• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 4,444 Views, 107 Comments

The Shadow Knows! - Matthais Unidostres

The invisible detective known as The Shadow decides to clear Sunset Shimmer's name by finding out who Anon-a-Miss really is.

  • ...


In order to convince Sunset Shimmer's five friends that she is not Anon-a-Miss, The Shadow had Trixie, Snips, and Snails to send an embarrassing photo of Sunset to the vile MyStable user. When Anon-a-Miss did not post the photo, and this fact was revealed to Sunset's friends, Fluttershy was convinced of Sunset's innocence. However, the other four were not convinced. After questioning the remaining four, The Shadow was able to cause Rarity to question Sunset's guilt. The Shadow then proceeded to question Rarity's younger sister, Sweetie Belle. However, Sweetie Belle fled from The Shadow to warn her friends of the new development.

The three young girls were gathered together in Scootaloo's room, and the there was an air of tension that lay thick upon them.

Scootaloo was very frustrated by the situation, and she folded her arms and cut her eyes as she said irately, "I can't believe not posting that photo of Sunset backfired like this!" Scootaloo then tossed her arms up into the air to express her growing frustration and said, "Why is Trixie even doing this anyway? I thought Trixie didn't like Sunset. Why is she trying to clear her name?"

Applebloom shrugged and said, "Ah don't know. Maybe Snips and Snails convinced her. . . somehow? Anyway, this is a problem for us. Fluttershy thinks Sunset's innocent, and Rarity is having doubts. This just ain't good."

Sweetie Belle shook her head nervously and said, "Oh, we never should have done this! We never should have started this stupid thing!"

"Well it's too late for that!" Scootaloo asserted, "We just need to get things back on track. Like, maybe if we posted the photo now-?"

"No, that won't help," Applebloom argued, "How would it look if right after our sisters hear about that evidence, the photo gets posted the next day. They're gonna wonder why the photo was delayed a day, and why Anon-a-Miss waited until after Trixie started talking about it. Ya know Trixie's gonna talk about it and spread it all over the school."

Scootaloo hmphed and said, "Well, maybe this isn't such a big deal. I mean, so what? Anon-a-Miss doesn't post one photo of Sunset. So what!? There's still tons of evidence against her, and none against us!"

"No," Sweetie Belle whined, trembling slightly.

Confused by Sweetie Belle's attitude, Applebloom asked, "No? What do you mean 'no'?"

Sweetie Belle looked up at Applebloom and said, "Before I left. . . after I sent you those text messages. . . I heard a voice."

Further confused, Applebloom pressed on further, "A voice?"

Sweetie Belle nodded and said shakily, "Y-yeah. And it knows. . . It knows everything. It knows that you were the first to accuse Sunset. It knows that our sisters were the first victims. It knows that Diamond Tiara sent those embarrassing photos of us to Anon-a-Miss. It even knows that I'm the one who stole Sunset's phone!"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and said, "Oh great! Sweetie Belle's going crazy!"

Sweetie Belle turned towards Scootaloo and said forcefully, "I am not crazy! I know what I heard!"

Applebloom sighed and said, "Sweetie Belle, Ah know you're getting stressed by all this, but it's like Ah said yesterday: the ends justify the means! We need to get rid of Sunset Shimmer if we want our sisters back."

"But-," Sweetie Belle said.

"No buts!" Applebloom said, "Ah created the account and posted Applejack's nickname, and when Ah told you and Scootaloo about it, you were on board with it, right? You stole those photos and videos from Sunset's phone, and Scootaloo snapped that photo of Rainbow's failed research paper, right? We're all in this together."

Scootaloo nodded and said with great certainty, "Yeah! We went through all that trouble to frame Sunset, and we got tons of internet fame from it too! We gotta keep Anon-a-Miss going!"

"But for how long?!" Sweetie Belle said in distress.

Applebloom stood up and said, "Until no one wants anything to do with Sunset Shimmer. She hurt our sisters and broke up their friendships, and now all of a sudden she's their best friend? Taking up all that time that they could have- should have spent with us? She can't get away with that!"

"I'm with Applebloom," Scootaloo said, with a frown, "I've always wanted Rainbow Dash to be my sister, and my wish finally came true! But then Sunset Shimmer came took her away from me! We need to keep this up, Sweetie Belle. So just try to ignore the voices in your head and stick with us a little longer. Aren't you supposed to be our friend?"

