• Published 19th Oct 2018
  • 2,557 Views, 16 Comments

Song of Stone - Waxworks

Rarity has a new creation: Crystal Couture! Clothing made of crystals, held together by... something... but Sassy wants to learn how it was made, and when she does, it's and unpleasant epiphany.

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The stones rang. Rarity tapped the gem again, listening to the sing-song peal of crystal all around her. The gems of the same color and rough size vibrated momentarily in place, seized by the notes that filled the air. When they stopped, she nodded, picked up her notebook and wrote down the note, the size, shape, color, and marked the location on a small map she carried with her.

She went to another one and pulled out a tape measure. She measured the length of the crystal sticking out of the stone wall, then carefully measured the angle of its facets. She shook her head and seized it in her magic and pulled. It didn’t come immediately, so she took a small pick out of her bag and tapped carefully at the stone holding it. Bit by bit the stone chipped away until the crystal shifted and it popped free. She held it up and looked it over, assessing the crystal in her magical grip. She made more notes, but ultimately shook her head and placed it on the ground near where she had found it. She did this several more times at different locations in the cave. There were markings on the walls all around the cave, scribbled into place on the stone, not the crystals, marking something only she was aware of. When she reached a number of markings she folded up her notebook, picked up the crystals she had removed from the wall and left.

She made her way back into Canterlot to her boutique. She removed her helmet as she approached and fixed her mane. Upon walking inside she was greeted by Sassy Saddles, who was helping a customer pick out a dress.

“Welcome back, Rarity! Did you find what you were looking for?”

Rarity dumped the gems into a nearby basket and hung her helmet on a hook, then covered it with a dress. “Yes, Sassy, but I’m not sure if it will work out the way I hoped. There’s something off about it.”


“Yes. The tone isn’t resonating quite right. I’ve been removing gems to help modify it, but I don’t know if there’s enough that it will work.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. It’s for fashion, after all.”

“Yes, but I’m not sure I want to test it until I’m sure it works the way I want.”

“Well, I’d be happy to assist any time.”

“Thank you, Sassy. Maybe this weekend. It’s being preserved for me, after all. It helps to have friends in high places.”

Sassy clapped her hooves in delight. The dress she was adjusting on the pony standing on next to her slipped, and she quickly reached out to catch it. “Oooo! You still haven’t told me what you’re doing, will I get to see the big picture then?”

“If all goes well, yes. There’s still more work I have to do before then, but It might be working properly by the weekend.”

“I can’t wait! This has me all a-flutter, Rarity!”

“This weekend, then.”


Rarity was back in the cave the next day. She was pushing and prodding at more crystals yet again. The sound of ringing stone filled the air. This time she’d brought a few bricks in a cart, which she had set up around the cavern. She spent the day shifting them back and forth, trying to find the right position among the crystals to get the correct sound. It needed to be just right, and she was close, she could feel it. It rang inside her head so closely to what she wanted.

She pulled out her notebook and checked her notes. She cleared her throat and sang out the notes she had written on the page. “Aaaa~ aaaa~ aaaaaaaa!” When she sang, the stones resonated and glowed. The air smelled of ozone and her mane and tail stood on end. She stopped when she felt a prickling on her skin and smiled. Her hammer struck a gem and the note that came out sounded perfect. She checked her notes and nodded. That was it!

“Well my little rock-friends, it looks like you’ve done it! We have everything in place, just as we wanted! Now we wait for the weekend!”

When the weekend came, Rarity was eagerly waiting for Sassy outside the boutique. Much to their customer’s dismay, she flipped the closed sign into place and the two left work early.

“I promise we’ll be open again as early as possible tomorrow morning! Don’t be afraid, dears. We’ll hopefully have a new surprise for you, too!” She winked at them and the assembled crowd they had shunted out of the building looked at each other with undisguised glee. They ran off, talking among themselves about the new Rarity surprise.

Sassy sighed and smiled. “You’ve got them loving everything you do, Rarity. Success comes simple to you, doesn’t it?”

“It’s not that I’m successful, it’s that I’m willing to work. I enjoy what I create. I create for me, not for them. It’s just convenient that ponies want the same things I want.”

“I guess it’s not that unique, is it?”

“Of course not, darling. Make what you like, because I can assure you somepony else likes the same things.”

Sassy Saddles went silent in thought as she followed Rarity through the streets of Canterlot. She finally asked, “So what is it you like? It can’t just be ‘fashion’, because everything you do is fashion, yet it all seems so unique. What theme is it you follow?”

“You’re just now asking me this, darling? How is it you haven’t figured it out already? Why don’t you tell me what you think?” Rarity responded, not looking at Sassy.

“I think… you like creating something new. Something nopony has ever seen before.”

Rarity laughed. “That’s such a cop-out, Sassy! Everypony likes creating something new. As you said yourself; what is the theme?”

“Well, out of all the things you’ve created, I don’t really see much of a theme. There was the princess dress, the hotel chic, and myriad other styles. You’ve tried a little of everything, I’d say. There’s no real ‘theme’ beyond that.”

