• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 346 Views, 2 Comments

The Palace of Death - thehalfelf

Nightmare Night has come again. Who better to help Princess Luna in her yearly haunt than Death herself?

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Help Wanted: Pony to Frighten Foals

Help Wanted: Pony to Frighten Foals

The lower part of Rose Petal’s jaw thumped down on the counter of the Flower Sister’s Flower Shop. The empty Flower Sister’s Flower Shop. Out the window she could see foals running back and forth, some in costume some not. Barely audible through the open shop door is the gentle hum of ponies setting up the town square for the night’s festivities.

“Rosie, are you going to be in town for Nightmare Night?” Roseluck pawed at some of the flowers on display, attempting to spread out a thin bouquet.

“Probably not,” came the soft reply from the other side of the counter. “I have to work.”

“You always have to work. Take a day off! Daisy is helping with the decorations in town square and Lily is going to be busy helping to make treats to hand out in the store. I need another hoof to help keep things running while they’re away.”

Lily stuck her head around the corner to the back room. “Yeah, listen to your mom, Rosie. If Princess Luna can take a day off, so can you!”

So here she was, minding an empty store.



Without a costume...ish.

For a brief moment, Rose considered donning the Death cloak and descending on the soon-to-be bunches of foals hunting for candy, but knowing her luck, one of them would die of fright and she’d have to work tonight anyway.

Who even bought flowers for Nightmare Night anyway?

She watched as non-costumed foals become more and more rare, as did general ponies walking the street. There was a burst of excited chatter from the direction of the town square as a cloud of bats coalesced from across the town. It flew towards the center of town, clumping together as it descended down below the rooftops, out of Rose’s sight.

With a groan of frustrated boredom, Rose picked up her head only to smack her forehead down on the counter. Roseluck was supposed to be here hours ago, not to mention Lily. She didn’t take the day off just to stare in vain towards all the festivities!

“Well met, Rose Petal. What a surprise to see you here,” whispered a cool voice from the doorway. Princess Luna stood just outside the doorway, clad in her silver ornaments, though they looked somewhat muted outside the lights of Canterlot.

“Mom tricked me,” Rose grumbled in reply.

“As is the spirit of Nightmare Night. Shall you be joining the festivities later tonight?”

Rose shrugged. “I’ll try. My Aunt Lily is supposed to be here to hand out candy to the foals. I’m basically just waiting for her.”

“I see.” Luna nodded once, then motioned towards one of the bats now loitering around the town. “You, find this Aunt Lily and bring her here at once!”

The bat saluted with one wing and took off into the town. While Rose stared in shock, Luna crossed the threshold and moved towards the counter. “Now then, Rose Petal, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“A-A favor from me?”

Luna nodded. “You see, every year since my return from exile, I have joined the fine citizens of Ponyville for this, my most holy of nights. As per tradition, I do a trick for the foals in the woods. This year however, I wish to do something more exciting, and I require the assistance of another.

“I need you to don the Cloak, Rose Petal, and aid me in my mission.”

Once again, her mind flashed to hiding in the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, Death Cloak pulled over the skeleton projection of her face, scythe glinting menacingly in the bright moonlight.

Then she pictured having to collect the soul of a poor foal frightened to death.

A non-committal half-groan half-whine slipped from Rose’s lips. Luna grinned. “It is great fun, the foals love it,” she said.

Before Rose could respond, another voice cut through the gentle hum coming from outside. “--ing so pushy, you damn bats. You’re gonna make me spill the treats.” A pink earth pony stumbled into the shop, basically pushed by a cloud of bats, a basket of rice treats balanced precariously on her back.

On entering the store her wide eyes quickly took in Princess Luna, practically hanging over the main counter, vampiric grin stretching her face, and her poor niece Rose Petal, jaw low enough to almost be hanging off her face. “Uh, hi?”

“Excellent!” Luna clambered back down to the floor and turned on the newcomer. “Rose Petal has informed me that your duty tonight is to man the shop, is that correct?”

Lily nodded.

“So now that you are here, you can fulfill that duty. I have need of your niece, so she shall be leaving with me.” Without waiting for a response she turned and strode from the store, her bat entourage trailing behind. With a sheepish grin back at Lily, Rose pulled on the Death Cloak and followed, making sure her hood was down.

Luna lead her through the dark streets of Ponyville, barely skirting the center of town, out to a small shack at the edge of the Everfree Forest. The walls of the small interior were plastered in maps and diagrams; most of the floor space filled with half finished decorations and costumes. Rose took it all in, eyes wide, as Luna stepped away from the door.

“Behold, the blueprints that will win the night. Myself and The Planner have been building and rebuilding, planning and replanning, since last Nightmare Night. I must return to town to begin the festivities. Look over these plans, Rose Petal, quickly. The foals will be arriving in three hours. I would have liked for you to meet the Planner before hoof, but there is no time.”

Luna nudged her in the flank, pushing her inside, then spun and left, shutting the door behind her. “Oh boy,” Rose said, turning to look at the wallpaper of maps. It took her a few minutes to find the beginning, the entire room laid out like a road map the night was supposed to follow.

She studied quickly, memorizing the route the foals were supposed to take, and looking out for the little skull icons she quickly learned were notes specifically for her. Other ponies were to be involved as well, judging by the other little icons, but Rose quickly decided they must already be at the castle. After all, most of them had likely been recruited before the night of.

It was complicated, and a daring plan itself. It required almost two full deployed squads of Night Guard just to ensure the safety of the foals from the forest itself, and, as best she could tell, at least seven other ponies to be perfectly coordinated. Roughly two hours from now, this Nightmare Night was going to become either legend or laughing stock.

Rose took a deep breath before picking up several items from a workbench and stowing them within her Cloak. Opening the door, she blew out the single lantern and pulled her hood down over her face, feeling the familiar chill as her visage changed.

It was time to earn her night off.

Author's Note:

Not much to say here. This is just the start of things to come. Expect the main part on Wednesday, and then a little extra at the end later in the week. Thanks for reading!
