• Published 26th Nov 2018
  • 467 Views, 8 Comments

Remembrance (The Audio Drama) - Nira Lightshine

What if Twilight has to face the Nightmare again? But without her friends?

  • ...

Reunion Part 2

---Golden Oak Library---

Twilight couldn't believe what was sitting in front of her. It was her home for many years before Tirek had destroyed it…the Golden Oak Library. She'd forgotten, that going back in time, would bring this back as well.

"The Golden Oak Library! It's here!" Twilight proclaimed with joy, admiring the home for the first time in years with a gleeful grin on her face.

Spike and Fluttershy looked at her confused while Spike answered, "Uh ya. That’s what Princess Celestia said."

As they entered, Twilight saw the room was dark now, and she felt joy in her heart. It couldn't be could it? But as she went to turn on the lights, they turned on for her. And in front of her, were ponies…ponies long dead. Some of them were dear friends of hers, others she knew in passing. But the one who caught her eye though, was the Pink Pony bouncing around her now.

"Surprise! Are you surprised! Huh huh huh huh huh huh! I've never seen you before, and knew you were new to town! As I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville!" This would go on for a while, and Twilight smiled as she watched this. She missed Pinkie Pie so much, her sweet attitude made it hard not to smile. To the point it hurt now, and would end with, "And now you have lots and lots of friends." And with this, her friends would all come around and smile at her.

Twilight looked at them and felt a pang in her heart, her friends…they were really all here. She couldn't believe her eyes and felt tears come to them, "Friends…ya." She felt a hoof on her shoulder as she looked up at Applejacks worried eyes.

"You okay Sugarcube?" She asked

"Ya, I'm fine." She said backing up slightly, she wasn't used to physical attention like this now. Not since she had withdrawn from the world to save herself the heartache of losing more friends. It wasn't since she'd taken Galaxy as her student, she'd done such things.

"I know what can turn that frown upside down. A parttyyy!" Pinkie shouted out excitedly as confetti seemed to explode around her. Something even a century later Twilight hadn't figured out how Pinkie did without her party cannon.

"Ya that would be-" She stopped herself as she realized then, she couldn't change the timeline, 'Think Twilight, if you affect the past. It might affect the future. Like last time.' She then said out loud, "Actually I'm really tired. I think I'm going to get some shuteye." She said and felt a pang of guilt as she saw the disappointed looks on her friends faces.

"Of course, Darling. You have to rest up for the big celebration tomorrow." Rarity said, her smile a bit forced as she looked worried at Twilight.

She would start to walk toward the stairs muttering a bit distractedly, "Thanks." And would close the door to her old bedroom behind her, tears slipping down her face as she murmured, "I'm sorry my friends."

---Present Day Canterlot---

Galaxy would walk toward the library in Canterlot castle as she took careful steps, "Okay…sure! Let Galaxy watch over the elements! No pressure! Hahah-oof!" She said as she'd fall on her face.

As she tried to get back up, she heard two sets of hoof steps walking up to her as two royal guards would glare down at her as one would say, "Wow there she goes again. I don't understand what Princess Twilight sees in her." One snickered.

"Some prized pupil! She can't even walk straight." Both would laugh at her mockingly as they walked away.

Galaxy would slowly reach the library tears flowing down her face, as she muttered, "I'm not useless!" But once she reached the library, she would close the door behind her.

When she found the chest holding the elements, she would open it up and pick up the element of magic, voice breaking, "Why can't I be more like you?" She said hugging it to her chest for a moment.

---Song (Someday)---

--Present Canterlot--

Once Galaxy put the element back into the box, she would go to the glass now and stare out at Canterlot and subsequently Ponyville. And as she backed away feeling frustrated more than sad now, she'd glare downward.

'Good Job Galaxy you did it again! You messed up, and every pony turned and laughed at you! For being a clumsy, stupid fool, I'm not who they want!'

As she sang these words, the sadness in her voice would pitch though as she gave a sigh, her heart feeling hurt as this happened. But she would get up determined slowly and teleport back to the box of the elements. Seeing it gave her hope again, as if she could feel her mentor’s presence there.

'I dedicated my life to this! I try to always keep a constant smile. No matter what, challenges are ahead of me.'

She decided to reopen the box, as if to make sure the elements were still there. She thought for a moment she saw a shimmer of light from them, which brought hope to her heart a smile to her face as she teleported back to the center of the room.

"But now's my time to show them I'm useful. I'll raise up and save the day. No matter what they say! All the glares and expectations. I'll wash them all away. And prove to them I can be important someday! Someday! Someday! I'll be important someday! Someday! Someday!'

As Galaxy got the look of hope on her face. She would stare back at her reflection, instead of the despair on her face before, she saw hope. Which only made her smile brighter. Unknownst to her, Twilight in another time was looking up at the same night sky she was.

