• Published 8th Nov 2018
  • 1,409 Views, 52 Comments

Halo: Celestium - Regis-Th3-Lesser

Eons ago, two sisters of a forgotten race sought refuge from the Halo Array. Now, their sins descend from the void of space.

  • ...

Chapter 2


The ride back to Ponyville was a long and dreadfully silent one. Celestia sat stock still and her eyes glued to the wall while Luna nervously paced around the car. But, Twilight’s eyes did not once leave the flying orb that they recovered from the Peaks of Peril. She wanted desperately to ask who the Reclaimers were and why it hadn’t called Luna and Celestia by their proper names. For the rest of the ride, her inquiries were her only comfort.

The train hissed to a stop at the Ponyville station. Luna had broken Celestia from her trance and peeled her from her seat. Even the elegant flow of her hair seemed to thicken and slow. Twilight’s heart pounded with worry yet she still couldn’t find it in her to ask what needed to be asked. At least, not until they were somewhere the princesses could rest. The rest of the town watched them as Celestia moved in a robotic manner. Those who bowed weren’t met with her usual smile and greeting, but a blank shell of a mare aimlessly rambling onwards towards the castle. Luna, on the other hand, had become pale and distressed. Her ethereal mane which glittered so brightly changed to a sickly ink black sea devoid of life. What happened to them?

“Starlight!” Twilight called upon entering the castle. Her and Trixie came towards them nearly by command.

“Yes-” she stopped, taken aback by the cadaver-like alicorns standing before her. “What… happened to them?” She looked up at the floating sphere. “And what is that?”

“They look like they’ve seen a ghost!” Trixie added with aloofness in her tone. “Trixie will break their spell!”

“Trixie is going to go get them some blankets,” Twilight interrupted with authority. With a peep, Trixie nodded and went to Starlight’s room to pilfer her linens.

“Starlight, can you put on some tea for them? It may help. Ginseng is Luna’s favorite, and Honey Lemon is Celestia’s.”

Starlight nodded and ran off to the kitchen. Spike helped Twilight escort the princesses to her room where they rested on her bed. She watched them intently as their chests barely rose when they drew a breath.

“I wonder why they are so distressed,” The ball spoke as he scanned them. “Their vitals aren’t dropping or raising.”

“Did you do this?” Twilight seethed.

“Nope. They appear to be in some state of shock. Only time will tell if they come out of this.”

“If!” Twilight nearly shouted causing Celestia to jump. “Princess?”

“Ah, sorry. I guess she just needed some stimuli.”

Celestia blinked several times and looked over at Twilight. “I… apologize for blanking like that…” She groaned.

“Are you okay? Is there anything you need?”

“No… no… just… goodness…” Her eyes fell on the floating ball. “So it is you, lucky.”

“Who else could it be, ma’am?” He moved in a way that could have been a nod.

“I was hoping that it wasn’t you. And that Luna hadn’t trapped me in a nightmare again.”

“I didn’t trap you in that last one…” Luna finally spoke up.

“Are you okay Luna?”

“Yes. I’m… processing things right now. This is… very much to take in…”

“Well, we can take each measure one step at a time,” Lucky spoke.

Starlight had returned with two steaming hot teacups on a platter. She placed it on Twilight’s nightstand and bowed in respect.

“Thank you… but. There’s no need to bow. Not anymore at least,” Celestia shared a sorrowful look with Luna. “Twilight. Bring your friends here. It is time I told you all the truth. Especially if the reclamation has truly begun.”

“I wonder what she wants to tell us!” Pinkie bounced with excitement. “Maybe she’s going to tell us about how super crazy parties were one thousand years ago!”

“It’s not that. It could literally be anything… but that,” Twilight spoke somberly.

“What could it be then?” Applejack spoke up while dusting off her hat.

“Whatever it is, they were both terrified about it.

“That doesn’t sound too good,” Fluttershy whimpered.

As they entered the castle they found Celestia standing tall over the map with Lucky at her side.

“What is that thing?” Rainbow asked.

“That’s what we went to the Peaks of Peril for,” Twilight answered with brevity.

They all filed in and assumed their seats around the table. Even Spike hopped into his little armchair.

