• Published 16th Nov 2018
  • 852 Views, 61 Comments

Putt Putt Becomes a Pony - Rainbow Sparkle

Point and Click adventure star Putt Putt becomes a Pony

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-*- One Week Later -*-

“Rise and shine Putt Putt!”

Putt Putt stirred, stretching and yawning a bit as he felt Pep slipping off his side. He smiled and picked up his best friend with his forehooves, giving the sleepy dog some nose nuzzles as he tried to finish waking up.

“Mhm, smell that Pep? Mama’s making pancakes!” Pep let out an excited bark at that as Putt Putt tossed the covers off and slipped out of his bed, stepping out of his room and making the way to the bathroom to get washed up.

He stopped in the mirror, reaching out and placing a hoof on the glass, just as he’d been doing each morning since his mad dash into the Everfree. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and smiled. A real, honest smile, not one forced onto him by his own mind.

The week since Twilight had walked through his memories and unintentionally pushed him into a meltdown had been a bit of a blur. But not a blur in the same way his memories of Cartown were starting to be. Merely a result of how busy he had been with Fluttershy and her friends, both at home and around Ponyville.

As it turned out, even with the assistance of Twilight and the Princess, adoptions took a lot of paperwork and questions. From what Twilight had told him and Fluttershy, if they were doing it the normal way, the process would be taking a month at least instead.

Thankfully, Twilight’s presence and her notes on what she’d seen in his memories had helped ensure he didn’t have to relive the process or describe them in too much detail to the social worker who’d come to interview him. She’d been very kind and considerate to him, which was more than could be said for a few of the foals around town.

“I’m Putt Putt the Unicorn… and today’s going to be a great day!” He told himself as he pulled his hoof away, the reminder making him feel far more excited about what was ahead of him today.

He quickly finished his morning ritual then raced Pep downstairs, the scent of sunflower and chocolate chip pancakes calling to him. Fluttershy smiled at both of them as they skidded into the kitchen, Angel Bunny waving at them from the table as he set the silverware out and some of Mama’s bird critters cried out in greeting.

“Morning Mama! Morning Angel, everybirdy!”

Angel Bunny hopped on over to Putt Putt, ruffling his mane before hopping off him and out of the room. Putt Putt suspected he was going off to munch on a leftover carrot he’d given him last night after he woke up from one of his nightmares.

They still popped up, but not every night, and they weren’t as long. And more often than not now, they were of him becoming lost and alone as a pony, not a car. Twilight said it’d probably be awhile before such fears were put to rest.

Putt Putt gave his head a shake, pushing such distractions away. Today was a very special day after all! He redirected his focus to helping his Mama bring the food over for the three of them, Pep climbing into his seat and digging into his own food as Fluttershy piled some pancakes and haybacon onto his plate.

“Mmhmmh, it smells delicious Mama!” And one big bite later… “And tastes just as great!”

Fluttershy beamed at that. “I’m glad you enjoy them. Their my mother’s recipe. She’s sent a fair number of them actually since she learned I was adopting you.”

Putt Putt downed another bite of the chocolatey goodness with some milk before replying. “Will I get to see the rest of your family soon? They’ll be my grandparents and my uncle right?”

Fluttershy nodded, amusement in her eyes as she watched him dance in place. “Twilight said the papers are to be finalized today, and after that I was thinking she could cast the cloud walking spell, so we could go see them.”

Putt Putt stopped his dancing, a more somber smile forming on his face as he said “Going to have a family again…”

Fluttershy’s own smile softened, and she scooted closer, so she could reach out and give Putt Putt a nuzzle. “You’ll never be alone again Putt Putt, I promise.”

“I know Mama.” Putt Putt said, his smile brightening as he nuzzled her nose in response to her own affection. She giggled and returned to her own meal, stopping to remind him

“Oh! Before we head out to Cloudsdale, we should stop by the general store to get you your school supplies. Cheerilee said you’ll be able to join the same class that the Crusaders are in next week!”

“Hot Ziggity!” Putt Putt exclaimed, the bite of pancake he’d been about to devour going flying. It splatted on a wall, and he blushed as he used his magic to clean it up with a napkin. “Whoops.”

Fluttershy just put a hoof to her mouth to hide her giggle as she shook her head. “Hurry up now, we’ve got a lot to do today.”

Putt Putt nodded, smiling as he nearly dove into his breakfast. He wasn’t too fond of the haybacon, but it did balance out the sweetness of the pancakes. He washed it all down with his glass of milk, then helped Fluttershy with the dishes.