"Of course I am!" Sweetie Belle said as she nodded with wide eyes, "This is just getting so . . . dangerous."

Applebloom got closer to Sweetie Belle and said, "Listen to me. We won't get thought. Once the school runs out of secrets, we'll just post a message on Anon-a-Miss saying that the well of secrets has run dry and then close the account. Everyone will still blame Sunset, she will have gotten her just deserts, and we can get on with our lives. That'll be fine, okay?"

Sweetie Belle looked Applebloom in the eye. The farmgirl had a nearly pleading look in her eyes. Sweetie Belle then took a glance at Scootaloo, who was giving her a stink eye.

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, the mysterious voice still present in her memory. However, now that she was in the presence of her two best friends, she realized that there was only one thing to do.

"Okay," she said, "Let's keep it going for a little longer."

In Lawful Crane and Pearl Lane's hotel room, Sunset Shimmer sat with a smile on her face as she replied to the text message Fluttershy had sent her.

The door then opened up, and Pearl entered the hotel room and said, "Well, how are you holding up, Sunset?"

Sunset looked up at the older woman and smiled, "It's wonderful! Fluttershy believes that I'm not Anon-a-Miss! I got a text message from her a few minutes ago!"

Pearl smiled back and nodded, "Oh my, that is good news!"

"M-hm!" Sunset said, "Hopefully it's only a matter of time before the rest of my friends are convinced."

"Indeed, Sunset Shimmer. Anon-a-Miss' reign of terror is nearly over."

Sunset's eyes widened as she looked about the room, "Shadow! Have you found out who Anon-a-Miss is yet?"

"It would be best if I did not disclose that information at this time. However, if you do this one final task for me, then I can assure you that Anon-a-Miss will surely face justice tomorrow."

Pearl appeared impressed, and she remarked, "Tomorrow, you say? Well then, it seems your ordeal is almost over, Sunset."

Hope burned brightly within Sunset's heart, and she said, "Okay. What do you want me to do, Shadow?"

"I require you to send a text message to Fluttershy. I have a specific series of directions that she needs to follow, and I am certain that she will follow them if it means putting an end to Anon-a-Miss. Now, listen carefully, Sunset. Here is what you must tell Fluttershy to do. . ."

The next morning, Applebloom was waiting outside the front entrance of the school. She was fidgeting, and looked quite nervous. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle approached her, and they noticed how uneasy she was. The moment Applebloom saw her friends, she ran forward and grabbed their arms, dragging them away from the doors to spot further away from the foot traffic into the building.

"Hey! What's the big idea!?" Scootaloo protested.

"SHHHH!" Applebloom shushed urgently.

Sweetie Belle immediately panicked and said, "Oh no! Did someone figure it out?!"

"Not yet, Ah hope," Applebloom said in a low voice, and a cold Winter wind blew by, causing her and her friends to shiver in spite of their winter clothing. Applebloom swallowed hard and continued, "Last night, Fluttershy sent me a text saying that she had this new undeniable proof that Sunset isn't Anon-a-Miss."

"Huh?" Scootaloo said in disbelief.

"What proof?" Sweetie Belle asked nervously.

"She didn't say," Applebloom replied, "But she did say that since our sisters were the first victims, that she'd feel more comfortable showing us first, since Rainbow Dash got angry at her just for thinking that Sunset was innocent. Anyway, she told us to meet her in the library during lunch."

Scootaloo groaned and said, "Aw man, what are we gonna do now?"

Applebloom gave a curt nod and said, "Don't worry. Ah've thought of everything. It all depends on how good this proof really is. First, we'll try to explain it away. Ya know, make it seem like it don't mean nothin'. If we can't do that, then it's Operation: Buck This."

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened with fear and she exclaimed, "Oh no! Not that! Anything but that!" Then her eyes gained a look of confusion, and she asked, "What's Operation: Buck This?"

Applebloom frowned determinedly and said, "It means 'Buck This! No more foolin' around!' We take whatever proof Fluttershy has found and get rid of it. If it's a photo or something written down, we'll tear it up. If it's on her phone, we'll snatch it and delete whatever it is."

"WHAT!?" Sweetie Belle shrieked, "Are you crazy! Then Fluttershy will know we're-."

