• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 2,674 Views, 343 Comments

Of Stars and Sails - RadBunny

When an eccentric gryphon and his for-hire crew are tasked with kidnapping a Princess for her own safety, it was sure to be an odd job. But when plans and alliances fail, no port is safe when a dagger is hidden behind every friendly smile.

  • ...

Chapter Six: Fool's Gold

‘Today is the two-week deadline. Day Fourteen…yay.
Haven’t heard anything from mom though. Thankfully I’ve managed to distract myself by learning about Anthracite and asking questions. Aside from filling in the blanks, the overall knowledge I have has stayed the same. There’s still something off though, I can’t place it. Maybe about the nation? Or perhaps about Galen. I don’t know. He’s been really distracted. Maybe I’ll ask him today. Haven’t talked to him much, the crew has seemed on edge.

Day Fifteen.
Well, that explains it. News came through- and everyone was trying to figure out how best to tell me from yesterday. Thank heavens for Galen being blunt though. Apparently, my home...there’s skirmishes. No deaths, but those separatists are starting to consolidate. The news in Equestria is starting to pick up on it more and more. It just seems to be some general civil unrest, sides starting to form.
I think Galen knows something. Or maybe I’m just too stressed out (probably.) He’s definitely distracted, but I guess for good reason. We’ve dodged three more search parties- and we’re heading to a cave system a day and a half away. We can hide there for a bit.
*fun note of the day (because I need to have some positive thing in here!) Apparently when the Ashen eat, they can convert solid food and stuff to an energy form! So, like, a loaf of bread to energy bread! Something about maintaining its arcane ‘self’. I don’t understand it, but that’s how they’re able to still cook. It’s like they exist on a separate plane of existence, but can still be seen and interact with the ‘real’ world.
First to interact with a civilization hidden away for two decades!
Twilight is gonna be soooooooo jealous.

Day Sixteen.
Well. We’re almost to the cave system. I think the engines are acting funny- a strange rumble throughout the ship. Galen pretty much lives in that wheelhouse. We’ve had to dodge five patrols in one day, and I’ve never seen him so frazzled. I wonder- huh. Is the magical cloak meant to run this long? I miss our talks, because he’s really…he’s interesting.
I mean, I really do like hi I guess our date will have to wait. He seems different- and not in a good way. He’s been talking with the Anthracite council through Alabaster briefly- they say my mom is still alright, they have agents everywhere apparently, so I’m glad to hear that at least. I just wish I knew more.
Maybe I’ll head down to the engineering room. Gears is the one creature I don’t know much about, and this rumble is making it hard to think.

Skystar grumbled as she closed the notebook, wincing as the entire ship shivered slightly.
“Ok. Time to see what that is.” she muttered.
Walking down the halls to the engineering section, the hippogriff looked out the window to see if the weather had changed. Clouds had been slowly gathering, but so far it still looked mostly clear aside from higher-up horse tail formations.

Levering open the massive metal hatch between the main hall and the engineering section, Skystar was surprised to see how quiet it still was. With most ships, this would be the noisiest part of it all- yet here, it was only marginally louder with occasional bangs, tings, and thuds.
And the occasional yell of some obscenity in a different language.
“Are you KIDDING me?! So that’s it? Galen isn’t gonna be happy.” Gears grumbled as Skystar made her way around a large metal dome, set with dozens of turning gears and glowing runes.

“He will understand. The spell was never meant to function at this capacity. It’s remarkable it has held so long.” Switch mused, then waving to Skystar.
“Oh! Hi Skystar!” she called, Gears following suit with a tired raise of his paw.
“Soooooo let me guess. That weird hum and rumble has to do with the cloaking spell, right?” Skystar asked, earing two surprised looks.

“In a nutshell, yes.” Switch replied.
“….and what about not in a nutshell?” Skystar added with a smile, quickly seeing a certain hedgehog grin in anticipation.

“Long explanation? The spell was never meant to function this long and while under full power, or close to it. We’ve tested it for extreme durations, but never for days on end. None of those tests showed a problem until now. The arcane engines output a TON of magical frequencies and noise when they are active. It just so happens that the cloaking field interacts with them in a weird manner. Those two fields hit each other, and cause the magical conduits in the entire ship to have energy surges. If we run it much longer, we might have serious power spikes. Using the steam engines won’t do, especially if we need to run for it.” the hedgehog rattled off, then rubbed his quills with a hint of embarrassment as Switch nudged his shoulder..

“And now you probably broke her, Gears.” Switch chided, eyebrows raising as Skystar shook her head.
“Nope! I understood that actually! I didn’t think a magical resonance would actually happen in the ship though. The conduits conducting the after effects of it? Weiiiiird.”