---Past Ponyville---

If Twilight had an inkling that her student was looking up at the sky, trying to find guidance. She might have wanted to be there for her. But all she could think was she was back with her friends, but not joining in on the party. Oh, how she wanted to hug them again and never let go, but she was afraid they'd turn out to just be ghosts…despite the bruises to her ribcage that Rainbow left again!

'They are here but are like shadows! Invisible! I can't believe this has happened, my wish granted. I will give everything I have to you. My friends I will not screw up, again. And treasure every precious moment I have with you before time runs out.'

She swore she could see an image of her friends now in front of her, looking like the day they first met, her heart soaring again, but also sinking knowing this was only temporary…but her mind refusing to allow her to think that.

(Galaxy/Twilight both singing from here out)

'I may not be the best. I may not be the best for you!'

'But I'll do whatever it takes.'

I'll make a million mistakes.'

'To make the world safe and sound for you'

As both would step away from the window they were staring at, joy and excitement in their hearts as they would sing their hearts out now.

'Now's my time to start over again! I'll raise up to save the day, no matter what they say. All the tears and anticipation! I'll wash them all away. And prove to you I will be important today. I say! I say! I know I'll be useful today. I say! I say!'

As both felt the connection of something in their hearts. The music would die down within them too, and both would go back to the window to stare out. Hope realized.

---Hours later, Past Ponyville---

As ponies gathered for the raising of the sun. Twilight kept her eyes on the stage ignoring what was going on around her. And thus, was the only one not surprised that Celestia was not on stage when the curtain was pulled back.

But not even moments later, a familiar dark figure appeared on the stage, one she'd not seen in over a hundred years, Nightmare Moon, "Luna." Twilight whispered, ears down. She remembered the conversations she would have with Luna years later about this.

Nightmare moon would look down upon them imperiously, "Oh my beloved subjects, it's been so long since I saw all your sun loving faces." She said with a smirk.

"What the hay have you done with our princess!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she would fly toward her, but Applejack would grab her by the tail.

""Woahh Nelly!" She shouted muffledly.

"What am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" She asked.

"Oooh! More guessing games! How about hokey smoke, how about queen meanie, oooh black sooty! Black soo-mmph!" She said as Twilight shoved a cupcake in her mouth.

"Pinkie!" She warned with a glare as she stared back up at the Nightmare.

"Does my crown no longer count, now that I've been imprisoned for a thousand years. Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" She said hovering above everypony.

Twilight spoke up without really thinking about it as she said, "I did. And I know who you are! Princess Luna!" She said, gasping a bit suddenly as she realized she said the wrong name this time.

Instead of being angry, Nightmare Moon would only laugh at her answer, "Hah, wrong. I'm no longer that pathetic mare. I am Nightmare Moon! Now face my eternal darkness!" She shouted as she disappeared into vapor.

While ponies were running around screaming, Twilight would give a roll of her eyes as she shouted over the noise, looking to her friends, "Follow me!" She said as she ran to the Golden Oak Library.

-Golden Oak Library-

As they gathered around the center table in the library, Fluttershy asked shaking a bit, "Oh no, what do we do?" She asked, the rest of them looking at Twilight.

"I have a pretty good idea." Rainbow Dash said glaring at Twilight with a suspicious look, "Hey Twilight…what's going on here."

"Rainbow's right, they appeared right after you showed up. So, start talking." Applejack said, staring her down as she said this.

"I can't explain everything right now, but we need to find the elements of harmony. They’re in the princesses old castle in the Everfree forest." She said before having Pinkie jump up in her face.

"And how do you know it’s in the castle? Huh? Huh? Huh?" She said staring directly into her eyes.

"Please listen to me, we need to find them before Nightmare Moon does." Twilight said backing up feeling nervous, before feeling a hoof on her shoulder.

"Well, alright. Something tells me we can trust you." Rarity said smiling at her while Twilight smiled back, a sense of relief washing over her.

"Same here, now let's get going." Rainbow Dash said,

Twilight though thought to herself, 'Why does this feel too easy?'

---Castle of the Royal Sisters---

After hours of going through the same trials they did before. Everything playing out the same way, Twilight making sure of it too. They would finally arrive at the pedestal holding the elements of harmony. All of them giving wows at the sight of them. And now as the orbs were brought down. Pinkie started to count them, "One, two, three, four…there's only five?" She said looking back at Twilight with worry.

"Where's the sixth?" Rainbow Dash asked settling down on the ground.

"I have to ignite the spark to bring out m-I mean the element." Twilight said, sure that her magic would be enough to do it.

"And what the hay does that mean?" Applejack said.

"Just…follow my lead." Twilight said as she would light up her horn to fire her magic at the orbs, convinced that's all it would take to do it, but nothing happened, "Aw come on! It went like last time! Why didn't it work!"

"Maybe we should give her some space?" Fluttershy suggested now.

"No, it's okay. I got this!" Twilight said getting ready to do it again. But as she fired her magic at them again, she would see nothing happen again, "Everything is like it was before. Why isn't it working!" She said.

"Are you sure?" Pinkie said coming next to her

"Yes…unless." She though was cut off when the orbs started to swirl into the air.