Scootaloo slapped her hand over Sweetie Belle's mouth. "Be quiet! Someone might hear you!" Scootaloo hissed.

Sweetie Belle removed Scootaloo's hand and said, "But if we-."

"Come on, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said with a roll of her eyes, "You know how afraid Fluttershy is of everything. Sure, she might be brave enough to admit that she thinks Sunset is innocent, but do you really think she'd have the courage to accuse us right in front of our sisters? Without proof?" Scootaloo then started laughing and said, "Oh man! Fluttershy would be waaaaay too afraid of getting smacked down by Rainbow and Applejack, not to mention Kung-Fu'd by Rarity!"

Applebloom smiled as well and said, "You got it, Scootaloo! Fluttershy won't be able to prove anythin', and we'll let her know that for sure! That'll keep her quiet. She wouldn't dare accuse us of anythin', 'cause she wouldn't be able to prove anythin'! Then we can keep it up for a few more days, then post a goodbye message, and it'll all be water under the bridge."

Sweetie Belle looked down at her feet and said, "I sure hope it doesn't come down to that. . ."

Fluttershy sat nervously in the library, occasionally looking up to glance at the clock. She twiddled her thumbs as her eyes darted back and forth, completely unsure of what she was doing. However, it was her faith in Sunset Shimmer that gave her the strength to go through with this plan.

Fluttershy then heard approaching footsteps, and she looked up to see the three young girls approaching.

"Alright, Fluttershy," Applebloom said, "Show us the proof."

Fluttershy looked around nervously, her mind seemingly preoccupied with something else, and she said, "Um. . . well. . ."

"Come on, already!" Scootaloo said impatiently, "We don't got all day!"

Sweetie Belle put a hand on Scootaloo's arm and said, "Give her time, please." Interestingly enough, Sweetie Belle seemed nearly as nervous as Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, and she put on a clearly fake smiled, "Okay. . . the proof. . . well. . . you see. . ."

"Fluttershy!" came the voice of Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy visibly relaxed and gave a sigh of relief as Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack approached the group.

Rainbow Dash was smiling and in good spirits as she put an arm around Fluttershy's shoulder. "I'm sorry for the way I acted, pal," Rainbow said, "But I just get a little crazy when someone I care about betrays me. I mean, come on! Betraying a trust? That's just sick! Well, anyway, I'm sure glad you sent me that text saying that you didn't think Sunset was innocent anymore."

"HUH!?" said the three young girls all at once.

"Well, we're all here like ya asked, Fluttershy," Applejack said, "What was it you wanted to tell us?"

Fluttershy looked more sorrowful than ever as she sighed and hung her head, "I'm sorry. To all of you. But those texts I sent. . . They were both lies."

Rainbow's smile fell, and it was replaced by a look of confusion. "Huh?" was all she could say.

"Texts?" Applebloom echoed, "As in, more than one?"

Scootaloo glared angrily at Fluttershy and said, "You don't have any proof?"

"Hang on a minute!" Applejack said impatiently, "Proof of what?"

Rainbow Dash took her arm off of Fluttershy's shoulder and looked her straight in the eye. "What's going on here, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy shrank away from Rainbow Dash and said, "Well, you see, Sunset told me to send-."

"You're helping her pull pranks on us?" Rainbow Dash said angrily, "You've got a lot of nerve, Fluttershy! If we weren't old friends, I'd punch you right in the mouth so hard that your friend Sunset would feel it!"


"EEP!" Fluttershy cried out in terror, her eyes wide like an owls as she searched for the source of the creepy laugh.

"Grr! It's that Shadow guy!" Rainbow Dash, clearly displeased by the voice's presence.

"Scary voice!" Sweetie Belle squeaked out as she began to shake with unholy terror.

"He's real?" Scootaloo said softly as Applebloom stood frozen is disbelief.

"You have a violent streak within you, Rainbow Dash. I suggest you curb those tendencies, lest you end up like Lightning Dust and Gilda."

"Will you stop playing games with us?" Rainbow Dash demanded, "Can't you see Sunset has turned Fluttershy against us?"

"No, Rainbow Dash. It was I who orchestrated this meeting, for in a matter of minutes, the true Anon-a-Miss will confess, and Sunset's name will be cleared."

Rarity nodded calmly and said, "Very well, Shadow. It appears that this mystery is about to come to its end. Now, how do you intend on making the culprit confess?"