The hippogriff could have sworn some hearts blossomed around Gears’ head as the hedgehog’s grin widened.
“Wait, you know about arcane magic theory?”
Skystar shook her head, gesturing back behind her.
“Only what was in the introductory book in the library. It had a section of issues that arise when dealing with leylines and runic spells. I got really bored and read it twice.”

As a slight high-pitched hum sounded throughout the compartment, the hedgehog snapped out of his stupor with a nod, then walking over to what appeared to be a fuse box and frowned. A few crystals sat inside the box, slowly pulsing with different color lights.
“Cut my quills, that’s not good.” he muttered.
“Switch? Can you-?”
“On it!” The arcane entity vanished with a snap, leaving the two other creatures alone.

“Well. We’ve got a few minutes while Switch handles that. The field is failing at a linear pace, but sometimes dips exponentially. Not sure why, but we’ve got maybe an hour or two left before we have to shut it down.” Gears mused, Skystar sitting down and shrugging her wings.
“Well that’s not good.”

The hedgehog shook his head, then hopped up on a stool with a grin.
“So! What can I do for ya? You’re still here, so I figure you either had a question or wanted to learn about the engineering side. I don’t mind either, not when I’m free at least.”

Nodding happily, Skystar gestured to the hedgehog briefly.
“Actually, I’m just curious about you. I’ve heard everyone’s story, but don’t really know much about you.”
The hedgehog seemed genuinely surprised, clicking his arcane skates together almost bashfully.
“Well, what do you want to know? History lesson? A resume? What my home is like? Favorite food?”
Seeing the Princess just nod, Gears shrugged and leaned back against a metal piece of equipment.
“All of that? Well, short version first. My race was enslaved by the Storm King. We’re…still working on the whole identity crisis that caused. That was my life though, working on ships for that monster. At least for over a decade, until Galen bought me, and then gave me my freedom. I stuck around, and here I am. Oh, my favorite food is anything spicy.”

Blinking and then holding up a set of claws, Skystar stared at the hedgehog incredulously.
“Ok. Now I need to know the long version, if you’re ok with that.”
Nodding in reply, Gears casually tossed a small wrench up and down as he spoke.
“Long version it is. Grew up a slave, never knew my parents as most don’t. As soon as I could crawl, I was inside ships splicing wires, welding pipes and the like. I got noticed for always tinkering and showing an interest in the engines- hence the name. One of my handlers got an offer that was apparently profitable, so I got sold to a merchant captain. Bounced around a few vessels, and then got auctioned off with a bunch of other slaves.”

Skystar held up a claw, eyes narrowing slightly.
“And this is where Galen bought you? How did that even work?”
Gears’ smile seemed to take on a strangely predatory nature, the hedgehog then shaking his head.
“Not like you’d think. There’s a part of Galen you don’t know, Princess, and I think that’s not a bad thing. He bought us alright- all seventy-five of us. It cost a fortune, but he paid fair and square. Quite a few buyers were peeved at him, but nothing they could do. That was the last slave auction that region ever saw actually…”

Gears’ eyes met hers, and the strange grey coloration seemed to resonate with both respect and…pity?
“Galen of course. It was the first reason I followed him and offered my services after all.”
Skystar’s hackles rose slightly, something about the hedgehog’s words unnerving her.
“What do you mean, Gears?”
The engineer sighed, running a paw through his quills.
“Sorry for beating around the bush. I’m not used to talking about this, especially with someone outside the Badlands. It’s a different world.”
“How so?”

The hedgehog didn’t say anything at first, almost looking a bit guilty.
“I really don’t want to spoil your view of the world, Skystar. Having someone as upbeat as you is a rarity from what I’ve seen. I’d feel horrible to soil that.”
“Gears, what are you talking about?”
Another pause, the hedgehog finally sighing.
“I mean the life I’ve lived, that many of the crew have experienced and seen. Death, torture, slavery. It’s not like in your kingdom or Equestria’s borders. Galen didn’t grow up in your world.”

Looking to her claws, Skystar took a few breaths, a single thought running through her mind.
Do I want to know?
I think I have to. As both a Princess, ambassador to a nation, as a friend…and just to know what the world is really like.
“Tell me.”

It was Gears’ turn to pause, the hedgehog finally continuing.
“Galen killed the slavers. They wanted to make sure he wouldn’t monopolize another auction- bad for business you see. That didn’t end well for them. The only ones he didn’t kill promised to swear off the practice and spread the word. As far as I know, only a few broke that promise. I saw creatures who treated others as objects and toys torn apart by a weak and unassuming buyer. It flipped everything I knew about life on its head. The strong live, the weak die. I expected Galen to get speared to a wall, and that was that.”
“What do you mean? He took on all of them? How many are you talking about?”

