• Published 9th Jan 2019
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Spike: Prince Of Equestria - Spikemaster105

Meet Spike, a adventures happy future Prince of Equestria and the son of Princesses Celestia and Prince Thorn, as a teenager he seeks crazy adventures and decides to move to Ponyville by himself catching the attention of 6 certain teenage girls.

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Yona Pregnant

A week has passed and the yak teen hasn't been feeling good, she has been having cramps

She is in bed not knowing what's wrong with herself, is she sick?, she is staying home from school, then Mrs Pedals walked in the bedroom.

"How are you feeling?"

"That potion didn't work", she told her.

"Have you have pain like this", the woman nodded.

"When I was pregnant with.....", she stopped talking as her eye's widen at a realization.

"Y-Yona....are you pregnant?"

The yak started thinking, then remembered a week ago, "N-No....m-me and Sandbar used protection the last time we made love".

The woman started thinking, "Wait here, I'm gonna head to the store", then she walked out the bedroom.

With the group, "So how's Yona?"

He sighed, "She still has cramps, I don't know what's going on with her.....hope it's nothing serious", he couldn't bare the thought of something bad happening to his girlfriend.

With the Young Crusaders in school eating lunch, "So what cutie mark we should try getting next?"

"I think we should continue to make potion", Berry spoke up.

"What why, we already tried it", Pumpkin told him.

"I know, but we only made one potion...we should try making like five...or ten", they started thinking.

It is true that they did only make one, "You're right, we need to try making more than one potion to get our potion making cutie marks", Daisy smiled as her friends agreed.

With the sky blue rainbow haired winged woman at work, suddenly Zephyr came up to her making her groan in frustration, "Hiya Rainbows".

"The hell you want this time?"

"Just wondering if you like to spend some time together after you are done", he asked.

"Hmmm, let me think about it....no", then she went back to practicing.

"Come on doll face, you know you can't resist me", he smirked getting closer to her.

She was gonna tell him off, they heard, "Yo Dash, check this out", they turned in the direction and saw Soarin getting ready for something.

Then he did ten loop de-loops while spinning, he landing on a cloud after the last spin, that caused his rival to glare and caused the winged woman to fly up to him.

"That....was...soooo awesome, where did you learn to do that", she asked eagar to know.

Then Zephyr flew up to them, "What a lame move, hell I can do that with my eye's closed".

They turned to him, "Yeah right".

"I'll prove it", then he back up.

He closed his eye's and spun doing a loop de-loop, he failed after the second loop and crashed head first into a cloud.

Half his body is stuck, then is able to free himself and saw the two flying away with Soarin's arm around her waist.

"What does he have that I don't", he started thinking of a way to get her to be his, what can he do?, what does she likes in a guy?

Then it clicked, "That's it, I'll become a Wonderbolt...that'll get her attention and have her start dating me", he flew off.

Hour's later with Sandbar walking in his home, the first thing on his mind is to check on his girlfriend, he walked pass his mother and father watching him.

"Sandbar we need to talk".

"Afterwards mom, I need to check on Yona", he started climbing the stairs.

"She alright, the cramps are nothing serious", he stopped turning to his parents.

"You sure", she nodded, then he felt his yak girlfriend tap his shoulder, he turned around and noticed the scared and nervous look she had.

He became concerned, "Is everything ok?", he asked.

"W-We need to talk", he nodded, then they walked downstairs to the living room.

They sat on the couch, "S-Sandbar....I'm pregnant", that shocked him.


"She's pregnant sweetie.....I bought her a pregnancy test and she tested positive, and I know it wasn't a false positive because I had the same kind of cramps when I was pregnant with you", his mother explained.

"N-No....this can't be, we used protection that night", he said in a panic, then got up and started pacing.

"You sure?"

He nodded, "I'm sure mom", he sat down.

"Your dad is gonna smash me, and not in a good way", he is scared now at the thought of what the yak Prince would do to him when he finds out, his girlfriend hugged him.

His mother sat down too, "What are we gonna do Sandbar?", the yak asked frowning.

He wrapped an arm around her and sighed, "Guess we have to accept it, Yona I promise that I be there for you and won't run away from this", they smiled.

"Love you", she gave him a kiss.

"Love you too...now if you excuse me, I have to look for Spike and ask him if he can have a black smith to make me some strong armor that can protect me from a angry eight foot yak father".

He got up and walked out the house, it is just the two adults and the pregnant yak teen, "Can't believe we're gonna be grandparents", the man said causing his wife to nod.

Then the woman turned to her sons girlfriend, "Yona, if you ever need advice of being pregnant or wondering what to eat and what not to, I'm here for you", she told the teen.

The yak smiled giving her a hug, "Thank you", the woman hugged back.

Suddenly the human man started thinking, "Huh, wonder how our grandson or grandaughter will look like", his wife and future daughter in law started thinking about that too.

Back with the Young Crusader's, they are at Twilight's Castle doing their homework and getting help from books.

"Guy's, do you think we should just call ourselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders?", Berry asked out of the blue.

His friends started thinking, "You know what, you're right....we should just call ourselves Cutie Mark Crusaders instead of Young Crusaders", the group agreed with him making it official.

Minutes later they finished their homework and are now making potions, they already made 6, "What potion is next?", Daisy asked.