"Be still. . . Listen. . . An announcement will soon be heard."

In a show of impeccable timing, Principal Celestia's voice could be heard over the PA system.

"Attention, students. In five minutes, an important announcement will be made that will be of great personal interest to every single student in Canterlot High. Please make sure you a prepared to listen to the announcement in five minutes time. That is all."

Pinkie Pie couldn't help but smile. "Wow! Great timing, Shadow! It was just like magic!"

Rarity folded her arms and said, "I trust you have something to do with this mysterious announcement, Shadow."

"Indeed, Rarity. For you see, using my power to walk unseen, I was able to spy on the true Anon-a-Miss and record an incriminating conversation."

Terror struck the hearts of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

"I see," Rarity said with a nod, "And you gave the recording to Principal Celestia to play for all the school to hear. Neatly done. Although I fail to see how a confession would be necessary when the undeniable proof if played for all to hear."

"It is not necessary, but it would be the wisest choice for the true culprit. For you see, when that recording is played, the entire student body will rise up in a terrible rage. Both the victims of Anon-a-Miss and the hypocrites who sent in secrets will seek revenge for being roped into this whole stressful affair that was surely not worth it for anyone involved. Like a tidal wave of vengeance, the students will descend upon the true Anon-a-Miss, blinded by rage and hate, and physically tear the guilty ones to pieces! Their only salvation from this horror is to race to the Principal's Office in the allotted time, where they can seek shelter until the rage of the people they have preyed upon has died down. This is their last chance. This is their last choice. Stay silent and be torn asunder, or confess and face proper justice. Either way, they shall pay for their crimes, but only one of these two choices will ensure their safety."

During The Shadow's speech, the three young girls were shaking with fear. When The Shadow had finished, Sweetie Belle screamed in terror and tore out the library as fast as her legs could take her.

"What?" Rarity gasped as she stared off in the direction her younger sister had fled, completely dazed by what had just happened.

Everyone in the room was staring after Sweetie Belle in shock. However, Applebloom and Scootaloo slowly turned to look at each other.

"What now?" Scootaloo asked nervously.

Applebloom closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fists. Then, she turned to run after Sweetie Belle and yelled out, "Ah'm sorry Applejack!"

Applejack's jaw dropped at this, and she felt as though she had be punched straight in the gut.

Rainbow Dash then turned to Scootaloo and treated her to a long, cold, level stare. "Scoots?" she said emotionlessly.

Tears ran down Scootaloo's face, and she took off after her friends.

Rainbow Dash stared off into space, her eyes glazed over as she said softly to herself, "No. It can't be. She wouldn't. Not my sister. Not my Squirt. No."

At that moment, a recorded message was played over the PA system.

"Sweetie Belle, Ah know you're getting stressed by all this, but it's like Ah said yesterday: the ends justify the means! We need to get rid of Sunset Shimmer if we want our sisters back."


"No buts! Ah created the account and posted Applejack's nickname, and when Ah told you and Scootaloo about it, you were on board with it, right? You stole those photos and videos from Sunset's phone, and Scootaloo snapped that photo of Rainbow's failed research paper, right? We're all in this together."

"Yeah! We went-"

The recording was then cut off by the sound of a door being slammed open, not to mention the sound of Sweetie Belle running in and shouting, "We confess! It was us! We're Anon-a-Miss! Not Sunset! We're sorry! Please! Just pleeeaaaaaaase!"

Sweetie Belle's crying as all that could be heard for a moment. Then Applebloom and Scootaloo's voices could be heard as well, resulting in an unintelligible miss moss of sorrowful voices that was finally silenced when the PA system was finally shut off.

The five friends remained in the library in silence, their minds reeling from this shocking revelation. They looked around at each other, only to look away and stare at the ground in shame. This shame was either of themselves for their abandonment of Sunset, or of their sisters who had not only betrayed them, but had done it to harm another person.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash raised her head, pure rage in her eyes as she ground her teeth and said, "That little piece of. . ."

Rainbow Dash didn't finish her sentence. She simply turned around and ran out of the library on a literal warpath.

Frightened, Pinkie Pie called out, "Rainbow Dash! Wait!"

The three culprits stood before Principal Celestia's desk. Both Celestia and Luna were standing there, giving the three girls very stern looks.