“Starlight, Trixie. Please close the doors.” As they did what they were told, Celestia started.

“Heroes of Equestria!” She flared her wings and shone with a divine radiance. “You have known Luna and I as rulers of these lands for well over a millennia. We united the tribes within us to calm the wendigo storm. But, what you do not know… is where we truly came from,” She motioned to Lucky. “Tell them…”

“I am Monitor 117 Unwavering Fortune assigned to this shield world, designate: 0002 Caballus. I served the builder rate of the Forerunner ecumene under the sisters Heiliona and Hydorae during and after the fall of our empire.”

The room went silent with gaped jaws and a two concurrent thumps. The silence was unnerving until Rainbow broke through. “Wait! Who the heck are Heiliona and Hydorae?”

“Luna and I are. Or… we were a very long time ago.”

Spike gasped. “Y-You guys are… Ancient Aliens?”

“Yes, but there is more to our tale-“

“Y-You can’t just drop a bomb like that!” Rainbow went frantic. “I mean! You’re aliens? What! Wh-wh-what does that even make us!”

“These simple creatures reactions are understandable, in a way. Not all can handle the knowledge that the Forerunners once possessed.”

“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t handle, eyeball!”

“Rainbow p-please…” Rarity whined while Applejack helped her back to her seat.

“Let them finish!” Twilight spoke uncharacteristically sternly. She sat with her hooves clasped, seriously eager to learn her mentor’s past.

Celestia took a deep breath and spoke. “Eons before this world was created,” A hologram of trillions of stars sprang to life. “There was a species of beings so intelligent that they were considered godly by those who prospered under their rule. The Forerunners spread through our galaxy, seeding and building millions of worlds, just like our own.”

Luna ignited her horn showing a planet with a large structure consisting of several disks nestled beside it. “For Millions of years, we prospered and grew. But, there was one species who dared to test our might!” The hologram shifted to that of a primate-like creature standing upright. “Humanity spread through the stars, burning countless worlds with reckless abandon.” Flying ships filled the room showing projectiles being shot from then and large laser beams cutting swaths on a nearby planet’s surface.

Celestia took over “War erupted and for millennia blood was shed on both sides, until. Exhausted and bruised, we Forerunners were able to halt humanity’s advance.”

“Why did humanity hurt the Forerunners?” Fluttershy innocently asked.

“We thought they sook to eliminate us and take the Mantle of Responsibility into their own hands,” Luna answered.

“What’s the Mantle of Responsibility?” Starlight asked.

A symbol of the Mantle came to life before them. “The Mantle was our religion. The belief that we based our entire society upon,” Celestia explained.

“It upheld the belief that we were given stewardship over all life in the galaxy. We were to be their protectors and their guiding light… but we failed. Weakened by our conflict with the Humans, we soon found that… they weren’t trying to eradicate us. They were running.”

“From what?” Starlight inquired again.

“The Flood,” Lucky responded. Just then, a projection of an infection form came to life, scuttling across the room. Rarity yelped and jumped on to the map.

“The flood was a parasite so foul that it could destroy everything it touched,” Celestia stomped on the hologram once it strayed too close to her. “World after world fell as the parasite grew. We tried to find a cure or some way of combating the plague but… found nothing.”

“One thousand plans tried… one thousand plans failed,” Luna added.

“What happened after that?” Starlight asked no sooner than Lucky emitted a loud alarm making all who were present cover their ears.

“What’s that!” Twilight whined.

“The geostationary “tripwire” satellites have detected a slipspace rupture!”

“What?” Celestia and Luna shared a look of fear.

The map showed a metal planet with a red beacon pulsing far above its surface. Once again Celestia and Luna froze, wondering what could have found their world after one hundred thousand years of silence.

“What could it be?” Luna nervously asked.

Her answer came when the projection switched to that of a strange symbol.

“Oooh, that looks like a cute little crab claw trying to grab a lollipop!” Pinkie beamed while leaning on the map. Twilight eyed the princesses becoming increasingly annoyed by how they’ve been vague to the point of withholding information.

“This is actually very good, right mistresses?” Lucky blinked.

“Yes… good indeed…” Celestia mumbled.

