• Published 18th Dec 2018
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A Hearth's Warming to Remember - Bronyxy

Rarity has been dating Luna for some time, although it isn’t yet common knowledge. As the couple look forward to their first formal engagement together, Rarity is getting nervous, but this is not destined to be the biggest problem she has to face …

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1 Luna and Rarity Step Out

The midnight blue mare reclined luxuriantly on her ample bed, purring in exquisite delight as she felt the brush rub through the soft fur of her chest and underbelly.
“Now hold still” chimed the prim fashionista with pretend firmness, “I want you to look at your very best and I don’t want to have to start this all over again.”
Rarity smiled as she play-acted being dominant with her marefriend, who turned her head just enough to open one teal eye and shoot her a gaze that said, you just keep on doing what you're doing …

The white unicorn melted under Luna’s look and planted a tender kiss on her dark blue fur, dropping the brush and moving closer.
“What happened to the grooming, then?” sighed the Princess of the Night in mock exasperation.
“I’m weak-willed, darling” she offered by way of explanation, tossing her mane out of her way behind her ear and leaning in to give her marefriend a full body hug.

The couple had been together for over six months now and were looking forward to their first Hearth’s Warming together, both rejuvenated by the magic each drew from the relationship. However, before they could settle down to enjoying the festivities by themselves, there were numerous events to be attended, not that either minded. In fact, they both enjoyed seeing the excitement dancing in the eyes of the youngest fillies and colts as they heard the stories of the Windigos for the very first time and sang traditional songs to ensure that all of Equestria stayed happy and protected during the season.

Right now was one of those occasions. Celestia had noticed that the couple had begun to retreat earlier and earlier to make their preparations prior to going out on formal events and smiled happily at the love the two were sharing, although she herself was still currently on her own. They would all share the season’s festivities of course, but Celestia had already reconciled herself that it would not be the precious one-on-one sisterly bonding they had enjoyed since her sister’s return. Luna had been through a lot and Celestia begrudged her nothing, but in the back of her mind was still a slight feeling of sadness that they would not be as close as she would have liked, at least for the foreseeable future.

Rarity had certainly made an impact on the Royal castle like no other and was partway through overhauling the staid decor to give the building a new look, striking perfectly the balance between the formality of the grand rooms used to receive foreign dignitaries, whilst providing a more homely feel to the private apartments. She had even rescued tapestries from the Castle of the Two Sisters and painstakingly repaired them herself, hanging them in pride of place in Canterlot’s throne room where they provided a welcome memento to the two Princesses of their happy upbringing so many hundreds of years ago.

Ever since Rarity and Luna had become an item, they had wanted to spend time together, but given that Luna’s responsibilities were nocturnal and Rarity’s business interests necessitated her being available during the daytime, a compromise had to be struck. Their problems were further compounded by being geographically distant, so Rarity set up a dressmaking workshop within the castle and stayed over for days at a time.

Rarity had been concerned about Sweetie Belle feeling deserted, but in practice she had loved the idea, thanks partly to Luna issuing the Cutie Mark Crusaders an open invitation to the castle. Luna had also insisted that if the three fillies were to visit, then they shouldn’t fall behind on their studies and enrolled them at the same school that Twilight had attended when she had lived in Canterlot, back before the return of Nightmare Moon.

Tonight was a special occasion; the school was putting on a carol concert, and Sweetie Belle would be taking one of the solos.

It was also a special occasion for the two lovers, because it was the first time that they would be expected to be seen together at a formal event and Rarity was getting nervous. The fact that they were an item was an open secret, known amongst friends who had no interest in spreading gossip, but rumours were beginning to circulate more widely and the Princess could not be seen to be spurning her partner at such an event.

Luna caressed Rarity’s immaculately conditioned and sweet smelling mane gently with her forehoof as they snuggled together, the hour of their commitment growing nearer.
“But how would the other parents feel if they found out that you were Sweetie Belle’s stepmother?” fretted Rarity, “You know how cruelly stepmothers are portrayed in nursery stories, and that wouldn’t play well with the whole Nightmare Moon thing, would it darling?”
“Oh Rarity” whispered Luna affectionately, “Sweetie Belle is your sister, not your daughter, so the issue does not arise. Besides, both your parents and my Sister approve of our match, so there really is nothing to worry about.”
“Yes, but gossip, darling …”
Luna leaned over and silenced any further protests with a gentle kiss. When finally she allowed their lips to part, the midnight blue mare smiled mischievously, her eyes sparkling brightly, “Besides you are practically a Princess yourself; surely you should show it off, just a little.”
Rarity smiled happily, and pulled her marefriend tenderly back down next to her to continue their kiss.

