• Published 25th Oct 2018
  • 898 Views, 9 Comments

What If?... - RandomFics271197

Just a little idea that i got after rewatch all seasons. Basically just a 'What If?' stories

  • ...

Queen Chrysalis realized her great goal.

Author's Note:

Hi there this was a request for one of our readears
Warning: This chapter may contains content that could hurt sensitive readers. Please proceed with caution.I don't hate Chrysalis personality. If you could so some great job with her personality. She could became a really likable villain.[/spolier]

It all happen so fast, Twilight and her friends were greeted at Canterlot, for Twilight's brother weeding, with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (aka Cadence). Surely using her formal name nopony would recognize her. But something wasn't right, not right...

Twilight was the first to notice that difference, since she spent ,practically, her foalhood with her. So she was noticing that she might be changed her personality or something.

She tried to prove to everypony that something was wrong with Cadence, but it was useless. She just made herself look a crazy mare, obsessed by her brother protection for some reason ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .

She was all alone in the main hall, decorated with flowers, beautiful vases and well decorated wooden benches. 'But, I was just trying to help. I didn't mean to ruin it. Candance is just acting strange and nobody notice that, not even him.' she thought.

Suddenly she heard hoofsteps behind her, she turned her gaze around and saw her, Cadance.

She trotted forwards trying to hug her but was stopped when she refused her little hug.

"Cadence, I'm sorry. I..." Twilight said

"You ruined it. You had to ruin everything, didn't you." she said. "Now..."

"I know that I ruin your happy day but, I noticed that you're acting different. So different Cadence, what made you change. It was me, him, your Princess role. Tell me, please. I want to fix this for you and my brother. I..." she said

Cadance let out a small laugh. "Didn't you get it,did you?" she looked directly on Twilight eyes. "You will know, what your interference with my plans will cause to you." she laugh, while casting a green flame circle around her. "Now, where was I... Oh yeah, there's some kind of stallion waiting for me."

Then the green flame circle disappears taking Twilight out of Canterlot palace.

Twilight awake on a mysterious little cave, full with goo and little bugs.

She got up and tried to move but was useless, her body was glued to the ground with green goo.

"What is going on? What is this thing?" she asked

"Just a little surprise for you." A familiar voice said.

She tried to look around, trying to track that sound.

"Where are you? Show yourself?" she said

Because of the cave walls being formed by crystal she could see who was talking to her.

"YOU. How could you do this? I'm..." she said

"You tried to ruin it, this is your punishment, for that behavior." she said while letting a little laugh out. "Enjoy your stay, Twilight." she said while returning to her original form. "BEHOLD MY TRUE FORM"

She gasped at the new form of 'pony' that showed up in front of her. "Who are you?" she asked "What did you want from my brother?" she asked.

"Nothing, just love, my dear. I'm Chrysalis, queen of changelings." she said.

"It can't be, you're legends." she said. "How did you find us?"

"Oh, that was easy, we find for PREYS. My scouts reported me that in Canterlot, being the most ponypular city around Equestria, we could survive for a millennium. And besides my King died, well got devoured."

"Did you ate him?" Twilight asked. "Why?"

"I'm a bug. We bugs eat our mates, I don't know the reason, but is to keep food for my offspring."

"Don't you dare touch him, or I will." she said

"Pff, I need his love for me to achieve full strength to take over Canterlot and then all Equestria.*loud laughs*. " she said while laughed loudly.

"You'll be stopped Chrysalis. Believe me."

"That's if you made it through the exit." she said while letting her image vanished from the crystals. "Goodluck."

Then she felt the green goo leaving her body.

"Hang on. Twilight is back." she said while stood up in her hooves.

Twilight left her cell, trying to find an exit until she heard some cries.

She follows the source of that sound, then she found her.

"YOU." Twilight yelled as she rushed towards her.

Cadence was tacked down by her. She looked to her and said. "Twilight, what are you doing here?" she asked, when she noticed that was a magic presence on her body. "What are you doing? No, she tricked you I'm the real..." she tried to explain but it was too late.

When Twilight finished her spell and looked at her enemy, laughed softly. "What you said about taking Canterlot, you monster." she started to charge her horn, checking her body. "Now let's see your true form.". But nothing changed on her enemy body.

"Oh god. Oh god. I kill the real one." she said while shacking her hooves. "No, no, no. What I'm going to do?" she asked.

In Canterlot Palace.

Chrysalis watched all of that scene and laugh. "Perfect, just perfect. Now I just need to create disorder here. Minion."