"Do you three realize what you've done to this school?" Celestia said sternly, "You've exposed the personal information of so many students and turned nearly everyone against each other. You've turned this school into a den of disharmony and hate. And for what? Because you didn't like that Sunset Shimmer was friends with your sisters? Don't you see how petty you three have been acting?"

Applebloom hung her head in shame and said, "We know. It all seems so dumb now. But at the time, we were afraid that Sunset would take up all their time, and that we wouldn't be able to spend as much time with-."

Applebloom was interrupted by the door being kicked open with rage fueled strength. The three young girls turned to see an enraged Rainbow Dash standing in the doorway, breathing heavily and glaring at Scootaloo with a look of pure loathing.

"I took you in as my little sister," Rainbow Dash said quietly, then her voice exploded as she roared, "AND THEN YOU DO THIS TO ME!?"

Scootaloo screamed in terror as Rainbow Dash ran right towards her with her arms outstretched. However, before the wrathful teenager could reach her, something grabbed onto Rainbow Dash and held her back. She struggled with all her might in an attempt to get free, but The Shadow's grip on her was too tight.

"Stop now, Rainbow Dash! I warn you!"

"Let me go, Shadow! The little traitor needs to pay!" Rainbow shouted.

"She will pay, Rainbow Dash. She will pay according the rules and laws of society."

"The heck with that! She's getting a beatdown!"

"The line between cruel revenge and lawful justice is thin. Do not cross it."

"I'll do what I want! Let me at her!"

"Is that your final word, Rainbow Dash!"


"Very well!"

There was a loud thwack, and Rainbow Dash fell to the ground, knocked out cold.

Principal Celestia breathed out slowly and said, "Oh, good heavens. . ."

Vice Principal Luna huffed and said, "Had The Shadow not been here, I would have intervened myself. No one was in any danger as long as I was here."

Scootaloo caught her breath, and then said to the room at large, "Shadow. . . you saved me."

"Yes. I have saved you from the claws of revenge. However, there is another from whom I shall NOT save you nor your two friends from. Over her eyes, she wears a blindfold. In one hand, she holds a set of balance scales. In the other hand, she holds a sword. And her name is . . . Justice."

The next day, Pearl Lane and Lawful Crane sat in their hotel room, discussing the events.

"You see, Pearl," Lawful began, "When Diamond Tiara mentioned that Anon-a-Miss didn't post the embarrassing photos of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle that she sent in, that's when I began to suspect them. Then when I learned that Anon-a-Miss had posted photos and videos from Rarity's slumber party taken by Sunset's phone, I realized that a member of Rarity's household must have copied them from Sunset's phone during the night, making Sweetie Belle a prime suspect. So, I bought a digital recorder and confronted Sweetie Belle, and she led me straight to a little Anon-a-Miss meeting. So, while in the shadows, I recorded them admitting that they were Anon-a-Miss, and then gave it to Celestia and Luna the next day. And with a little help from Sunset and Fluttershy, I had everyone in one place so I could not only get the three of them to admit their guilt right in front of Sunset's friends, but also prevent any unnecessary violence and injury from revenge seekers. I even decided to follow them into the Principals Office just in case Rainbow Dash's habit of paying back perceived disloyalty with violence came into effect, which it did. Although I am inclined to believe Vice Principal Luna really would have protected Scootaloo had I not been there."

There was a knock at the hotel room door, and Pearl got up to answer it. She opened it to reveal a cheerful looking Sunset Shimmer.

"Hello, dear! Come right in," Pearl said pleasantly.

"Thank you," Sunset said as she entered the room.

Lawful Crane got up from where he was sitting and approached the girl. "Ah, Sunset. It's good to see you in such high spirits," he said amiably, "I take it everything has worked out now that Anon-a-Miss is no more?"

Sunset nodded and said, "Oh yes. I've finally regained my friends' trust, and now we're closer than ever. Although, it's kinda of funny how hard they're all trying to show how sorry they all are, even though I told them that I've already forgiven them all. I mean, why should I be angry at them? What good would it do? Even right after they disowned me, I just couldn't find it in myself to hate them. Sure, it hurt to have my friends abandon me, but when you look at it from their point of view, what else could they do? The evidence all clearly pointed to me, and they would have never dreamed of suspecting their own sisters. Add in my checkered past, and I can't really blame them for thinking I was guilty."