At the allotted hour, Luna emerged in her opulent gold lined lilac and purple cape accompanied by Rarity in a fabulous dress copying the key motifs on the Princess’ cape but in slightly more pastel colours; designed to be eye-catchingly attractive but without overshadowing her marefriend’s outfit.

They stepped out of their apartment together, heads held high as the guards posted by the doors snapped sharply to attention.
Once their charges were out of earshot, the two guards relaxed once more, the more junior of the two continuing to stare wistfully down the empty corridor long after they had gone.
“Beautiful ...” he thought out loud.
“I shouldn’t let anypony overhear your daydreams if I were you” chastised his sergeant lightly, “She’d eat you for breakfast; don’t forget she turned into Nightmare Moon.”

The Princess and her consort arrived at the school where they dismounted their chariot following the short ride from the castle and were met by the headmaster of the school who bowed reverently to receive his guests of honour.

The eaves and the bell tower of his fine old school had all been decorated with strings of twinkling lights in white, jasmine and pale pink, accentuating a fairytale theme, whilst in pride of place at the front of the building stood a fully decorated Hearth’s Warming tree, far higher even than the roof of the school itself, its multicoloured lights shining like brightly coloured stars.
As they alighted from the chariot, Rarity sighed at the chocolate box perfection of the image and briefly nuzzled her marefriend who smiled back at her.

“My, Headmaster” greeted Luna warmly, “I swear you make this fine old school look better every year.”
“Thank you, your Majesty” he replied proudly, “Perhaps you and the Lady Rarity would like to accompany me into the hall where the fillies and colts are ready to perform?”
If Rarity was still nervous about keeping their romantic status a secret, then she didn’t show it as she glided next to her marefriend, relishing the warm welcome from the crowds of ponies whose numbers were increasing by the minute in the excited clamour sparked by the arrival of Luna’s chariot.

As they turned towards the school building, the crowds parted as if by magic; the mares looking on in awe and exchanging hurried words behind raised forehooves while the young ones looked up spellbound at the real-life Royalty parading before them.

They entered under the gothic styled stone door in silence and suddenly their senses were struck by the bright interior and the sounds of the last ponies in the audience getting respectfully to their hooves. All at once a ripple of applause began and spread quickly through the hall welcoming the special guests. All eyes were on them; the fillies and colts, their parents, local dignitaries and special guests; hundreds of pairs of eyes watching as Rarity stepped out with Princess Luna. It was too late for either of them to change their minds now.

Once they had been shown to the specially reserved VIP area and been seated, the applause died down and the audience sat as one. Then a flurry of whispers began, forehooves pointing discretely and eyes shooting fleeting glances at the couple. All at once, the rumour mill cranked into overdrive, everypony taking in what they saw and with every passing minute, adding little embellishments before the story could get retold as soon as the performance was over.

Sweetie Belle waved cheerfully from her place in the choir, oblivious to the feverish gossipmongering taking place throughout the audience and innocently basking in the attention when so many eyes suddenly turned to her.

Luna remained impassive and serene as events developed all around her; in fact even if she had been blushing, very few ponies would have noticed due to her rich, deep midnight blue hue. Rarity, however, was a much more obvious focus of attention as even the slightest hint of embarrassment shone forth from her pure white cheeks like a bright red beacon. Right now, she was doing a passable impression of a stoplight and the more she thought about it, the worse her predicament became.

It wasn’t that she was embarrassed to be with Princess Luna, or that she was ashamed by her little sister, but moreover that any hopes she had of keeping her two most important relationships separated from public connection had now been totally destroyed.

Much to Rarity’s relief, the lights dimmed hiding her embarrassment and the concert started. Her mind whirled; had it been worth it to leap into the public arena so brashly, or should she have been better advised to have remained in the shadows instead? As if in answer, she felt a comforting wing fold around her reassuringly in the darkened room and she snuggled gratefully into her marefriend, a happy smile finally returning to her face.