A soldier changeling appeared near her and said. "Here I'm my Queen, your orders."

"Could you change to this mare?" she asked while changing to Cadance.

He nodded and change to Cadance form. "How do I look, my Queen?"

"Perfectly dead." she answered

"What?" he asked. "My queen, I know that look. Don't do it." he said. But was useless.

Then Chrysalis took Twilight form and killed 'Cadance', and yelled.


Suddenly she heard a rushed hooves steps coming towards Cadance bedroom.

"Royal guard, open up." one of the guards said

"NO. I won't open it." 'Twilight' said.

"Twilight, what are you doing there? Is Cadance ok? We heard her calling for help." Celestia asked.

"I kill her. I killed her, Princess. I'm sorry."

Celestia opened her niece bedroom door, trying to catch Twilight but was useless when she opened the door, only a bright flash was what left the room.

Celestia looked at her dead niece and said.

"Get that traitor. I need to give her a deserved punishment and call Prince Shining Armor here."

The guards nodded and bowed at her leaving her in her niece room, together with her niece dead body. 'Don't worry my niece. She will be punished.' she said

--Celestia's mind--

"Why, you choose that... thing to be your personal student?" it said

"Because I could. I can't use my true powers or Equestria will be vanished. You know that." she answered.

"You deny your true power, Celestia. You can't deny me. I'm your powerful form Celestia just accept that one day. We'll rule Equestria, with everypony fearing us." it said, while vanishing with a solar explosion.


Twilight was walking on that dark cave, thinking of what she's gonna do now. She had killed Cadence. But she thought, the other one is still alive, so they might not notice her absence.

"I just need to go away. I can't just show up and said that isn't the real Cadance."

She then founded the exit of that cave. "Finally, I was tired of walking in here."

In Canterlot Palace.

Shining Armor was summoned by Celestia.

"Here I'm my Princess." he bowed

He noticed that she had been crying.

"My Princess, it's something wrong."

"Yes. Your sister, she... she... killed... Cadance." she said while sobbing

"What? Twilight killed her. That's impossible. They're friends since she met her." he said

"Don't you dare to say that I'm LYING?" she said, while all room tremble that created a fissure on the floor. "Bring her here. Or KILL HER."

"My Princess. I had to refuse. She's my sister after all..." he said.

Suddenly Celestia looked at his eyes and said. "Did you loved Cadance, right?"

He nodded.

"Your love for here, what it felt like? Good, right." she continued.

He nodded.

"Who take her away from you?" she asked

"Twilight." he said.

"And what you gonna do, my dear." she said while using her eyes to hypnotize him.

He shook his head to an 'i don't know'.


"Of course, my princess." he said while leaving the main room.

Celestia teleported herself to her bedroom, as she laughed loudly while changing to her natural form. "Now we just wait."

Twilight was walking for hours, she was feeling weak. She decided to made a little stop, that's when she heard hoof steps walking nearby. She got up and tried to follow that sound.

"Find her, she might be nearby." a familiar voice to her said.

Noticing that voice was, certainly, from her brother, she tried to meet him.

"Hi, brother. It nice to see you." she greeted him, but was attacked by his magic.

"Stay away, you...you murderer." he treated.

"What are you talking about?" she asked


"What? Brother, did you think that I killed her." she said

He nodded. "I saw you. Celestia saws you killing her. How could you?"

"I didn't do-" she tried to say but was shot by his magical beam that made her lose the balance of her body.

She tries to get up but felt a magical field around her. "Brother, what are you doing?" she asked while shacking

"Avenge her." he said.

"What? Are you going to kill me?" she asked while tears ran down her eyes.

He nodded. "Don't cry little sis. This will be over soon." he said. He used his magic to starting little cuts on her body.

She cried on pain. "She tricked you, Celestia tricked you." she tried to call him to reason.

"You should think of that before trying to attack her." he leaned in so he could watch her eyes watering because of the pain.

She opened her eyes and saw 'those eyes'. "Brother? Look, what are you doing to me? You're hurting me, you promise that you won't hurt me again."

She could feel it tracking her body from up to down, leaving scratches and cuts everytime that spell hit her. "STOP!" she cried.

Suddenly she stopped feeling that magical field, she tried to cast a spell but failed. She looked at her brother coming closer and closer noticing that he was conjuring a new spell.

"Please, spare me. I surr--" she tried to say but was stopped when she was grabbed by her neck.