Once everything was cleaned up, he put his saddlebags on and trotted on out with Mama ‘Shy, sticking close to her and giving her some more nuzzles and hugs along the way which she happily returned.

It wasn’t long before they got to Twilight’s, where her friends, the CMC, and as it turned out, Princess Celestia herself, were all waiting for them. Putt Putt’s eyes went wide, and he stared in wonder at the Princess of the Sun, who simply smiled at him as she said,

“I am here to officialize the adoption personally, and to say how happy I am to see one of my lost little ponies finding a home with one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.” She then chuckled a bit as she added “Though much sooner than I was expecting any of you to start growing a family of your own.”

The other mares blushed at that, save Pinkie Pie who just giggled. Putt Putt just tilted his head in confusion as Fluttershy stuttered “Don’t worry about it Putt Putt.”

“Indeed.” Celestia said as she walked over, sitting down before them both. Her expression remained warm, but gained an air of regal importance.

“Fluttershy, do you swear to protect and provide for Putt Putt, to give him all the love a mother can give, to guide him as he grows from a young foal into an adult and to be there whenever he needs you? Do you accept all the responsibilities that come with becoming his Mother?”

Fluttershy nodded, smiling brightly as she said “I accept it all Princess Celestia.”

She nodded, then turned to Putt Putt and asked “Do you acknowledge that Fluttershy has accepted this responsibility for your well being and future?”

“Gee Princess, I don’t think we’d be here if I didn’t.” Putt Putt offered, earning some snickers from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, and smirks from the other mares. “But the answer is yes I do!”

Celestia smiled as well, giving them each a nuzzle as she said “Then by the authority of the Dual Thrones of Equestria, you are Mother and Son, a family forevermore.”

Putt Putt and Fluttershy both smiled, their eyes growing a bit damp as they pulled each other into a tight hug. Putt Putt nuzzling into her neck and Fluttershy his mane. It didn’t take long for all the others to join into the cuddling though, congratulations and well wishes coming from all corners. It was a moment none of them were ever going to forget, and the start of a great adventure for them both. None of them knew what the future would hold for the young colt or the Bearer of Kindness who took him in…

But they knew the two would face it together with their friends, a family forevermore.


It was a gray, cloudy, and rainy day as she stood there, staring down at the ground before her. She knew she should leave, should walk away and head home, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Not yet. She wasn’t ready to let go…

She heard footsteps on the cobblestone path approaching her, and stole a glance to her side for only a moment. She spotted him walking up to join her. He’d left to take care of a few things that needed dealing with afterwards, things she hadn’t been willing to deal with at the time.

He stood with her there for a moment, gazing down at the ground with her as the rain fell. After a few moments, he turned to her and said “Here they are… I found them in the glove compartment. You’d forgotten them there.”

He was holding a cute, small, hand stitched plush dog, and with it was a small purple toy car with googly eyes glued to it and a wide smile painted onto it.

She choked back a sob, fresh tears showing she hadn’t shed them all earlier. She hugged them to her chest for a moment as he put an arm around her and held her for a moment. Then he says “His journey isn’t over, you know?”

She raises her head, looking at him, a sad smile tugging at his face. He glances up from the ground and into the sky as the rain begins to lessen.

“Death is just another path… one that we all must take.” He says, his own eyes dampening as he sees a break begin to form in the clouds. A ray of sunshine slowly begins to pierce the gray skies, bathing them and the ground around them in warmth.

His smile widens, and he says “He’s in a better place. On the next great journey. All we can do… is figure out how best to remember and honor him.”

He reaches out to wipe some of her tears, and she nods her head, a ghost of a smile finally beginning to form on her face. She looks down to the two treasures she holds, and the smile grows.

“I-I think I know a way we can do that…” She finally says, her hands holding the two toys tightly for a moment before she kneels down, gazing at the piece of carved stone before her. She moves closer, and sets the dog and the toy car at the edge of it, just under the name chiseled into it. Her fingers take a moment to trace the letters. She tries to say something, but has to pause a moment as a sob tries to wrack her again.

She pushes it down, drawing on the warmth and hope of his words and the brilliant sunlight shining down on them amidst the gloom.

“Wherever you are now… whatever path you walk… always remember to smile.”

A breeze blew softly over her, and for the briefest of moments, she swore she heard a whisper on the winds current. She smiled again, and held him close against her. They stayed a moment longer, saying their final goodbyes before turning and heading back. They would see him again someday… she just knew it.