Gears’ grey eyes met her own briefly, the hedgehog then looking to the floor.
“He really not like me telling you this…”
“I asked- that’s on me. Tell me, please.”
There was a brief pause from the reluctant engineer.
“I can’t remember exactly how many, but his nickname started from that day. It was a minotaur who said it as his guards were frozen into ice and shattered to pieces. Roughly translated, it means ‘blue demon.’ I would not argue the blue aspect, but demon depends on who you ask.”
As he spoke, the hesitation quickly vanished from Gears’ voice.

“All my life I followed those who were stronger and had control. For a while, I just worked for Galen because…that’s who was both.” The hedgehog then paused, and Skystar’s eyes narrowed.
“You were going to say something different, why?”
A frustrated sigh left Gears’ mouth, the engineer nodding.
“Ugh you’re observant. Fine. Skystar, I followed him because a harsh and painful existence was all I had known. Galen was the most brutal and powerful creature I had ever seen as he tore apart those slavers. I followed him because of that, at least for a while. That’s how I grew up; the strong lead and control the weak. And then he introduced me to what it meant to be free.” Gears elaborated with a sigh.

“I was so perplexed. You always earned less lashes if you worked- that was what your wages were. What was this ‘room and board’? What was this other income? When I understood that, and realized Galen wasn’t, and never had taken advantage of me and my naïveté, well, I’d didn’t doubt that I’d follow him to the end of the skies. And so, I have.”

Skystar’s brow furrowed, head shaking slightly.
“He was brutal? He’s killed? I’ve never-”
“You’ve never seen him in combat, Skystar, and for that I’m rather glad.” Gears piped up.
“The Captain needs a friend who doesn’t know much about him. But I guess it’s better you know now, then have it come up be surprised. I’m sure the Captain would have let you know in his own time. But I’m guessing you already suspected some of this.”

Nodding briefly, the Princess looked to her claws.
“Yeah. I mean, you guys are bounty hunters, at least occasionally. I will ask him though, if it’s not too sore a subject.”
Gears shook his head in reply, appearing pensive for a moment.
“Actually, now that I think about it…if it does come up, ask what your mother mentioned of the issue. I think that will break the ice a bit better than being blunt about that particular issue.”
My mom?

“Will do Gears, and thank you.” Skystar said, then smiling slightly.
“And it’s nice to get to know you a bit better. Everyone on this ship is so interesting and different- but work together so well!”
Gears shrugged, waving a paw as he hopped off the stool.
“Eh. You’re welcome. You caught me in a reasonable mood where I don’t jokingly insult you halfway through a decent discussion- one of my better days. We’re all different but we’re a family. Even Staunch- and she’s fit in right quick enough. Ah crud, what is this…?”

Waving to the hedgehog as a blinking light caught the engineer’s attention, Skystar made her way back to the main halls as she mulled over his words.
Galen a killer? I guess I always suspected it- being a bounty hunter and all, hearing those crazy stories. And my mom? Breaking the ice about THAT issue? I’ll wait until we’re hidden, and until he’s de-stressed.
Unless he notices I want to ask something- he’s good at that. Or maybe I’m just really bad at hiding it.
Ok, probably that.

Flopping back in her officially-claimed chair in the library, Skystar tapped the desk in though and then grinned.
Oh. There is someone I can ask before him.
“Hey Ley? You here?” she called out to the empty room, continuing to smile as the Kirin appeared with a wave.

“Hi there! I was wondering if you had a minute. I had some questions, not about Anthracite though. More of Galen questions…”
The hippogriff’s entire face flushed red as the Kirin hopped up and down in place excitedly, leaning on the table with a knowing grin, her entire demeanor screaming the message of ‘ooooh really? Do tell.’
“N-not like that! I mean, maybe? I guess sort of like that?” Skystar stuttered, ears flattening briefly.
“They’re not happy questions, and I intend to ask Galen too. Just, there some things…” she then looked up.
“Maybe just yes no answers? And tap on the desk if I should ask Galen?” she suggested, Ley nodding excitedly with a smile. The fact Skystar hadn’t pushed the ‘why don’t you talk’ mystery seemed to delight the Kirin to no end.

“It’s a doozy. I was talking with Gears, and he told me his story. How Galen found him, and stuff.”
Ley’s eyes narrowed, some fangs actually seeming to grow from the tip of her muzzle before Skystar waved a set of claws.
“Don’t get mad at him though! I asked because I was curious, and Gears was hesitant to tell me. Now though, I really don’t know what to think.”
Skystar paused, taking few breaths. This was all so new to her.
“You know Galen really well, right?”
Ley nodded vigorously, prompting Skystar to expand on the question.
“You’ve known him a long time?”
Another vigorous nod.

Now for the big one. I really hope-
“Does he enjoy it?” Skystar asked as Ley tilted her head in curiosity.
“Killing, I mean.”
The Kirin’s demeanor softened as she appeared to sigh, walking over to sit next to Skystar. She shook her head firmly, but then seemed to half-nod and tap the desk.
“Oh, it’s complicated. I guess he is complicated.” Skystar mused with a nod.
“Killing is so alien to me. But I guess out here, it’s really common. Apparently, my mom said something about it to Galen- I’ll ask him about it.”
Another nod affirmed Skystar’s statement.

