• Published 20th Nov 2018
  • 1,540 Views, 23 Comments

Starlight, Sunset, Tempest Team-up Extravaganza - crazyredemu

The Cutie Map has summoned the three Ex-villains and sent them to the far side of Equestria

  • ...

The Job Board

Twilight looked out at her front yard, it was currently full of Storm Creatures standing around awkwardly looking for something to do, oh, and one hedgehog that was currently waddling his way over to her.
“Got something for us to do your princessness?” He asked with a smile. “We can do anything, RIGHT GUYS?” He shouted to the yard causing all the Storm Creatures to run over and bum rush the princess like a pack of hyper dogs.

“We got’s all sorts of skills!” “We can juggle!” At this one of the Storm Creatures produced several small balls and preceded to toss them in the air. “We can mow grass!” Twilight wasn’t sure where that Storm Creature had found a yard clipper but he was pushing it across her yard cutting down all her yummy grass. “We can rub our tummies and pat our heads at the same time!” Declared another. At least they are eager to help she thought to herself, but she didn’t know what she could have them-
“OH!” She knew exactly what to do. “There is a job board at the mayors office, their’s bunch of things you guys can do there!” “Come on lets go!” Twilight wasn’t paying attention and grabbed Grubber up in her magic and set him on her back as she headed towards town, but she only got a few feet before turning around. The entire army was following right behind her, she was about to order them to stay at the castle but they looked so eager and happy she didn’t have the heart. Fortunately she had given the town a heads up about Tempest’s arrival so there wasn’t mass panic when they strode into town, but a few ponies panicked anyway.

“I could get use to this!” Grubber said from his perch upon Twilight. “Tempest never carries me anywhere!”

Twilight only realized what she had done after he started talking. “Oh my, I’m sorry, Im so use to Spike, but he’s off helping Rarity and Fluttershy in the big city, I guess I miss him and you’re about the same size.” “I picked you up out of habit.”

“It’s no thing.” Grubber said waving it off. “I miss Tempest and you’re purple like her and really cool like she is, and and *sniff* I got something in my eye.” He couldn’t finish.

Twilight levitated him off her back and set him down in front of her, they had arrived at the town hall but before they went inside Twilight put a hoof around the squat hedgehog and gave him a hug. “Well while both of our friends are gone we will have a good time so we can tell them all about it when they get back ok?”

“That sounds great!” Grubber’s face splitting smile was back.

Twilight, Grubber, and fifty three Storm Creatures were crammed into the town hall building and currently in front of the job board. Twilight was reading of jobs and getting volunteers.

“Ok, we need someone who can bake bread?” Twilight saw a hand go up in the back, she levitated the ticket to the eager Storm Creature who promptly waded outside after plucking it from the air. Luckily Twilight had made copies of a map of Ponyville so with an address the creatures could find their own way.
“Ooo, up next is a mowing job!” An excited ‘WOOT’ could be heard and the yard clipper was hosted proudly into the air.
“This one calls for a party planner!” Pinkie along with her sister were visiting their parents for the Spring Festival leaving the town with out the number one party planner. This job went to the juggler.
“Um…” Twilight looked to Grubber hesitating. “There is a baby sitting job.”

“BABIES!?” a shout came from the sea of Storm Creatures, and suddenly several furry monsters were thrown up into the air as something large forced it’s way to the front. “I will baby sit!” What stood before twilight was no doubt a Storm Creature, however it was a head taller then the rest, but slimmer, and, where as the rest had just a hint of a mohawk in their fur, this one had long hair that stuck straight up except for the top most which fell down in front of it’s face. The tips of the mohawk were died pink.

After getting over her shock Twilight realized this one was female, she didn’t think these things were they type of life forms that had genders. It held out its paw and it took the princess a moment to realize that she wanted the job ticket. “Oh right here you go, but…, just, I want to be honest, please don’t get up set if they turn you down ok?”

“Why would they turn me down, babies couldn’t possibly be safer when with me!” She proudly boasted. “I would fell a dragon to protect them!” And with that she turned and shoved her way to the exit.

Twilight looked back over to Grubber. “I didn’t know there were female ones.”