"You killed her. I'm just paying you in the same coin." he said while charging up his horn. "Goodbye."

She trembled and shacked, she tried to say something but was useless he didn't listen. Then she felt it, his magical beam hit her body. She felt her vision became darker and darker until there's nothing more than darkness around her.

--Twilight Flashback--

Twilight and her brother were practicing magic spells. Until Shining discovers one new spell.

"Look, Twilight. I can control a magical beam." he said while charging his horn.

"Wow. Splendid a new type of magic." she said "Show me how you cast it?"

He nodded and said "Stay back this can be dangerous." he said while started to charging up his horn with his eyes close.

But then he felt the need to sneeze *sneeze*. He then heard a cry coming from his sister, he opened his eyes ASAP, to see that his new spell hit Twilight body. "I'm sorry, I just sneezed. Are you ok?"

"I think, it hurts a little but it was an accident, I understand that." she said while using her magic to heal herself from the recent cut. "Come on, back to..."

"I promise that I won't use it against you, ever again." he said

'I forgive you, you were tricked. You didn't do that on purpose. I'm sorry Celestia and everypony but... We're doomed' she said to herself.

Shining Armor kept levitating her sister body and used his magical vital sensor to detect if she was alive. Obtaining a negative answer (It means she was dead.). He laugh and said. "Oh well, now I should take you to prove to her that you were dead." he said while carrying her away.

In Canterlot Palace.

Chrysalis was prizing herself, that she had won, all over this years, she found a home for her and her kind.

"Twilight and the Elements of Harmony will stop you, Chrysalis." Celestia treated her.

"HAHAHAHAH. Remind me, who killed your niece, Celestia.WHO?" she asked while laughing "You're little personal student. And besides, she might be dead now." she laughed.

"What are you talking about?" she asked

Suddenly both of them stopped their conversation when Prince Shining Armor entered, the main hall, with Twilight's dead body.

"Here you go my Queen." he said while thrown Twilight's body near to her. "I brought you the traitor."

"Shining Armor. What've you done?" Celestia asked.

"I killed her. You gave me that order." Shining Armor said.

"But she was your sister." she said while tears formed in her eyes.

Chrysalis looked over to Twilight dead body and laughed loudly. "Now there's nothing that could stop me. Not the Elements of Harmony, nor Celestia. NOT ANYPONY."

Chrysalis then trotted in Shining Armor direction and said. "Here my Prince come with me." she grabbed her hoof and lead him to Canterlot Palace balcony. "You see, all of this will be yours. If you accept my proposal."

"What proposal?" he asked

"Be my King. Together, nopony will stand against us." she answers

"But, I'm engaged with..."

"She's dead, my dear." she explained. "But if you want to see her again...I can show you." she proposed.

"Yes, I want to see her again," he said

"Alright. But before that, I need to know if you will accept my proposal?" she asked

"I'll" he answered.

Chrysalis started to change form and a figure similar to Cadance appeared.

Everypony in the main hall gasped.

"I see that you're surprised." she said. "Now let's see, oh that's right." she said while changing her form to...

Twilight body.

"Oh please, Princess Celestia I don't even think about it. I didn't want to attack Cadance, she was an evil being."

"You. How dare you?" Celestia said

"Oh come on. You trusted your little student so much that you didn't believe her in the first place. Now." she said while grabbing Shining Armor hoof.

She trotted on the altar direction and changed to her true form.

"Prepare yourselves to a new era. THE ERA OF CHANGELING" she said while laughing loudly.

Celestia's eyes began to create tears, as well as Twilight's friends.

'How could I fell for this? Did I know Twilight enough?' she thought. 'No. That's why 'she' could tricked everypony in here. I should known in the first place but...'

Chrysalis started to trot out of the main hall, when...

"Enjoy your stay on the new Changeling Empire." she said.

Some weeks later, Canterlot has we knew never became the same.

With Twilight being dead, the Elements of Harmony were useless, her friends became maids to Queen Chrysalis. Celestia and Luna became slaves to her new Queen.

Celestia kept crying, everytime she looked outside of her cell's window. And kept asking "Why? Why? Didn't I knew you enough, to see that you're telling the truth." she said to herself. "I lost both of my... my..." she tried to say but that pain was enough to stop her track of words and collapsed on the stone wall, crying furiously.

As for Shining Armor, he had became the new King of Changelings. And with that Chrysalis became an unstoppable being, that not even the power of alicorns could stop her now. She smiled and laugh. "Finally. I...I... WIN."