• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 530 Views, 31 Comments

Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion - Gem Productions

Lord Tirek gives a prophecy about an entity that could destroy all fandoms, so the heroes of those fandoms unite to stop it.

  • ...


(Ludovico Einaudi - Experience)
Cozy Glow was upset. She had woken up to discover that she wasn’t the ruler of Equestria. Instead, she was here, a prisoner in Tartarus, where Celestia keeps all the threats to the pony way of life locked away. She stared longingly past the bars of her cage, wanting desperately to see the sun again. Then she made her way back to the patch of earth she was sleeping on, but then she saw something strange. A rock, that now that it had been moved, she could see it was hiding something. As Cozy approached the object, she saw that it was a metal door. The door was heavy, but she could open it.

(SSBB Menu Theme)
Going inside, she found some sort of bunker. At the end of a metal hallway, Lord Tirek sat in front of a bunch of monitors, talking to someone on the other side of the monitor. “You remember what happened to your home, the Isle of the Ancients, do you not? Do you wish that fate to others?” Tirek said to the person on the other side of the screen.

“Heaven forbid! But what you ask is a difficult task, and I may have already done too much, sneaking into Tartarus to give you equipment that heaven knows Celestia would be cross if she knew you had. For the record, I think it would be best if I stayed away from Equestria for now,” the person, now Cozy could see it was a robot, said.

“Very well. I have a different task for you. I need you to travel the fandoms, making sure certain people know what to do. I’ll send you a list. Hopefully, Celestia isn’t tracking internet signals,” Tirek replied

“I got the list. I am on my way!” The stranger replied.

“Fly well, R.O.B. All of Fangea is in your hands,” Tirek said.

“So...” Cozy Glow said. “How long have you had this stuff here without telling your cagemate? WHY SHOULD YOU GET ALL THIS WHEN I GET NOTHING!?!?!”

“Cozy, Cozy, Cozy,” Tirek said, his voice surprisingly soft. “You can’t begin to understand what is to come. Suffice to say, great and terrible things are about to come to pass. I know what is coming, and so I do what I can, with the help of my agents abroad. Do yourself a favor, filly, and don’t get involved.”

“With all due respect, Lord Tirek, I think having another in on the plan would be hugely beneficial, as a sort of backup plan,” R.O.B said.

“And why pray to tell, do we need a backup plan like this? Celestia cares not for my doings, only that I don’t leave my prison and that it be unpleasant,” Tirek responded.

“It’s not Celestia I’m worried about. Bowser told me that Frieza’s on the move and the nature of his actions are rather alarming!” R.O.B informed Tirek.

“...Very well. Cozy Glow, you hereby inducted to the sun cancer,” Tirek responded after a long silence.

“YES! What do we do?” Cozy said, eager to escape.

“We’re still developing the plan, and it’s largely in flux,” Lord Tirek said. “For now we keep eyes on Fangea, and monitor any developments, but mark my words, great and terrible things are to come...”

(Ryu Theme)
Ryu began his training once more, even meditation seemed to have lowered his guard when Ken Masters was right behind him.

“Ryu! How’s it been since last time we fought Bison?!” Ken asked him before Ryu stood up.

“Hm. I’ve been doing well, good friend. You have gotten stronger, and have a child of your own, I assume,” Ryu asked.

“Wha-?! How did-?!” Ken stated, flabbergasted.

“Lucky guess. After all, we haven’t seen each other since Gouken began training us once again,” Ryu replied, before readying for a sparring match.

“You entering that tournament?” Ken asked.

“Another World Warrior Tournament? If it means I can improve my skill, then yes,” Ryu said while smirking, before both of them started striking at each other, Hadoukens flying past one another, while Ken kept avoiding, and got close enough to use a Shinryuken. Ryu avoided, and fired a Shinku Hadoken. Ken dodged but then was distracted as something big flew overhead.

“Interesting…” Ryu said as he was looking at it.