“I’ve always been taught killing is bad. But Galen doesn’t seem like the type to do something like that without a reason.”
A nod seemed to answer the half-question as Skystar sighed.
“Well, I guess I just need to ask him. That’s what I was worried about though. If he enjoyed it in a bad way, I don’t know if I could get over that.”
Ley shook her head, tapping the desk multiple times.
“Ok, ok. So, ask him. I know he has been stressed though. Do you think he’d be ok talking to me?”
A rapid nod answered Skystar, the Kirin seeming to smile sadly.
“I wonder if he’d be ok with a hug.” the princess mussed in thought, reddening as the Kirin grinned and nodded.

“Wait really? I thought he doesn’t like hugs. Or touching of any kind?”
Ley grinned a bit wider, gesturing around the room and shook her head, then pointing to Skystar and nodding.
The implications of the gesture made the hippogriff let out a squeak, ears burning with a blush that she was sure made its way down her neck.
“W-wait, that’s true to everyone except me?”
Ley nodded once, seeming to laugh as she walked over to nudge Skystar’s shoulder with her own.

“I mean, I don’t mind…ugh. I’m just stalling, huh?”
Ley nodded, pointing up above Skystar and then gesturing to the door.
“Thanks Ley, I’ll-I guess I’ll go see him.”

The Kirin vanished with a cheery wave, Skystar making her way up to the main deck. Pergin and Tilly were at the prow discussing something, and Galen was visible near the wheel above the enclosed cabin, looking through a telescope behind them.

Climbing up the stairs and sitting next to him, Skystar’s ears perked up as Galen spoke.
“I thought I saw something. Must have been a cloud formation, because so far nothing. Our cloak will fail soon, but Pergin found some caves in the distance. One of them is big enough to house the ship; should be there shortly” Galen muttered, stowing the telescope and looking over to the princess.

Skystar’s heart glowed as his eyes met hers- turmoil swirling behind the ocean blue colors.
There’s a storm on that ocean, I just wish I knew what it was all about.
“But what can I do for you Skystar? Sorry I haven’t been too chatty. I’ve just been thinking.”
A slight giggle left Skystar’s beak, the hippogriff nodding.
“Yeah, I can tell. Something is bugging you, but nobody knows what it is. It’s not about patrols, I think. It’s something else.”

Galen sighed, nodding slowly.
“Well, you’re right. Others have asked, but I don’t know how to explain it. It’s the entire situation, not just the job. The civil unrest, the patrols, the job. Something…” His wings drooped, voice going to a whisper.
“No, I know how to explain it. I’m just not ready to.”

Skystar didn’t say anything at first, only scooting a bit closer.
“Well, I won’t push, but there was something I-I mean, it’s not that positive a thing, but I-ugh.” The princess stammered before resting her head on the railing.
“I was curious about Gears, and he told me some stuff. And before you get mad at him, I asked and wanted to know more.” she sighed, shaking her head.

“It’s a different world out there, and I am not sure what to think of it, let alone ask since I don’t even know if it’s appropriate. You’re a good gryphon, I think. But some of the stuff Gears said, a nickname, some stuff…”
“You mean killing.”

Skystar swallowed, nodding once, which prompted Galen to sigh.
I suppose it had to come up eventually.
“It is a different type of taboo subject, depending on the individual.”
“What did my mom say about it?”

Galen’s eyes widened, the gryphon taking a deep breath and looking out to the clouds. He didn’t say anything at first, but the curious look on Skystar’s freckled face eased a few of his worries.
A few.
“Your mother wanted to know how far I’d go to protect you. And yet, despite wanting and needing someone to not hesitate to use lethal force, she looked down on me for having done so. She recognized her faulty view though, and I respect that.” Galen explained.
“Skystar, I have killed a lot of creatures, and regret none of it. If anything, I regret not eliminating some of them sooner. I kill to save lives, and to spare others that burden. If I recall, Gallus penned something along those lines when asked about being a knight, passed to him from Gyld Ironfeather. Gallus didn’t want Silverstream to kill, so he took that burden on himself. In that, we are similar.”

The Knight paused, wings drooping slightly. The princess didn’t say anything at first, but Galen’s nerves were eased as she didn’t react explosively- only in a seemingly reluctant understanding. Skystar waited a few moments before venturing another question, prompting Galen to glance over to her once again.
“I asked Ley, and she said, well, or nodded, that you don’t enjoy it. Sort of.”
Galen stiffened, but nodded slowly.
How do I explain this? There’s so much you don’t know, Skystar...But maybe you can start to know.

