my root, or I’ll throw my ants at you!’

It all was irrelevant to my training, besides the weird tree below the Keep that just sang. I was interested in it the most and would listen to it for days, but that was not the point of the training. I was also putting my mind at risk by trying to connect to that tree with the distance there was from me to the tree, to say while it seemed like a fascinating song, the risk to listening closer was a bit too high.

I felt my body go stiff as I sat there for two hours, nearly listening to all in the grove twice before I fixated on something. At each, for those times I groaned in frustration and tried again. This whole training was open up my mind, to help weed out threats and such without exposing myself. I had gotten the mental Defenses training down...well started. I needed someone who could test them to know for sure.

I stopped the training after another hour passed, feeling myself start to doze more than training. Grunting from my stiff muscles, I got up and started moving through the forest to hunt, sniffing out a few injured Deer. I could smell them north of here, and my eyes could barely see them limping along. Some other predators were after them too.

I prowled through the forest, moving between the trees as I salked the deer. I kept my head on a swivel as I tracked the noisy competition trying to sneak up on the alert deer. I had been practicing my slaking, and even with my blue gem-like scales, I was able not to be spotted by either group.

I blinked, changing my vision from visible light to infrared, tracking the wood like beasts as they moved on the deer. I decided to let them do the work for me then scare the wolves away and claim the prize.

Once they killed the deer, I rushed in, casting minor fire spells to drive them away. I felt glee at seeing turn tail and bolt before I started eating the carcasses. It was not as good as seasoned meat, but I found pride in getting it by myself. I did find raw bloody venison more enjoyable though.

“Well, it is interesting to find another who can talk with their mind.” A voice said in my head making me freeze

A figure walked out of the brush, a wolf that was the size of a Dire Wolf. It had brown fur and mismatched eyes. The wolf looked me over as I moved to guard my catch.

“Oh, I wouldn’t take your catch!” He chuckled at me without moving his mouth. Shit, he was talking with his mind! “Yes, I am. You don’t have to exclaim it.” He said shaking his head as I put up my defenses.

He blinked at me before chuckling and probing them before easily slipping past them. “Seems you need training.” He told me.

“Yes,” I whined hoping he was not going to hurt me.

“I won’t hurt you. It’s rare to find one that can truly open their mind. How about I teach you how to do it properly and how to defend yourself.” He suggested.

“Who are you?” I said getting ready to run.

“I’m Concord.” He told me with a bow. “And I promise not to harm you.”

“So when do we start?” I asked trying to calm myself.

“For one, we’re going to work on the meditation of yours; you are too distracted.” He told me as I went back to eating. “Also, eat more before you start, using your mind can tire you quickly if not properly fed.”

“Ah, yes sir,” I said swallowing a chunk of meat.

“As for when. Tomorrow evening. I’ll meet you in the grove. If you do well, I might teach you some of my magic.” He chuckled before walking out of view. “For now eat and rest.”

I guess I have another teacher.

Finishing the three deer carcasses off, I headed back home, Ready for bed.

Waking up the next morning, I went through my routine and obediently listened to Luna’s lecture on Magical control, trying my best not to pass out at the end. It was mostly knowing about how much charge to give at the start of a spell; she also told me how usage of the Ancient Language could push too much power if you did now stem it at the beginning. It was useful to know boring to listen to and take notes on, and I three weeks of this course.

Once that was done I rushed to eat my dinner, asking for seconds, before heading out to the grove, I found my new teacher sitting on the stump with his eyes closed. I walked over to him to say hello but remembered I still didn’t understand how to do that.

“Hello, my student,” Concord said to my not opening his eyes or mouth. I could barely feel his mind touching mine.

“Hello, teacher,” I said with a bow.

“Now that you are here let’s begin. You are getting comfortable with opening your mind to animals and trees, that is commendable with being self-taught, but that means you’ve only stalled. Now let us begin.”

For the next hour, he had sat there pushing me if I ever gave too much focus on one thing. He told me that if I could stop him pushing me than I was ready to move one. These lessons were the last bit of my day for another month, wake, eat, lectures, free time, eat, mental training, sleep, and repeat.

