• Published 7th Nov 2018
  • 491 Views, 5 Comments

Friendship101: The Wizard of Shadow - SuperBro19

Wizards and dragons, and mythical creatures, oh my!

  • ...

The Prodigy

One day later.....

"So, remind me again, Egghead. Why are all six of us heading towards Canterlot today?"

Twilight looked up at Rainbow Dash, hovering in midair, disturbing her from her study. And she had finally gotten into the best part; quantum magic physics and the applications for improving the fundamentals of teaching others with no magic capabilities, aka unicorn horns.

Ugh. This was becoming a nuisance for Twilight, as she had already tried to explain to Rainbow Dash that it was a matter of quote-unquote "a matter that had to be witnessed first hoof" while on the train to Equestria's capital. Granted, she had explained this message to her pristine rainbow-colored friend over a dozen times in the last hour alone. However, it seemed she didn't quite understand the importance of such a matter. Every time she forgot, Twilight would have to intervene to explain it to her in full detail, all over again in a repetitive cycle. And she figured one thing from this after so long: being an alicorn is a pain (other than trying to control wings you've never had fully).

"Well, if you paid attention to the last seventeen times I've told you," Twilight began, with a bit of tiredness and disappointment in her voice. "It's because this is a matter in which all six must be present. Celestia can't trust just anypony to handle such a secret, not out in public."

At the moment, Twilight had brought her essentials. Notebooks, charts, graphs, and every book of theory on magic from Starswirl to the lesser-known Solar Eclipse. While outdated to some researchers of the topic, both published works, Twilight believed that if this latest appointment was actually of some supernatural origin, these theories could be integral to their mission. And, since she didn't wish to pass up on a call from her equal, Celestia, Twilight had left Spike in charge of the School of Friendship for the day. Last she checked, though, they were on a scheduled field trip to a local wildlife preserve on the outskirts of Manehattan and were expected to return later, come early evening.

"Let me guess, sugarcube. A new villain?" Applejack asked her as she approached Twilight with a look of concern.

"No, that's not it, Applejack," replied Rarity, across from her in her seat. "If it were a new villain, surely we would've seen or heard more signs of them. And since Our students soundly defeated cozy Glow, there's no obvious way for another to take her place."

"I'm only saying it's possible. But, you know, what can go wrong, will?"

"Oh, lighten up, Applejack!" came the voice of Pinkie, who, for some reason, was up where the luggage was being held. "Not every visit has some dark secret or motivation behind it!"

Applejack rolled her eyes in callous disbelief. "Well, sorry for trying to be cautious, Pinkie."

"Well, she isn't wrong, though," Fluttershy added into the conversation from her seat, albeit in her meekest manner. "It's nice to have a positive outlook on things from time to time."

"Ok, everypony, that's enough arguing," Twilight interrupted, coming in between the two. "We're here on assignment, not to debate whether it's good or evil. So now, can we please have some form of peace until we arrive there?"

"Ok." was the solemn agreement between all the remaining ladies.

And all was peaceful.

"Are we there yet, Twilight?" Pinkie suddenly asked.

Oh, for the love of-!


In Ravenwood, one can usually expect nothing out of the ordinary. Students were going to class spells being practiced by many curious and new students and shopping in the local market. Their outfits were adorned with many shades of color, and their pets were often beside them, hurrying to keep up. Some even were riding upon broomsticks, with a few essential speed enchantments and decorative auras to give them a more attractive look. And as they walked under the great tree of Bartleby, they felt safe and right at home.


Most of the time. And if one saw the massive black plume of smoke coming from one door, which led to a castle-designed dorm, one would find a young student hard at work behind said portal—crafting and testing new potions and armor/wand designs from what little books he owned. But, of course, Mr. Deathsword never turns away from a challenge. Whether it'd be his greatest strength or his downfall, hindsight is twenty-twenty.

