• Published 8th Nov 2018
  • 1,575 Views, 16 Comments

My Love Eternal - Hopelessromantic

And as he kissed each knuckle and each finger tip, he slowly whispered why he loved me, why he cared for me. And as he slowly kissed his way up my body, all I can hear is the words “I love you” coming from his mouth.

  • ...

Word of advice


The mountain beneath me shook with each footstep I took towards the base of Equestrias throne, Once was owned by the high and mighty sun princess Celestia. But now she lay beneath it, bloody and beaten.

And as I step closer her eyes meet mine, not once did I ever see true terror in her eyes, not even on the battle field where half her men was killed by my sword.
But as she looked at me, she knew....
She finally lost. And that brings a smile to my face.

“How does it feel Tia, knowing you lost everything? How does it feel losing your home, your sister, your people?” I smile knowing I hit her hard with out even laying a finger on her. Her eyes show me everything. My steps rattle the widows next to me as I make my way to her. I crouch and lift her head towards mine.

“How does it feel Tia, knowing Equestria is mine?”

For I am the lord of Chaos, and I am now the king of Equestria. What a prefect day it is.

—-———————— —————————-

~Years later~

“Sir, please! King Sombra is getting impatient, he wants to discuss...”

“I said no, I don’t care what Sombrero, wants. Now leave.” I growled

“O-Of course sir...”

I was perched on top of my throne, black with red lining, and with antlers sticking out of the top. My crown shimmered in the morning sun. Today was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky, but my mood was grim. Sombra. It was always Sombra. He had all of the Crystal Empire and the lands bordering it, what else did he need! Soon I guess he will want some of Chrysalis’s land. She got more then he, since I lost a bet with her. The corners of my lips slightly drew up remembering our little bet.

I placed my chin on my fist as I lean to one side of my throne. We betted on who Sombra would kill, a man named Shining Armor or a woman named Twilight Sparkle. Both very smart, both very talented, both very annoying... I betted on Twilight dying first... I was wrong, Shining Armor died first, Twilight was put to work as a slave and Chrysalis took half my land. That was the last and only time I ever betted on my land.

I sigh, what ever Sombra wanted it wasn’t good and I know I won’t be able to keep him away for long. I sigh louder and stretched my legs out far, wishing I could disappear in to the red cushions of my throne.

“Your highness, are you not feeling well?” Asked a woman with purple curls and fair pale skin.

“Rarity, my dear, what do I have to do to get a break around here?” I ask her, not even bothering to look up at her.

“Why your highness! Are you saying you work to hard!? I guess sitting at a throne all day is tough work! We wouldn’t want your muscles locking up! That would be dreadful darling!”

I look up at her. The gleam in her eyes and the smirk on her face, make me smile. She is the only one I let talk to me that way, and she knows it. I sit up properly and walk towards her.

“Why of course not, but I would like to skip a few meetings and maybe shake off the numbness in my butt.” I say with a smile on my face that only my friends see.

“Would my advisor, sweet Rarity, allow me to take her to lunch before we are swarmed with work?” I ask bowing my head dramatically, and lifting my elbow for her to take it. She smiled and entwined our elbows.

“Only if you insist, your highness”

“Then let’s Rock n’ roll”

We walked through the center and heart of Canterlot, no one stopped and stared at us because this was normal. Rarity and I always walked through Canterlot together and ate lunch at a different spot each time.
Canterlot wasn’t a afraid of me, the rest of the world yes, but Canterlot.... never.
We walked through the streets silently.

“My king, what is troubling you?” Rarity asked as we stopped on a small bridge. She stops me with a small pull on my arm, and as I come to face her, I see that she brows are furrowed with concern. It’s not like me to be this quiet on our lunch break.

“Just thinking...”

“About what?”


“Ah” she sighs turning towards the edge of the bridge, looking into the water below.
Her purple curls bouncing in the breeze.
“Still asking for land?”

“Not quite, he is asking to have a meeting with me and Chrissy, but most likely to ask for more land.” I tell her.

“Word of advice...” she turns her head towards me. “Just get it over with, so you can stop stressing about is so much.”

“Oh really? That’s your advice? Not like be careful or don’t give him anything?”

“I know you will be careful and I know that you won’t give him anything, but you like to prolong your stress till your head is literally splitting open, trust me I know, I once had to put your head back together!”

I chuckled. She was right. As always. I leaned my forearms against the railing of the bridge. ”Your right...”

“I know” she said with a small smile, looking back to the water below.

“So, it would be best if I stoped prolonging this meeting and just let it happen?” I ask her, she was always the best with giving me advice, that’s particularly why I made her my advisor, the other part was the fact she was good at organizing and planing things.

“Yes, I say you just go for it, get it over with darling.”

I slowly woven my hand through my hair, pulling it slightly back. “Ok, I will get right on that.”
I stand up and straighten my hair.” Now let’s get back to getting this lunch.”

“Aren’t you the most powerful man in the world? Can’t you just poof up lunch? That would make more sense then walking a few miles to get lunch.” She laughed while looping her arm around mine once more.

As we start back on our walk through Canterlot, I smile down at her.”Well, if I poofed up lunch I wouldn’t shake the numbness in my butt.” She chuckles. “And my dear what fun is there in making sense?”