“I don’t enjoy taking life. You can’t take that action back. However, I do enjoy protecting others, preserving innocent life, and putting down those who would seek to inflict pain for pleasures sake. I took a similar oath as a Knight, and have lived it long before that.” he whispered, then sighing.
“I have killed to defend my own, and I will do so as long as anyone seeks to harm them. My family, my friends, or those I swear to protect. You are now included in that.”

A slight grimace slid onto Galen’s beak, the gryphon then letting out a huff.
“The blue demon. I suppose that nickname is fitting. But you never hear the other side to it, Skystar. That’s why I don’t like talking much about it.”
“The other side?”

Galen looked at his claws, a few tendrils of blue energy licking across them. Thankful faces rose from his memory to ease the usual burden talking about such a subject brought.
“Whenever I need to fight to protect others, it’s usually no contest of who wins. Then don’t expect an adept mage to take interest in the affairs of others. When I have killed their guards and have a sleezy life-trader pinned against a wall, it’s always the same question. ‘What are you?’” he let out a slight shiver, head shaking slightly.
“What am I. What. It’s always that, as they watched me bat away sword blows and arrows with ease. The blue demon, but do you know what the others say?” Galen asked, his frame shaking slightly.
“The creatures who saw the same events, the ones who I struggled to help, they always ask who. Never what. They don’t care what I am, only…”

To Skystar’s surprise, the gryphon stared at his claws, a bit of dampness trickling from his eyes.
“A blue angel. That’s what the gryphon hatchling called me, those years ago. And somehow those I save know that name. They don’t care how I took out a dozen guards and snapped a sword in half, or healed a fallen ally with a wave of my claws. That’s the other side, Skystar, to taking life. It’s never done lightly, but always to protect others.”
His wings now slumped, the Captain still stared at the deck.
“Whether or not that changes your view of me, I don’t know. Some creatures can’t get over the fact I have blood on my claws; any reason isn’t valid. If that’s the case-”
“It’s not, not at all.” Skystar interjected, scooting a tad closer.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to get you all riled up, but I don’t think less of you because of it.” she explained.
“You’re a good gryphon, that’s why I like you. I just- if someone enjoyed killing for the sake of it, I’d never be able to be comfortable around them. So that’s why…I’m just happy.”
The look of shock snapped Galen out of his stupor, and Skystar nodded quickly.
“Yup! I get that it’s a different world. Trying to impose what I think is reasonable or logical to someone else’s life, especially some-creature in such a different world just doesn’t make sense. You say you don’t enjoy taking life, but protecting it. That’s all I really wanted to know. Kind of just re-affirms what I already know.”

Galen blinked, looking over to Skystar curiously.
“And what might that be?”
Skystar swallowed, hesitating before reaching over to give his claws a squeeze with her own.
“That you’re a good gryphon, secrets and all.”
The Knight’s grey face flushed pink, eyes darting to Skystar and his own talons briefly.
Why do I not mind this?

Skystar let his claws go- a blush on her own cheeks returning.
Hope I didn’t overstep anything.
“I’m still looking forward to that date, whenever it may be.”

She did not miss how Galen’s ears immediately flicked upright, the Captain smiling ever so slightly.
“Well, same here, I think.”
“You think?”

Galen winced, claws tightening around the railing.
“Not- it’s just a new thing. Not a date, but with someone like you. In a good way. A really good way.”
The hippogriff tilted her head, blinking in confusion.
“I am not sure how to take that.”
Rather than retreat, Galen looked over to the Princess and shrugged his wings honestly.
“Most individuals aren’t as free spirited and understanding as you are. I don’t trust individuals easily, Skystar.”
“Buuuuuuuuut you trust me?”
There was a brief pause, and Skystar saw a smile sneak on to Galen’s beak.
“Yes. More and more it would seem. That alone is a new feeling.”

Galen then gestured ahead of the ship, where a large mountain with a snow-capped peak was looming.
“I need to figure out a hiding place for the ship now- but we’ll chat later, yeah?”
Skystar nodded, a smile (and blush, to her embarrassment,) pushing its way onto her face as her eyes met Galen’s briefly.
“Y-yeah. I guess I’ll go watch.”

Clambering down to the main deck, Skystar couldn’t help but gape the massive rocky formation. Jutting up to the sky, the sheer grey rock face opened up like an ancient giant’s mouth. Stalactites and stalagmites jutted up and down from deep inside the cavern, teeth behind the snow-covered lips.
The ship slowed to a crawl, the vessel’s stern swinging around. Momentum continued to carry the airship into the cave, the thrusters firing twice as it settled inside. Unless a ship was lined up perfectly, the vessel was completely hidden.

“Perfectly placed, Alabaster.” Galen called over the crystal speakers, now walking down to the main deck to survey the hidden ship.
“We’ll wait here for a while. I don’t know about you, but I’m done dodging patrols for a few days.”

