• Published 7th Nov 2018
  • 1,440 Views, 3 Comments

Star Tracker Joins Twilight’s School Of Friendship - Lonely Fanboy48

Star Tracker wants to attend the School Of Friendship.

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Star Tracker Joins Twilight’s School Of Friendship

Ever since Princess Twilight and her friends opened her school, it became a success. From all around Equestria: ponies, griffins, minotaurs, yaks, and even hippogriffs and dragons had come to join the school to learn everything they needed to know about Friendship, and the magic there in. Eventually, word of Twilight’s school was in the papers, spreading interest to all corners of the world beyond their kingdom.

In a house that was nestled in a small glenn, Star Tracker was busily cleaning the dishes in his kitchen. He had recently come back from a wonderful vacation that he took with Twilight’s family, as being an honorary member for one day. It had been one of the most fun experiences of his life, but the best part had been when he stood up to Iron Will, which earned a kiss on the cheek from Twilight.

Star smiled at the memory. In the short time that he knew her, he felt he had grown somewhat close to her. His smile grew brighter still when he found himself hoping that she felt the same way.

“Nah,” he thought to himself, “Wishful thinking, Star. Just a friendly gesture was all. Come on. Me and her? It’s crazy.” Slowly, he stopped scrubbing the one plate that he had been washing for almost a minute, and looked out his kitchen window at the morning sun. “Is it?” He thought. “Sure. I’m talking to myself after all.”

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a bump in the front door.

“That’ll be the morning paper,” he said aloud to nopony in particular. “Sheesh. Here I go, doing it again.”

He opened the door and saw the newspaper pony trotting on down the street, tossing his papers at every front door he passed. Paying no more mind to the newspaper pony, Star took the paper in his teeth and closed the door behind him.

Heading back to his table, where he had already eaten his breakfast, he laid down the newspaper to see what was going on in the world today. His eyes scanned the pages, looking for any interesting stories, until one caught his eye. There on the third page was a story about Twilight Sparkle opening a school to educate others in lessons of friendship.

“Princess Twilight is opening a school!?” He shouted excited. “And there’s still room for more entries! Why isn’t this on the front page? And why am I still talking to myself!?”

In his wildest dreams, he didn’t think he would have an opportunity to see Twilight again. With a sudden spring in his step, he quickly put on his hat and rushed to the door. It was only halfway across the room that he slowed to a stop and threw his hat onto the nearby hat rack.

“No. Come on, Star, think about it. We just met. We didn’t even spend a week together. She probably doesn’t even remember you all that well. If at all.”

With a sigh, he slumped onto his couch. Why would Twilight remember a simple, every day earth pony with no distinguishing features or personality traits whatsoever. Scratch that: he distinguished himself by talking to himself often.

Star Tracker looked around his room, seeing all the furnishings, and bland white walls around him. For all his trappings and belongings, he began to think that there was something missing in his home: other ponies.

In his mind, it clicked into place that there was a reason he talked to himself so much: there was nopony else to talk to. But, when he had gone on vacation with Twilight’s family, he found himself surrounded by ponies he could convey and relate to. Especially Twilight, who had spent more time with him than any of the others. Twilight, who held onto his every word, and shared her experiences with him. Finally, there came the moment she kissed him, and Star felt the same spark in his mind as he did that day.

His mind was made up. He sprang off of his couch, bucked the hat rack so his hat fell onto his head, and rushed out the door.

The bell rang loudly through the halls of Twilight’s school of friendship. It was a glorious friday afternoon, leaving every student feeling exhilarated for the fast-approaching weekend.

“Have a great weekend, make new friends!” Pinkie Pie cheered in front of her students, before bolting out the door. Four of her other friends were already congregated in the main hallway of the school, talking about the busy day they had. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Pinkie trotted over to join them.

“Class for me was amazing. I’m taking six volunteers to join me on a field trip, to learn about nature and animals.” Fluttershy said.

“Dang. We just started an’ yer already plannin’ a field trip?” Applejack asked, surprised.

“Yes, I love my class already. It’s the best thing to make my students feel happy.” She finished with tears in her eyes.

“Where’s Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She’s in her office checking the reports. Trust me, darling, she’s taking her time since this is what we’re going to do from now on.” Rarity explained.

“Yeah. Twi sure loves those reports,” Applejack said.

Then out of nowhere, a colt came running through their midst, surprising them all.

“What in tarnation!?”

“Goodness me!

“Hey! Watch it!”



“What’s the big idea plowin’ through us like a tornado in a trailer park?” Applejack said.

