• Published 12th Nov 2018
  • 383 Views, 12 Comments

Knowing - Skylarking the Stargazer

A little taste of spice and zest is thrown at Starlight Glimmer as she interrogates Lyra Heartstrings.

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Author's Note:

I had a hard time continuing after the first chapter, so I took my time with more music that rightfully pieced out the puzzle.


Crunch crunch crunch.

Trampling over the endless blades of turquoise grass, Starlight Glimmer paced herself as she searched for the lyre musician. Her horn emitted a dim glow through the forest. Unbeknown to her, she winced as the thistle light on her horn was immediately dismissed with yellow sparks. Nor did she heed a green leaf grazing past her coat. As it was left behind in the cool environment, the leaf quickly changed to orange, red, yellow, before rotting into a dry piece of crisp. The leaf's particles soon danced away into the short-lived gusts of wind.

Crunch crunch crunch.

"Lyra! Where are you?!"

But of course, Starlight was too busy looking ahead for a particular unicorn's whereabouts. She ran past more and more dead leaves, yet the orbs of fairies continued to glister across this magical realm. The giant sequoias mingled within the faintest cyan beams which splattered onto the canopy.

Relinquishing her desperate chase, she took a deep breath. The mare surrendered herself to the sounding placidity by meditating senselessly to mother nature's deep, heartfelt song. Sparrows chirped loudly in the conifers. Squirrels chattered with hazelnuts rolling through the soft-cushioning grassland. A rainbow lorikeet careened through the mystic forest, screeching for mates as the rest of his kind silently looked at him from an acacia. Golden pheasants sat on hanging branches a few trees away, rejoicing life.

Crunch... crunch...

Standing under a giant banyan tree, a glowing horn could be seen with its owner faintly in sight. Starlight casted a colored light complementary to the environment, and squinted straight ahead into the turquoise luster.

Lyra! That has to be her! She thought to herself as she trotted towards the glowing mare wreathed within their surroundings. Hares and chipmunks poked their heads out of the grass, before dashing away into the shadowy thickets. Once she reached before the other mare, she was more than speechless.

"Lyra, this... this place is amazing! Did you fantasize it all by yourself?"

No words. Lyra's emotionless face stung her cold. Shocked? Perhaps somewhat petrified, or even unnerved by the musician's innuendos, Starlight was more than perplexed. Who wouldn't be astonished with such a quixotic paradise?


"Yep, as expected."


Woebegone. A crestfallen Lyra Heartstrings shook her head. Her amber eyes paled to a moderately dull shade of yellow. "You really don't know what's coming, do you?"

"What do you mean? Isn't this beautiful to you?"

"Oh it's 'beautiful to you', alright." She mockingly said. "Because you only see what's appealing to your ignorant standards."

"Yeah! 'Because' that's only a natural reaction unless something's mentally wrong with you—"

Liberating herself from the sudden burst of hellish anger, she heaved a sigh. "Fine. What's your story?"

With a flick of her horn, the pace of the music snailed to high notes and ambient woodwinds. The mellifluous sounds of nature died out. The magical barrier silenced the cricket chirps. Their heartbeats were no more different than the tapping of the infrastructures of the Crystal Empire. The song felt rich, sincere, and the two magically gifted unicorns were more than committed to listen.

"How do you feel about the dramatic spewing of red leaves in the fall?"

"Spew?" Starlight rubbed her chin. "That's quite an interesting way to put it…” Once again, she drowned herself into the breathless landscape. Nearly losing her voice was the least of her concerns. “It's mother nature's beautiful mood swing. Just walking alone through the oak trees and the dancing flames enlightens my spirit. It's so euphoric yet maudlin that we don't get to see a natural occurrence like this often."

"And sooner than never, they die. The once healthy green organs of plants will turn into crisps of brown debris scattered across the realm."

"Well yes, they die. And at the same time the same dying leaves signal the trees' hibernation in the winter. But the process of their color changing is the highlight of their aspirations before life freezes."

Lyra shook her head. “Enjoy while it lasts, Starlight Glimmer. Because not all trees make it through the winter, regardless of how entertained you are.”

What? That's ridiculous talk!”

Admit it,” retorted Lyra, “you are like any normal pony out there who can't see outside his or her comfort zone.”

With a short growl, Starlight was now lost in words. “What do you mean I can’t see? I'm doing fine with my perceptions of others and being myself! I don't need some mad mare who can't even pay her rents telling me what to do in life!”