“Oh, by the way, the tournament’s already on the last round, but Zangief was a no-show. So they said I could pick any opponent I want,” Ken said.

“And you chose me?” Ryu asked.

“Well Duh! Why not settle the end of the tournament by settling our rivalry once and for all?” Ken said.

“A good choice, as long as we both improve,” Ryu said before he and Ken walked up to where it was. And the match began.

(Ryu Theme SFV)
“You sure it’s here?” Scout asked as the Heart of Gold touched down outside the arena Ryu went into.

“Checked and double checked,” Android 18 said.

“And if it’s not, we just move on, no big deal,” Master Roshi said.

“Focus on the assignment at hand, all we need is the candle, nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who stands in our way, we aren’t dealing with… which is hypocritical of me to say, due to me not clarifying, but even still, focus on getting that Lightless Candle!” Daphnes said before he already sensed it… but when he did, he realized his powers had been decreased extremely since he was in the Geek Club infiniverse. He realized he was no longer the powerful god-like entity he was before, he was now as weak as Serif was when he began his self-training.

“Dude, what’s going on? You’re wiggin’ out!” Serif said, concerned.

“Sorry… I’m just not as powerful as I was when we first fought… I feel… hindered by something,” Daphnes said.

“C’mon, we gotta keep moving,” Captain Falcon said. The party went to the gate of the arena where Ryu and Ken were fighting. They hadn’t gone far when they suddenly saw Ken go flying out through the gate past them.

“AAAAAAAUGH! Well, I guess you’re the winner, Ryu,” Ken said, walking back into the arena.

“Oi! How’d you like some new challengers!” Demoman said, running into the arena with the Claidheamh Mòr drawn.

“By all means, if you wish,” Ryu said.

3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!!

Ryu fired a Hadouken at Demo. Demo avoided, but narrowly.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re going to need that trophy,” Tien said, following Demoman.

“I would give it to you, but your friend mentioned a fight, and I never turn down a challenge,” Ryu said before Daphnes walked into the arena.

“Than I shall fight first. I may know little outside Hyrule, but fisticuffs are going to be a good match for me,” Daphnes said, before bracing himself for this fight. Ryu started with a hurricane kick at Daphnes. Immediately, Daphnes jumped and used a blast of magic straight at Ryu, trying to send him flying. Then he saw Serif aiming his gun at Ryu. Daphnes glared at him not to fire

“Why not?” Serif asked.

“It’s supposed to be a one on one match! No shots got it?!” Daphnes said telepathically to Serif, before kicking Ryu. Immediately he kept fighting his battle and was punching Ryu repeatedly, with Ryu countering with hadoukens and shoryukens. Immediately, Daphnes blocked and even through one attack that even he didn’t know he could do, Hadangeki.

(Dimentio, Charming Magician)
“This fight is such fun to watch, but it’s time for the real star of the show to enter,” someone at the back of the arena said. “And now the crowd applauds for Dimentio, master of dimensions!” The person entered the arena. He was strange, with a cap and cape with purple and light-yellow stripes, with the purple striped portions of the cap containing jingle bells on each end. Underneath the cape, he had two black hands separate from his body as well as black pointy-ended shoes. His face was like a theatrical mask, split in half so that the right side is white and the left side is black. The eyes likewise were differently colored: black for the right eye, and yellow for the left. His mouth was colored red and set in a grin.

“Who are you, and why show yourself?! Is it because you need this?” Daphnes said, pointing to the lightless candle, and readying his sword.

“Oh, do stop being so grave. I already have what I came for, but I thought I’d give you a little show before I exit. Now, ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourself for the greatest magic show you’ll ever see!” Dimentio said, spinning around.

“If nothing more you’re a man of cunning tricks… I’ll use only my skill to defeat you,” Daphnes said.

“Oh yes, but which of me will you defeat?” the jester said, as suddenly there were ten jesters looking at Daphnes. Daphnes started to slash at Dimentio, whilst blocking his magic attacks. Daphnes thought he scored a hit, but then the man exploded, and he heard him say “Wrong!” as the man was then behind him.

