• Published 17th Dec 2018
  • 1,814 Views, 83 Comments

Remnant's Harmony: Volume 1 - Equestrian Defender

Four teens, two from Equestria and two born and raised on Remnant, join Beacon Academy in Vale to become Huntsmen and Huntresses. Together, they'll face the darkness and strive to bring Harmony to Remnant.

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Logan Trailer

I am the wolf in the night.

The ultimate hunter. The Apex Predator.

-Inbound Train to Vale-

Sometimes Logan Timbers thought he was cursed.

It was supposed to be a simple train ride to the city of Vale, so he could enroll at Beacon Academy. A simple train ride! No having to camp out in the woods. No having to scrounge around in ruined villages to find food and supplies, no having to sleep with one eye open in case there were Grimm nearby. A. Simple. Train. Ride.

But then the White Fang decided to hijack the train, holding people at gun point, and asking where someone named Blake was. And going over the P.A. system and saying that if she didn't surrender herself to them, they'd start killing people.

Logan sighed. He should've figured this was going to happen given his track record. No matter where he went he just couldn't seem to NOT get himself into trouble. One day. Just one day. Is that too much to ask for?

He was sixteen, turning seventeen in about a month. He wore a leaf green muscle shirt under a white jacket with a green wolf printed on the back, black cargo pants and green boots. Strapped to each arm was a metal gauntlet colored forest green, each with an engraving of a wolf howling at the moon. His hair was cut close to his head and was a startling white that would put freshly fallen snow to shame. His right eye was as blue as a winter sky, while his left eye was as green as an emerald. Sticking out of his hair were a pair of Wolf ears, while sticking out from under his jacket was a Wolf tail as white as his hair. And whenever he smiled, many would probably notice his slightly longer than normal canines.

Knowing that the White Fang would more than likely follow through on their threat to kill these people, Logan got out of his seat and walked up to the White Fang Grunt, who immediately noticed him and aimed his pistol at him. "Get back in your seat."

Deciding to try the peaceful route, he put his hands up and calmly said "Look, I don't want any trouble. I just wanna get to Vale and my friends. So, do you think you could-"

It was at that moment the White Fang Grunt walked closer and put his pistol flush against Logan's forehead. "I said, get back in your seat."

As a low growl began emanating from within Logan's chest, he decided Screw the peaceful route. "Bub, you have three seconds to get the fucking gun out of my face, or I will do something that will guarantee you'll never have children. Three."

The Grunt didn't move an inch, thinking Logan was bluffing.


A slight bit nervous now, the Grunt pulled the trigger back on the pistol-

-only to fall to his knees in pain as Logan brought his foot up into his cajones. HARD.

His pistol was then yanked out of his already loose grip by Logan, following it up by spinning around and slamming the heel of his boot into the poor sap's forehead, who fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.

"One," Logan finished, relieving the gun of its ammo and tossing it to the side.

He proceeded to walk out of the train car into the next one, which only had two White Fang members. One of them had an ax and the other a long knife. Both of them noticed him immediately, with the ax wielder asking "What happened to Marco?"

Jerking a thumb behind him he answered "He's out cold in the car behind me. Jackass wouldn't get his gun out of my face." He then fixed them with an icy glare and said "Now you two have two choices. Either A) you get the hell off of this train or B) I throw you off of this train."

He got his answer when the ax wielder charged at him with an overhead swing, which he promptly blocked and countered with a savage kick that sent the White Fang flying into the other guy and making him drop his knife. Before they could get up he was on them, grabbing the one guy's head and, to the shock of the passengers watching, repeatedly slammed it into the other guy's head with great force.

Once they were both unconscious, he looked at the other passengers and asked "Everybody okay?" Seeing everyone nod that they were he walked into the next car, which happened to be the very spacious luggage cart.

And there were at least ten White Fang Grunts, all armed with either knives, swords, axes, or some sort of gun.

Seeing him walk in, one of the Grunts pointed his gun at him and asked "Who the hell are you?"

Smirking, Logan closed the door behind him and locked it. He then cracked his knuckles rather loudly, as well as his neck. "Gentlemen, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way."

The response of the White Fang were to either aim their guns at him or get into combat stances.

His smirk turning into a predatory smile as he flexed his wrists.

His gauntlets, called Okami no Tsume (Wolf Claws), activated and deployed their blades with an audible SNIKT! sound. There were three blades on each gauntlet; each blade was one foot long, dark black and ended in slight curves.

When one of the Grunts saw them, recognition and terror flashed across his face. "I-it's him. IT'S HIM!"

One of the others asked "Who?"

"T-the guy who tore up our operations in Mistral and Atlas-"

"You guys had it coming" Logan replied with a shrug.