Rolling her eyes, she uttered a short sigh. “And here we go with the ego of “I” being abused in a simple conversation. The more defensive you get, the less unprejudiced you are.”

Lyra pointed a hoof at the conifers where the sparrows resided in. Once she resumed the background noises along with the string plucking and piano tapping, the two mares were able to hear the bustling creatures going about their night.

Wow...” Starlight crooned. “Listen to how happily they’re chirping! What a beauty to witness such peaceful— mmph!”

With a sullen expression hung on her face, Lyra Heartstrings walked in front of Starlight. A golden aura wrapped around the poor mare’s mouth as she remained zipped. She simultaneously summoned back the same barrier and blocked themselves from the external sounds once more.

“This, is what’s been ticking me off throughout our entire conversation” — Starlight could see slight sparks of fire in her eyes — “What do you know about those ‘happy little sparrows chirping gracefully and on about their days’? What do you know about these blissfully ignorant souls who might die the next minute? What do you know about the ways of life that other non-pony species have?!”

Starlight knew that her magical abilities were evidently more sharpened than her minty counterpart. She could end the dream here once and for all. Yet, nothing in reality touched the melting surface of this dreamscape. For once in her lifetime was she ever overpowered by somepony who was less experienced than she was at magic.

Starlight was obliged to listen.

“Starlight, those sparrows not ‘chirping happily’. They’re arguing, bickering, and are always upset about something. It could be a family issue, or lacking of resources to feed themselves. Have you not thought about how we raise our voices to show anger and indignancy? And as for the other woodland creatures, they’re desperate, hungry and not even having room to think for a companion. They’re always meandering alone, in search of food and shelter from predators that will hunt them for life. And their sole objective is to survive, Starlight, do you know how much meaning is in a simple word? They either kill and feast on other living beings, or become the killed and feasted in this unfair “society” ran by wildlife. There’s no “mother” in nature when she’s too cold-hearted with the deathly struggles these animals have to face.”

Unable to speak at her will, Starlight tilted her head in confusion. Her wandering eyes sought for an exit to the blooming latency.

“You’re confused too, right?” Lyra sniggered with a turn to her back. “We know so little about the coexisting civilization next to ours. And instead of learning, we simply take the enjoyment out of their hopeless cries. On a side note, Zecora and Fluttershy should’ve been our ambassadors to the Everfree Forest.”

She took a crouching position and sniffed the silky blades of grass. Subsequently, a firefly emerged from the teal stalks, and soon lost itself in the growing darkness. The mare's icy eyes soon turned into sparkling fluid as she looked up. She did nothing but stare at the black void where the firefly was last seen.

“And it’s gone, forever. The rest of its kind will follow within a matter of weeks. A glimmer of hope just radiated for life before it vanished in a flash. That is how painfully cloaked the world beyond our reach is. Who knows? There could be corpses of birds lying around without our awareness. Because nopony will seek through the ‘beautiful nature’ for corpses, right?”

Arising, the mare continued speaking with a stone heart, “And you’re probably wondering why I wasn’t furious with your equinized ignorance. Well, I’ve made up my mind. You’re the second pony I’ve came across whom I was able to comfortably share my thoughts out. And honestly speaking, it felt great.”

Releasing the golden aura around Starlight’s mouth, Lyra Heartstrings quietly stared at the coughing mare who was short of breath. A red fox crawled through the grassland. It soon stopped in its tracks as it peered at the two mares through the lustrous forest. But as time slipped away, so did the swift fox into the redwood.

Starlight finally mustered the courage to speak again, "Lyra. Is this why you’re so keen to believe in the existence of humans?”

Lyra continued staring at her, coldly. The amber glow in her pupils renewed a fresh breeze of life. Unfazed, Starlight waited for an answer with a passionate look of her own.

Heaving a sigh, she responded, “Yes, and no. I painted you this scenery to let you know that I'm not a lunatic. I know what reality is, and it's harsh. But even if reality was cancer, I must carry on with it through a journey towards death. But the second stage will come forth before I know it. A new phase of life is waiting for me with the utmost patience.”

"How are you so confident that there's afterlife?"

"Easy." She shot Starlight a smirk. "We're ponies with the capabilities to think for ourselves."

"That doesn't sound anyway convincing to me."