Rarity laughed again, merrily, but a little sharp. “Well, I daresay you’ll understand what I like soon enough. This should shed some light on it all, if it works.”

“You haven’t explained what you’re doing, exactly. And does that mean you don’t know if it will work?”

“It’s the first time I’ve tried it, Sassy. I’ve never found a suitable cave before.”

“I never took you for the spelunking type, Rarity.”

“My cutie mark is gemstones, darling, not clothing. I’m not rich because of the clothes, it’s the clothes I want to show off. One is a talent, the other is fun.”

Sassy nodded. It did make sense. There was a part of Rarity she’d never known, though she’d heard stories. Rarity enjoyed her clothing, and it consumed much of her time, but her talent was in other places. In finding gemstones. That was unique to her.

“So why are you looking for gemstones here in Canterlot?”

“Beneath Canterlot, in Canterlot mountain lies a cave system of crystals, gems, and other precious stones. Untapped for generations of the ponies that have lived here. It’s a tremendous store of them, all untouched, and it was bound to have the crystals needed for what I want to do.”

“Yes, what exactly is it you’re trying to do? You haven’t explained it,” Sassy asked, sidling up closer. She bumped Rarity’s hips with her own, playfully. “What altogether mysterious mystery does Rarity have in store for the ponies of Canterlot?”

“Well, I have a plan,” Rarity said. “A big plan. Nopony has plans as big as me. I have the best plans.” She stared at Sassy, who looked utterly confused, then she broke out into laughter. “Oh, calm down, Sassy. I’m making fun. You’ll see when we get there, just be patient.”

“If you say so. I hope it’s worth the walk, these stones are rough on my hooves.”

“It will be worth it. You need to get out more, city-girl.”

“Well, maybe if you brought me with you on more of these trips, I could.”

“Then who would mind the shop?”

Sassy grumbled and complained under her breath about being left out. She smiled at Rarity, though, who smiled back.

It took them some time to reach the cave. Rarity had brought her own helmet, but Sassy was bereft of one. At Rarity’s urging, she cast a small spell over her head, hoping that would be enough.

“I didn’t think about that. I always take one with me when mining. It’s safer, you see. I don’t even think about it anymore. My apologies. The cave should be safe, though. I’ve removed all the loose gems and it’s not too far in.”

“I didn’t think about it either, despite the constant warning about caves. Let’s go. I should be okay.”

Rarity led the way into the cavern. Gems studded the walls, the ceiling, and the floor of the tunnel. Some had been removed, others cracked, and some were shaking in their roots. Rarity smiled at the sight, because it meant the ones further in were resonating properly. The closer they got, the more gems they could see that had rattled themselves free of their moorings. Sassy was confused, but Rarity was elated. Sassy was even more confused at how happy Rarity was to see them behaving in this way.

“What does it mean?”

“Well, to spare you a long explanation, I’m just going to tell you that the gems resonate, right?”

Sassy nodded. “I would agree, they do.”

“Then,” Rarity continued, “we want to see the gems resonate are a very particularly frequency.”


“I’m getting to that, Darling, be patient.”

Sassy shut up and waited, following Rarity. She felt her head begin to buzz the further in they got. It wormed into her ears, and she pulled out a piece of cotton and shoved it in her ears. It helped, but didn’t get rid of it entirely.

“So,” Rarity went on, “I’ve been searching for a cave with the right shape within which to perform my work. I’ve had to modify the gems inside somewhat, pulling some, adding others, and changing the acoustics of the cavern just right so that I’ll get the right sound. The sound, you see, is what matters.”

“Why a sound? Are you trying to make clothing out of sound? Is that possible? I’ve seen you do some strange things, but that would certainly be one I’ve never seen before. It would set the fashion world ablaze.”

Rarity laughed. “You’re wondering so many curious and strange things, Sassy! Do you want to make clothes out of sound? I don’t know how you would do that, but it’s a worthy goal. Probably not something I’ll ever seriously pursue, myself. No, I have something else in mind entirely. Something that will hopefully be explosive on the fashion scene!”

“Then what is it? Oh, tell me, please!”

Rarity leads her into the room and points to a spot in the middle. “Watch that spot, darling. You’ll see what I mean.”

Sassy looked to the spot in what appeared to be the middle of the room. There didn’t appear to be anything special about it. It was empty, devoid of crystal, rocks, or any other things. It was flat, and unassuming. It didn’t look any different from the rest of the room. “What’s going to happen?”

“Just watch, dear!” Rarity took out a tuning fork and tapped it against a crystal. She hummed the note that it gave off, then turned to face the spot she had indicated and sang the same note. “Aaaaaa~aaaaaaa~aaaaaah!”

“Rarity, what will th—” She was silenced by a hoof in her face. Rarity was focused on the cavern, and not anything else.

Sassy went silent. She waited unmoving while Rarity sang into the cave, curious, but confused. She turned to look at the spot Rarity had indicated, hoping she could see what was supposed to happen.