"-who beat Iron Will within an inch of his life-"

"He wouldn't shut the hell up about the White Fang being righteous freedom fighters. Which is total bull-"

"-and blew up all the Bullheads we stole in that region with a bunch of Fire Dust Crystals and a pack of matches!"

"That doesn't seem possible" another White Fang Grunt said.


Logan now sported a smug grin. "Good times. Gooood times."

One of the other Grunts understood who he was talking about now. "The White Wolf of Mistral, who defeated three hundred White Fang members in one day. Logan Timbers."

"My reputation precedes me. So, you idiots wanna hop off the train on your own, or do I have to-"


Logan stumbled, before looking down and seeing red start to spread over his green muscle shirt.

The White Fang Grunt who shot him aimed his rifle again and pulled the trigger again, unloading every bullet in the clip into Logan's chest. The other gun-toting Grunts followed suite, wanting payback at the bastard who dared to stand in their way.

After about five minutes of shooting, and roughly 1500 rounds (Give or take.), Logan's body was a bloody mess slumped against the wall, unmoving.

One of the Grunts asked "Why was everyone scared of him again?"

"Think you might've overhyped him just a bit"


Every White Fang member couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Logan had somehow managed to rise to his feet, one of the bullets shot into his body falling out from the hole it made in his body.

And to their shock his body was healing; every hole or chunk that had been blasted off of him by their bullets was being regenerated with a glow of green aura, any bullets still stuck in his body being pushed out and falling to the ground with a distinct clink sound.

"What the hell?"

"No way!"

"We shot the bastard up with everything bullet we had. How is he still ali-URK!"

Whatever he was about to say was cut off when Logan suddenly shot forward like a bullet, slamming his foot into the Grunt's face and sending him flying all the way down into the rear wall. Ripping off his jacket and tossing it to the side, he yelled "You bastards ruined my favorite jacket! Now it's personal!"

The rest of the grunts charged at him, those with guns now using them as clubs since they had no bullets left.

But it was to no avail as Logan, despite roaring like an animal, was still weaving in and around their attacks with skill. Any of their weapons he sliced through them with Okami, while he then proceeded to beat them down using mixed forms of martial arts ranging from Boxing to Muay Thai and a bit of Karate. While a few of them did get slashed by his claws there Aura either blocked the worst of it, or the cuts themselves were in non-life threatening areas, usually only deep enough to sever their tendons or muscles so they couldn't move. They wouldn't have to worry about bleeding out.

Logan wouldn't go THAT far for a bunch of nameless Grunts.

Three of the Grunts in the far back tried to make a break for the next car, but Logan immediately noticed them. "Where the hell do you think you're going?!"


-In the Next Car-

Blake Belladonna narrowed her eyes at her opponent. "Why does it not surprise me that you were the one to find me, Creed?"

The White Fang Lieutenant standing in front of her was a mountain of a man, with long dirty blond hair that reached all the way to his waist. He wore a modified White Fang uniform with a long brown trench coat with the sleeves torn off, revealing his large muscular arms that bore black stripes due to his Tiger Faunus blood. His golden eyes glared at her with contempt and hatred, and when he opened his mouth he revealed his elongated canines. "You should no better than to try and hide from me, Blake. Once I have your scent I can track you from whole kingdoms away." He cracked his knuckles, and continued "You should know, Adam wants you to be brought before him, so he can deal with you himself."

Holding Gambol Shroud in a combat stance, she sarcastically replied "I'm flattered."

"Me personally though," Creed smirked, his fingernails extending into two inch curved claws "I'd rather just kill you and call it a day."

"He'd kill you."

"True. So we'll compromise. I'll bring him to you alive, but you'll be missing a limb or too. I don't think he'll mind. Too much."

At that moment, the door into the car was smashed off of its hinges, one of the Grunts being smashed into it like a battering ram. He desperately tried to crawl away, only for a hand to grab his ankle and pull him back. As he was dragged back into the other car, he screamed "HELP ME! HELP MEEEE!!!!"

As he disappeared into the car, all that was heard was the sound of powerful punches and screams of pain.

Looking at Blake, Creed asked "Friend of yours?"


Logan then walked in, wiping some blood off of his face. He looked at Creed and asked "I take it you're the asshole in charge of these losers?"

Recognizing him, Creed growled. "Mistral's White Wolf. The hell are you doing here?"

"It's public transportation, dumbass. Me being here is just bad luck for you." He then looked at Blake and said "I take it you're Blake Belladonna." Seeing her nod, he continued "I don't know why these guys are after you, and honestly I don't care. Either way, you can either help me take this loser down-" He extended Okami no Tsume's claws. "-or get the hell outta my way."