Lyra shrugged. "You really can't prove anything before life and after death, so might as well believe something regardless of how surreal it may seem. There's really no point in fearing it."

“So what if it was proven that humans are just a fraction of your imaginations?”

“Then you write them out.”

Write them out?”

Looking away, Lyra Heartstrings shut her eyes as she spoke, “When your emotions overflow, they seize your thinking wheel. And all of a sudden, the ship sinks into the bottomless ocean. You know why? Because your feelings pay the price of filling the ship's hull with holes! And they're so tiny that you don’t know what in Celestia’s name has been going on, so you just keep abusing it: the words, the gestures, everything you need to get your uncontrollable sentiments out of your chest. And in the meantime, your egotistical self bursts out with a naked body. You're focused on nothing but you. And that’s what writers do, when they have something in mind to express, they will do whatever it takes to make it come out, fictitious or not.”

She held a hoof to her chest. "I sometimes feel like one of them, a writer who's so pathetically lost in these infinite passageways. Every day and night I asked myself one thing: What am I living for? And I was right. What in the world have I been doing with my life not looking forward to something? This something could be anything! A dream, a religion, a political ideology, or something deeper. I stopped giving two feathers about how stupid I sound when I say my existence and character were pre-determined by zodiacal cosmologies, or another intelligent species existing out there in an alternate dimension. I don't care how ludicrous it is to have a fanbase dedicated to my beliefs. But I—"

"Wait," Starlight interrupted, "you organized a fan club dedicated to humans and constellations?"

Lyra stifled her giggle as she kept a smirk. "Why yes, I did. Other than myself, of course, that idiot whom I refer to as my roommate is the only other member in it, forcefully."

They chuckled delightfully. From above, the bellowing nebula peeked out through the gathering mass of the dark sky.

"Starlight. Had you chased your ambitions after reforming, you would've had it fine, even if ponies were against it. Considering you were under the Princess' wing for awhile now, shouldn't you know a thing or two about thinking for yourself?"

"I..." The former protege of Twilight Sparkle chewed on her lips. Cyan froth rebounded off her pupils as she turned to the glowing fairies who wafted through the thickets. Some of these tiny spirits slipped away into the trees, never to be seen again. "I don't know... It's not the same thinking on my old self, because back then I was morally uneducated. I can't see how I will ever replicate that."


Upon hearing this, Starlight was at the very least, stupefied. "What do you mean 'so'?"

"I'm sure she didn't take you under her guidance to be like her. But rather, to find a better you. To live with less regrets, to strive towards greatness, even if it means fixing a single flaw from yesterday. That's what I tried to achieve everyday. I want to reinforce my hypothetical ideas that humans exist. Yes it might seem like a waste of time, but nopony will strip the very unique foundation which made me, me."

”And what you're trying to tell me is?"

"That you don't have to resign your past to move on."

Starlight was silent. Everything felt as if they rewinded back to the shoreline, when they were merely awkward and antisocial animals. Her tears raced for freedom, but a single string pulled against her aching heart. The little ponies were unmindful of the enormous golden pulsar simultaneously stretching across the galaxy. As liquids began forming in Starlight Glimmer's eyes, the pulsar's cosmic rays leapt like graceful deers through the forest ground they stood in. They traversed and bent through the galactic boundaries towards no endpoint in sight.

She was now on her knees. A fractured soul with a heart shattered into a million pieces. "I would, in no way, ever find concurrence with my old self. But somewhere in my heart, I have room to keep those memories of her: the dictator, the one whom they referred to as a 'villain', the bewitched who was a powerful unicorn and controlled others at her will..." She sniffed. "I don't want her gone! I don't want to erase her... me..."

On the ground with her was Lyra Heartstrings, who nuzzled Starlight's forehead with all her might. What a cool, tingy touch of refreshment! She wanted to question why, but the mellow sadness forced her to deny such doubtful curiosity.

"So try again, but don't drag others down to your own pit. For it was you who dug it in the first place. But you don't have to neglect your past self either. Everything is always beautiful in some sense, in the very least. You just have to twist your head around it... That was how Bon Bon accepted of me in her life, and I'll never be able to owe up to her genuine love and kindness."

Slowly they rose, and gazes they've exchanged. When Starlight sought for self harmony, she thought of her original purpose here: to perform a simple task for a pony whom she knew little of.