The spot in the center was empty, and it continued to look empty. As Rarity continued singing her note, the crystals rang out with their own music, mimicking the note. It reverberated around the room, filling her head with that same note. It rang in her skull, and she covered her ears, trying to keep it out.

It got terrible. Loud and obnoxious in the cave. Despite her hooves over her ears she couldn’t keep it out once it was in there. Her teeth hurt, and the sound filled her skull. She blinked, but her vision became blurry and red, the pressure building up harder and harder. Sassy blacked out.

Rarity ignored the mare when she fell over. Her own nose was bleeding, thin lines of red trickling out, but she kept singing. The crystals pulsed and sang along with her, matching her timbre and tone. They resonated, sparkling with their own different colors and lights as their magic coalesced in the center of the room. They shimmered and shook, and though several looked like they were threatening to shake free of their positions in the walls, they held, the light in the center glowing with points piercing it, sent forth from the many decorations on the cavern. There was a flash, and then then the humming stopped. Rarity quit singing. She gazed upon her creation and smiled wide.

Rarity bent down to shake Sassy. The mare stirred, only a little blood coming from her nose. “Up you get, Sassy. It’s done, and it’s complete! Behold: Crystal couture!”

Sassy pulled herself to her feet and stared. She looked at the strange article of clothing in the middle of the cave. Clothing, or armor? She wasn’t sure. “Is it… clothing?”

The object in question was a pony-sized suit of crystal, amalgamated together in curious formations. The crystal it was made of was a dark violet, shimmering with uncountable facets. Spears of it jutted outward, leaving frames and colors that were almost oily. The helmet was an arch of the crystals carried up and over the crest of the head, leaving room for a horn. The crystals all tilted to the left of the pony who might be wearing it.

“It’s… so strange,” Sassy said. “I’m not sure what it is, but it’s certainly meant to be worn. Isn’t the color a bit… off?”

“Nonsense, darling, that’s how it’s supposed to look. It’s reflecting the crystals’ innate need to reflect the world around them, and were’ in a deep, dark cave. It’s just the cave itself making it look like that. We just need to get it outside.” Rarity picked it up with her magic. “Come on!”

They trekked out of the cave with the armor. It was heavy, and even Rarity’s telekinesis was pushed to its limit carrying the thing. With Sassy’s help, they carried it back to the boutique with a lot of effort, where they set it up in the middle of the show-floor.

Rarity was over the moon with excitement. “I can’t wait to show everybody. I don’t think a pegasus could wear it in the same manner as an earth pony or a unicorn. It seems to be built specifically for unicorns with that hole for the horn.”

“I think a unicorn here in Canterlot might want to wear it, but I wonder if they even could. It’s very heavy.”

“The heavier it is, the more expensive it is, obviously. Not to mention it’s one-of-a-kind. I suspect somepony will buy it soon enough.”

“It still doesn’t quite get me, if you know what I mean.”

“I understand, darling, but even if it doesn’t tickle your fancy the way some other clothes might, you must admit that it being so unique is sure to draw a buyer.” Rarity looked at the darkly-colored crystals adorning the outfit. Despite the light of day spilling into the room, the crystals were no brighter than before. Their inky-black sheen almost seemed intensified in the light.


“I can’t say I appreciate the color, personally, but it’s one-of-a-kind, at the very least, and all it required was a little bit of work on my part,” Rarity said.

“I was certainly unique, yes. I’d never have imagined such a thing, myself. Using music and crystals to create clothing? What even inspired you, Rarity?”

“Hmm? Why, music, darling.” She pulled the tuning fork from her bag and struck it against the counter. She hummed along with the tone it produced, and improvised a quick little song. “Crystals resonate at different frequencies, and if you spend enough time among them you begin to truly understand what makes them so different from each other.”

“So now you have a suit of armor that will resonate, do you?”

Rarity perked up, ears flipping up straight. “Why, that’s a wonderful idea!” She took the tuning fork, stopped it, then tapped it against the suit of crystal clothing. It rang out a clear tone, and the crystal clothing seemed to shimmer. The oily color inside them warped and swirled, and the sound filling their ears seemed to change. It went down in tone, then up again, wobbling. Sassy staggered. Rarity grinned.

Sassy stumbled over to Rarity and put a hoof against the tuning fork. The sound stopped, the crystals quit their inner movement, and Rarity frowned.

“Why would you do that, Sassy?”

“Something…” She swallowed. “Something isn’t right. That’s not okay. It was doing something.”

“Nonsense! It was a figment of your imagination. It’s just music. And clear, solid music at that. Clean on both the outside and the inside. Listening to it helps me clear my thoughts. Helps me to reflect on things, and when it echoes in my head, I ‘m thinking just that more clearly.”

“It made me feel dizzy…”

“Oh, pish-posh. It’s leftover bad air from the cave, now come, let’s get the place touched up before we open up and see who wants to buy our new clothing!”