“Why do you sound so uncertain?”

Celestia looked away.

“Yeah! Why do you sound uncertain princess?” Twilight spoke out.


“Why didn’t you tell anypony that you two were aliens? Why did you wait until now when the world is in danger to let us know this obviously important information! Why did you hide this away and lie to us for over one thousand years!”

For the first time in her life, Celestia stood cowering like a foal being scolded by her parents.

“I know you don’t need to tell us everything, but this,” she pointed to the symbol, “is way too important to leave out!”

“Twilight I-” Luna calmly hushed her sister with her wing.

“Celestia and I decided to leave our time as Forerunners hidden. The sins of our people were too numerous. Due to our negligence, and our ego we let the entire galaxy fall prey to the flood. And in one final act of divine justice, we killed every living thing in existence.”

Twilight’s muzzle went pale at how coldly and reserved Luna spoke of genocide on a Galactic scale.

“You…” She turned to the others “All of you can judge us later. But what this symbol represents,” She turned to it, “is that Humanity is on our doorstep. And we must prepare in any way necessary.”

“Wait,” Fluttershy spoke up. “H-How are… well. How is Humanity here? You said that you ki-” She couldn’t speak that horrible word.

“Yes, we did. But we also took samples of every known intelligent creature so that when the Galaxy was cleansed, it may be repopulated.” Luna’s gaze fell on Twilight. “We knew that our time was over and we let fate decide if Humans were worthy to reclaim the Mantle.”

“As much as I love to hear you dictate, Mistress Hydorae. The vessel is approaching the planet at a frightening speed.”

“How long before it reaches the tropic layer?

“Three to four hours.”

“Which port is it closest to?”

“009-4D, mistress.”

Luna pondered the location. “That’s directly over the Changeling kingdom…”

Everyone in the room gasped as Rarity fell from her seat once again earning an annoyed, “Dangit!” from Applejack.

“I know this is sudden, but I need you all to be ready at the train station in less than an hour.”

“Why?” Applejack asked while helping her ivory friend off the floor.

“We don’t know what these humans are capable of. I don’t want anything… drastic to take place. Please, just… be ready.” They all took a deep breath and nodded before clearing out in a hurry leaving Spike, Twilight and the princesses in a thick awkward silence.

“What should I do, mistress?” Lucky asked calmly.

“Stay here and see if there are any more vessels entering from slipspace.” She turned her attention to Spike.

“Come with me, Spike.”

“Huh? Why?”

“I believe that they could use a moment of privacy.”

Spike nodded with a thumbs up and scurried out with Luna close behind.

Lucky looked between the two. Even with his mind trapped in a metal casing, he knew it wouldn’t be right to speak here. Celestia stared at the symbol wanting desperately to say something, but she wanted Twilight to let her know of any grievances she had.

Meanwhile, Twilight’s mind swam with mysteries, questions answered and even more asked. She understood why Celestia kept her silence for so long, but what she couldn’t grasp was why did she wait until the day aliens practically invade to let any of them know. She wondered if Starswirl knew of Celestia’s true nature. “Who are you?” She asked with a wavering whimper.

The question, so simple yet so complex, cut deep at Celestia’s heart. “I am still me, Twilight.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Luna explained-”

“Why didn’t you tell us!” Her voice dominated the wide space.

“Some things are better left unknown,” Celestia sighed. “Yes, Luna and I are one hundred times as old as you once believed, and yes we kept it a secret, but… Look at the world that we created.”

“But… this is…” Twilight looked at the symbol standing proudly over the empty room. “Why?”

Celestia retreated once again. “Twilight, you must understand that this is-”

“What are you?” Twilight spat with venom.

That cut as deep as Twilight questioning her identity mere moments before. “I am… me. I don’t understand what you-”

“What are you!” Twilight shook with anger and fear.

Celestia approached her student and sat before her. “Twilight,” she placed her wing gently on her cheek. “Give me your hoof…” Twilight hesitated but allowed Celestia to gently take her hoof and place it on her chest. “Do you feel that?”

Twilight looked up to her teacher.

“My heart beats just as yours does… It does not matter what I am. You have always been near and dear to me. I am sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner… With a matter as intricate as this, it’s hard to explain to anypony.”