"Blegh! *cough* *cough* *cough*" His clothes were covered in ash and soot, and his robes were roughed up and tattered in the explosion. "Lesson learned. Lava coughed up from Fire Elementals plus strange powder out of Khrysalis equals nothing good."

Gee, I wonder who could have seen this coming?

"Quiet, narrator."

Fine, be like that! I'm not the one who caused the explosion anyway.

"You know you'd have no story to tell without me."

Yes, but then you'd have no one to record your exploits as they happened. But, honestly, could there be anyone more foolish than you?


"You know I'm right."

He isn't that bad.

"He summoned a small crew of skeletal pirates last week! They went around trying to rob the local Shopping district and every student they came across!"

You had it in the bag.

"I still got the bruises to show for it!"

It was an honest mistake.

"May I remind you of how he nearly burned down Wizard City last month?"

To think it happened when he tried to make soup.

"And there are many more incidents like it. Shall I continue the list?"


Dang it, you win.

"And don't you forget it."

Anyways, Adrian cast a simple spell upon himself, removing the damage done to himself in the process. Unfortunately, his latest attempt at potions that increased one's mana supply and health had failed once more. Still, it was a closer and better attempt than last week's trial. Unfortunately, the last time Adrian heard, they still hadn't gotten the stains of Blood Bat spit out of the carpets or fine wood floors yet.

"It was an honest mistake!"

Sure it was. Now, can I tell my story or not!?!

"Go on."

After so much time wasted in yet another disaster, Adrian needed a plan of action. Disappointed, he knew he was closer to hitting that perfect potion that would revolutionize how wizards would recover while outside Wizard City. So, what was wrong? Which ingredients were needed? What were his formulas missing? The key he had in his hands, but he couldn't find the lock! So close, yet so far away! It was always like this, one step forward, two steps back.

"I suppose it's time for another shopping trip," he muttered. "As well as some plant gathering out in Avalon. Daisy!"

Down came a Death Spider from the shadow-covered corners of his home, spindling her web and string from the ceiling. She was Ancient and a long steady companion to her master since he rescued her from drowning in a river of lava in Dragonspyre.

"It's time for a field trip out into the Spiral. We need to get going if we want the best reagents, and we don't get a lot of-"



Pinching his brow, Adrian sighed in annoyance. It would be a long day for everyone involved. And before he left his dorm room, venturing into the commotion, the last thing uttered under his breath, with equipment and pet at his side, was: "Cyclops. Always a cyclops."


Canterlot Castle was as clean and pristine, always the same every time Twilight with the company had walked through the grand and magnificent halls. For what it was worth, she never ceased to be impressed and amazed at the entirety of the castle, in and out, even to its modern décor. Of course, that didn't mean to say her palace of crystal was inadequate, but the feeling of familiarity was overwhelming here. Comparatively, she felt right at home, allowing herself to be immersed inside the memories of her fillyhood rolled by playing out like a slideshow. Still, now was not a time to remember old times. An assignment by Princess Celestia was issued, and regardless of how much on equal footing both alicorns were, Twilight still had an obligation to respond to her elders.

As all six headed their way and pushed open the doors to the throne room, guards on every side saluted to them and bowed in respect. At the center, right upon her throne, her sister, Luna, and Celestia sat, accompanied by Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The last time they met in such conditions was when Sunset stole Twilight's crown, or Tirek sought to capture all magic throughout Equestria. However, this was much more different...

"Celestia, I have come as you requested," Twilight said confidently.

"As we knew you would," Celestia replied in turn. "Today is special, with something much more joyous and lighthearted compared to your previous ventures."

"Indeed. It's a matter that we head off now, all together." Luna stated. "This secret is well-kept by even our most trusted guard and scholars, for it's a manner that rarely any here in our world have witnessed."

"And that is?" asked Applejack, with a sudden peak in curiosity.

"A door to another world beyond this one. Nothing like the Mirror you've encountered," Celestia told them, even recalling her memories beyond it. "This door opens to a new world, one full of magic, that's much more vibrant than our own and so much more complex."