Her magic using friend started looking at the book they had, "Umm....Lust potion, whatever that is", they started putting the ingredients in one of the test tubes.

Seconds later, "Alright all we need is a Transformation potion, a Speed potion and a Muscle spell", they started making the last three.

Minutes later they are done, all they need now is someone to taste it, "Come on, let's go pass these out to see if anyone wants to try it", then they scooped the potions up in their arms and headed out.

Back with Sandbar, he found the Prince along with his other friends, he finished explaining what is going on with Yona.

"She's pregnant...wait can you two even have a baby since you're a different species then her?"

"I'm sure....my mom told me that she had the same kind of cramps when she found out she was pregnant with me", he explained.

Then turned to his friend, "So think you can have a black Smith in Canterlot make me armor strong enough to withstand her dads wrath".

"I'll see what I can do", he patted his back as he smiled thanking him.

With Big Mac and his mother selling apple based treats, they are silenced, then the older woman decided to ask out of nowhere, "So will me and your pa be getting a grandchild anytime soon?"

He turned to her with a shocked red face, "Ma really?"

She shrugged, "I'm just asking".

"W-We haven't even thought about that or marriage", this is now starting to become embarrassing.

Suddenly they noticed Flurry Heart and her friends at a distance asking people if they want to try potions they made.

The man chuckled, "It's like Apple Bloom and her friends all over again".

"What do you mean?"

"She and three of her friends struggled to get their cutie marks, one of them they tried getting was apple picking, but it didn't go so well".

After awhile the Cutie Mark Crusaders walked back in the Castle, they couldn't get no one to test the potions for them.

"Looks like getting our potion making cutie mark is done with", Pound spoke as his friends, girlfriends and sister nodded placing them on the cutie map.

"So what's next?", Berry asked.

Flurry took the list out, "Baby making".

"How we gonna do that when your wings have casts?", Pumpkin told her brother and friend.


"Wait, can you just ask someone with wings to grab a cloud for us".

"Oh yeah, come on let's get our cutie marks".

"Yeah, Cutie Mark Crusaders Baby Makers", they did a six way high five then headed out the large doors forgetting about an important thing.

Then the human girl stopped, "Wait, we're forgetting something", they grabbed their homework and backpacks then they headed out.

Many minutes later Applejack walked in the Castle along with Zephyr Breeze talking, she is giving him some advice, "Listen, if you want Rainbow Dash to notice you, you have to keep up with her".

"But how, I tried everything and it just won't work", the man said in frustration.

"Maybe if you were working harder, she would have gave you a chance", she bluntly told him.

He turned to her with a raised eyebrow, "You really are the Element of Honesty", he told her.

She shrugged with a smirk, "I tell it like it is", then she noticed the potions on the map.

She grabbed a blue one and smelled it, "Huh...smells like blue berry and apples", then she took a sip.

"This is good", she drank more of it.

Seconds later nothing happened, she shrugged thinking nothing of it and turned back to the man who is now looking through books.

Her eyes turned into lust as for some reason she wants him badly, she rushed him and grabbed him by the shirt surprising him.

"Whoa what the...the hell you doing?", she is too full of lust to say anything and dragged him into one of the rooms.

She closed the door and started kissing him trying to start a make out session, he is confused as to what has gotten into her.

Suddenly he couldn't fight it and gave in kissing her back, they started helping each other undress and when they are naked they got on the bed.

With the kid's, they are stopped by a certain pink hyperactive woman and Draconequss who finished explaining that what they learned is a lie.

"So people are not made of clouds", the adults shook their heads no.

"That's why me and Dizzy are here to tell you the truth about where they're really come from", the kid's smiled at that.

"You see kiddies, when a boy and girl loves each other very much", Pinkie took two dolls out.


"And then the nurse gives you the baby", she finished explaining as the kid's have shocked and disgusted looks.

"S-So you have to be naked on a bed to make a baby and...do things", they nodded.

"Ewwww, let's never ever do that Pound", Flurry Heart told her boyfriend.

"Yeah, sounds nasty....and I think we should forget about the baby making cutie mark and try something else", the little winged boy shook his head in disgust.

"Some people do it for fun", the pink adult explained again.

"Berry, promise me we'll never do anything like that?", Pumpkin asked and the boy promised.

"When I get a boyfriend one day, I'll never do that with him, come on let's get our cutie marks in something else", her friends nodded and they walked away.

"Our work here is done", the Draconequss nodded smirking and couldn't wait to hear the reaction from the parents.

Seconds later she turned to her lover, "Wanna go to another dimension and do it in a tub of chocolate, then in a pool of cotton candy...then in front of giant gummy bears as they watch", she asked with bedroom eye's.

"Pinkie my dear, you are something else....and it's hot, sure why not", the Draconequss grinned.

His pink lover pounced starting a make out session with him wrapping her arms and legs around his body, he opened a portal to another dimension and carried her through it grabbing her butt.

Back with Sandbar at his house, he and his father are sitting on the couch while Yona is in the kitchen eating since the cramps went away and she started becoming more hungry.

"Hey dad, having a pregnant girlfriend isn't so bad right?", the teen asked.

His father started chuckling, "Oh....oh son you have no idea what's coming....no idea", he got up shaking his head smirking leaving his confused son to think about what's coming.

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