Pearl nodded in understanding and said, "Very true. It truly was a perfect storm of misfortune on you, Sunset."

Sunset gave another nod, but then chuckled a bit and continued, "You know, Pinkie Pie is probably gonna make me overweight with all the cakes and pies and cookies she said she'd send me during the next few months, but I'm sure I could always just share them with the other students until she realizes that she doesn't have to go to all that trouble. I managed to talk Rarity down from making a whole year's worth of fashion for me to just a single dress for the Spring. Applejack swore that I'm gonna get the first batches of cider and jam and whatever other specialties Sweet Apple Acres produces 'from now 'till doomsday'. Fluttershy will probably be hugging me and apologizing over and over again for a few weeks."

Sunset paused, and she let out a sigh, "You know, Rainbow Dash actually begged me to punch her in the face. Of course I refused, and I kept on refusing until she changed her tune and said that she'd do anything I asked her to do so she could make up for 'betraying' me. So, I told her to keep an eye on Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom; to protect them from anyone that tried to get revenge on them."

Pearl's eyebrows raised and she remarked, "Really?"

Sunset nodded, "Yeah. After I nearly got assaulted by Lightning Dust and Gilda, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Even after everything those girls did to me, I don't think they deserve to get beaten up. The punishment they got was enough. First they got detention for the rest of the school year, separate from the 2 months detention Lighting Dust and Gilda are serving, of course. I'm sure those two would like to get their hands on them. Next the three of them all got banned from sports, afterschool activities, and field trips for the rest of the school year. And finally, one-thousand hours of community service. Snow shoveling, litter patrol, stuff like that."

Lawful Crane nodded silently in approval.

"How are things between the girls and their older sisters?" Pearl asked.

Sunset had a somber look about her as she explained, "Well, family is super important to the Apples, so Applejack's already forgiven Applebloom. However, she's made it crystal clear that she doesn't trust Applebloom as far as she could throw her. She won't be sharing any family secrets with her for a long time. She also made a point to mention that her older brother, Big Macintosh, broke Applebloom's phone with his bare hands when he found out what she did. Can't say I blame him for getting mad."

Lawful cracked a smile and said, "I trust he really lives up to his name?"

Sunset nodded gravely and said, "Oh, yes. I'd hate to see him when he's angry, especially if I were the one he's angry at. Anyway, Rarity can't bear to even look at Sweetie Belle. She's deeply ashamed, of both Sweetie Belle and herself. She seems to blame herself for not being a good enough sister. Hopefully, after some time has passed, they'll be able to reconnect and start over. I know they love each other a lot. Sweetie Belle seems to really look up to Rarity. I'm pretty sure Rarity won't be able to avoid Sweetie Belle for long."

"What about Rainbow Dash?" Lawful asked in interest.

Sunset shook her head and said, "Well, The Shadow had to knock her out to keep her from attacking Scootaloo. I'm pretty sure that tells you plenty. Since their relationship was a honorary kind of thing, Rainbow had no trouble simply renouncing their sisterhood and declaring that Scootaloo was dead to her. That's part of the reason why I asked her to protect the girls. As horrible as Anon-a-Miss was, I don't want Rainbow's bond with Scootaloo to die. Scootaloo idolized her, and I'm positive that Rainbow sees herself in that girl. It may take longer for things to get better between Rainbow and Scootaloo than with the others, but I'm sure that Rainbow can find it in her heart to forgive her."

Lawful then posed a suggestion, "Perhaps when Rainbow Dash has forgiven herself for betraying you, she will be able to more easily forgive Scootaloo for betraying her."

Sunset though about this, then she nodded thoughtfully and said, "You're right, Mr. Crane. That really is a very good point. You know, I can't help but feel that you are a very wise and intelligent person."

Pearl gave a chuckle and said, "Oh, Sunset. You have no idea exactly how right you are about that."


"The weed of crime bears a bitter fruit. . ."

". . .Crime does not pay. . ."

". . . The Shadow knows! Heheheheheheh!"

The End

Comments ( 32 )

Applebloom was interrupted by the door being kicked open with rage fueled strength. The three young girls turned to see an enraged Rainbow Dash standing in the doorway, breathing heavily and glaring at Scootaloo with a look of pure loathing.

"I took you in as my little sister," Rainbow Dash said quietly, then her voice exploded as she roared, "AND THEN YOU DO THIS TO ME!?"

