• Published 5th Nov 2018
  • 442 Views, 10 Comments

Magical Movie Night: Another Story - ArcanaMaverick7

The Rainbooms deal with a few things after their time at Camp Everfree with Fragment Hunter helping them. However, they aren't the only ones that came from Remnant. A few opponents that the Huntsmen and Huntresses have faced are here as well.

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Dance Magic Chapter 3: Music Video Mishaps

Upon returning to Canterlot High School's music room to meet up with the others, Rarity and Sunset Blaze explained about the mall's 'Chance to Prance' contest. "See? It's a wonderful plan. We'll write some lyrics for our new song, and we'll choreograph some dance moves. Then our video will win a cash prize, and voilĂ ," Rarity explained to her friends.

"You make it sound simple as pie," Applejack commented as she sat next to Fluttershy, Azalea, and Spike.

"That's because it is! The girls at Crystal Prep even agree. They're making a video, too," Rarity stated and mentioned Twilight's old school.

When she heard about her old school's name and the Shadowbolts, Twilight was surprised while the rest of Fragment Hunter all looked like they were ready to punch something. "They are," Twilight asked.

"I-Is that a problem, darling," Rarity asked Twilight.

"Oh, no, it's not," Twilight said. "Just haven't heard much about my old school since I left, I guess," she remarked in wistful reminiscence.

"Well, if you ask me, Crystal Prep has got nothin' on CHS! I love it here," Spike said as he stretched his body. After he did, Fluttershy scratched the dog's chin. "See what I mean," Spike said as Fluttershy and Azalea chuckled in amusement over Spike's reaction to getting scratched.

"Okay, before we get started with the choreographing of our dance moves, there's just one tiny, teeny-weensey, little thing I forgot to mention," Rarity said and mumbled the last part.

"What's that," Sunset Shimmer curiously asked.

"Uhhhh... I would need to use our fundraiser money to buy costume materials for the video," Rarity managed to say quickly.

The Rainbooms thought it over and wondered if it was a good idea to use the funds they already earned in a gamble like what Rarity had planned. "Hmm. How much is the grand prize worth," Sunset Shimmer asked.

"More than double what we need to fix up Camp Everfree," Rarity stated.

"Really?! I must have misread the prize amounts the first time if that's the case," Sunset Blaze remarked as she pulled out the contest information she brought with her from the mall. Looking at the top three prizes again, Blaze noticed her mistake from earlier. "Ah, second prize is pretty much the same as the repairs plus what you've already earned," Blaze told the Rainbooms. "Looks like either spot is great for the both of us."

"Hah! Then of course you can use the money for costumes," Rainbow Dash said as she stood up.

Applejack sighed before she gave her answer in eager agreement. "Oh, what the hay? Why not?" Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie agreed with the plan for the music video, however Twilight pulled out a calculator and started to go over the numbers.

"According to my calculations, if we lend Rarity the funds we've already raised, we stand to gain four times as much money as we have now. And even if we get second prize, we'll still earn more than enough for Camp Everfree's repairs," Twilight stated as she was surprised by the amounts they could win. The teenagers all cheered at the news before Twilight continued. "But if we lose the video contest, we'll be completely back to square one and zero dollars. Anyone else think this is an awfully risky endeavor," she reminded and made her friends worried. Rua and Silver responded to Twilight's doubts by glaring at her. "I mean, um, heh... Me neither," she corrected herself out of embarassment and fear.

"All right, girls. Who's ready to shoot our winning dance music video," Rarity asked as the Rainbooms got excited. As the girls cheered, Applejack handed her friend the money box filled with the funds they earned and Rarity laughed in excitement over the idea she had coming to life. "Looks like I have some fabric shopping to do!"

"And we've got to make a few stops in Remnant before we get started," Sunset Blaze said as she and the others prepared to head off. "Let's go, Fragment Hunter!" With a flash of rainbow-colored light, the teenagers from Remnant vanished to get what they needed from their world.

In the CHS gymnasium, Rarity sat in a director's chair to keep an eye on the music video's progress while the others were in costumes on stage. Rarity recruited Photo Finish and DJ Pon-3 to help with the shoot, so the Rainbooms only had to focus on doing the dance steps they needed. Before Rarity could go over what the girls needed to do, a flash of light appeared behind her and everyone turned to see Fragment Hunter had returned. "We're back with Bianca," Azalea exclaimed as she and her childhood friend walked toward the stage with the rest of Fragment Hunter.

"A music video contest sounds like a great way to earn money," Bianca said. "Let's see what we can come up with for our own and help out Rarity."

"Why, thank you," Rarity told Bianca before returning to her 'job' as director. "Let's take it from the top one more time. Rainbow Dash, don't forget your cue. It's when Fluttershy does her triple pirouette, okay?" Photo Finish pointed the camera to the stage and DJ Pon-3 started up the music just as Rarity signaled for the girls to start. "And... action!" As the music started playing, Sunset Shimmer walked onto the stage wearing a red and gold flamenco dress while Fluttershy appeared in an outfit that looked like it was a mix between regular street clothes and a ballerina's attire. As they danced, Fluttershy accidentally kicked Shimmer and knocked her off-balance. Fragment Hunter and Bianca all put their hands against their heads as things started to get awkward. As Fluttershy attempted to do the pirouette move that Rarity wanted her to perform, Rainbow Dash slid onto the stage in a hip-hop outfit. Seeing everything not go correctly, Rarity shouted. "CUT!!!"