Tears clouded Twilight’s vision “I… I-I’m scared,” she whimpered. “So much is happening, and I don’t… I don’t.”

Celestia took Twilight in her embrace and wrapped her wings tenderly around her. “I’m scared too, my little pony. Luna and I sought to keep this world safe and out of intragalactic affairs. We wanted you all to lead simple happy lives. Something that we took for granted so long ago. Even if that comes with the near destruction of our kingdom on a regular basis,” Celestia chuckled.

“Yeah…” Twilight snorted. She nuzzled into Celestia’s chest and sighed. “No more secrets, okay…?”

“I promise, besides. I don’t believe I can keep any more from you. Not at this point.”

Twilight laughed and wiped away a tear.

“Come, let’s join the others.”

The trip was a long tense journey full of anxiety and curiosity. The more adventurous of the ensemble could not tell if it was fear, or excitement taking residence deep in their gut while the more cautious could tell exactly what was upsetting their bellies. Few words were spoken outside of questions in post of what to expect even though the sisters did now know what would soon be plunging deep through Equestria’s atmosphere for the first time in thousands of years.

Luna looked to the sky and wondered what kind of Galaxy was on their way to greet them, well. Less of a greeting and more of an insistence. She cursed, yet respected the Librarian for her need to clear a guilty conscious of reverting what was left of humanity to a state beyond primitive. But, she was there during the war. All of the meetings, the plans, and even during a siege of her and Celestia’s vessel. Are creatures as barbaric and violent as humans truly ready to guide the Galaxy into an era of everlasting peace?

“Luna?” Celestia sat across from her sister. “You’re heavy on the mind, aren’t you?”

“Very… The least is to say that I am a bit nervous.”

“You aren’t the only one…” She looked to the baby blue sky as well. “Are we even ready?”

“I’ve been wondering that since Lucky came back to us.” Luna snorted and shook her head, “It’s just like back then when we had to drop what we were doing to join the fight.”

Celestia wearily smiled. “It is exactly like that. Human attacks, then the parasite nearly taking control of our ship,” She played with her hooves and sighed. “All of those Warrior Servants fallen...”

“Well, at least this will keep us occupied for a while. I prefer alien visitors over watching dreams and diplomat work.”

“Oh please,” Celestia rolled her eyes. “You tried to be a diplomat and we saw how well that worked out.”

“I had to rid several dreams of the damage you caused,” Luna slyly shot back. “Never thought that you of all ponies were capable of producing such horrid nightmares.”

Celestia giggled with her sister, not a moment before a brilliant blazing light streaked through the sky.

Everyone shielded themselves from the blinding object. “What is that?” Twilight asked while trying to get a glimpse of the object.

“It’s pretty!” Pinkie chirped.

“You mean, bright! Really, really bright!” Rainbow rubbed her eyes. As soon as it was spotted, it crashed into the land silently while increasing in intensity tenfold. All watched in awestruck fear while a mushroom cloud billowed skyward snapping trees.

“Everypony! Brace!” Twilight cried out as powerful, deathly concussive shockwaves ripped through the cab, shattering all windows. Ringing and screams were all that could be heard. Celestia shambled to her hooves while trying to steady herself. She was dazed and rambling like a drunkard, but she had to make sure the others were alive.

“Is… Is anypony hurt?” Her voice was distorted and muffled.

“S-Sister!” Luna coughed. She saw the distorted midnight blue frame of her sister holding something yellow in her arms. Celestia approached hoping that she was tripping over her hooves and nothing else. In Luna’s arms lay Fluttershy unmoving with trails of blood leaking from her ears.

Still shell-shocked, Celestia looked around the remainder of the car. The others were strewn about rolling in agony with their hooves clasped to their ears.

“S-She’s still breathing…” Luna used a fallen tablecloth to wipe away the blood. “Nothing could have survived that…”

“It is fortunate that we did… Are any of you hurt?”

Groans of disoriented agony were the only response. Celestia turned her attention to the now towering mushroom cloud. The way it churned made her stomach churn. The thought of who else could have been in proximity of the blast didn’t help settle the butterflies in her gut either.