“! What?! How did that happen?!” Immediately Daphnes decided to fire in hundreds of directions at once, always being careful to miss that of his allies and even Ryu. However, each time he hit a copy, he was damaged. Worse, he never hit the real one- whichever one of the hundreds it was, they all moved around too much. It didn’t help that other things started changing as well, like which way was down. “ARE YOU DONE TOYING WITH ME?!” Daphnes said, a glow of hatred in his eyes already beginning to disperse, and his body starting to become covered in a malicious substance that made even the Satsui No Hadou look tame.

“Ah ha ha, the show’s only just begun,” Dimentio said, each of the Dimentios shooting stars at Daphnes and his allies.

“YOU KNOW WHAT?! SCREW IT!!!!” Daphnes said before his body grew spider-like legs, and fangs protruding from his mouth, and a blood-curdling howl not even being heard from him before. Suddenly Daphnes burst into a rage, and began to activate a form of pure hatred that didn’t even feel pain… A Malice form, before he heard the crunching of bone-Serif had shot a rocket at one of the copies.

“The copies return the damage you deal them, without damaging the real one,” Master Roshi said, while performing The Evil Containment Wave on what turned out to be more copies, but not damaging him. Both Ryu and Ken had several burns and black eyes from their own damage. Scout shot a round at a Dimentio but then heard Demoman scream.

“He can put his duplicates on top of us!” Captain Falcon realized. Daphnes was impaling, blasting, and even biting off the heads of every single Dimentio clone, whilst also being engulfed in Malice, but then saw that his allies had been hurt. And everyone saw him turn back to normal and trying to heal each and every single one of his allies, while not caring about his own injuries.

“That was fun, don’t you think?” Dimentio said, all the duplicates vanishing, showing the real one holding the trophy.

“This was my fault… I shouldn’t have come here, because now? I think that I’m just going to end up destroying this world…” Daphnes said, knowing something would ram into him if Dimentio moved.

“Do look out, you might hit a bird,” Dimentio said, sidestepping to let Pit hit him with a charge, and Daphnes stood there… Waiting for Pit to hit him. Pit pulled out of his dive just in time, and Daphnes eyes were shut while a tear fell.

“Daphnes! I got some more fighters for our cause!” Pit said happily.

“Oh well, time for my exit. Would hate to miss my next que,” Dimentio said, vanishing with the trophy.

“Hey! Come back and face us, coward!” Roy said.

“Too late, he’s already gone,” Ryu said.


(Farewell Hyrule King)
"Oh hey, Pit. Just for the record, meet us at Beerus's with the recruits when you get them," Serif said.

“Is this the boss? Maybe he can tell me how much I’m gettin’ paid.” Wolf pointed at Daphnes.

“...I’m not the boss. And I never was strong enough to save anyone… I’m not the Green Knight. Just because a prophecy said a legendary knight clad in green would save Fangea from a cataclysm doesn’t mean he’s me. I’m just another monster.” Daphnes tried to teleport somewhere else. After the teleport failed, he heard Mario respond.

“Then-a who’s it-a supposed to be?! Luigi?!” Mario said sarcastically.

“No, no. You-a said it yourself. I get-a scared. I need-a to hide behind the guy with a big-a sword” Luigi said.

“Maybe it is him… Because I failed to get two of the lightless candles… I failed to keep it under control... And if he is returning… Then don’t rely on me. I’m not a hero… I’m just a madman from another world.” Daphnes ran off, trying to hide from his new allies, due to him being scared they would shun him for the form he took… The monster he became when he used that form in front of his friends…

“Daphnes, you’re vitals have dropped significantly since the last scan, and so has your will… is anything wrong?” Delta asked him, worried and concerned.

“...I’m a monster, D. If they learn what that form did to others? They’ll fear me. I want to keep away for their safety. For them… I’m just another monster.” Daphnes looked away from where the others were.