"That traitor's not going anywhere" Creed growled. "And I am going to take great pleasure in killing you, mutt."

Rolling his eyes, Logan replied "Real original. We gonna fight or-"

Creed suddenly appeared in front of Logan, slugging him in the face with a powerful right hook. Logan was sent into the other car, slamming into several suitcases and trunks before hitting the wall. Shaking the stars out of his eyes, he muttered "Lucky shot."

Turning to face Blake, Creed found that she had already gone onto the roof of the train via the emergency hatch. He smirked since he liked it when his "prey" ran from him. It made the hunt more interesting.

Logan managed to get back into the car in time to see Creed rip through the ceiling and jump through the hole. Logan followed, hooking his claws on the edge and swinging himself up onto the roof.

He saw that Blake was holding Creed off using a mix of her weapon and her Semblance, which allowed her to create illusory copies of herself to move out of the way of his claws. But every time she tried to cut him or shoot him with her weapon's pistol mode, his aura simply healed the damage like it was never there. Thought I was the only one whose Aura could do that?

Shelving that thought for another time he leaped forward, slamming into Creed's back and knocking him to the ground. He then proceeded to slice the tendons and muscles in his arms and his legs, but whatever damage he did was healed within mere seconds. Getting some distance, Logan asked Blake "How the hell are we supposed to beat this guy?"

"We can't," Blake replied while she reloaded Gambol Shroud. "Creed's Aura can't create a defensive shield but it can regenerate any damage done to him."


"And his Semblance blocks out any and all pain. It's why Adam sends him on only the most suicidal of missions, because he's the only one who can't be killed."

"Well Aura has a limit. We just need to find his."

"Good luck with that, mutt." Creed then withdrew two large Dust Crystals from the pockets off his coat, Logan recognizing them as Electric Dust. He then promptly stabbed them into his arms, the veins in his arms beginning to glow blue as the Dust coursed through his veins. His claws then turned blue as well, electricity arcing off of them. He glared at them with his eyes now an electric blue, and roared like a feral tiger.

"Oh great, he's a Dust junkie" Logan grumbled. "That's not so bad. We just gotta keep our distance and-"

The words died in his throat as Creed suddenly appeared right in front of him, his right fist cocked back for a powerful punch. Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me! This is gonna hurt!

Electricity surged through his body as Creed's fist slammed into his chest, the impact feeling like he got hit in the chest by a sledgehammer. He was sent flying through the air down towards the rear of the train. Managing to right himself, he dug his claws into the roof and dragged himself to a stop. Looking up he noticed that Blake was having a harder time dodging him now, since the Electric Dust was now giving his speed and reflexes a slight boost. Damn it. If this keeps up neither of us are gonna live through this. He sighed, before steeling his resolve. I guess I'll have to use IT.

Blake managed to blind Creed with some Fire Dust rounds to the face before falling behind Logan. "I'm almost out of Aura and Dust rounds. Any ideas?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna use my Semblance. But to do that, I need you to get back inside the train."

"What?!" She looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you out of your mind?!"

"Just trust me."

Seeing as how she was running low on Aura and there weren't a lot of other options, she nodded before hopping down into one of the cars with a quick "Good luck."

I'll need it. He then fixed Creed with a glare and crossed his arms like an X, focusing his Aura to the point where he was surrounded in a green glow.

Creed managed to regain his eyesight and saw that he and Logan were the only ones on the rooftops. He growled. "Looks like the kitty fled. I'll deal with her once I put you down, mutt."

Suddenly Logan's Aura flared, turning from green into a pure white that nearly blinded Creed again. "What the hell is this?"

"My Semblance" Logan replied. "This is the reason Mistral calls me the White Wolf!"

When the light died down, Creed couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Where Logan once stood was what looked like a wolf that had learned to stand on its hind legs. Okami no Tsume were still in there place, not that he needed them with his own nails now claws as well. His face and head now resembled a real wolf, and his eyes were now both a deep blood red. He snarled at Creed, revealing his teeth were now fangs, before throwing his head back and letting loose a bone-chilling howl.

Logan's Semblance was always strange to him. He asked a doctor about it, and the doctor revealed that when it was active it basically increased the power of his Faunus DNA, allowing him to take on more animalistic traits than any other Faunus he'd ever seen. In this form, which the doctor dubbed Wolf, his strength, speed, and healing were heavily increased.

The downside was that this mode also messed with his brain chemsitry, which left him in a, to quote the doctor "Berserk Rage." Essentially when he was like this he turned into a feral wolf who would gladly tear apart anything it perceived as a threat to himself. Even if the threat in question was really an innocent person.