Skystar smiled, the pony in question popping into existence with a bow.
“Thank you, Sir. Do you want me to set up the runes?”
Galen nodded, and Skystar watched as Alabaster left the ship, vanishing to reappear on the ground and trot toward the entrance.
“Ok. That’s really weird to see.” she muttered, Galen chuckling softly.
“Ah, yeah, I imagine so. The ‘projection’ is a pony. Well, he’s going to set up a rune at the entrance. That will let me cast a camouflage spell, and then we can check in to see what the news is.”

Skystar’s ears perked up, the hippogriff’s wings flaring slightly.
“Like, news from my home? How? How could we pick up anything out here? I know radio and television signals can travel far, but…”

With a smile, Galen gestured to belowdecks, then watching as Alabaster began to draw a massive rune at the cave entrance.
“I can re-route the signals from Anthracite to us. So, we can then see what is being broadcast.”

Shifting from paw to hoof nervously, Skystar paced back and forth for a few minutes as her thoughts went wild. Aside from just knowing about ‘unrest’, she had been in the dark.
I wonder how much of that is intentional?

“Skystar?” Galen asked, walking with her as he gestured down belowdecks.
“I could have found out information sooner, but I’ve been trying to limit our magical signature. It’s easier to hide when we’re under rock and I have protective runes in place. Between the constant concealment spell and our engines, I didn’t want to open a portal and receive news. I haven’t even contacted Anthracite directly. Alabaster and Ley can move without detection- so that has been my only contact.” He explained, then pausing and looking to his claws.
“I don’t want you to think I’ve been keeping things from you, not about your family.”

She took a deep breath, and then nodded as the pair entered the small mess area, a television receiver being placed on the main table by Gears.
“Thank you, Galen.” Skystar whispered, sitting down on the worn couch with a sigh.
“Now to finally figure out what’s going on.”

“Runes are in place and active, Captain- I’ll initiate the magical link at your command.” Alabaster chirped as he appeared half-size on top of the table.
“Thanks, Al. Have Switch monitor our magical signature. I don’t want any patrols picking up on it.” Galen replied, looking around as Tilly, Pergin and Staunch filed in to sit down and watch the blank screen.

“Alright, initiate it. We’ll just scan the channels, and please get an in-depth update from Anthracite. See what our sources have on this conflict and such.”

The television flickered to life, the simple box glowing with an unnatural teal tinge as the crystals behind the screen activated.
“-d now back to you, Miss Focus.” A voice was blaring over the simple speaker, a purple mare now coming into focus as she looked into a camera, the background appearing to be pockmarked grey stone.
“Thank you, Film. As you can see in a moment, Mount Aris is still gripped with civil protests. In the past few hours though, things have escalated- hey, pan over, get that!”
The camera shifted, prompting Skystar’s heart to lodge in her throat.
“M-my home…”

The mountain fortress was cloaked in smoke, small fires burning within the streets and buildings. The docks were bustling with distant figures, while oddly-shaped ships seemed to be present offshore.
“The separatist group, previously discounted as unorganized and without goal, now seems to counter both of those assumptions. Those ships are theirs- likely from a base of operations we don’t know about. Their demands have been odd and sporadic, but seem to revolve around Queen Novo abdicating the throne to some sort of alternate rule. However, within moments we’ll turn over to Shock Story- a reporter on the front lines. Apparently, he’s being allowed a few moments to speak with one of the separatist individuals.”
The broadcast cut to a pair of ponies in a newsroom, the two talking back and forth about the economic impact of the crisis. Skystar was only aware of her tears falling after Galen put a hesitant arm over her shoulder, and the surprised looks of the crew were the last thing on her mind.
Unable to hold back her sobs, Skystar flopped over onto the gryphon’s shoulder, sides shaking with grief.
“A-at least my mom is alive and ok…” she choked out, Galen giving her a squeeze and gesturing to Alabaster- the pony appearing to wave off to the side.
“Skystar, your mother is alive and well, as far as our sources can confirm.” he relayed before vanishing. Skystar took a deep breath and nodded, shaking off the shock rather quickly.
“O-ok. That’s-that’s what I was worried about. I’m good.” she whispered, sitting up straight once again.
Galen nodded, then turning back to the television.

“Alright, now we go live to Shock Story, where he has secured an interview with one of the opposition individuals.”
The camera feed cut out, A grey pony standing in font of a stone wall waving to the camera.
“Good, we on? Ok. Shock Story here, and I’ve got a hippogriff citizen here who was kind enough to accept my invitation for an interview!”