“C-Cel… Celestia…?” Twilight rose unsteadily and shambled over to her teacher.

Celestia nearly lunged to keep Twilight from collapsing. “Save your strength Twilight.”

“What… what…” Twilight heaved. The explosion had taken every bit of air from her lungs.

“Deep breaths…” Celestia gently petted Twilight. “Stay here. I’m going to go see if there are any survivors.”

“N-Not by yourself…” Twilight rasped.

“I have to… You can barely stand.”

“I… I can handle it…”

Celestia, against her better judgment, agreed with a defeated sigh. “Alright, but we do not know what state anypony could be in after… that. Are you certain?”

Twilight summoned her strength and stood before Celestia. “I-I’m certain!”

A proud smile dominated Celestia’s muzzle. “Luna…”

“Yes, sister?” Luna replied while gently rubbing Fluttershy’s forehead.

“Please tend to the others. Twilight and I are going to-”

“If y-y’all are walkin’ into that mess b-by yerself… then yer a couple of p-plum fools…” Applejack stood and steadied herself.

“Applejack…” Twilight spoke gently

“Y-Yeah! You guys are g-gonna need… ugh…” Rainbow clasped her head. “I’m fine… And I’m coming!”

“Me too!” Spike’s little claw was all that could be seen from a pile of plates and tablecloths.

“You all need to recover!” Celestia spoke with calm authority.

“With all due respect, princess.” Applejack picked up her hat and brushed it off. “We ain’t lettin’ y’all walk into that,” She pointed to the blast epicenter, “alone.”

Celestia looked at Twilight for backup, but she shrugged with a wide grin.
“Sorry, Celestia.”

Celestia sighed, “Please, just… stay close.”

They all nodded while Spike dug his way out from under the rubble.


She gave Celestia a warm smile.

“We’ll return soon.”

“Be safe sister.”

The closer they drew to the explosion, the more scorched and mangled the landscape became. The crunch of the charred ground made their hooves, and claws itch and the thick scent of smoke in the air clogged their lungs. It was bad enough from where the train had been hit, but here. It was desolate. Dead. Nothing but fires and ash. Twilight looked up to Celestia who trotted on with a stone expression. She hadn’t spoken since they left the others back on the train. Of course, it made Twilight worry, but she knew that this was beyond simple questioning and pestering. In the distance, the eerie silhouette of the Changeling hive revealed itself.

“We made it!” Spike cheered.

“Finally! I don’t know how you guys can walk for so long!” Rainbow tried to dust off her now blackened hooves.

“Something isn’t right…” Twilight squinted through the smoke. As the smoke cleared away, a towering mess of mangled metal could be seen burning behind the main hive.

“Great green apples,” Applejack said with her mouth agape.

“They… they took a direct hit,” Twilight shook in fear and horror.

Celestia still didn’t speak, but the gravity of the impact had set deep within her already tormented mind. She was mainly taken aback at how the hive survived the explosion, but had the changelings survived.

“What now princess?” Twilight asked.


They cautiously continued on.

Within the hive, it was dark, dead, and a foul rotten stench filled each corridor. Twilight lit her horn and led the group to into the abyss within. It was quiet and every step they took echoed through the hollow walls. The unnerving silence was occasionally broken by the sound of the wind channeling through the halls bringing fresh ash.

“I don’t think anypony’s here,” Applejack swallowed hard. Then, a deep growl resounded through the inky black space.

“No, no, no, no, no!” Rainbow whined. “What was that!”

“Stick close!” Celestia swiftly scooped up the pegasus in her wing.

Again, a deep reverberating growl came their way, sending chills down their spines. Spike hid in Twilight’s mane while Applejack nervously readied herself to buck the stuffing out of whatever it was. Then, from around the corner, a misshapen lump with three cilia-like growths coming from its face came into view.

Celestia acted instantly, sending an incendiary spell towards the creature. It squealed then toppled over leaving a vomit inducing odor behind.

“Wh-Wh-What was that??” Spike gagged with his claws clasped tight on his mouth.

Celestia lit her horn and approached the now dead creature. “No… p-please no… NO!” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she suddenly collapsed.

