• Published 24th Nov 2018
  • 1,218 Views, 40 Comments

My Little Mages: Academia Ardens - Foxhelm

Everything in Twilight's School of Friendship is going well, but all of a sudden magic began to fail across Mystica. What's going on, maybe Tirek know. A My Little Mages retelling of School Raze

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Headmistress ….Glow?

The following morning, in the school of Friendship, the students started to gather in front of the podium for the morning tidings, everyone was chattering about what was going on, namely the Magicborns due to their inability to use their magic yesterday and last night. Just as everyone arrived Cozy flew in and stood behind the podium. “Good morning, fellow friendship students! I know we're all sad Headmistress Sparkle is away.” She said with a slight pout in her voice. “But don't worry, because she left me in charge to do things just the way she would.” she declared in great cheer.

In the front row of the students in front of the podium was Gallus, Yona, Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream and Sandbar. Gallus raised his hand, “Uh, I thought Starlight Glimmer was gonna be temporary headmistress,” the harp pointed out.

Cozy nodded, “She was,” Cozy then showed a note, which she gave to Gallus, “but she left me this note.” As Gallus read it and passed it, “ I have to go. Twilight needs my help. I know the school is in good hooves with you, Cozy." Cozy said citing the note. Everyone could barely make it out, as the handwriting was… abysmal would be considered a compliment, which was pretty much Starlight’s handwriting in a nutshell. “We won't let Starlight down, will we?” Cozy asked as the note was returned to her.

“Wait for a second, where’s Lieutenant-Colonel Sentry?” Sandbar asked, “Wouldn’t he be the next person after Consoler Glimmer if she is not here?”

“Sadly the Lieutenant-Colonel has other duties as part of the ESM and his last class for the week was yesterday.” Cozy pointed out. This brought a fair amount of agreement from the other students.

As everyone was agreeing, “It's just kind of weird, isn't it?” Smolder asked calling attention to what she seemed to be off.

“I don't know what you mean.” Cozy questioned the dragon.

Smolder shock her head with her concern, “Like, why'd she change her mind?” She asked. “I get Sentry.” she conceded. “But back to Starlight, why did she just write a note instead of saying goodbye to us herself?” she asked pointing out how things were adding up. “Doesn't make any sense,” she concluded which got the better part of the student body to murmur.

Cozy only giggled as she walked up to Smolder, “Oh, Smolder,” she said as she patted the dragon on the head, “you forget. We're not scheming dragons. We're Mysticans.” she informed as she returned to the podium. “Sounds like someone needs to do a little extra friendship homework.” she joked in a fairly sanguine tone.

This resulting in most of the other students laughing, and Smolder to growl with a puff of smoke from her nose. Before anyone could do anything else, Yona placed her hand on Smolder’s folded wing, “Yona ork and ork not Mystican either! If Smolder get homework, Yona get homework.” the proud ork declared in solidarity with her draconic friend.

“Me, too!” Ocellus said as she placed her hand on Smolder’s other wing.

“I'm in!” Sandbar said as he stepped to be closer to his friends, his shoulder brushing Ocellus, getting a slight blush from the elf.

However, this was short lived and went unnoticed as Silverstream swooped in and pulled the other four into a hug, “Yeah!” she shouted with a few laughs. “Homework party!” she cheered.

There was a moment of silence as everyone in the school turned to Gallus, knowing that he was the part of the same group as the other five. Gallus dipped his head in frustration and groaned, “Fine.” he declared.

“What loyalty.” Cozy complemented the group, “Professor Dash would be so proud. You are such good friends.” she declared which brought the other students to applaud the six. “You all are.” Cozy said addressing the other student, “And I'm grateful because it will be awfully hard running a whole school alone until Headmistress Sparkle, our professors and Counselor Glimmer return. Can I count on each of you to help me?” she asked the students. Everyone cheered in agreement. “Thank you so much!” she declared. “It's just like our professors taught us. Together, we can get through anything!” everyone then cheered as they all headed to their work-study classes and projects while the teachers were gone.

Around the same time, Twilight et al were on the road to Tartarus, as they walked they were surrounded by flies buzzing around them. “Why are we walking?” Pinkie whined.

“There is a spell on the gates of Tartarus that prevent it to found expect by foot.” Applejack informed. “Those that try to find it by any other way end up mad or so the stories go.” the paladin added.

“And we’re not risking that because?” Pinkie asked.

“Because my skyboat is in drydock and if Celestia and Luna are having difficulties with guiding the sun and moon, and I own magic failing yesterday…” Twilight pointed out.

“Okay.” Pinkie commented, “But what about asking Discord?” Pinkie pointed out.

“Sorry, but the Smooze has ooze-pox, and Discord is taking care of him,” Fluttershy informed the rest.

“Like during the whole Storm-King thing?” Rainbow asked.