The camera shifted, and a simple-looking hippogriff nodded affirmingly. Clad in what appeared to be rough metal armor, the tan creature had a short sword at his side. For all intents and purposes, he would have fit in with a town militia. His eyes were narrowed as he spoke to the pony, a brilliant deep green and the voice sprouting from the hippogriff’s beak was strangely deep for one of such average stature.
“Thank you, Mister Story. Our demands are like your news has been saying. We want a new council, and Queen Novo to step down. I do not speak for everyone though- and I’m sure more cohesive requests will be coming shortly.”
Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but part way through his words, the hippogriff’s eyes seem to spark with a golden light- a few tendrils of energy seeming to escape his eye sockets. And then it was gone as the reporter continued his questioning.

Feeling the couch shake, Skystar looked over and felt her heart drop. Galen’s limbs were shaking violently, the gryphon staggering towards the door with a shake of his head.
“G-galen?” Skystar whispered.
Snapping into existence, Ley strode over to place a hoof on the gryphon’s shoulder as he paused. Her mouth appeared to move- but Skystar didn’t hear anything. The Knight seemed to refocus, nodding and heading further towards the hallway. The other four individuals seemed equally as perplexed as Skystar- Gears piping up softly.
“Captain? You alright?” he asked, and got a brief nod from Galen.
“I don’t know, but we’ll see. Just…I need a minute.” the gryphon muttered, promptly leaving the room.
What just happened? Something about that golden-eyed hippogriff?
Ley looked over to Skystar, gesturing after Galen simply.
Oh. Got it.
As she trotted out of the room, the hippogriff saw Ley’s eyes narrow as she turned to watch the broadcast, seeming just as interested in it as Galen.

Finding the gryphon in a small side hall Skystar carefully approached him as Galen leaned against a metal panel, sides heaving with panicked breaths.
Is he having a panic attack? I think he is.
“Just breath Galen. It’s ok.” Skystar said as she walked over to try and get a look at him.

Galen’s haunted gaze screamed to the hippogriff that he was far from being alright- and Skystar scooted a bit close to him.
“Lean on me if it helps.”
The impact on her shoulder indicated Galen did just that, his limbs starting to quake violently. The stoic Captain had tears running from his eyes, even as he turned to look away from Skystar.
“I don’t know what’s going on Galen, but you’re ok…I’m right here.” she whispered.

He seemed to calm down within a minute or so, the gryphon shaking his head.
“It’s- I was going to say it’s stupid, but it isn’t. I’m honestly just-” Galen sighed, leaning on Skystar a bit more.
“I guess it’s your turn to be leaned on?” he whispered, prompting a giggle from the hippogriff.
“Not that I mind! Silverstream had a few panic attacks, sooooo I learned to help with those! You doing a bit better?”

Galen nodded, shrugging before taking a few more breaths.
“A bit. I just am not sure…there’s some things that aren’t adding up. Maybe just a trick of the lighting.” he muttered.
Skystar didn’t question his words- getting the sense that more questions would not be the wisest thing at the moment.
“You going to be ok? I’m- I need to go see if there’s anything else on that broadcast.” Skystar whispered, receiving a simple nod in reply.
I don’t like leaving him so troubled, but I need to know.

To Skystar’s surprise, she had barely made her way back to the lounge and gotten settled when Galen sat by the door as well, apparently having headed back soon after her. He paused as Alabaster flickered into existence, brow furrowed in thought.
“Sir? There’s something odd here.”
“More important than the broadcast?” Galen asked, demeanor shifting slightly as Alabaster shrugged.
“I…don’t know, Sir.”

Skystar saw the crew’s attention shift abruptly, as though picking up that something was off. She hadn’t seen Alabaster so indecisive, and never this nervous.
Galen waved a claw, turning off the broadcast as Alabaster sat down next to the table.
“Talk to me Al.”

The Ashen looked up in confusion, gesturing to the air in front of the gryphon.
“I don’t know what to make of it. There’s a magical spell forming in front of you, but it’s barely detectable. Slowly growing in strength, but it’s definitely targeted towards you. Perhaps a communications spell of some sort? But it’s not fully formed.”

Galen appeared to think for a moment- and then froze.
“Alabaster. Listen to me very carefully.” he whispered, causing Tilly and Pergin to look at each other in worry.
“You say it’s growing in intensity; I want you to accelerate it, dump raw energy into the spell. Increase the formation speed by an exponential factor starting at two. It should form around two-hundred and forty times speed.”

The entity blinked, eyes widening in shock as a few sparks began to appear in front of Galen.
“Spell incoming- but how did you know…?”

Skystar saw Galen’s forelimb shiver slightly, his sides beginning to heave with barely contained gasps. Something then caused him to regain control, forcing past whatever threatened to overwhelm him.
A scroll popped into existence, prompting the gryphon to scan the message briefly.
“It’s from Novo, warning that the mission may be extended. Dated a week ago.” he muttered, eyes widening as another scroll appeared- Alabaster continuing to speed up the incoming spells.
“And now this one says to disregard the order. Skystar, these are her signatures and seals, right?”