“No. Just because you have great power doesn’t mean we will despise you.” Ike put his hand on Daphnes’s shoulder. “I for one think it would be an honor to fight by your side.” Immediately, Daphnes looked down due to him being scared he would fall for the same trap he fell for back then.

“I’m not strong enough… I don’t think I’m able to defeat him. Tell me, what do you see that inspire others in these dark times?” Daphnes asked Ike, whilst a tear fell to the ground, and he hugged Ike, afraid, and starting to cry, whilst also trying to calm down from the nameless fear… that drive to push him back to harm others. He was scared and enraged at himself for wanting to harm others like he once did.

“Yo DJ Big Sword! What’s the matter?” Captain Falcon said, walking up

“My name is Daphnes… and I can’t handle how I’m the cause of everyone’s issues! It’s my fault that I couldn’t get the candle, and it’s my fault The Ritual is going to happen! First it was my cowardice, my hubris, and now my weakness!” Daphnes said before his arm started to bleed.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what weakness? What hubris? What cowardice? Dude, you’re the toughest, bravest, most determined guy on this team! You’re the freakin’ green hero! We need you!” Captain Falcon responded.

“Then what else am I missing that this legendary prophecy said?! What else could the legend not have told?! WHAT?!” Daphnes said.

“I don’t know, but the reason we lost isn’t that we aren’t good enough. I know that much, but we need to keep getting stronger, or else the rest won’t keep on our path,” Goku said. “

The bad guys played dirty, clear and simple, so we gotta up our game,” Captain Falcon said.

“C’mon, Daphnes. Let’s go join the others. And I stand by what I said to ML. We like you. All of us,” Serif said, flying over.

“... you all… really didn’t need to do this… but you did it anyway… because you truly do trust me. Thank you,” Daphnes said, before hugging all of them. Then the group reassembled around Pit.

(SSBB Stage Builder Theme)
“Lady Palutena, can you track where he went?” Pit asked via Palutena’s Guidance.

“...Sadly, not yet Pit… You might want to see how Daphnes is holding up, he looks… terrified out of his mind,” Palutena said, before giving Pit a bow that looked scorched, and charred… The bow was made from a type of wood only found in Hyrule… but it was not able to be used properly by him.

“Lady Palutena, why give me this? It’s-” Pit started.

“My bow…” Daphnes walked up to Pit, took his bow, and used his magic to give it a new design… a design that looked oddly familiar to that of the Bow of Light from the Era of Twilight.

“Why did Palutena give you this?” Daphnes asked.

“I dunno, She’s weird sometimes,” Pit responded. “Hey, what’s wrong with your face?”

“I’m feeling something,” Daphnes said. “I know where the next candle is!”

“REALLY?! WHERE?!?!” everyone said.

“...Hyrule. I know where I crafted this, and I know how to get there!” Daphnes said.

“The bow’s great’n all, but what about the candle?!” Wolf said before Daphnes pointed directly where Hyrule Castle is.

“Sounds good, but we should head back and report first. TO THE HEART OF GOLD!” Serif said before everyone including Ryu and Ken boarded the Heart of Gold. Then Eddie charted a course, and the team flew to Beerus’s planet to report to Luna.

Author's Note:

D30’s comment: HADOUKEN!!!
Sword’s comment: Now that our third and possibly final threat has been introduced, we have our story ready. All we need is another piece of the puzzle… However, we are not spoiling it quite yet.

Fandoms added
Star Fox
Persona (Can't find a wiki for just Persona:twilightsheepish:)
Fire Emblem
Super Mario
Super Smash Bros
Street Fighter

Gameplay info
Ryu joined your team!
Ken joined your team!
Mario joined your team!
Luigi joined your team!
Ness joined your team!
Roy joined your team!
Ike joined your team!
Joker joined your team!
Wolf joined your team!
Lucario joined your team!

Current Playable Characters: 42

Current Krillin Owned Count: 3