"New magic?" asked Twilight, a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Indeed. It might even be stronger than the magic here."

Now that was perking up Twilight's interest. A new world of magic, a new way to learn from some of the potentially greatest minds that lay undiscovered from Equestrian history! Oh, the latest information she could absorb and bring back to so many scientists and scholars!

"But keep in mind, we aren't staying there long," Celestia said with a firm tone. "We are merely picking up a student of an old friend of mine and Luna's. Mostly because he needs to recover, and many of his fellows have told him that he needs a vacation from his duties."

"A vacation? From what? Constantly reading books and spending time in the library like Egghead right here?" Rainbow said in a joking manner.

"Wrong." was the answer from Luna that came forth before Twilight could retort. "This student...he's spent so much of a lifetime learning magic and using it to resolve many conflicts, save lives, and even protect his world, as well as many others, from an apocalypse that the awakening of a Dragon Titan would've caused."

"Also known commonly as a reality-ender," added Celestia. "Many lives would've been lost if not for this student. He's accomplished this while being so young. Around the same age as all of you."

Shock and awe. Amazement. The Mane Six's jaws dropped collectively. Was somebody strong enough to stop a Titan's awakening? But that was impossible! Everypony knew that Titans, especially ones of Draconic nature, were nigh immortal and could rarely be stopped once roused from their slumber. Either this person's magic was powerful or had to have been, at least, the child of a god. How did he gather this much strength?

"And you're saying that this student needs a break from his world and rest in ours?" asked Shining Armor.

"That is correct, Captain Armor," was the affirmative reply from Celestia.

"How long would he be staying here?" Cadance asked.

"As long as need be," said Luna. "It may be weeks or months, but he should recover by year's end. It all depends on the damage done to himself."

"Damage?" Cadance asked, a hint of concern now present in her voice.

"This student has been in many a scrape before. But, according to our longtime friend, his tenacity and willpower far exceed any we have known." Luna replied.

"Combined with the strain put on himself from using magic on a near-constant basis..." Celestia began. "It's a recipe for something I believe we can all see coming."

And now, there was fear.To push one's limits is typically viewed as a way of gaining strength; yet if this student was making himself so hard on a regular schedule with magic in these constant battles as implied...

No, no! Don't think about it! The Main Six, frightened, would dare not entertain the idea! Now was not the time for what might be, especially if it could still be stopped dead in its tracks if they left now!

"Then why are you just sitting around here waiting then!?! We need to go now!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, speaking the thought everypony had on their minds.

With one silent flash then, that wish was made a reality. The group of ten ponies was teleported into another place inside the castle.


It took time for the eyes to be readjusted to the blinding light. After all, teleportation was rarely, if ever, a non-bright mode of transport. And when the Main Six saw the room before them, they stared in disbelief. Twelve massive columns, made of pure white marble, golden trims on each. They stood in a giant circle, holding up a huge glass dome, and then looked towards the floor; they saw symbols that none could recognize immediately.

Fire. Ice. Thunder. Myth. Life. Death. Each symbol is recognized by a pure flame, snowflake, thundercloud, leaf, and so on. At the center of everything, where they all converged, was something that shocked them.

Because of the sheer, underwhelming, simplicity.

A wooden door with a brass door handle, a circular window with some intricate spiral-like design. All held by a stone doorframe, keeping it all neatly in place. To say they were a little insulted was definitely hitting the nail on the head.

"What is this!?!" Rarity cried. "Princess Celestia, I implore you that this must be a joke, a mistake, or something!"

"It's no joke, Rarity," was the reply. "After all, I have not lied or deceived you in any way. What makes you so sure of this?"

"No offense, Princess," came a meek Fluttershy's commentary. "It's just that when you told us of an otherworldly entrance, we didn't expect it to be so...um...what's a kind way of putting it...?"

"Inelegant?" asked Luna.

Fluttershy nodded in response, not wishing to upset the co-monarchs any further.

