• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.


Comments ( 105 )

isn't this supposed to be prequel rather than sequel?

Technically yes.

EDIT: Decided to just manually add the prequel prompt since the site only has one for sequels.

the miraculous honor of being tutored by Celestia herself.

You see, because of the context of this story i slightly misread that line. I read it as:

the malicious horror of being tortured by Celestia herself

If i ever needed an example of how expectations can shape the way your brain processes information, now i have one.


I think we all know who the first victims are going to be :pinkiecrazy:

Nope, not touching it. Not because of a suspicion of bad writing, but because of how good a writer you are. Some things a person just doesn't want to know, yes?

Yup I'm going to hate my self after reading this. Lol.

There's room for some pretty significant character development here, how Twilight at this point becomes the mare we know from the original story has to involve something pretty drastic! I'm looking forward to it.

I'm confused what you're referring to. Do you mean you liked the original premise so much that you don't want any exposition? Just wondering... :twilightsheepish:

What he's probably referring to is how dark this story will become. As you know, this story is about Twilight's descent into becoming a murderer. Obviously that means this story is going to get dark, and the fact that the author is so good at what he does means that it will be very dark, and very well written. It'll be the kind of thing that worms its way into your very core, the kind of thing that will keep you up at night.

Add that to the fact that there is a gore tag, and I can understand why some people would want to keep a story like this at arms length.

Fair enough, I read a lot of grimdark fics as I was growing up, so I may take that constitution for granted sometimes.


Well, I can honsetly say that I'm pleasantly surprised. Not that I though that the story would be lacking in quality.

What surprises me is that I'm not feeling impatient. I'd assumed that the story would start later in the timeline, and when I found out that it starts at the exam I expected a little voice in the back of my mind intermittently going, "Get on with it;" but I've found myself so engrossed with the characters and their interactions that I didn't even notice the absence of that little voice until I finished the latest chapter.

If you don't mind a bit of honest flattery, I have to say that in all your stories that I've read up to this point you've always written excellent characters. The kind of characters that feel so much like genuine, interesting people that you forget that they're just text on a screen.

I appreciate the praise, and thank you in particular for the comment regarding my characters. I hold firm to the writing philosophy (I think that's a thing...) that the characters make or break the story, and that's what I focus the most on whether I'm reading or writing a story.

If you want an example of absolutely spectacular characterization, I recommend reading The Fall of Mareitania: Operation Freemare by Hand of Pony, and its sequels. In my opinon the story is extremely underrated, and deserves far more attention than its gotten.


Well, with a recommendation like that I'll definitely check it out.

I do like stories long enough that you can really sink your teeth into them and this promises to be at least a few days worth of reading.

As for writing philosophy, personally I like to think of the disparate parts of writing as puzzle pieces of a sort. Some loom larger and more important in the overall picture, like good characters, an interesting and engaging plot, a decent grasp on grammar (or a good editor), etc, while some might not be as important but still enhance the whole.

*snort* Look at me, talking like I've ever stuck it out long enough to get a story past an overall draft and a few scattered scenes.

Behold! Procrastination, the killer of all progress.

Hmm, well that's certainly a lesson of misplaced trust that she won't forget any time soon.. Unfortunate :ajsleepy:

Well, this is an interesting read.
I egerly await the next chapter of this interestingly complex web. ^^

This is a story i would read again even when its done

Wow... if that case I must be doing something right considering the story's barely just begun. :rainbowderp:

The list of ponies who look like they are going to die is just getting longer and longer. We can probably add Octavia's mother to that list now, and all of those noble colts as well. (first I thought it was just going to be Blueblood the VII or whatever). Who knows, maybe the first death will be in the next chapter. I'll just have to wait and see.

daaamn right you do. or that i just like most of your storys. so i already know i'm going to like this one :twilightsmile:. and if i didnt like it i would probably not be writing that comment to it :twilightsmile:

Serial killer perspectives are a weakness of mine. I hope to see more of this!

Discriptions of music is always something that I enjoy reading, everyone has different perspectives. Great chapter!

Honestly, the welcome was a poor one considering the lack of snacks. Nice to see a new chapter on your impressive output roulette!

Let the grimdark flow through you... :D

Huh, I expected revenge in the form of locking her down there or something. What the hell is his plan?
Also, first twinges of darkness in Twilight, much excite :pinkiecrazy:

I really can't decide which of the ones on your rotation is my favorite, but the dark potential of the fillies in this and Disparate Bond are winning out so far! (Even if we all know how this one eventually ends...)

Knowing Twilight's luck, someone comes to her rescue.

Oof, heavy shit. I'm not sure if I want Twi to interrupt Crimson or not after what Blueblood said. My initial thought is 👎

I'm not very good at putting complex thoughts into words, so I'll just say this:
Get fuckin' wrecked, Blueblood.

Kill him!
(Two types of people... xD)

Cannot wait to see how things progress! I am absolutely enraptured with this story and eagerly await the next chapter. :D

Your ability to work on multiple long-form stories at once is astounding.

I just really like to write and have a crap ton of ideas floating around my head. Hell, I have four other stories I've made pages for on the site but haven't started yet because I have too many published right now as it is.

And a lot of people are in the page and idea boat, but the fact that you can maintain these kids of regular updates for stories of this size and quality and continue to present them the way you do is awesome.

Once again, I agree with Ice Star, but still.
The fact that these all are being updated with decent times between them is a considerable achievement.

I was really looking forward to this backstory! Finally :yay:

Oh I caught up! Noo~!

This is the bees knees. It's just, so good.

Can't wait to see what happens next. It's killing me.

Looks like Twi found someone that is in a similar situation, just a bit... deeper into the pit then she is.

Twilight bringing up Sounds Minds glowing eyes make me think of the cover art of this story, I wonder if there's a connection. :moustache:

Great chapter. Always happy to read an update. :twilightsmile:

"I do," he nodded, "and though any good therapist worth their salt would do otherwise, I'm also going to keep our conversation a secret."

That's literally admitting you're not a good therapist. :trixieshiftleft:

He's not a morally upright therapist anyway.

Quite clearly. Something tells me that's going to stay secret too. He seems like he wants Twi to be something of an experiment.

I did my reaction to the first part thanks to my friend Sparrow 9242.

This video will be out at 9pm GTM.

Reaction Sparrow Reads: A Process of Elimination [MLP Grimdark Audiobook] PT 1 (Prologue-Ch 3)

Wanted to check out the video but it just links to my own YouTube page.

What happened to the video? I was listening along and it just suddenly cut off. Did you take it down?

Pretty bad mom to name there son greedy gut.

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