“Actually Discord had Orderitis and it was the Smooze that was nursing him back,” Fluttershy informed.
Pinkie turned to face the readers and shrugged her shoulders, “Yeah it’s a lazy attempt to lampshade those plot-holes but Foxhelm has to work with what he gots.”

Everyone sighed and continued on their track. After a few minutes in the travel, Rarity stopped as she blew and tried to shoo away from her face. Then one fly landed on her nose and she tried to smack it, but before it flew away before her hand made contact causing her to smack her face. “Ow!” she cried. “Ugh! I have had it with these horrible flies!” she complained before tears started to form in her eyes and pout, “I miss my magic!” the enchantress whined.

Twilight and Applejack groaned. It was then that Pinkie reached into her backpack and opened up the bag for food on their trip, “THIS! IS! THE! WORST! POSSIBLE! THING! EVER!!!” The jester shouted before she rolled into a ball and cried waterfalls.

“I am so sorry about your cupcakes, Pinkie,” Fluttershy said as she pats her friend on the shoulder.

“They were so young, they never had the chance to complete their mission.” the party planner waled.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, “Pfft, ‘Magic’ this, ‘magic’ that.” The elementalist mocked. “We don't need magic to go on a little hike.” she countered both Rarity’s and Pinkie’s complaint. Only for a bolt of lightning to strike nearby and thunder roll from it. Within seconds rain was coming down on them fairly hard.

They all then bolted to a nearby outcropping in the cliff wall, “You were saying?” Rarity whined.

“Y’all just need to think more like us closer to the Earth. Like Fluttershy and me.” Applejack said as she reached into her bag a pulled out a small jar, “Grandpa Apple Core’s ‘No-Bite-No-More’ perfect keeping any arthropod off yah!” Applejack opened the jar and passed it around after taking some the paste in the jaw and applying it to her face. “That'll keep the flies off.”

As Pinkie looked at the paste she gave it a sniff and immediately covered her nose, “Ugh! It smells just like it looks!” she declared.

As everyone was applying the paste, Fluttershy called attention to a nearby blueberry bush, “And these blueberries are still good to eat, so we don’t have to worry about food worse comes to worst.” the druid informed.

Spike, however, looked out to the storm they just escaped and would have to get back into, “Too bad we can't do anything about the storm.” the dragon pointed out.

Rainbow smirked, “I can't stop the rain.” she said before she bolted and returned with a cloud to function as an umbrella for everyone. “But I can still help.” she finished as she looked at the rest.

“I think we have all the magic we need right here,” Twilight said as she commented on all that she observed her group had accomplished without their inherent magic, especial hers and Rarity’s. Everyone then looked at her in shock, “Not that I don't want to get it back. Heh.” she said with a weak laugh. She then went under the cloud Rainbow brought down, “Let's go!” she ordered and they were off again.

Many hours later as night was falling in the area of Magiville, in the School of Friendship, many of the students behaved like the night was any other night. All the while chattering. As Sandbar was heading to the library he came across three girls, one a Magicborn, one an Earthborn and one a Skyborn, “Cozy Glow baked our class cupcakes today!” the Magicborn declared as the trio walked.

The Earthborn showed off her wrist, “And she made all of us friendship bracelets!” she added.

“She's the nicest person I've ever met. I'm so glad she's headmistress!” the Skyborn completed.

“Uh, temporary headmistress? Right, guys?” Sandbar questioned the three as he pointed out that Cozy was not the actual headmistress.

The three rolled their eyes, “Oh, oh, of course. But if Twilight takes her time coming back, I won't mind.” the Magiborn countered as the laughed and continued on their way.

Sandbar rolled his eyes and continued to the library. There he met up with Silverstream, Ocellus, Smolder, Gallus, and Yona. “Finally! We thought you forgot about study club.” Silverstream said as she was the first to notice Sandbar.

Sandbar gave a slight chuckle, “Sorry I'm late. Cozy Glow gave our class tickets to a Sapphire Shores concert in Magiville tonight.” Sandbar said as he joined them at the table.

“You get the feeling Cozy's trying too hard to make us like her?” Gallus asked as Sandbar opened his notebook.

Ocellus showed Sandbar her notebook on Fluttershy’s last class Ocellus attended but Sandbar could not attend due to the professors leaving, “Or maybe she just wants to help us keep our minds off of how scary it is that magic's disappearing,” the elf pointed out.

“I don't trust her,” Smolder said with a huff. “What's she up to behind those big eyes,” she said as brought her talons to her eyes and widened her eyelids. “and bouncy curls?” she said as she brushed the purple frill on her head.

Before anyone could say anyone there was a faint clattering, Yona looked over to another part of the library where the grate to the caves below the library. “And why Cozy coming out of catacombs so late at night?” the ork asked.

Everyone went over to see Cozy leave the library from another door after they saw she leave the caves underground, “Let's go ask her.” Gallus declared and they all silently nodded.