"I assure you all; this will be worth the time to see for yourselves this other world," Celestia said with pride. With a mere gesture towards the door, the hoof pointed towards its general direction; Twilight was the first to approach it carefully. Nothing out of place or focus was seen on the surface, yet looks could be deceiving if not inspected adequately at a close enough view. Touching the door handle carefully, feeling the cold metallic touch upon her hooves, she forced her bravery to the surface and yanked the door back quickly, revealing another brightening light. However, upon its fading, she saw what looked to be the interior of a....tree? A large one indeed, but a tree interior was their destination? She already had a tree home before, so this was not new. Yet, why here? Why not go into a city center or town hall? No time to dawdle, she supposed.

Each pony stepped through the doorway carefully onto the fine wooden floor with silken carpet and looked at its lush surroundings. It was such a lovely amount of foliage and plant life, stone pillars, leaves of various shades of green, and wood-designed columns and fences. So bright and vibrant was it they could feel nature's very presence permeate the air they breathed.

"Hooo! So, you must be the newest guests, are you now?" a voice asked from above their heads. Then, a white owl wearing a teacher's cap, glasses, and a purple scarf flew from the air.

"Um, did that owl just, um, you know....speak?" Fluttershy asked, making sure the others were seeing the same thing.

"I take it you all must be surprised, seeing a talking owl for the first time, correct?" the owl continued. "Well, seeing ponies step through the Spiral Door every day isn't quite common for us here, I'm afraid. After all, we do rarely get visitors from another world."

"That's quite enough, Gamma." The group turned their heads and saw a humanoid figure walk towards them. His facial features consisted of tanned skin, a face covered by a white beard turned frost from years of age. He wore a monocle on one eye, while an uncovered sky blue one stared back at them, one of both kindness and wisdom but of silent fury and seriousness. His equipment consisted of a purple robe and hat bearing many stars and moons placed in random locations with golden trims. With one hand, the humanoid carried a wooden staff, which held a golden hook with a blue orb firmly grasped in place at the upper end.
On the other hand, a large brown leather book had a strange and unknown symbol on its cover. Judging by the various and equally mysterious runes coming out of it, the few unicorns deduced that, based on its arcane contents, that book held powerful magic. But that alone carried a scent. A scent that smelled of something rotten and foul.

Dark magic. A strange and forbidden kind of magic deemed too dangerous for Equestria or any known creature to wield, save for exceptions in which a great magic user could use dark magic without being corrupted and swallowed by temptation. This elder had mastered it to a whole new degree.

"I must apologize, Princesses," started the olden man. "Gamma has always been a curious one for new arrivals and of otherworldly sorts. He means well, even if a bit overprotective by some standards."

"It's fine, Ambrose. We always welcome such new friends," said Celestia. "Speaking of which, I suppose you should meet the Elements of Harmony, our world's heroes."

"Ah, yes. The Elements of Harmony." Merle smiled, looking back and reflecting on some earlier memories. "From what I recall, they were called Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and...uh...hmm..it appears my memories are failing me..."

"Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle." Luna finished for him. "The others here are Princess mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadance if you will, and her husband, Shining Armor."

"Ah, yes! Now I remember! Thank you, Luna," Ambrose apologized. "It seems my memories are not what they used to be. But I suppose you tend to forget things when you're over a thousand years old like me."

In a moment, all were surprised by the sudden revelation. "WHAT!?!" was the shared overall reaction by the eight ponies.

"Technically, he's only one thousand and twenty years old." Gamma corrected. "Still a young man, despite his appearances."

"Oh, nonsense, Gamma!" Ambrose interrupted again. "You flatter me too much, as I'm getting close to being ancient, you know?"

"Back to the main focus," Celestia stated. "Could you please direct us to Mr. Deathsword's location? We did come after responding to your letter."