Hearing Rarity, DJ Pon-3 stopped the music to the confusion of Rainbow Dash. "Hey! What happened to the music?"

Rarity walked over to Fluttershy and Bianca followed because she wanted to check something for herself. "Fluttershy, it's supposed to be a triple pirouette," Rarity stated as Spike started to wake up from a nap he was taking next to Rarity's director chair.

" I know. It's just that... um... uh, I-I don't think I can do one of those," Fluttershy meekly and nervously replied.

"Darling, of course you can, darling. I believe in you," Rarity told Fluttershy as she fixed the girls hair and gave her a hug.

After the two separated, Bianca took a closer look at Fluttershy's street ballet attire. "Hmm... You know, I think I gave Azalea an outfit that's very similar to this."

"Well, you must have a fashion sense similar to my own, Bianca," Rarity said with a smirk. "Can we just do the steps correctly, please?"

"How about you try 'jazz paws' instead," Spike suggested as he stood up and held up his front paws.

"Heh. Thanks, Spike," Sunset Shimmer told the dog as she fixed the flower in her hair. "But all these moves are pretty hard."

"Oh, I know," Rarity admitted. "But if we want to win, we have to bring our A-game!"

"Crystal Prep certainly will," Twilight said. "They're excellent dancers, and you know how they love to compete."

"They may like to compete, but I doubt that they can handle a guy with claws attacking them like a wild animal," Rua stated. "I bet that if their attitudes didn't repel him, Percival Ivory would have loved to go up against Crystal Prep when those games happened."

"That guy doesn't hold back," Silver said as he remembered the times Fragment Hunter sparred with the student from Shade Academy in Vacuo. "I think I still have scars from his claws. It doesn't matter if the Shadowbolts can dance their way around him, he'd be able to take them all out on his own."

"You think I could meet this guy," Rainbow Dash asked while Rarity was worried about not being able to win the contest.

Applejack approached Rarity and placed a hand on the fashionista's shoulder to comfort her. "How about we forget about the other teams and get back to dancin'," AJ suggested.

"Great idea, Applejack," Pinkie Pie said as she was still dancing and imitated synth drums. "It's really fun! I haven't stopped this whole time!"

"Let's take it from Rainbow's entrance," Rarity said as she returned to her chair. "And... action!" As Rainbow Dash slid onto the stage again, the girls started dancing. However, they were too close to each other and during one of her steps, Sunset Shimmer's heel caught on Rainbow's jacket when the former lost her balance. In one quick motion, the article of clothing ripped and Rarity gasped in shock. "Oh! Oh! This is a disaster," Rarity dramatically shouted as she inspected the ruined jacket.

"Sorry, Rarity," Sunset Shimmer apologized.

"Oh. Well, I can fix it, but I'll have to run to the fabric store before it closes," Rarity said as she removed the jacket off of Rainbow Dash. "Keep practicing while I'm gone! Ahhh!"

As Rarity left the gym in a panic, Sunset Blaze called out to the fashionista. "We're coming with you," she exclaimed as she, Bianca, Azalea, and Vinyl all followed after her.

At the mall, the four girls from Remnant waited outside the shop that Rarity went into. "Oh, thank goodness I budgeted for backup fabric," Rarity told the girls as she exited the shop with her bag.

"You wouldn't believe how many outfits I needed to scrap because I forgot to do just that," Bianca remarked with a wave of her hand.

"At least you managed to recycle them for other things, B," Azalea reminded as she stretched her arms. As the girls headed for the exit, Vinyl heard music playing and pointed the girls toward the fountain where four familiar faces were dancing. "Umm, Rarity..."

Rarity gasped in shock at what she was looking at. "Is that a disco-inspired look? And a street ballet tutu?! I don't believe it," Rarity said as she saw the Shadowbolts. "They stole my brilliant idea!"

"I warned you, Rarity. You didn't listen," Sunset Blaze told Rarity as she and Bianca glared at the Shadowbolts. As they did, nobody saw a large man with tattoos and chains walking by eating a burger. The man passed by the girls and leaned up against a wall out of Fragment Hunter's sights. As he ate his meal and watched the Shadowbolts dancing, a voice spoke to him from the other side of the wall.

"Kun, see those girls at the fountain," the voice asked.

"Yeah," the man said with his mouth full.

"They're our next targets," the voice told him.

Swallowing what he had in his mouth, Kun turned his head to speak to the voice. "You sure? They don't look like the types to have high security in their homes," he remarked. "Did they do something you think makes them targets?"

The voice stepped forward enough to reveal himself to Kun and pointed to Rarity as she and the girls from Remnant left the mall. "They stole that girl's original idea."

Kun nodded as he understood what the other male meant. "Okay. I get it. Your own code's making them potential targets, Smoke. There are just some things that shouldn't be taken from others."

"Oliver's already tracking them," Smoke said as he pulled out a Scroll. "They don't seem like threats, so it'll just be some minor stuff."

"Pickpocketing and general pranks. Just like when we started our careers back around Mistral," Kun voiced with a chuckle. "See ya when you need me," he said as he stuffed the rest of his burger into his mouth and started chewing.

"You got it, Tremor," Smoke said as he walked toward the exit and followed after the girls who left.

Author's Note:

Alright! Now we have the main conflict of the first story up. The Shadowbolts have stolen Rarity's idea and Fragment Hunter's mad. Not only that, but we have our little antagonist from Remnant going to do some minor stuff because of what happened. In the next few days, I'll get to posting the next part of this story. Until then, go ahead and ask me questions if you want to know more about my characters.