And as Nightmare Moon formed in front of them, she would have the elements in her magic, "Here's what I think of your precious elements!" She said, using her magic to shatter them against the floor. Twilight felt the hope leave her when this happened, "You little foal, thinking you can defeat me. Now you'll never see your princess or your sun! The night will last forever!"

"It's okay everyone. We can still use the elements!" Twilight shouted as she charged at Nightmare Moon.

"You’re kidding me, right?" She said and as she watched her get closer, she would blast Twilight with her magic sending her skidding across the floor.

"Twilight!" Her friends cried out helping her up, as they all looked up in fear at Nightmare Moon.

"I don't understand…why isn't it working. I did everything correct. Why am I so useless?" She said tears forming in her eyes.

"It's okay Twilight." Fluttershy said standing next to her.

"You’re not useless! You have us after all." Rarity said.

"That's right! We're still friends." Pinkie Pie said.

Something awoke inside of Twilight when she heard the word, 'friends'. A spark ignited in her heart, "Friends? That's it! That's what’s missing! I need you, I need to rely on you. My friends." She said as the element shards now started to float into the air on their own.

As the orbs started to gather around them, Twilight would say, "It's not just magic. There’s Generosity. Kindness. Honesty. Laughter and Loyalty that bring Harmony." She said as the orbs formed into the elements now. And as the elements fired the beat at Nightmare Moon again to defeat her.

And after they would wake up from a short rest on the floor, Twilight would feel glee in her heart. They did it! They restored the elements.

"Oh Rarity, its beautiful." Fluttershy said staring at the necklace on Rarity’s neck.

"I know!" She shouted playing with and wagging her tail excitedly.

"Not your tail…your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark." Fluttershy pointed out.

The rest was lost to Twilight as she was happy with glee, "I did it! I mean we did it! We used the elements…maybe it's possible after all." But suddenly the elements would start to glow again, but instead of the rainbow light. It'd be a white light enveloping all, but none of her friends would seem to notice.

"What? What's happening?" She asked before her vision went white.

---Canterlot Castle present day---

As Celestia, Luna and Galaxy would be waiting in the throne room for Cadance to arrive, Galaxy was starting to get impatient, "Shouldn't she be here by now?" She asked, not wanting to let Twilight down by something happening to the elements. Needing to get back to them soon.

"Have patience Galaxy. She will be here in due time." Luna said also feeling a bit impatient.

"They did come all the way from the Crystal Empire." Celestia said.

"They?" Galaxy said as her brows furrowed, who else would be coming with Cadance?

"Yes, we found out she would be bringing a guest." Luna said. And as soon as these words left her mouth, the doors would open in front of them, a tall and slender figure would be there in the door…but it wasn't Cadance.

"Oh my, Celestia. You've really let this place go." Said Discord.

"Discord?" Celestia asked hesitantly.

"Wait? You mean the bringer of chaos who was a statue in the castle courtyard? That discord? Princess Twilight told me about you." Galaxy said.

"Oh? And what else has Princess Twilight told you about me?" HE asked teleporting to Galaxy bent over backwards to look her in the eye, while she glared at him defensively. As he appeared with Twilights wings, mane and tail on his body now.

"That-." She would be cut off though by Luna and Discord picking her up in a hug.

"That's enough Discord, why are you here?" She asked, while Galaxy had a look of shock on her face.

"Oh, you are no fun Luna, I'm just here visit my old friend Celestia and dear old Gal." He said.

"I just met you!" Galaxy said muffledly and then tried to start biting Discord to make him drop her.

"I know, I know! It does feel that way doesn't it!" He said not even noticing her trying to bite him.

"Discord! Release Galaxy and tell us what you are doing here." Celestia demanded.

"Fine! Fine!" He said dropping Galaxy to the ground who grunted in annoyance and walked away from him and to the side, "No reason to get so worked up. But honestly. I'm just here to get in touch with some old pals. You know like the good ol' days." He said innocently.

"And it wouldn't have anything to do with Cadance coming for a visit?" Luna said suspiciously.

"Goodness no! It's not my fault you forgot my invitation to this little shindig your having." He said.

"But we didn't invite you!" Galaxy shouted.

"Of course, you did. And you’re lucky, that I arrived in time in such a short notice. Now I'll take the room on the top floor please. Galaxy take my bags will you." He said snapping his fingers and a bunch of luggage fell on Galaxy.

"Ahhhhh!" She shouted being buried in luggage now.

Suddenly the door would open again, this time showing two mares. Celestia breathed a sigh of relief when it turned out not to be more uninvited guests, "Ahh. Welcome, it's so wonderful for you to come for a visit." Both mares would come into the light now, one looking irritated she was there. And one, who just looked glad to be here, "Cadance…and Flurry Heart." Celestia said.


One mare United,
The other is left behind.
Can the one that is alone,
Heal a heart of stone?

Author's Note:

Finally got a day or two off of work to work on this sorry for the wait.