Author's Note:

So, many of you, especially after that, are probably wondering what the heck I’ve created here in regards to a story. Here, I shall explain how I came about with this idea. First though, I want to thank everyone, especially PlatinumPony, Tranquil Serenity, and Comrade Cheese. PlatinumPony and Comrade both commented alot which along with the rest of your comments gave me the willingness to actually get this story written. Tranquil was kind enough to do some grammar checking which I also appreciated.

I’d also like to thank my two pre-readers, my friends Miko and Pocky over on Discord who took the time to read and provide feedback.

Now, originally this story popped into my brain while I was at work stocking shelves and listening to Ravensdive Putt Putt Let’s Play. And at the time, it was a very basic idea of “Putt Putt goes to Equestia and becomes a Pony” there wasn’t really much else to it, and while the idea inspired me, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it.

After my lunch break though, I switched over to another of my favorite Let’s Players, specifically Kikoskia’s Let’s Play of another Point and Click game… this one was called The Whispered World which is not only a fantastically beautiful game just from it’s art but it has snark, wit, and a very interesting story to it. This will be a bit of a spoiler for those who’ve never played it (and if you don’t want that spoiled, you can skip here) but one of the basic ideas behind it is that Sadwick, the main character, isn’t actually a clown in a fantastical world. He’s actually a kid in a coma, and the strange voice he hears in his dreams is his grandfather trying to reach him inside said coma.

This gave me a weird idea for the story, and then I went and did some research and study on Putt Putt. I found out that Putt Putt the character’s origin was from stories a mother, Shelley Day* who cofounded Humungous Entertainment would tell her son. (Said first story involved Putt Putt saving a Cat stuck in a tree).

These combined with the former two pieces of inspiration into something sad and perhaps a bit morbid and twisted, maybe even dark (and if you think so, please let me know and I’ll go ahead and add that tag) that for me gave me a chance to pay homage to a series of games I grew up with and adored, so much so that I’ve watched let’s plays of the games dozens of times even though I’m nearly 28.

So I wrote up an outline for a story that would set things up for what I had hope would be (and still have some hope for it) to be a bigger thing- giving Putt Putt a sort of new life, a chance to keep going having cool adventures, making new friends, and helping people out. In my own admittedly weird and perhaps even warped and twisted way of doing so, I’ve created a universe here where I (or anyone else who wanted to) could build on this and make short stories showing those new adventures and friends he could make.

Putt Putt is one of those series that is forgotten or unknown to many, and when I finished the outline I realized I could give new life to Putt Putt, give him a new journey and path to take. And now, at least for now the first part of that path has come to a close. I do have vague ideas and plans for Sequels (like Putt Putt goes to School or Putt Putt Visits Canterlot, Putt Putt’s Magic Lessons, Putt Putt Goes Crusading are just some of the ideas I have) but I have other things I’d like to work on first. But if anyone else who enjoyed this wants to create their own story of Putt Putt the Pony going on and adventure, feel free to do so! In fact, let me know and I’ll read it!

Anyways, that’s it for now folks. I feel very accomplished even if people end up not liking this ending or find this to be a very strange turn for things, as this is now the second time I’ve actually finished a story that wasn’t a one chapter one shot.

*Oddly enough, I only just today found out that Shelly Day actually ended up in prison in 05 for bank fraud of some kind 0_o But then I only learned of the bit about her telling stories to her son from an old Time Magazine archive article. Learn something new everyday.

Comments ( 7 )

Where’s the Number Munchers crossover?

Well, I finally got around finishing reading it and I was not disappointed. It is nice to see that Putt Putt is in better place now.
Thanks for the good story :)

Who are the two beings in the last bit of this chapter?

In real life, they're the people who created the Putt Putt series.

In this case, their proxies as the childs parents/relatives.

Putt Putt stopped his dancing, a more somber smile forming on his face as he said,(—— “Going to have a family again…”

She nodded, then turned to Putt Putt and asked,(—— “Do you acknowledge that Fluttershy has accepted this responsibility for your well being and future?”

Celestia smiled as well, giving them each a nuzzle as she said,(—— “Then by the authority of the Dual Thrones of Equestria, you are Mother and Son, a family forevermore.”

Then he says,(—— “His journey isn’t over, you know?”

Couldn’t stop crying after the memory chapter.

glad it had the effect I was seeking to have it give

so this was an experience i didnt really know what to comment during the other chapters still not certain but i feel something needs to be said. definitly really enjoyed reading this it will be going in my favorites didnt expect putt putt to get so real cant wait to see what else you make!

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