• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago

Lonely Fanboy48



Oliver, an eight year old boy was a victim of bullycide. In the school he was in, bullies have been picking on him and calling mean things to him so badly, his friends and family can't help him even if the bullies have been expelled. Her mother knows he likes going to the beach so she takes him there but he's still too depressed. When the Rainbooms notice what's going on with the poor boy, they decide to help Oliver to make his day the best day ever while also getting him over his bullycide problem.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 15 )

Shouldn't you wait until this story is complete before you start the sequel?

Sorry I forgot to changed it once I was done.

I really don't understand why you got so many dislikes. (Then again, they're probably pissy because you spammed their feed by adding this story to all character folders instead of just the Main folder)
I mean, the story is pretty basic, and theres alot of weird phrasing and leap of faiths. But I don't think its offensive or bad enough to warant such response.
You just need some more practice 's all!

Hope you don't let it discourage you and that you keep improving!

id like to take a moment to point out the fact that Sunset getting hit in the ass with a water baloon to me,is still the funniest moment in the chapter.

Comment posted by Strawberry Surprise deleted Mar 7th, 2019

Speaking of phrasing, I'll have to ask you to rephrase that.
Are you agreeing or disagreeing, and what do you mean with that last bit?

Comment posted by Strawberry Surprise deleted Mar 7th, 2019

Rainbooms' Favorite Boy

FTFY. The Rainbooms (noun) are implicated to possess something (In this case, their favorite boy.) so there should be an apostrophe to indicate such a thing.

Don't blame me, blame the English language.

¿No está recuperándose demasiado rápido para alguien que literalmente se intento suicidar? No importa quien sea, el suicidio es un tema serio que no se debe tomar a la ligera, ya sea en niños, adolescentes o adultos. Tienes que estar muy roto mentalmente para que tu consideres al suicidio como tu única solución, desconozco como esto afecta especialmente a los niños, pero creo que debería ser más difícil curar a un niño de un intento de suicidio que a cualquier otra persona.

Isn't he recovering too quickly for someone who literally attempted suicide? No matter who you are, suicide is a serious topic that should not be taken lightly, whether in children, adolescents or adults. You have to be very mentally broken for you to consider suicide as your only solution, I don't know how this affects children especially, but I think it should be more difficult to cure a child of a suicide attempt than anyone else.
Translated by Google.

Fluttershy sonrió cálidamente. Oliver estaba llegando más lejos de lo que ella podría haber pensado. Muy lejos del chico sombrío que conoció en la playa, ahora aquí estaba él uniéndose a un ciervo.

Demasiado lejos y demasiado rápido, sin importar como se mire.
Mencionas que que tan pronto como Pinkie Pie toco el hombro de Oliver sintió que casi no tenía la capacidad para ayudarlo, eso quiere decir que el proceso y los intentos debieron ser múltiples por separado e igualmente en grupo al ver lo arraigado que estaba está "oscuridad" de la que Pinkie se percato, esto debía ser un reto muy difícil, teniendo que reunir cuanta información pudieran de la madre y de su amigo que "casualmente" también estaba ahí, teniendo matices más oscuros e intentos de las 7 por todos los medios posibles para ayudarlo a liberarse de esa oscuridad. Una solución tan pronto creo que va en contra del sentido común ya que estás cosas suelen ser muy delicadas y necesitan de mucho tiempo y seguimiento para ayudar al individuo que lo padece, o por lo menos eso creo yo, el que sea tan fácil se siente muy fuera de lugar.
Incluso que tengan que utilizar sus "poderes" para intentar ayudarlo, siendo tal vez el de Sunset el más útil (y posiblemente ultimo recurso) de todos en esta situación al ser que el ve la mente (recuerdos) de las personas que toca y de paso puedes dar un trasfondo de la situación por la cual Oliver paso y de ahí en adelante ya se le puede ayudar mejor, sabiendo por todo lo que paso y comprendiendo su situación. Creo yo.

Too far and too fast, no matter how you look at it.
You mention that as soon as Pinkie Pie touched Oliver's shoulder she felt that she hardly had the ability to help him, that means that the process and the attempts must have been multiple separately and equally as a group seeing how ingrained this "darkness" was. "Pinkie realized, this must be a very difficult challenge, having to gather as much information as they could from the mother and her friend who "coincidentally" was also there, having darker undertones and attempts at 7 by all means possible to help you free yourself from that darkness. A solution so soon I think goes against common sense since these things are usually very delicate and need a lot of time and follow-up to help the individual who suffers from it, or at least that's what I think, the fact that it is so easy feels very out of place.
Even that they have to use their "powers" to try to help him, perhaps Sunset's being the most useful (and possibly last resort) of all in this situation as he sees the minds (memories) of the people he touches and of step you can give a background of the situation that Oliver went through and from then on you can help him better, knowing everything he went through and understanding his situation.

Translated by Google.

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