Near the western coast of Mystica with about an hour, before the last light of the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, Twilight et al arrived at an almost impossibly large set of metal doors. “This is the only door to Tartarus,” Twilight said as she walked up to the door. As she looked over it was clear that the door had not been opened. “The good news is the seal isn't broken, so we know Tirek didn't escape.” Twilight informed as she turned to look at the others.

“And three, two, one.” Applejack and Spike counted before as Twilight was about to give the bad news.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “And the bad news is” she stated flatly as she was annoyed about Applejack’s and Spike’s countdown, “the last time I was here, I had to use my magic to get in. And according to Star Swirl, all Magicborn magic was gone by yesterday's sunset.” Twilight pointed out. Before she could be questioned she stepped to have everyone see as struggled and strained as she tried to bring her magic to open the door as only someone that can be killed or die can open the gates from the outside. After about five seconds her magic fizzled out and sigh.

Pinkie placed her hand on Twilight’s shoulder, “Don't worry, Twilight. I got this.” She then pulled a pizza box and was dress like a slice of pizza in a blink of an eye and knocked on the adamantine doors. “Free pizza delivery!” she shouted only to answered with silence. Pinkie turned back to the others, “Huh. Always worked before. Oh, well.” she said nonchalantly and was out of her costume faster than an eye can blink.

Applejack reached into her backpack and pulled out what looked like a diamond in the shape of a cone, “If you’re all done messing around.” she said as she walked to the gate.

“The Key of Unfettered Entrance!?” Twilight asked before Applejack could place it in what looked like a hole that would match the cone.

“Actually it’s one of the minor ones, like least, it’s a one-time-us. So before I put it in, do we have a plan to get out, because once we go it, these doors will shut.” Applejack asked the lot. Everyone was quiet as no-one could think of plan out. “We’re going to have to wing it, Maybe Kerberos has a key on his collar.” Applejack stated with a groan of frustration. They had to open the door, and they didn’t have the time to wait on the outside. So reluctantly Applejack placed the key in and the doors opened followed by the key shattering to dust in the wind. “Let’s go.” Applejack said as she drew her sword as everyone readied their weapons, in the case of Fluttershy the use of her ‘stare’ and they all cautiously entered only for the doors to slam shut behind them. Before they could fully recover they hear the hiss of a cockatrice. Upon seeing the monster they all gasped as they tried to cover their eyes, “Cockatrice!” Applejack said as held her sword in front to reflect the cockatrice’s gaze upon itself.

“Do something, Fluttershy!” Rarity pleaded.

“Don't look at it! It'll turn you to stone!” Rainbow added almost unneeded.

As everyone kept their eyes shut Pinkie opened her and looked around as the cockatrice hissed. “I don't feel like stone.” Pinkie started and then bounced up and down a few times, “Unless it's really bouncy stone.”

Slowly everyone opened their eyes and saw that the cockatrice was in a cage and while their eyes met the beast nothing happened. “I think he lost his magic, too.” Fluttershy surmised and then looked at all the cages near the door, there was a manticore, a chimera, a hydra, a beast bugbear just to list a few. “All the creatures here must have,” she said as she looked at each and every one of the miserable lot.

“Star Swirl said that would happen on the second day,” Twilight said as a sense of true sorrow for these creatures plight sank into the seven.

“I know it should make me feel safer,” Spike said as he flew to be above everyone, “but it just makes me sad. We gotta fix this!” The dragon declared as he stated down the path ahead looking for Kerberos and their target.

At the same time Cozy opened the door to Twilight’s office unaware that she was being followed by Gallus et al. Inside the office she saw that the chair Twilight sat in was turned to face the window. It then creaked as it turned to reveal Chancellor Neighsay in it. An irritated look was on his face “Where is Princess Twilight?!” he deemed to know, electing to get to the core of the matter.

Cozy smiled, “Oh, golly. She's away on a quest. I'm watching the school for her.” the girl answered with a great amount of cheer, not unlike a child that was told she or he was doing a good job at something.

To say that Neighsay was bemused would be the understatement of the day. He almost jumped from the chair as he slammed the desk, “Magic is failing across our land, and she left a child in charge of this facility?” he asked rhetorically. Such a dereliction of duty would be intolerable under M.E.A. guidelines.

“Yes, sir!” Cozy answered with a big open-mouth closed-eye smile. “Is there anything I can do for you?”She asked joyously.

“That won't be necessary,” Neighsay said as he sat down and looked to the ceiling. “While M.E.A seizing control of a school is far from the norm,” he paused as he looked at Cozy, “Twilight's folly stops here. As of now, I am headmaster.” He declared as he slammed the desk once more. “And I have quite a few changes to make,” he added with a smirk growing on his face. Cozy gave an angry pout as Gallus et al looked at each other nervously.