Scootaloo screamed in terror as Rainbow Dash ran right towards her with her arms outstretched. However, before the wrathful teenager could reach her, something grabbed onto Rainbow Dash and held her back. She struggled with all her might in an attempt to get free, but The Shadow's grip on her was too tight.

"Stop now, Rainbow Dash! I warn you!"

"Let me go, Shadow! The little traitor needs to pay!" Rainbow shouted.

"She will pay, Rainbow Dash. She will pay according the rules and laws of society."

"The heck with that! She's getting a beatdown!"

"The line between cruel revenge and lawful justice is thin. Do not cross it."

"I'll do what I want! Let me at her!"

"Is that your final word, Rainbow Dash!"


"Very well!"

There was a loud thwack, and Rainbow Dash fell to the ground, knocked out cold.

Principal Celestia breathed out slowly and said, "Oh, good heavens. . ."

Vice Principal Luna huffed and said, "Had The Shadow not been here, I would have intervened myself. No one was in any danger as long as I was here."

Scootaloo caught her breath, and then said to the room at large, "Shadow. . . you saved me."

"Yes. I have saved you from the claws of revenge. However, there is another from whom I shall NOT save you nor your two friends from. Over her eyes, she wears a blindfold. In one hand, she holds a set of balance scales. In the other hand, she hold a sword. And her name is . . . Justice."

:pinkiegasp: Whoa! That was close one! Thanks for stopping Rainbow Dash Shadow!

Yay! Another chapter! :twilightsmile:
Aw, it's over already, I'd thought it'd be four chapters long :fluttercry:

IKR. Thanks, Shadow. Great job taking care of “Rainbow Vegeta” here.

Awesome story! :pinkiehappy:

A great story, short and sweet and without the unnecessary prolonged Sunset Suffering. It does have a possible happy ending, but there are still wounds that need to heal. Love it, great job, hope for the best.

That was, put simply, one of the best Anon-a-Miss stories I have ever read. The characters, the pacing, and the mood were brilliantly executed. Check your PM, as I plan to make you an offer you can't refuse...

"You know how afraid Fluttershy is of everything. Sure, she might be brave enough to admit that she thinks Sunset is innocent, but do you really think she'd have the courage to accuse us right in front of our sisters? Without proof?"

I know they're not the same character whatsoever, but pony-Fluttershy's terrified of dragons yet she managed to scold an adult dragon (one that could've eaten her and considered her even less than a morsel) into complete and utter submission - the dragon even sobbed. And that was near the start of the show, long before any self-confidence-building episodes!
Don't underestimate Fluttershy; when the situation calls for it, she WILL get serious.

when the undeniable proof if played for all to hear."

Is > if.

and physically tear the guilty ones to pieces

That would be assault and battery, along with murder. Those who do that will likely be sued to high heaven and arrested.

and she felt as though she had be punched straight in the gut.

Be > been.

Even right after they disowned me, I just could find it in myself to hate them.

This error completely changes the meaning of this line, to that she found it easy to hate them. Oooops.
Could > couldn't.

Big Macintosh, broke Applebloom's phone with his bare hands

Do they have enough money to buy a new phone? If not, then oops.

Oh my god, that was epic.

Are you doing a sequel because it would be absolute torture for this version of Rainbow dash to protect scootaloo. I would like to see what would have happen if the shadow wasn’t fast enough and what kind of punishment Rainbow Dash would get for beating up a minor. If Luna had to protect scootaloo Rainbow could be looking at some jail time in juvenile hall. This would make scootaloo believe she was the one that sent Rainbow over the edge. It could cause a breakdown of friendship between the cmcs

This was a fantastic story, it may have been short but it was well paced and the payoff was well worth it. I live how the Shadow unraveled Anon-A-Miss’s deception and made them confess in a way that made them realize how serious the situation is and how quickly things can escalate. I especially liked the ending where Sunset doesn’t cut off ties with her friends and that they’re doing anything they possibly can to convey how truly sorry they are for abandoning her.

Crime does not pay. The CMC knows

In all seriousness, it was an excellent story that portrayed The Shadow very well. This is a crossover that I never saw coming and didn't think I wanted until it was made. This is excellent at the top of my fav anon-a-miss stories and I look to see what else you can do.

I can't help but hope other radio shows like the lone ranger or the green hornet will show up in time. Oh well.