"Oh yes! I had nearly forgotten!" cried Ambrose, a mere bit flustered by his blunder. "I believe he was testing a new potion this morning in his dorm room. He should still be there if-"


Thunderous, loud, and full of unimaginable fury. It violently shook the walls by rattling the entire floor and scenery around them. Most were visibly shaken and nearly knocked to the ground by the violent uproar alone. While some tried to keep their balance, others were visibly afraid of the sudden outburst. Fluttershy had been frightened so severely she had clung to one of the wooden columns, shaking let a shivering child left in cold water, Rarity had fainted straight onto the floor without her couch to catch her, and Pinkie, well, was practically shaking all over the body, glued in place to her spot.

"What was that!?!" was the immediate question on everyone's minds.

"Oh dear, not again....." Gamma said despondently.

"Another Cyclops spell attempt gone awry?" Ambrose asked rhetorically.

"I'm afraid so, Ambrose." was the reply.

Ambrose could only sigh, place a hand on his head and moan about the turn of fortune. Of all days for this to happen, did it have to be when guests were coming in? Fate has such terrible timing, especially when it comes down to times of crisis. First, Malistaire invades Ravenwood when enrolling Adrian, then Morganthes' attempt at the magical takeover of the Spiral, and now this!?!

"It would appear the spell took place in Unicorn Way, judging by the direction of the roar," Gamma interrupted. "Shall we teleport there, now?"

"Glad you asked, Gamma." Ambrose agreed. With a sudden downward slam of his staff, the group was swallowed in pure yellow light and promptly thrown to their destination.


Chaos was a perfect way of describing Unicorn Way's newest terror on the road. A two-story, one-eyed monstrosity had been unleashed due to one poor Myth student's casting attempt backfiring in a colossal way. Having been a mere inch off the perfect Myth sigil in which to cast the spell, it didn't fizzle but instead summoned an angry Cyclops that carried a massive stone hammer in one hand, with no armor and plenty of buildings and homes to destroy in his rampage. He had several novice Wizards trapped inside the dueling arena, practically cowering inside the building out of sheer terror. The master unicorn duelist Diego was fending off the Cyclops as best he could with his fencing sword. Yet, he began finding it more complicated and challenging to block the Cyclops' massive strikes while trying to find an opening. Diego's forte lay only with direct combat, not magic or brute strength, and he found himself fighting a losing battle.

Immediately, Ambrose and company teleported in, just right outside the tunnel entranceway to Wizard City, and bared witness to the battle. The Mane Six and Cadance, and Shining Armor merely stood in shock at the sight of the mere creature. Then, easily towering above most entire Equestrian homes and carrying such a large hammer made of pure stone, the angry giant swung it threateningly at any who approached it and began quickly crushing his much smaller opponent.

"So, that's a Cyclops?" asked Rarity. "Seems to be a dangerous creature to approach. Would you not agree Twilight?"

"Unfortunately, yes," said Ambrose, stopping Twilight from replying. "Cyclops summoning spells have always been common spells to learn here, especially for new Myth Wizards who have succeeded in some of their first tests after enrollment."

"Yet, it would seem that this spell went the wrong direction," observed Shining Armor.

"There's always the chance that a spell can go wrong," stated Ambrose. "They rarely turn out like this, however. Normally, the spell should fizzle out when an attempt at casting it fails. However, it seems that this time sees the spell taking on a new life all its own, completely ignoring the will of the one who summoned it."

"Well then, we should go down there and stop that big bully!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "We can totally take him in a ten-on-one fight!"

"No need miss Dash," replied Ambrose. "After all, this ruckus has already attracted our guest of honor." Pointing down the tunnel hall, each pony looked into the darkness and peered inside. Even the fighting Cyclops and Diego had stopped their battle and now were fixated on something down in the darkness. All was quiet.

At first, they saw nothing.

Yet, they heard an approach. Someone or something was clearly walking down the tunnel at a brisk pace, each step starting off quietly and suddenly growing louder. A clacking of footsteps against cobblestone, and now suddenly, one could hear a sound of a creature breathing. Something or somebody was coming out of the tunnel! At last, as the footsteps came close to the tunnel's end, the figure was revealed.

