• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 2,191 Views, 112 Comments

Spirit Detective: Sunset Shimmer - Blue Horizon

What should have been an easy snatch and grab before conquering Equestria, Sunset now finds herself working under a blue pony-tailed girl calling herself the Grim Reaper, and her boss: a toddler.

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Spirit Detective - Transportation

Sunset stared downwards at her front hooves. It may have only been a few minutes since she last felt herself in her normal body, but when she crossed through the portal she hadn't taken the time to respect it. To remember it. She took a deep breath, if ghosts could even take deep breaths, and brought a hoof to her face. She felt across her muzzle and slowly encroached her horn. Now that she had time to process everything, she could actually feel her magic churning within her body, the theumatic pathway slowly pumping the magic to her horn. It was all so... nostalgic, circumstances notwithstanding, she found herself with a small smile when she looked up at Botan and asked, "So, where are we going?"

"Well," Botan hesitated and floated down to Sunset, "normally I'd say we'd take off to meet Lord Enma, he's the king of Hell by the way, since he'd likely to explain the test but..." Sunset watched Botan nervously scratch the side of her head while she pulled out a similar looking book from the sash she wore. She shook her head. "I'll just keep the normal-ish procedure I think." A soft golden glow covered Botan's fingers momentarily then with a single snap, Sunset felt alive again. Sort of.

Her pony ears flickered at the sound of the sirens from above her and she could hear the faintly rushed conversations of whomever was inside the ambulance next to her body. Yet, when she looked in one direction she could still notice Sweetie Belle wailing into her sister's arms while her two annoying friends hovered nearby.

Sunset's breath hitched in her throat when she felt Botan's fingers brush aside Sunset's mane, "There, there," Botan said, "no need to fret, we can leave at any time and get you back to normal."

Sunset opened her eyes and looked up at Botan with a faint smile across her muzzle. "I'm fine, I just..." Sunset trailed off and shook her head. "Can we go?"

Botan nodded and helped Sunset clamber onto the broom. "Normally you'd just need to touch the handle to get there but," she trailed off momentarily, "well, you get it."

The broom was uncomfortably shoved between her forehooves and hindlegs. "How long will it take to get to wherever we are going?" Sunset shifted about the broom.

Botan smiled and Sunset felt her lean forward onto her back. "Hold on tightly," she said with a light chuckle. The broom dug into her stomach as the duo lifted higher into the clouds, Sunset briefly took a quick glance up and saw a swirling mass of bluish tinted clouds that looked like they were being swallowed by a black hole.

In a flash of light, Sunset found herself flying through the monochromatic tunnel into the depths of hell. It looked creepy. Blacks and whites swirled around them while streaks of grey pierced through the spirals. Cold air, or whatever existed in the tunnel, chilled her skin and made her fur stand on end. It was different from the rainbow distortion between traveling to and from Equestria, but just as quick as they entered the tunnel, they left.

Sunset blinked at the sight of blue clouds, then blinked again when she realized they were drifting across a purplish sky. All around her were large spires of rocky mountaintops that rose high into the sky, while a deep and seemingly endless crevice surrounded the mountains, with the exception of a very small and narrow pathway that was winding through the mountaintops as it led ahead. "Whoa..." her ears flattened across her head when Botan leaned off of her back.

"Pretty impressive, don't ya think?" Sunset nodded. "Not many people, or ponies I guess, ever come here. It shouldn't take too long to get to the castle now, hope you don't mind flying."


A towering fortress stood in front of them. It wasn't the similar in architecture, but Sunset couldn't help but be reminded of Canterlot castle, if instead of being built into Canterhorn, Celestia had decided to lop off the top of the montain and build on it's former peak. She shook her head, and frowned. "Now isn't the time to be homesick," she grumbled.

Botan walked to the front entrance, which was essentially a large steel door that cut into the stone walls. Sunset watched Botan place her hand on the panel next to the door that briefly lit up. Moments later the steel door split open, like an archaic elevator, which gave way to a massive hallway with large red archways and seagreen tiles.

Sunset watched dozens of towering beings of different shapes, sizes, and colors as they ran about the hallway with stacks of paper in their clawed hands. Sunset did her best to ignore the countless yelling and followed Botan as she led her through the area.

The duo walked cut across through several hallways before reaching another silver door. "Now, I must warn you... things can get a little bit hectic?" Botan paused then shrugged before placing her hand onto the scanner. "Welp, here we go."

Author's Note:

Why so short? I'll be posting a blog post in the coming minutes.

I'm not happy right now, but I wanted to ghost drop something.