I didn't know there was a Green Hornet radio show. I was only aware of the 1960's TV show that shot Bruce Lee to fame and had a couple crossovers with Batman '66.

We don't talk about the Batman crossover... I'm joking, even though it wasn't as good it wasn't unbearable

The shadow was actually based off of a comic series that I do recommend if you have the time and cash, I do believe there is some on Amazon if not, you can find the radio broadcasts on youtube. If you do want to check out the radio show I would recommend in the spirit of the holidays recommend The Cold Death



Yeah, I know about The Shadow. I was referring to the Green Hornet.

Ah, very well. My mistake!
here's a good one

You know, if someone can write the bit at the Apple's House, I can have Granny ask: "Are you sorry because you're sorry, or sorry because you got caught?"

And no one realizes I mind-controlled the CMCs into doing this because Sunset Shimmer sucks as a character!

Now to go get that beryllium sphere...

(Today, Alondro is Shiwan Khan... because why not?) :trollestia:

Well, that was certainly something. It's one of those ideas that's just crazy enough to work. Crossing over an Equestria Girls comic with the Old-Timey radio show The Shadow. Well color me impressed. I wonder if there can be a sequel to this story. I wonder what other Equestria Girls would would work crossed over with The Shadow. I can only think of Movie Magic and possibly an expanded version of the short Rarity Investigates: The Case of the Bedazzled Boot. Anyway, great job on such a unique premise. Keep up the good work. :pinkiesmile:

This was actually a pretty solid story. It definitely got the Shadow's mannerisms down to a tee, and it was great to see the Shadow use his mastery of manipulation to succeed. The fact that he was more than willing to cause a situation that may have harmed the CMC had they not capitulated is totally in character with his extreme black and white morality. I also like how this uses Anon-A-Miss in an interesting way, emphasizing the crime rather than Sunset's angst.

The only things I'd criticize are the long passages of dialogue (yes, I know the radio show had them, but the pulps had punchy dialogue that didn't meander as much as some parts in here did) and Rainbow Dash's heightened aggressiveness, which seemed extreme even by her standards.

Other than those aspects, this was a fine story. Going right into the Favorites.

AaM and Poirot, maybe?


"It is not necessary, but it would be the wisest choice for the true culprit. For you see, when that recording is played, the entire student body will rise up in a terrible rage. Both the victims of Anon-a-Miss and the hypocrites who sent in secrets will seek revenge for being roped into this whole stressful affair that was surely not worth it for anyone involved. Like a tidal wave of vengeance, the students will descend upon the true Anon-a-Miss, blinded by rage and hate, and physically tear the guilty ones to pieces!

Sentry guns and Marines=students, xenomorphs=CMC.

That was cheesy... I'm going to have to check out those broadcasts. :twilightsmile:

And her name is . . . Justice.

I don't get why Justice is depicted as a woman; I get the blindfold, scales and sword, but why the female personification? What's wrong with male? Never understood that.

It's from Greek mythology. Astrea was the goddess of Justice.

Wow, that was great! You got Anon-a-Miss about right without making them too deep or too evil, just some rather foolish and jealous youngsters who over planned and under thought a "brilliant" idea for revenge. The Shadow definitely sounds like the old radio show Shadow. Now all we need is a sequel, or maybe a story set in the pony world...

Definitely have a thumbs up. :pinkiehappy:



What about Themis and Dike?

Also, I always wondered why they spelled his partner's name "Margo." Was the more proper "Margot" too confusing for average yanks?

Not quite. The Shadow started as a narrator on radio first. After the positive feedback from the public, Street and Smith, who’d initially created the character, then approached Walter B Gibson to adapt The Shadow into the pulps due to how quickly he was able to write. He actually holds the record for most words written on any single character (he wrote over 280 of the 350+ pulps). And the increase led popularity brought upon from the pulps fed back into the popularity of the radio show (especially once Orson Wells took over voicing as The Shadow on radio), the comics started coming out during that period

"Yes. I have saved you from the claws of revenge. However, there is another from whom I shall NOT save you nor your two friends from. Over her eyes, she wears a blindfold. In one hand, she holds a set of balance scales. In the other hand, she holds a sword. And her name is . . . Justice."

I'm gonna borrow a bit from Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. The reason guys like The Shadow exist is for one major purpose: To let her hammer fall on all who would disrupt order.

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