A creature, much like Ambrose, came out from the darkness, except significantly smaller. His outfit was labeled in the colors of black and purple, with a hood concealing his entire face. He carried in his right hand, an impressive and magical staff of power. Red and black obsidian were made up its stick and rod part, but what caught the eyes of all was the figure laid atop that—a small skeletal dragon, clutching onto a glowing purple orb that radiated power. Plus, judging by his height and stature and his lank and skinny figure, Twilight managed to deduce that this creature was male and young as well. How old was he? Maybe in his twenties? No, too off the mark. Nineteen? Eighteen? Those were wrong too! Just who or what was he?!

"Cyclops..." the figure started. "The bane of my existence, as well as my mortal enemy." A strange sigil appeared in front of him in midair with those words. Its color was black, and the shape was foreign, ultimately a mystery to the ponies who witnessed its appearance. "Well then, I think it's time to give this little one-eyed temper tantrum something of its might." The spell exploded with a touch of the figure's appendages, a sign of casting by the user.

What pooled out of this was something that the ponies could only describe as...terrifying.

A mass of bones rose from the earth, like a miniature graveyard, including mucked brownish-black soil. However, the bones then moved, compelled by an unnatural force into position. They crunched and snapped with sickening sounds into place, forming a beast of gigantic proportions! A beast more gigantic than Celestia herself, with a wicked smile and odd-shaped skull and glowing wings of spiritual blue, a force that was intent on obeying the will of the figure who summoned it with cold fury.

"Skeletal Dragon," started the figure. "ATTACK."

The dragon obeyed with lightning-quick reflexes in an instant, charging for the Cyclops with a roar and speed like that of a rampaging bull. Then, with one swift movement, it crossed the distance to the behemoth, whose angry expression stayed pretty much unchanged.

It was then that the dragon made its first move.

A sudden bound and leap a few feet into the air, it glided from above after spreading out its wingspan, hoping to divebomb the poor unsuspecting fool that laid before its path. On instinct, the Cyclops tried to dodge by shifting its body weight to the left, hoping to cause the dragon to crash into the cement.

Strike one.

The reality was, the glide was a mere feint—a strategic move to allow the Cyclops to maneuver right into a trap. The Skeletal Dragon dove straight down immediately, reacting to the cyclops' actions. After the dive, it swooped from danger into a ninety-degree turn, now aiming directly for the opponents' midsection to knock him off balance. Yet, the cyclops, despite his massive and heavy frame body, managed to come up with a new ploy to avoid this trick as well. Now, the Cyclops jumped into the air, gaining height advantage from the dragon, while preparing to swing its hammer down on the beast's head. After all, since it was a dragon made of bones, the Cyclops could pound it to dust quickly, the caster would've wasted a monster, and the Cyclops would get off without harm! A perfect crime!

Strike two.

This tactic was too obvious not to see coming. The dragon instead made a counterattack that no one saw coming. This time, it began to slow the beating of its wings, essentially slowing its speed down. In doing so, the outcome became clear: by stopping itself early, the dragon avoided the cyclops attack, missing its target and unable to halt the momentum generated from his swing of the hammer. That hammer crashed into the concrete below the mighty Cyclops, who landed on his behind into said concrete while still holding the said hammer. A literal crushing blow for the powerful monster.

But it wasn't over. Unfortunately for the cycloptic menace, the dragon still had a job to do. Now, charging the Cyclops from behind, it tackled him into a tumble and roll, where both giants collided with a wall after much rolling and kicking up mass amounts of stone debris and shattered tree trunks, splintered into a billion pieces. In the end, the dragon stood atop the Cyclops with a mighty grin of victory, and thus, claimed the prize. With one mighty screech of absolute rage, followed by multiple slashes to the cyclops' chest, the hammer-wielding fiend was defeated. Exploding now into a flash of yellow sparkles, disappearing in a slight popping sound, the battle was over and won. The spell is undone.

For that, was strike three.

Comments ( 1 )

Please continue really good story so for

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