• Published 15th Aug 2012
  • 2,121 Views, 16 Comments

Dreams of Flight - Mitslits

Scootaloo has always wanted a sister. And RD decides to give her one

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Duskwing alighted onto the cloud gently. He folded his yellow wings, tossing his orange mane back slightly. He crept into the house, closing the door as softly as he could, glancing around furtively. A light clicked on and he knew he was busted. Wincing, he turned to face the tiny pegasus smiling up at him.

"You're home!" she squealed, flinging herself onto Duskwing.

Dusk laughed, stroking the purple filly with one hoof. "I knew that tackle was coming, Sunset. Remember, you can never fool me", he said, smiling kindly at his orange-maned daughter. "Now go on. It's near your bedtime."

Sunset flipped off his stomach and trotted away into a small room off the main hallway.

A pegasus mare emerged from a doorway opposite the one Sunset had just vanished into. "I'm so glad you're back. Scootaloo and I both missed you, you know." She walked slowly over to him, kissing him tenderly. She tossed a long, pink strand of her mane back behind her ear. Suddenly, she groaned, crouching slightly.

Duskwing was immediately beside her, bending down near her. "Are you okay, Dawn Rose?" he asked anxiously, glancing at her swollen belly.

"I-I'm fine", Rose gasped, heaving for breath. Her orange fur was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, but the spasm soon passed and she straightened again, leaning heavily on her husband.

He glanced down at her with concern. "Rose, are you sure you don't want to push the vacation back some? I'm sure Sunset wouldn't mind waiting for her little sister to be born", Duskwing pleaded.

But his wife wouldn't hear of it. "No. I have paid for the tickets and the hotel and we. Are. Going", she panted, easing herself into a chair made of fluffy clouds. She smiled up at her husband standing above her. "I'll be fine. It's a short flight to the train station and the due date isn't for a few weeks. And you must promise that even if I do not go, you'll take Sunset. She's been looking forward to it for so long now."

Dusk knew it was no good to argue with his wife, especially when she was pregnant. He nodded in agreement. "Okay, okay." He bent down, kissed her, then turned and headed into their daughter's room. "Hey, there, Sunset", he whispered, trotting over to her tiny bed. He lightly kissed her forehead and pulled the covers up to her chin.

The small filly rolled over in her sleep, a small smile on her face. She snuggled into the covers and a small 'meep' of pleasure slid out, even in sleep. "Love you, sis", she mumbled quietly before rolling over again.

Her father's heart melted. Duskwing flicked out the light, heading back out to his wife who was puffing as she tried to heave herself out of the chair. Stifling a laugh, he extended his hoof to her. "Need a little help?" he asked teasingly.

Dawn Rose glared up at him even as a smile crossed her face. "No...I...do...not..." She continued to struggle; eventually she had to admit defeat and she let Duskwing help her up. "Next time you want a baby, you can carry it", she laughed lightly.

"I'd like to, I really would, but I can't", Dusk said, laughing as he assisted Dawn to their bedroom. "I love you, Dawn", he told her as he helped her onto the bed and turned out the light.

The orange pegasus snuggled up to him, draping her hooves around his neck. "I love you too."

Two days later, Sunset was bouncing around outside, enjoying the day of sunshine. Sunset was a perfect blend of her father and mother. She had her father's mane color and features and her mother's personality. She loved the outdoors and there was nothing she liked better than flying. Sunset was nearly four years old and she knew, just knew, her cutie mark had something to do with her favorite time of day: sunset. Was this because of her name? No. She liked nothing better than to watch out her window as pink, orange, and yellow, the colors of her family, blended into the soft white of the clouds that made up her home. The small filly longed to be allowed to fly outside during that magnificent time just once, but her mother and father had decreed she be in the house by sunset until she was four. And she was so close. Oh, so close, and it was excruciatingly hard to wait. But Sunset was truly obedient and she never went out when she wasn't supposed to.