Prim n Proper was also becoming a close friend of mine and took my jabs at her horrible singing in stride now. She was even getting better at it, though I still winced when she hit high notes. Prime was also trying to get me to learn manners, to no avail as I was of the opinion I didn’t need to be cultured, I was the most glorious thing in this land other should aspire to be like me!

Starswirl and I had started a game of chess, or the thing closest to it in this world. He has so far won every match, but Luna was giving me pointers. My progress was slow, but I had almost won that last match.

I was learning ice again after the month-long lesson on magical control. And I was doing much better than before, only had one small accident. To be fair, the window turned so cold that it shattered from brittleness. Still, I had to practice the minor blizzard spell on my off time.

“Gah!” I yelped as I froze my room. “Not again!”

“You’ll get it,” Prim told me as she used a minor fire spell to keep herself warm. “Are you starting the Catalyst right?” She asked me.

“I think so.” I sighed looking over the textbook and trying my best to figure out this damn book. “No, I’m not, I treating it like a fire Catalyst.” I groaned rubbing my head with a claw. “I think of Wild energy of a reaction. The book suggests it is wild wind, that is cold and still. Just a wild reaction of heat like fire makes for an uncontrollable blizzard spell.”

“And dragons always have trouble with ice. You have a mindset of fire because you breathe it.” Prim chuckled.

“I do not!” I huffed at her as I tried again. I did a little better in that I didn’t freeze the more, but the spell was still far too wild. “Arg! Why can’t I get this?!”

Prim chuckled before blinking at me. “Wait you’re talking!” She said in shock.

“Huh?” I asked as I looked over to her, I was much taller now, so I had to look down at her a bit. I was about the size of a small car now and had to have a new door made for the room. “Yeah, I, Uh, learned how to talk with my mind. Sorry if I’m invading your privacy.” I told her with a bow.

“How long could you do this?” She asked.

“About a week? Less than that. It’s risky to do, even riskier than just listening.” I explained. “I trust you though.”

“Have talked to anyone else?” She asked.

“One of the teachers. Not important Prim.” I chuckled at her.

“Not important?! You can talk and- Wait you said listening!” She exclaimed covering her head, her face heating up with a blush.

“I did not see your fantasies about princess Celestia.” I chuckled at her as she became redder. “I didn’t! Well, maybe a glimpse.”

“Don’t do that.” She huffed.

“I only see what you have at the surface. Not my fault your mind drifts to that!” I chuckled as she got embarrassed. “I could teach you mental defenses after I master it!”

“Fine, But don’t look at my mind if that pops up!” She told with an annoyed look.

“I normally don’t,” I explained to her as I laid down. “I hope to learn all I can so I can teach my Rider.”

After a pause.

“So, what’s with the medal of Maiden?” I asked her and earned a scream of anger and embarrassment.

“Look, I want some recognition for the work I do! Okay!” She yelled at me. “I also like Celestia over Luna. Luna is kinda creepy at times, with all the giggling and laughing.” Prime shuddered for a moment.

“You don’t like Luna?” I questioned as I kept trying the spell, getting better now, but still failing to keep it contained.

“No, well, I can tolerate her, like most of our city.” She sighed. “Celestia at least knows some manners and social conduct.”

“Sure she can be annoying, but she is a nice pony and a great artist!” I said defending my teacher.

“It all creepy,” Prim said with a shudder. “Look can we just go back to your training.”

“Alright.” I sighed still failing at the spell even as my tongue stuck out from an old habit of my human life. I did it when I was focused on something.

“I need to get back to work,” Prim said as she looked at windows. “I’ll bring by dinner for you at the usual time.”

“Yeah, okay,” I said looking over to her before dropping into the pool to get warm after freezing my room so many times.

I loved this thing, they cleaned it frequently, and it was always warm. I felt myself start to doze as tried getting up, the warm water combined with my aching body and drain of mana, mix in a combo that threatens to take me in the realms of sleep.

“No! I want to practice more!” I whined childishly as my mind fought to stay awake, but I lost the battle, my head resting on the edge as my eye closed, my last thoughts being of fluffy sheep to hunt.