Skystar looked at both notes and nodded, an uneasy chill starting to creep down her spine.
“Right down to the unique dots she uses. But it doesn’t feel right.”

Another scroll popped up- this one with a simple ‘unsure if communications will remain secure.’
The following letter was written in perfectly matching script; ‘disregard; still secure.’
The scrolls that followed were of similar context; Skystar pointing out some differences in Novo’s signature at times, whereas others were near perfect.
‘The palace is unsecured’/‘False alarm.’
‘Patrol routes are not being followed, possible changes.’/‘Routes staying the same.’
‘Equestria appears to be helping above and beyond what has been agreed. Stay alert.’/‘Normal searches ongoing.’

The final scroll had Galen’s eyes narrowed to slits as he read.
“No reply from you for over a week. Assume communications compromised. Sending final letter using final option. All other encryptions compromised; Code Torch.” he whispered, then darted out of the lounge and returning moments later with a book and scroll in claw.
“…Is that an Ogres and Oubliettes dungeon master’s manual?” Tilly asked, prompting a curt not.
“Our final method of encryption. She’s bypassing all others.” he muttered, pausing momentarily. Sending the scroll into a magical void, Galen shook his head.
“Code Torch orders me to send a pre-written message to Celestia; I don’t know what is in that scroll however, and it certainly is arriving later than she wanted.” he explained, turning to examine the next scroll which held a long list of numbers and dashes. Retrieving some blank parchment, Galen scrawled down some notes as he flipped back and forth.

“It’s signed for you Skystar.” he whispered, handing the numerical scroll over to her.
“L-love you my little seaweed wrap. Stay safe.” Skystar whispered, a lump rising in her throat.
“What is going on Galen?”
The gryphon stared at the manual, and magical energy began to crackle along his arms. The room seemed to darken, the shadows appearing to leer with fangs at the gathered group. Galen’s eyes darted over the decrypted message, and the atmosphere in the cozy lounge now held the feeling of a knife’s edge, ready to fall on those gathered.
“Alabaster. Enact the Pyrite initiative. Everything outlined in that plan.” He hissed, prompting the crew to jump in surprise.

“S-sir, and if the prince should disagree?” the Ashen asked, prompting Galen to pause as though slightly confused before nodding firmly.
“He will understand, and would order the same thing. Do it, now. I will bear full responsibility if I am wrong.” Galen stated flatly, prompting Alabaster to vanish. The gryphon stared at the parchment, shivering slightly.
“Well? What was the message, if I might ask?” Gears grumbled and just as confused as the others.

“I’ll read them in order. It’s a message based around events, cards, and missions in the game.” Galen whispered, and the commanding edge in his tone caused Skystar to shift uncomfortably. It was as though everyone present was balanced on the edge of a cliff, but nobody other than Galen knew why.

“Random Event: Unforeseen complications, your current quest has been extended for an unknown length of time.” he began as the crew edged closer to listen.
“Essential quest modifier- Keep current mission-critical party member safe for extended rewards. Mission warning, affecting next quest; The trees have ears.” Galen paused, and Skystar saw his claws bite into the wooden table.

“Continuing mission warning: Enemies are all around, trust no one, fly, run, and flee! Spell- Last Stand- if you must fight, you do so with the strength of ancestors- all abilities increased by fifty percent.” he concluded, his own eyes starting to spark with blue power. Ley appeared next to him, the Kirin’s mane starting to swirl as though a flame in a campfire, her torso appearing more angular and cut than usual.
Wait. Is Ley wearing armor?

“They’re back; how did I not see this. All of it lines up…” Galen whispered, then turning to his crew.
“We stay here for no more than two days. I want everyone armed at all times, and make sure this ship is battle ready. We’re not a mapping vessel anymore.”

While all of the crew nodded, Gears raised a paw.
“Captain, what is going on?! The Queen is compromised? Who is coming after us? What are we facing? And who are we supposed to be fighting?” he asked, receiving a few affirming nods from Staunch, Tilly and Pergin. The gryphon sighed, nodding once.

“Fair enough questions. Alright, that coup that destroyed my home? The nation of Anthracite? The conflict that killed hundreds, including my family?” Galen remarked calmly, but Skystar could see the fur and feathers prickling along his spine. Arcane energy was sparking between Galen’s claws, and his eyes barely managed to focus on a single creature for more than a few moments. The Knight then spun his claws, replaying the broadcast from before and stopping on a single image; a hippogriff’s eyes lit up with sun-colored magic.

“The ones who set Anthracite aflame had golden eyes.”

Author's Note:

Pyrite, also known as Fools Gold.
I try to make PoV switches evident by using the line spacers- hopefully it's clear-cut enough. Has mostly been through Skystar's eyes- but that will start to balance out I think.

...And now the hammer begins to fall.