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The Beginning Of The End


He had fallen asleep at his post.

The security tapes would show it, and he would be reprimanded.

Luckily, however, the recording devices kicked on the moment '089 started chanting.

It's voice was hollow and echoing, yet ominous.

The guard had heard S.C.P. 0089 talk before, but this had to be the strangest prophecy yet.

As soon as the S.C.P. began chanting, the guard dialed in to an 0-5 who ordered the recording played back immediately.

"The world of horse, dragon and myth; the death of thousands by the damned and divine; but a hero will emerge, the sole survivor from an unknown fate to take up the blade and banish the evil."

Strange indeed.

But today was about to get a lot stranger.


"It was a dark and stormy night; just like this one..." Twilight Sparkle began, grinning mischievously at her friends. "And three ponies where having a slumber party...Just. Like. This one."

She let her words sink in as Applejack and Rarity leaned in closer to the lantern to avoid the shadows that seemed to creep towards them.

A bolt of lightening slammed into the ground; sending shivers along all three of their spines as Twilight continued her tale.

"...And just when the mare thought she was safe at last, she opened the door only to scream in terror as she came face to face with...The Stare Master!" Twilight finished, a huge bolt of lightening followed by thunder emphasizing the end of her tale as Rarity fainted.

Applejack shivered and held herself close to the ground, her eyes darting around the room as she shakily spoke. "T-That's a load of horse apples! A-Ain't no such thing as the Stare Master." Applejack said, mostly trying to reassure herself rather than challenge Twilight.

Twilight grinned happily, oblivious to her friend's distress as she began taking a letter to Princess Celestia; Applejack muttering about the impossibility of a creature made of concrete moving so fast as Twilight described.

"Dear Princess Celestia," Twilight wrote before further gathering her thoughts.

"I'd like to thank you once again for allowing me to borrow your only copy of 'Myths and Legends from Pre Solarian rule'. While I understand that Equestria was very different than it is now, I still have trouble fathoming how ponies back then were able to conjure up such detailed and frightening stories in a land that saw little to no violence. Perhaps you would be able to shed some light on this?

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle"

Turning from her letter and having Spike send it on it's way, Twilight realized that Rarity had awoken and headed upstairs with Applejack to sleep. Twilight let out a yawn and quickly followed suit.

There would be time to read more of those stories in the morning.


"So what do you think it means?" a guard asked his buddy as they sat comfortably in a break room.

"Hell if I know. 0-5's are some smart bastards, but everyone in the facility knows they can only start pointing out the similarities and all after whatever's going to happen does. Leave that detective shit to MU-89 boys; they're trained for that stuff." his friend responded after a puff from his cigarette.

The other guard shook his head and got up to leave, a feeling of dread creeping over his body. But not just from 89's prediction. Something was terribly wrong in the facility.

Something he couldn't quite place his finger on.


The inside of the observation room for S.C.P. 0152 and the surrounding hallways lit up with red flashes as the site's 'Registered Escape' alarm was set off.

Of course, everyone in the facility knew that S.C.P. 0152 had not in fact escaped. Rather, it had vanished for a split second before reappearing with a new entry in the back.

0-5 personnel were the first to respond and the only allowed to view the S.C.P. after it had updated to determine the current security clearance level needed to view the S.C.P.

What the saw shed a brighter light on 0089's prophecy than any could imagine.

"The day had began as if it were any other.

He had woken from his warrior's cot and readied his armor to prepare for the day.

He had consumed his morning meal with slight distaste, the only reason being the blandness that came from the same morning meal daily.

He then reported to his superiors, who assigned him to guard the entrance to one of many dangerous creatures.

He obeyed without protest or hesitation as he was trained to do; despite his unease and reluctance to be near such deadly and terrifying creatures.

Still, the warrior had a duty that could not be broken or denied for risk of damaging his honor.

It was a shame, really; as his society had done away with honor for the most part a long time ago.

Despite the apparent uselessness for it in their world, some still clung to it as if it were the only thing that made them who they were.

The day had gone by without trouble until an escape attempt prompted the other prisoners to do the same.

While eager for a chance to prove himself and live up to his duty, he was ordered to remain guarding his prisoner; an order he would keep had the sun not gone out and his prisoner escape.

Traversing through where ever he was, the warrior finally managed to find safety; only to have the ominous flashing of a small red sun blind him momentarily as something announced his imminent destruction.

Gathering himself the best he could, he rushed to escape; battling the prisoners he was meant to guard as they attacked him with force.

Still, despite his wounds and the prisoner's extraordinary strength and abilities, the warrior managed to secure an exit into an unknown forested region as his station was vaporized with the heat of our sun.

Despite the immense power, most of the prisoners managed to survive and began spreading through our word until nothing was left except the warrior in the strange land.

But not all the prisoners thought best to spread out; rather, some began chasing the warrior, who eventually succumbed to his wounds in order to defeat the last of the prisoners.

As his body began dying further after death, both worlds stood silent; completely devoid of any and all sentient life."


0-5 Executive Order: #0152-C6295

Upon reviewing the contents of S.C.P. 0152, all clearance levels are barred from entrance with the exception of 0-5 personnel.

An additional guard is to be stationed outside the reading room and no attempts without 0-5 approval are to be made to view the S.C.P.

Any attempts by Class D personnel to enter the room unless authorized by 0-5 personnel are to be punishable by termination.

Any attempts by Clearance 1 personnel to enter the room unless authorized by 0-5 personnel are to be punishable by termination.

Any attempts by Clearance 2 personnel to enter the room unless authorized by 0-5 personnel are to be punishable by on site reassignment.

Any attempts by Clearance 3 personnel to enter the room unless authorized by 0-5 personnel are to be punishable by off site reassignment.

Any attempts by Clearance 4 personnel to enter the room unless authorized by 0-5 personnel are to be [DATA EXPUNGED].


"What's 0-5 yelling about now?" a white haired but young guard asked to a veteran.

The white haired guard was considered a rookie despite having been in placement for five years. His inquisitive nature led him to be scrutinized by his guard mates for fear of his termination.

As far as Facility - 17 was concerned, he was just another guard.

"Dunno, kid. No one ever finds out what makes them tick, and better you leave it at that. We don't need another incident like Site 36." an older male spoke up, resting the barrel of his semi automatic rifle against his shoulder in boredom.

The white haired guard glared at the bored guard at the mention of his past, only to be met with a smirk.

"Relax kid; I didn't mean anything. Just that things got pretty bad there, and I figure 0-5 sent you here to get control of yourself. I give you a month before they ship you back to '36." he responded, pulling a photo out from his front chest pocket.

The rookie didn't need to see the picture or the look on his fellow guard's face to know it was of his family or a loved one.

Upon joining the S.C.P. Foundation after being secretly recruited, fake scenarios are played out to make the death of the guard, researcher, or doctor look genuine. Staff are to remain on site at all times unless otherwise notified and given fake identities when on vacations.

The rookie had watched his own fake death with slight interest, worried more about how his family would cope with his 'disappearance'.

But all that was behind him now; he belonged to the Foundation and had a duty to protect humanity from these monsters.

Comments ( 5 )

gosh darnit gotta have the scp wiki open to read this and understand but i love that you did that blovin the story alot more now!!!!!! =D:rainbowkiss:

On Hiatus?:fluttershysad:

1052326 Check the blog.

A little late, but I've always been a fan of SCP Contaiment breach.
I do hope when you get out of Hiatus you will continue.

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