Act followed act and Rarity clapped excitedly as Sweetie Belle appeared with the choir for no less than three different songs, but saved her most enthusiastic applause for the long awaited solo that came at the end; her little sister belting out a popular carol with power and enthusiasm to bring the evening’s entertainment to a close. As the lights came up once more, the other fillies and colts joined behind the star soloist on the stage and took their bows as Sweetie Belle beamed triumphantly out over the audience, her happy smile locking on her wildly applauding sister and more restrained but equally happy sister-in-law.

As the rapturous applause faded into happy memories, the headmaster rose and after bowing to his Royal patron gave a short speech of thanks, praising especially the colts and fillies smiling happily behind him for such marvellous performances, before introducing Princess Luna.

The midnight blue mare rose to her hooves. She wasn’t one for public speaking; that was what her sister did, and did very well; so she kept it short, thanking not just the young performers but also recognising the contribution made by their teachers, their headmaster and the parents for attending before rounding off by wishing everypony a Happy Hearth’s Warming.

While Luna spoke clearly and confidently, Rarity did not know whom she felt most proud of; her marefriend or her sister and stared starry-eyed at each in turn, savouring the unbreakable bonds of love that tied her to both.

Luna’s speech was not particularly demanding by Celestia’s standards and she didn’t smile like her sister did, but it hit the mood just right and left everypony present feeling happily disposed towards her. This was just as well considering each and every one of them would be shortly rushing out to tell all of their friends and acquaintances about Princess Luna and Rarity together, and that Luna’s sister-in-law was enrolled at the same school!

The Princess and her consort walked out, heads held high amid another tumult of applause, now both feeling a tangible warmth that glowed around them as they set hoof back out into the chill night.
“Well?” asked Luna, turning her head to see two of the clearest blue eyes in Equestria sparkling back admiringly at her.
“They all know now” replied Rarity, “And I don’t know whether to feel nervous or excited. My friend Pinkie Pie has a word for it – nervouscited!
“Ah, Pinkie Pie” concurred Luna cracking a smile as she stepped up into the waiting chariot “She is something of a law unto herself, that one!”

Suddenly the sound of galloping hoofsteps behind them caught their ears at the same time; a white unicorn filly was running towards them.
“Can I have a ride too?” she implored, “Pleeeeeease …”
“Sweetie Belle” chided Rarity, “What do you think you’re doing? This behaviour is most unladylike!””
“I got let out first so as I could catch up to you before you left” panted the white filly.
The crowds were already spilling out, so Rarity knew the time to tell off her little sister was not now.

Luna extended a forehoof graciously and helped Sweetie Belle up into the chariot, her short white legs scrabbling to gain a hoofhold. When she had finally climbed in, she turned around to face the gathering throng that had followed from the school and presented a beaming smile as a photographer emerged from the sea of faces and fired off flash after flash.
“Can we have one of all three of you together?” he asked, and in response, Rarity stepped up, a little of her foreleg showing from under her dress and again the flashes went off. Unaware of how she appeared from the camera’s perspective, she gave a sultry smile and held the pose before continuing on up to be with her other two dearest ponies.

A shower of flashes erupted all around them as the two grown-ups flanked the excited young filly with the largest smile anypony could ever remember seeing. Then Luna coughed gently, and Rarity caught the hint, drawing her sister back into the seats so as they could make their exit past the cheering crowds.
“Oh my!” gasped Rarity, “What an event! We’re bound to make the society pages now!”
“Yes” agreed Luna, recalling from past experience that dealings with the press did not always bear the intended results.

“Thank you Princess Luna!” chirped the young white unicorn excitedly, earning a benign smile in response.
“Sweetie Belle, you really shouldn’t have done that” said her sister as sternly as she could manage, “I know we’re almost family now, but you really shouldn’t cut across Princess Luna’s formal appearances. She is the star, not you.”
“Oh, I see” retorted the filly angrily, “Its nothing to do with taking the spotlight off you then?”
Rarity spluttered. Admittedly she was a little vain, but that wasn’t the point; this outing had been planned for months as a way of gaining public acceptance of the match upon which they were both set, added to which Rarity was protective of any public backlash to their love being directed back through her little sister.

The fact that Sweetie Belle had completely misunderstood her big sister’s motives on this most crucial of occasions left Rarity fumbling impotently for words of sufficient magnitude to address her little sister’s cruelly misjudged outburst.