“Sorry!” The colt called back, before realizing who he had nearly run down. “Wait: aren’t you all friends with Princess Twilight?”

“Of course, silly colt! Who are you?” Pinkie said, leaning close.

The colt was taken slightly aback by the gesture, but gave his answer. “I’m Star Tracker.”

“Well, it’s a pleasure makin’ yer acquaintance, Star Tracker.” Applejack put her hoof up for a hoof shake.

“Same to you, Applejack?” He shook her hoof.

“You know who I am?”

“Yes. I know all of you: Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.”

Everyone’s eyes went wide after what they heard.

“How do you know our names?!” Fluttershy said, still hiding underneath her friends from the previous scare she had when Star Tracker ran past them.

“Oh, I’m sorry. The thing is I’m here because I saw the newspaper today and noticed that Twilight is running a school.” Star explained.

“That doesn’t explain why you know our names.” Rainbow Dash raising her eyebrow.

“I’m getting to that. See, I’ve known about Princess Twilight ever since she saved Equestria from Lord Tirek, and I heard that you’re one of her best friends. I know everything just to let you know.”

That cleared up any doubts the mares had. This wasn’t some stalker. Just a fan who appreciated the work they did to keep the kingdom safe.

“Is she in her office?” Star Tracker asked.

“Who, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Princess Twilight.”

“Yes. Along with Spike and Starlight. They’re doing the reports.” Rarity answered. “You’re here because you want to be part of this school?”

“Yes but is it okay that I talk to her?”

“Of course it is, darling. After all, every new student must be acquainted with their teachers,” Rarity said, as she volunteered to lead Star to Twilight’s office.

Star Tracker felt nervous like before. This is the second time he was going to meet his idol again. Even though he learned however he doesn’t have the words to discuss with her.

In Twilight’s office, Spike was writing down some ideas he could do with the other students, while Starlight was helping Twilight grade the reports that were hoofed in. as engrossed as they were in their work, their attention was drawn to the door when Rarity walked in with another pony.

“Hello Rarity. What is it?” Princess Twilight responded.

“Somepony wants to talk to you.” Rarity said, gesturing toward the other pony she had led in.

This was it. The moment of truth. There was a small tightness in his chest as he approached, but it eased when he saw Twilight’s face light up.

“Star Tracker?” Twilight asked. She stopped doing her reports and trotted over to greet the newcomer. “It’s so good to see you again.”

Rarity’s eyes glanced between the two ponies. Sensing the mood between them, she smiled and left the room, silently wishing them both the best of luck.

Star Tracker jumped internally when he heard the door close. Now, he was left in the room with Twilight, and a familiar feeling of apprehension welled up inside of him. “Uh…” He unsurely began, “H-Hi, Princess.”

“Star, I told you that you can call me Twilight,” Twilight giggled. “So, what brought you here?”


“Wait a second,” Twilight turned to the small dragon behind her. “Spike, can you give Star Tracker a seat?”

Spike promptly hopped off the desk and got an extra chair, which was quickly occupied by their guest.

“So, Twilight: is this the fan you’ve been telling us about?” Starlight wondered.

“Yes. He became an honorary member in my family since he won the raffle at the cruise,” Twilight said, turning a slight shade of red.

“You’ve been telling your friends about me?” Star wondered.

“Believe it,” Spike deadpanned. “Every time I think I hear the end of it, she starts up again.”

“Spike,” Starlight said, hushing the dragon, “I don’t think Star’s had a chance to answer Twilight’s question yet.”

“Hm?” Twilight wondered, before she realized what she meant. “Oh. Um, I was wondering why you stopped by.”

Star Tracker did the best he could to appear and behave as normal as he could in front of Twilight. “Well, it’s kind of a serious matter.”

“Oh? What?” Twilight wondered.

“I saw an article about your school in the newspaper today, and I was wondering if…well, I could enroll here.”

“You want to be a student?” Spike replied.

“Yes. Like, I know all about treating others respectfully and everything, but at the same time I know I’m still not the most approachable pony. Just look at all the mistakes I made when I was spending the day with you: letting you pay for dinner, letting you try on clothes that didn’t make you look good. Maybe…you know…getting too close to you.”

Twilight’s ears drooped slightly when she heard the last sentence. “I didn’t upset you, did I?”

“No. I mean, I liked it. But…”

Starlight slowly nodded her head, and her eyes widened when she realized precisely there was between these two. Looking to her side, she saw Spike mimicking vomiting into the wastebasket.

“Spike, I think you and I should go look for some enrollment papers for Star Tracker,” she suggested.