Yet, question after question, she was now here, ready to drench herself in a deep state of madness. What was she then? And what is she now?

She turned to face Lyra, who was no longer in her gaze. Turning around again, she saw an aquamarine trail snaking through the countless blades of grass. Under a giant banyan, Lyra Heartstrings blended within the rest of the environment. As Lyra distanced herself farther away from the unicorn, Starlight Glimmer pictured herself walking on a long bridge made of hour hands. From afar, the unhappy, angry, and hurt mare who looked just like her (minus the two nearly identical bangs and the equal signed cutie mark) stood at the cliff where the bridge started.

For many moons had she ignored her, and instead pushed towards social acceptance. But now, she reluctantly turned around. The time lapse between the two Starlights was immense. The old Starlight was so far away that she seemed like a flea from her current distance, as if she was no longer relevant to the present one.

Yet, I'll come back... I promise I'll come back for you one day.

Even when you're nothing I want with anymore, for you are the dreaded madmare of unsavory philosophies.

You are just a nopony now, erased from time.

The mare turned back around and continued her journey on the fragile structure bounded by time, which was further bounded by surprises yet to come. In reality, she was also distancing herself from her new friend. As Starlight drifted further away, she reminded herself that she was only a messenger between the two roommates. So why was she emotionally trapped within their relationship?

But... you brought me to where I am now, haven't you?

She hesitated. She didn't know what to tell Bon Bon after this traumatic experience. She was aimless. She was gone like the final twinkle of that deceased firefly awhile back. She was lost like the dying stars and wandering creatures of this lustrous night before everything is all over. To her, the normal (yet overdramatic) mare she encountered just now was in fact a thinking machine structured with a complex brain made of infinite networks traveling through synapses and nodes (as if Starlight was any different herself).

If they can forgive me, then so can I with you.

Lyra lied next to the banyan tree. She pressed her head against her front hooves while folding her stretched hind ones across the long, thick roots. It looked frantically weird, as if she was an alien from an alternate dimension.

No one was there to judge her, nor would she care.

A mind reader she was, a spark of yellow light was ignited to life when she mingled it with the heliotrope aura of Starlight's. Of course, it was done without the latter's awareness, for she was too attached for her own comfort.

We will find a sleepy little drake walking through the castle. We will find a particular Princess, whom I call a friend, with morning greetings. We will then embrace the forthcoming, inevitable chores of the day.

Stargazing, Lyra Heartstrings blinked just when the emerging stars had. Shades of nightlight breathed to life through the faded sun, who was now hiding on the other end of the world, waiting to end the silence. The lyre never ceased a single pluck as the incoming flute harmlessly filled the missing piece in the dense and hazy mist.

We will then find Trixie, Maud, Sunburst, everyone... We will laugh, cherish, play, love... and perhaps make new friends, gain new knowledge... do everything... Together.

And we'll do it over and over again, until we reach our eternal slumber.

And quietly, she listened. And wonderfully, she enjoyed. It was all done in the process of the social birds talking and singing to one another. Thought after thought, whisper after whisper, she was glad that Princess Luna overlooked their dream. And yes, she loathed hiding secrets. But sometimes they were meant to be kept for whom she entrusted with love.

But for now… let us live this dream before we awake to our labors.

Comments ( 11 )

is it just me or do the rocks in the picture look more like they are alive

Lol yeah some YouTube music videos use that image. Got some inspiration from it as well.

im gonna take a guess and say its lyra talking to a rock because she is on some happy juice because she got back from the dentist

Why don't you read it and see for yourself :)

Oh man, wasn't expecting that! There's just a lot to unpack here and I don't think my thumbs will appreciate me spending the next twenty minutes carefully crafting my feelings on my tiny phone keyboard. This is very bittersweet. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on you from here on out.

9289694 XD thanks! But the truth is I could've communicated the story clearer.

That was... interesting. Complex, to say the least. I think I might have to read through this again to say much more.
(I don't believe I've seen Lyra and Starlight in a scene together before, very interesting.)

I guess you can call it an experiment of sorts. I'm did this as a prequel for an upcoming novelette (explained in author's notes in chapter 1).

“Starlight, those sparrows not ‘chirping happily’. They’re arguing, bickering, and are always upset about something. It could be a family issue, or lacking of resources to feed themselves.

Fuck. They want to fuck.
(which explains them sounding "happily" :rainbowlaugh:)

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