But tonight was special. Tonight was the night before their vacation and it would be a long time before they would be returning home and she wanted to fly in the sun that she had known since she was born. In her heart, Sunset knew the sun was the same everywhere, but still she couldn't shake the feeling that this was something she had to do. So the moment the first colors of the sun began to touch the clouds around her house, the small filly zipped outside easily. She had already asked her mother if it was okay, and Dawn Rose was willing to agree to anything to get a little peace and quiet.

So it was that Duskwing returned from his work in the Weather Factory to find his daughter bathing in the colors of her namesake, flitting from orange to pink to yellow, humming an old nursery rhyme to herself. He smiled softly at her, deciding not to interrupt. He was just at the door when he heard a squeal. Whipping around, he launched himself back into the air, racing around the house.

Sunset buzzed up to him, tiny wings pumping like pistons as she showed off her newly earned Cutie Mark. "Look, Daddy, I got it! I got it!" she said, bouncing up and down in midair. On her flank was a small strip of clouds, marked with a setting sun, dazzling colors spilling out onto the clouds. "It's beautiful!" she whispered to herself.

Duskwing embraced his daughter smiling down at her fondly. "It most certainly is."

Her mother was delighted when Sunset proudly showed off her brand new cutie mark. She embraced her, burying her muzzle into her daughter's mane. "I'm so proud of you, Sunset. It's spectacular. But I'm afraid we'll have to wait until morning to admire it some more. It's time for you to get to bed", she said, leading her towards her bedroom. "Good night, sweetheart." She and her husband both kissed Sunset goodnight and settled themselves in, all three drifting off into happy dreams of family and comfort.

"You're sure you'll be okay?" Duskwing asked once more, glancing anxiously at his wife. Her belly was rounder and bags were piled by the door, announcing the departure of him and Sunset. They were leaving soon, tickets in easy reach. The plan was for Dawn Rose to join them a few weeks after their new child was born.

Dawn smiled softly at him, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, dear, it's not like I've never done this before." She cast a fond glance at their daughter who was peering at them from outside, hopping from hoof to hoof. "Now, go on, don't keep her waiting."

Dusk snatched a last quick kiss from Dawn before loading their bags into the small cart waiting for them on the ground. He soared back up into the sky, waving a goodbye to his wife before slipping into the cart.

Sunset leaped in amongst the bags, giggling as her dad began to gallop forwards, both calling goodbyes to the one they were leaving behind.

About half an hour later the duo pulled into the train station, just in time. They hurriedly checked their baggage and leaped onto the train just as it began to pull away from the station. Neither knew that they would never see their house or Dawn Rose again.

Sharp pains woke Dawn Rose the following morning. The pegasus struggled to sit up just as a particularly sharp pain stabbed her. "AAAAH!" she screamed, collapsing heavily onto the bed. She began to crawl desperately toward the door, but she couldn't even make it off the bed. "Make it STOP!" she shouted as wave after wave of pain swept through her.

A knock sounded at the door. A kind hearted neighbor had decided to drop by and see how Dawn was doing before heading off to work, but when an anguished scream sounded from inside the house, the pegasus, named Duly Noted, burst through the fluffy cloud door easily. "What is it? What's wrong?" Duly shouted, racing through the house. He eventually came upon the bedroom to see a soaked orange mare, screaming in pain, blood pooling around her. Her head jerked up at his hasty entrance and her tortured eyes met his. "Please..." she gasped. "Help...me." Her head dropped forwards and her eyes closed.

Duly spun instantly, galloping out of the house. He launched himself into the air, heading straight for the hospital.

Nurse Redheart was fixing up a room for one of their many guests when she heard a frantic knocking on the window. Glancing out, she saw a pegasus fluttering outdoors, panic obscuring every other feature on his face. "How can I help?" she asked, opening the window and poking her head out.

"Mare...foaling...blood", Duly panted, wings aching after his breakneck pace during the entirety of his frantic flight.

The faithful nurse turned, disappearing into the recesses of the hospital. Two pegasi dressed in the familiar outfits of the traditional nurses were soon following Duly Noted up into the clouds, all three making straight for the house of Dawn Rose and her absent family.