“No we don’t. Twilight’s got a whole stack in her desk,” Spike said.

“No, I’m pretty sure it’s empty,” Starlight said, magically picking Spike up and placing him on her back, before leaving the room. “Come on. I’m sure Twilight will be happy if this new student joins us.”

Now that the others had left, Twilight magically moved her chair next to Star Tracker to speak more personably with him.

“Star Tracker, um…You’re probably a little confused about…you know: that, aren’t you?” Twilight said.

“Kind of,” was all Star Tracker answered, reflecting on his doubts he was having earlier that morning.

“Well, to be honest, I’ve been thinking a lot about it too,” she said, turning another shade of red. To her relief, she saw Star Tracker turning the same color. “But, I think that it’s because of how you talked to me like I was a normal mare.”


“I wasn’t always an alicorn, you know. I used to be a normal pony like everypony else. But, ever since I became a princess, everypony’s been putting me on a pedestal, and expecting me to take care of everything by myself. But, you: you don’t do that. Like, when Iron Will was trying to start trouble with me, you stepped in to defend me, while everypony else expected me to handle it on my own. That’s why I…”

Both ponies turned red, and faced away from one another. The mere memory of it sent a warm shiver through them both. Something they knew they both shared in that moment, and made them slowly look back at each other.

“It was just my way of saying, ‘thank you,’” Twilight said. “And, I think I’d be really glad if you attended this school.”

Star looked down, and saw that Twilight had inched her hoof over his.

“Wow. To think I was afraid to come here today,” Star said.

“Really? Why?”

“It’s nothing. Just, I know I’ve always had issues about personal space. I didn’t think that you’d want to see somepony you just met so soon,” His face fell, as he continued. “I always looked up to you, ever since the Tirek incident. Like, you were the standard all ponies should measure themselves against. When I won the raffle, I was thrilled to finally meet you. And when I got to know you…well…I thought I might want to know you better.”

Twilight’s smile brightened.

“When I saw your school was in the paper, I thought it would be the only way I could see you again. After all, now that you’re teaching, it’s not like you’ll have a lot of free time anymore.” Star shook his head, realizing how what he said sounded. “Aw, listen to me. This probably sounds really stupid.”

After hearing his feelings Twilight smiled again. She saw that he was somepony who she wanted to learn more about as well. She didn’t know the words to tell him so, but could think of a gesture would tell him. She closed her eyes, leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

“Twilight?” Star asked. His heart fluttered when Twilight kissed his other cheek, and wrapped her hooves around his shoulders.

“Did you see that? Gross!” Spike asked, as he, Starlight, Rarity, Pinkie, Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy watched through the window on the classroom door.

“I think it’s wonderful that Twilight’s found somepony to share her heart with,” Fluttershy said.

“But, what about us? Now that she’s got a coltfriend, she won’t have any time for us,” Dash said next.

“Darling, please. I’m sure that we’re still just as special to her. Can’t we allow Twilight some space for her new friend?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie said nothing, but was practically bursting with ideas for a ‘new coltfriend party.’ Then a ‘first date party.’ Then an anniversary party. Then an engagement party, and finally a wedding party. No. No, that was getting ahead of herself. Still, the ideas made her giggle.

Star Tracker slowly put his hooves around Twilight, and felt the calm rhythm of her breath synchronizing with his own.

“You know, I think you’ve come farther than you thought,” Twilight said. “You said that you have issues with personal space, but you knew that coming here to see me was the right decision. That says loads about what you know.”

“Yeah. I think it does,” Star answered.

“I think with a few lessons from our school, you could measure up to, say: me,” Twilight giggled. “And, maybe someday, you could start teaching others about what you learned from your experiences with me, here at this school. About giving others space, and maybe a special course about what happens after friendship.”

A flurry of emotions whirled through Star Tracker’s mind. Here was the mare he looked up to the most, and was surprised to hear how closely she wanted him around. What greater chance could any pony be given. He’d have to have been a fool not to accept.

“I’d like that. I really would,” Star answered.

The two shared a long embrace, which they both hoped would never end.

Twilight heard a noise, and opened her eyes to see that there were all of her friends pressed up against the door. Flaring up her magic, Twilight pulled the blinds above the door closed, and continued to share her moments with Star Tracker, knowing that they would have many more to share in the future.

Comments ( 3 )

A little short but it's good to see more Star Tracker stories

Comment posted by adrian_marlow deleted Aug 7th, 2019
Comment posted by abeerasim deleted Aug 7th, 2019
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