Grubber looked confused. “Of course there are female Stormies, why wouldn’t there be?” “That would just be silly.” “We just don’t have any others then Susan, that’s her name by the way, cause lady ones are very dedicated mothers so once they have cubs they quit, the Storm King tried to take a young one from a mother once and nearly lost an arm!” “That was a fun day, even Tempest couldn’t win against an angry Stormy mother!”

In the end Twilight ran out of job tickets before running out of Stormies, but she already had a plan for that. “All right, everyone follow me, I know a farm that is short hoofed and always willing to accept a helping, um, paw!” With Applejack out at Appleloosa, Applebloom and Big Mac had an extra helping of chores thrust upon them this week, but their work load was just about to be lightened by fifteen extra claws, give or take.

Starlight sighed, it had been hours and all her attempts at small talk had fallen flat, the weather was nice, that sports team none of them cared about had won, and she had been smart enough to NOT try to bring up politics. Maybe if Tempest wasn’t seated between her and Sunset the two of them could have kept the conversation going. For her part Tempest was keeping a watchful eye on the map the compass and the ground below so at least they wouldn’t get lost. Starlight opened her mouth trying one last time to start some dialog but was interrupted by Sunset.

“There’s a boy I like back home, in that other world.” Sunset was blushing slightly embarrassed by the confession. Starlight squealed in excitement, Tempest glanced at Sunset and raised an eyebrow.

“Have you told him how you feel?” Both Tempest and Sunset asked in union but their tones were far from identical.

“I haven’t told him, his name is Flash, I dated him back when I was full of hate, I just wanted to leach off of his popularity.”

“Worried that he will still resent you for that?” Tempest asked.

“No, in fact I think he has been hitting on me recently.” Sunset paused. “It’s more related to what you said, I’m forgetting how to be a pony, what if things work out, we will be graduating soon, if I get married then I really won’t move back to this world.”

“Do you want to come back?” Starlight asked.

“It’s not like I want to leave that world, but I don’t want to abandon this one.” “And if we had kids, would they come out normal or as some freaky centaur?”

Tempest snorted at the centaur line. “I don’t know about your kids, but it’s not impossible to live in two worlds, even ones as far apart as these, just get a summer home here and visit during vacations, teach your kids about their pony heritage or move here if they do turn out to be freaky centaurs.”

“I…well, that, that’s not a bad idea, it seems so simple when you put it like that, I feel kind of stupid now.”

“Don’t, problems are easy to solve when they are not your own.” Tempest reassured her. “I’m sure there are details that will have to be ironed out, such as rather or not this Flash would even want to visit this world.”

“That’s a good point, plus the girl he use to like lives here.”

“WHAT!” Startlight pushed past Tempest. “Who is it?” “Do you want us to chase her off?” “We could do that, right Tempest?” She looked eagerly over to edgy pony but was disappointed by the slow shake of her head.

“Think about it, from what I’ve heard from you two only one other has been to that world.” Tempest nodded as Starlight’s eyes got big.


“No I don’t! I let Flash use the notebook to talk to Twilight.” She levitated her magic notebook out of her saddlebag for a moment showing it off before putting it back. “They realized it was a love that never could be and sort of broke up, even tho they never really dated.” “And I told her how I feel, she wished me luck, and told me I better not hurt him or she would give me ‘such a lecture’.”

“That had far less drama then I was hoping.” Starlight was a little disappointed.

“Alright, enough of my problems lets change the subject!” Sunset said with a smile, she did feel better.

“There was one thing I wanted to ask you Sunset.” Tempest pointed a hoof at the sun like cutie mark on Sunset’s flank. “What is your talent anyway?”

“Fire, hot unquenchable fire!” “What about yours?”

“Explosions, big powerful electric explosions!”

They both turned to Starlight expectantly.

She rolled her eyes but indulged them anyway. “Magic, over powered magic!”

“You know that’s cheating.” Sunset huffed. “You guys with generic talents are absurd!”

Starlight laughed, soon the others joined in. With the ice broken the trip started to get interesting.

Back in Ponyville Susan did get the babysitting job.