It's one of the reasons that Logan trained as hard as he did, so that he'd never have to use it unless he was overwhelmed by Grimm. Sadly Creed was also a regenerator like Logan, and had a Semblance that blocked out pain.

So he reluctantly had to let the Wolf out.

Wolf got down on all fours, glaring at Creed while barring his fangs.

Creed laughed at that. "Oh, isn't this adorable. Tell me, do you prefer bones or chew-"

He never got a chance to finish that sentence as Wolf suddenly lunged at him with newfound speed, slamming into him and shoving his claws deep into his chest. He then flipped over him, pulling him behind him and tossing him like a sack of potatoes. Picking himself up and thankful for his painkiller Semblance, he roared and charged at Wolf. Wolf snarled and charged as well.

The two collided with Creed's larger size allowing him to get the upper hand, shoving Wolf down to the ground while he raked his claws across his chest, ripping away what was left of his muscle shirt. Seeing the wounds heal almost instantly gave Creed pause, in which Wolf used that moment to kick him off. Wolf lunged at him again, determined to end this fight.

The fight between them could best be described as not one of Hunstmen, but of monsters. Both fighters fought with a fierceness only found within within the beasts of the wild, savagely ripping and tearing at each other with everything they had, painting the roofs of the train cars with their crimson blood.

It finally ended with Creed over-extended his punch, allowing Wolf to strike, shoving one of his claws into Creed's arm and the other into Creed's chest, narrowly missing his heart but still stunning him. With a heave and a mighty roar, he lifted Creed up and chucked him off into the forest below. Aside from Creed's roar of pain, the only thing that could be heard was the splintering of wood and several trees collapsing.

With the battle over Wolf's body glowed white, then green before he reverted back to Logan, with his wounds mostly healed save for a few light scratches on his chest and shoulders. His eyes were still red for a moment, before returning to their normal colors with one blue and one green. He looked at his hands, making sure they weren't claws anymore, before noticing he was now shirtless and his pants were just barely hanging onto his frame. He let out an exasperated sigh. "I really hate letting that guy out sometimes. He can't seem to keep my clothes on."

A few hours later the train pulled into Vale Station, with most of the passengers either going to the police to report what happened or reuniting with their loved ones who had been waiting for them.

Blake and Logan (now dressed in his spare clothes) managed to evade that and made their way out of the station with nobody seeing them.

Blake finally asked the question she had wanted to since Logan came back into the train. "How did you beat Creed?"

Instead of answering, Logan asked a question of his own. "Why do you hide your ears under that bow?"

She was silent for a few minutes, before finally saying "We're constantly outed and hated for what we are, even if its just something as small as having a tail or having cat ears. I want to go to Beacon Academy to become a Huntress, and I don't want the people there to judge me for what I am. I want them to learn who I am."

To her surprise, Logan immediately facepalmed. "You cannot honestly be that stupid, can you?"


"First off, Blake, a secret like that will come out eventually no matter how hard you try to hide it. And when it does, all that work you put into being Blake Belladonna the Huntress, all that time they spent learning about who you are-" He snapped his fingers. "-gone. People will hate you even more for lying to them about being a human rather than just coming out about it in the first place." He paused, blushed and added "Wow, that was some awkward phrasing.

'Someone, whether it's the other students or the media at large, will use it against you. They'll do whole smear campaigns against you saying about how you're ashamed to be a Faunus."

"But I'm not!"

Logan pointed at the bow on top of her head. "That bow says otherwise. It tells me that while you may play the cool and confident huntress-in-training, deep inside you're scared."

"Shut up," she muttered.

"You're scared that all they'll ever see is Blake Belladonna the Faunus and never see Blake Belladonna the Huntress."

"Shut up!"

"You're scared that nothing you do or say will ever change how the Faunus are treated by the majority of humans on Remnant."



Blake looked like she wanted to argue, like she wanted to verbally lash out and tell him that he didn't know a damn thing about what he was talking about.

And yet, she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried the words wouldn't come out.

Putting a hand on her shoulder, Logan said "How is Remnant ever going to accept us, if we can't even accept ourselves? If you wanna change how people think about Faunus, then you need to show that you're not scared. That you accept who and what you are. That's really the only way you'll ever make that change."

He turned and started walking away, but stopped and said "The new year at Beacon starts in two weeks. Hope to see you there." He smiled at her and added "The real you, that is."

And with that, he left.

Leaving Blake with a lot to think about for the next two weeks.

Author's Note:


This trailer was a pain in the ass to write. Not only with my schedule going hectic for a while, but because I was stuck on what to make Logan's Weapons and Semblance. But I got through it and finished this.

No, Creed is not dead. He will return. But not for a while.

Okay, so that's the last trailer. Now for the series proper. Wish me luck!