“Princess!” Twilight quickly rushed to her side.

Celestia sobbed uncontrollably in front of the abomination’s still yet searing form. Her tears stung, but so did her heart. Memories of the war came flooding in so fast and heavy that it felt like her mind would shatter under the sheer volume. After all of these years. Her entire civilization. Everyone that she knew. The parasite lived. And it was here, on her world.

“Princess please!” Twilight shook Celestia violently, but she continued to rock and cry reciting “no” as if she were a broken record. Another deep groan came through the halls. Twilight readied herself to defend Celestia at all costs, but the creatures moans were interrupted by a bright white light.

From around the corner stood the king of the Changelings with a small group of survivors behind him.

“Thorax!” Spike cheered while giving his friend a tight hug.

“What are you guys doing here?” He spoke with a mix of confusion and relief.

“We were gonna come warn ya about that thing that fell from the sky!” Applejack answered. “How did y’all survive?”

“We were underground when the explosion happened. All who were in the upper levels… well…”

They bowed their heads in respect for those they lost. His attention turned to a whimpering Celestia. “What’s wrong with the princess?”

“I don’t know… She saw this thing, burnt it, and then she started crying,” Twilight gently rubbed Celestia’s back.

“I… I… I’m… No… No, no, no, no! This cannot be happening again!” She cried harder.

“Princess…” Thorax spoke softly while kneeling in front of her. “What is happening.”

“Celestia looked up to him with red puffy eyes. “That creature! That… thing!” She pointed to the carcass. “Was a poor changeling who fell victim to the parasite!”

“Parasite?” Thorax tilted his head.

“The Flood!”

“I thought the flood we’re those little things we saw back in the Castle.”

“That was just a-a-an infection form, young Rainbow. When the p-parasite takes control of you… it… it twists and perverts your body to suit its needs. Just as it did to this poor changeling.”

“We’ve been fighting our way through this “flood” since the meteor crashed.”

“We must leave now!”

A scream could be heard from the rear of Thorax’s group. An infection form wrestled with a changeling before viciously burrowing into the poor creature's chest. “Spiracle! No!” A young female changeling tried to lunge at her fallen friend but was held back. He panicked and screamed while this disgusting thing shoved his organs out of the way and violently snapped his exoskeleton. Sounds of bones breaking and a sickening fleshy ripping filled the cave while his screams died. His jaw had been forced open while his horn tripled in length. Three disgusting cilia laden tentacles protruded out from his sickeningly unhinged mouth, and he charged at the group.

Applejack lept into action and delivered a swift buck directly to the creature’s chest sending it flying to the wall. But, it recovered instantly and attacked again only to be enveloped in Twilight magic and thrown a considerable distance. Then, more infection forms came spilling from the walls, descending on the group. Panic quickly set in as they fled from the incoming flood. The parasitic life forms hooked their tentacles on to anyone who lagged behind.

“Quick! Through here!” Thorax took a hard right down a straight yet narrow hallway. The others followed except for another changeling who fell to the swarm of flood. They entered a wide space while Thorax held off the coming parasites before sealing them in with. All that could be heard were soft cries and hitched breaths.

“Where are we…?” Rainbow panted.

“The upper…” Thorax exhaled heavily, “The upper brooding chamber…”

“C-Can they get in?” Spike asked while fanning Twilight with his wings.

“No… we keep this room sealed so the hatchlings can grow.”

“So we’re stuck here?” Applejack fell back on her haunches and took off her hat.

“I know several ways out of the hive, but… I don’t know how far those flood things have spread.”

Twilight turned her attention to Celestia who was lied curled up into a ball while softly crying. She sat and buried her face in her hooves. They were trapped, boxed in by an unrelenting enemy that could turn their own flesh against them. If this was the “reclamation” that Celestia spoke of, then they were surely doomed.

Author's Note:

Here we are with things hitting the fan in a near instant, as is the case with a flood infection. Also, for those of you who don't know what the symbol for the Mantle and Reclaimer look like, well here you go.

The Mantle


Now, I tried to describe in better detail about how the Reclaimer symbol looked, but the best I could do was view it through the lens of Pinkie. Thank you for reading:twilightsmile: