• Published 11th Nov 2018
  • 17,932 Views, 513 Comments

1000 Years - DekaSkittalz

How does one spend 1000 years trapped in stone?

  • ...

Day ???

Out in the middle of the everfree, a group of ponies were trekking towards the Castle of the Two Sisters.

“Can you believe it? Princess Celestia keeps this place off limits for years, then when she finally lets some ponies go in, she chooses us of all ponies! Oooo, I’m so excited! Think of all the relics and artifacts we’ll find! Maybe we could dedicate a whole section of the museum towards this place if we find enough!” one of them rambles excitedly.

“Calm down, we’re all excited yes; but there’s a reason the Princess had this place off limits. It’s dangerous!” the rest of the group nods but stays quiet, trying not to draw too much attention towards themselves. They had a small detachment of guards with them, but other than that, it was just the two of them.

They keep quiet for the rest of the trek, and when they finally reach the castle, the energetic one bolts forward across the bridge. “I call the interior, you take the outer perimeter!” she calls out as she runs towards the front entrance. A couple pegasai take off to follow her, and two unicorns teleport beside her and follow her. The more level headed of the two lets out a sigh as she runs off into the castle. “Free spirit she is. Alright, let’s take a look shall we?” the guards nod, and he walks around the castle grounds, observing and picking up every little thing he finds to be of some sort of significance. He starts walking along the outer edges of the crater, seeing if there might be something down there.

After a couple minutes of walking, he’s about to give up and continue searching the castle grounds, but stops when he sees something halfway into the dirt. Being a pegasus, he flies down to it and examines it. “This… this is very interesting… all the statues in the garden were pretty much destroyed, but a statue still fully intact? I wonder why... “ he looks at a unicorn in his group who teleported down with him. “Do you think you could get this out of the ground without damaging it?” the unicorn looks at the statue, then starts channeling some magic, and starts lifting the statue from the ground. It takes a moment, but he finally wedges it free, and fully intact.

The pegasus gives off a wide grin, and starts clearing dirt off of the statue, to try and get a better idea of what it actually is. “Obviously an interpretive creation, but still. This thing has got to be hundreds of years old!” he continues clearing away dirt, and when he gets to the pedestal, he notices a plaque. Wiping all the dirt away, he gets a better look at the dirty silver plaque. “Null. The Auspicious Observer… and the plaque is made of pure silver… this statue must have had some sort of significance to warrant a title and name. I’ve never heard of anyone by the name of Null though…” he says. Curiously, he looks up at the face and for the first time, he’s unsettled by the statue. “It’s left eye is very strange…”

Author's Note:

Yep! Sequel time! plus a double (ish) chapter! I'm glad to say I've finally finished 1000 years. its been almost a year to make this, and it's been a hell of a ride. I'm glad ya'll stuck with me for this story, and I'm sorry if this ending upsets you; but its how I had it in my head from the very start of chapter 1.

also! while it is going to be a sequel, I can PROMISE YOU WITHOUT A DOUBT, it won't be the same format of observing as a statue for eternity. ;P take that for what you will.

PLEASE, i would LOVE for you all to comment down below, and i'll do my best to answer questions. (to a reasonable extent of course)

Comments ( 114 )

1. What time period are we in?

2. How many years does Null have left?

Miss Celestia "a spell that should never be cast" is going to get a really fat reality check when Null confronts her. I'm anxious to see how you'll continue this story :twilightsmile:

Yay for sequels!


When do you think it will come out?

I’m so excited about this!
I got so many questions!

What’s its name?
Will the perspective be from other pony’s?
How will null be without Luna?
Will null hate Celestia as much as possible or will he forgive her?
When will it come out?

You don’t have to answer any questions but I just really want to know.

Wow, that upload timing is incredible. I finished day 280320 less than 5 minutes before the update after binge reading the whole thing. Anyway, I'm glad this is getting a sequel, when you mentioned this would be the last chapter I thought there were way too many loose ends to tie up so quickly. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Man, now that was an ending! (and new beginning) Honestly excited to see what comes next and how Null will feel once he's free. Though it depends if he's freed before or after Nightmare Moon busts out.

Also, nice music choice for the previous chapter!

A good end to the story, and I look forward to the sequel with bated breath. Any idea when you'll get around to writing it?

Now THAT is a way to end a story! Way to go man! :pinkiehappy:

Edit: When will the Sequel start?

Null is going to be badshit crazy when he get out of his statue hell

Didn't quite expect it to end this way, glad it's getting a sequel!

Get a follow, just so that I can get news about the sequel and future works of yours.:moustache:

Thank you for your hard work.:twilightsmile:

I wanted to say the following: your username tells me you're an anon of fine taste in webcomics.:moustache:

First off: Yay, sequel!
Two: I hope that the next one will be just as good as this one.
Three: Hope you’re having a good day/night.

I'm excited for the sequel and that this story was so well written.

I swear to the living god, if he doesn't say, "Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck!" when he get out of the statue, my disappointment will be Immeasurable, and my day WILL be ruined.

It always makes my day when someone gets the reference :)

can't say because of spoilers.

i'm still thinkin on the name, no it'll still be from null's perspective, tho maybe occasionally from anothers. cant say cuz spoiler. still on the fence.

lol, coincidences are a hell of a thing man.

thanks! i had that song in mind since the beginning and I couldn't wait to use it.

thank YOU man, comments like these are just extremely nice to see.

why thank you! i hope so too, it'll be hard to make sure everything goes correctly.

due to the method and circumstances of which he'll get out, that might not happen. doesn't mean he won't say it at all though! might not say the 10 thousand part tho... but it'll be close enough!

AND TO EVERYONE who asked when the sequel will come out? it'll come out when it comes out. i never rushed a chapter, so i won't rush into this one either. i've got quite a bit i need to think on and a couple decisions i still haven't made. thank you all for being so supportive and understanding!

A sequel huh? I look forward to it.

So... A sequel you say? How... Curious no?~ And right after Luna's banishment. I wonder if what we talked about a few chapters ago may be more on the nose then I thought. You've got me intrigued.

Thanks for the chapter, I cant wait for the sequel!:twilightsmile:

Can’t wait for the sequel

I'm looking forward to the sequel, and Celestias reaction to dear old null just "showing back up" in one piece.

When the sequel pops up could you put a chapter on here with a link to it please

Yep! Sequel time!

Sequel?! WHERE? Let me read it!

I... Did not expect this.
And now we're left with more questions than awnsers, left eye? Group of ponies ?
I'll give you my undivided attention.

YOU LOID TA ME!! That was closer to 2002 years!!

So he is probably brain-dead after all this time.
Oh well.

Null is gonna have so many reasons to try and kill Celestia now. First she imprisoned him for next to no reason, then she got rid of the only person who tried to free him, then she left him to rot (erode?) in an abandoned castle for many years. He's probably not gonna be entirely sane either.
The question is, when is this? It's presumably before the show, but by how much? Will he be around to see Luna return?

Excellent story that I believe accurately recreates what it would feel like to be trapped in stone.

Can't wait for the sequel, and take your time! Burnout sucks!

Yeah i can't wait to see what happens next in the sequel

I'm wondering if Null will possess someone in the sequel by accident

maybe In a magical world where our minds are altered but sorry, humans can't handle what null is going through, every human alive or ever has lived would have gone insane within 30 years at most, maybe if they were an exceptional individual and had luna keeping them company 3 hours a day every day the could last 100 years but humans just can't handle complete isolation from all senses aside from sight, no one can keep a stable mind in those condition no matter what you do....hell even if someone kept you company 24/7 and moved you around all the time you could last for a time but it's simply impossible for the human mind to live like that forever, as the old saying goes, immortality is a curse, not a blessing

Makes sense, let me elaborate on my earlier comment, I meant accurate in a fantasy setting, the human psyche would have forgotten how to think a coherent sentence given 1000 years to live, let alone spending it all imprisoned. It's my fault for not mentioning it in my earlier comment.

You know, i thought the ending would be Null breaking out just as when Luna is getting hit with the rainbow so he takes the blow and gets sent to the moon for a thousand years... again

A very nice story with balanced perspectives of the characters throughout. I quite enjoyed myself as it was certainly a unique one on this site (I haven't seen many HIE/Displaced stories actually show some of the centuries and events that occur during their imprisonment. They usually time-skip to the time of the show).

I am surprised at Null's ability to maintain rationality throughout his 1000 years of imprisonment. Despite reaching the 1000 year mark upon the ascension of Nightmare Moon, he continues to project a degree of sanity and quick wit. A commendable achievement when one's sense of self has been frozen.

I wonder if he'll go mad once those sensations return in full force, or maybe the Eye will do something that'll allow him to access its full capabilities? It has been merged with him for 1000 years now, and although it's true that he has been turned to stone, his capability of thought and ability to peer into the minds of others who hold his gaze and see through their perspectives is certainly quite telling.

I'm guessing the sequel will be called '2000 years' considering it'll be another 1000 years until the time of the show. Although, one does wonder if he achieves his freedom before then or after. Both would be quite interesting since you have managed to craft a narrative based on the past, which the show has given very little information compared to its present which has it in abundance.

When he does achieve his freedom, considering he can see the perspectives of others, I wonder if you'll give Null more powers like Pegasus possessed in 'Yu-Gi-Oh!' when he had the Millennium eye. Yes, the characters in the story have expressed their discomfort at seeing Null, particularly Celestia, but if I saw that in someone's skull in real life, I would get an uneasy feeling too...

Thank you for what you have written so far. I await your sequel with patience and anticipation. :twilightsmile:

Are you going to tell us when the first chapter of the sequel is published?

no worries, sorry if I sounded accusatory, just trying to inform anyone in case they get the wrong impression

and you have a point, a human might very well go animalistic in an attempt to stay somewhat sane, losing the ability to have highger mental functions

Hopefully luna will be the one who frees him, and can stop him from going batshit crazy at celestia

Congratulations on the completion of this tale! I've enjoyed it and was hooked by a statue witnessing events going on around him. I am glad that there will be a sequel, because I'd like him to catch up on what happened out of his sight and be able to thank Luna for trying to get him unstoned. Also, to give his viewpoint to Celestia exactly what happened to Luna all those years ago. So I am looking forward to the sequel!

I don’t think that is how null is going to act, especially the Celestia part. The dude is still 14 years old and hasn’t done much other than being a statue. He said it himself on not being much of use since he still hasn’t figured out his left eye. I’d be pretty dissatisfied if the sequel was just a stereotypical villain revenge type of story. If you want a read a good revenge story to satisfy that need, here is a Fimfiction called “A New Ending” by kildeez.

Let’s hope that within the sequel a lot of our speculations or knots will be tied. Sometimes I wonder if the comments give DekaSkittsalz ideas or inspiration for the sequel, unless he goes like Masahiro Sakurai and does something we didn’t expect to see within the story.

He's still going to be impulsive, I reckon, partially because he still is the hormones and such of a 14 year old. He's probably matured mentally though, and again, we don't know when he was rediscovered. He could've worked out more about his eye since it was last mentioned.

There's too many variables to really predict what will happen. Too many paths this could take. It's really best just to wait for the sequel.

i mean, to be fair, i did only google how many seconds are in a year. i didn't go do the math myself. plus, who says it was a leap year?


i lied? about what?

hey! how did figure that out?! lol. i've never watched yu-gi-oh, so that probably wont happen, and if it does, it'll be sheer coincidence. as for go mad, he already is mad honestly. and i don't know if i'd call it a displaced... tho some seem to call it that. he doesn't have powers FROM anything, and he didnt go to a convention center and buy shit from a creepy merchant. but yeah, displaced stories and the time skip is what gave me the inspiration for this story, so u are somewhat on the nose.

i'll do my best to make sure ya'll get notified about it.

'stereotpyical villian revenge story' is a bit hurtful XD. honestly, i genuinely haven't decided on whether he'll be vengeful or not, or a mix of both. kinda hard to tie down something that null can do without something keeping him occupied. thoughts of revenge are something to keep one occupied. tho this doesn't mean it WILL be revenge based, but im considering aspects of it. (congrats, u got a spoiler out of me. damn you)

as for your next comment, maybe? i try to do stuff ya'll wouldn't expect, and occasionally take inspiration from things ya'll say. though i do try to do everything without cheating by taking idea's from ya'll XD.

See?! this man managed to put into words exactly what im struggling with XD. too many variables, and plenty of ways to go about it. trying to find the one that will lead to the best i can put out.

This story about a guy trapped in stone is titled "1000 Years." Anyone familiar with FIM would assume that this means that he's trapped in stone for 1000 years, but no! He's in there for double that!

I see now that you named the story after the amount of time that the story takes place over, but I can't think of any other story that has done that, so I was thrown for a very wide loop.

In this world, the Sun is controlled by a person, and the seasons are changed with magic. There is no reason why a year would last 365.24 days, or even 365 days. I personally believe that Celestia made the year 360 days long so each month can be exactly 30 days long.

please,,, mr writer,,, my crops,,,, you are killing them,,, let null be f r e e

:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: seeeeeeequeeeeeeeel?!

I'd be Interested in seeing both how his personality has changed, but my number 1 question would be is he still sane? Another thing that I personally think would be interesting is that the Elements of Harmony having a more physicle and even some subtle changes given to Nuell when/if he gets free. But that's just my overactive opinion thinking itd be cool having him somehow turn into an alicorn, a sworn enemy of celestia at that! :trollestia:

while i will garentee that null will NOT be turning into an alicorn, im curious as to what you might mean by physical and subtle changes the elements could have on him. care to elaborate or give an example or two?

Well some subtle examples that kinda came to my head is that because he was hit by the elements some of the "negative" effects from they eye are lessened in there severity or outright canceled out. I could also see the elements being responsible for helping null keep most of his "sanity" at least in terms of the first story. Otherwise due to the unknown amount of time he was left at the castle he could have become more in tune or "linked" to the tree of harmony, let alone the fact that the elements (at least when season 1 starts) are also still in the castle so he could have a stronger connection to them. Sprry if some of this doesn't make sense, my brain is half asleep but in that tired phase where it thinks it has good ideas lol

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