• Published 1st Dec 2018
  • 2,034 Views, 24 Comments

Velvetverse:Pilot - Mirror Star

The pilot story of what I call Velvetverse. Instead of Twilight Sparkle forming the Mane 6, it is her mother Twilight Velvet who forms the mane 6

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Chapter 0

In the room of princess Celestia, she is reading a book while having a slice of cake. As she continues to read, somepony knocks on her door.

The voice said "Princess Celestia.".

She responded "What is it?".

The voice said "Twilight Velvet has arrived and is waiting for you in the throne room.".

"I'll be right there." Princess Celestia got up and left the room to head for the throne room.

When Celestia arrives in the throne room, she finds Twilight Velvet sitting on her throne.

Princess Celestia said while giggling "I see you made yourself comfortable already."

Twilight Velvet said"Sorry Princess Celestia." She got off the throne after that. "It's just, sitting on you throne is so comfortable sometimes that I can't help it. How do you make it so soft?".

Celestia responded with "That's my secret. Anyway, I take it you are here to give me an update on your studies while living in Ponyville.".

Velvet said "That is correct, your highness. But I had help from my friends this time.". She then pulled out a book with pictures in it and another book containing writing/notes in it.

I learned about the legend of the mirror pool while helping Cloudy Quartz out with her rock collecting project.

Cloudy Quartz said while using a pickax to hit on the "It's not rock collecting, Velvet. I'm searching for certain quartz and sedimentary rocks that can be useful for building and possibly for magic spells and potions. My family needs it as soon as possible for an order that they have." While she is doing this, Velvet is using her magic to carry tools that Cloudy needs along with three types of quartz that she's been collecting

Velvet asked "But don't they have the quartz your looking for in Rockville back on your quartz farm?".

Cloudy explained "They do, but they are in short supply at the moment and it's best for me to get them here if I can.". The two continued to walk further into the cave until they came across a pond and a pathway upwards.

Velvet said "A pond. The water is clear, so it looks drinkable.".

Cloudy stopped her and said "Don't. This isn't any ordinary water. It's the mirror pool. A powerful magical pond that can make duplicates of yourself after making the enchantment to it.".

Velvet asked "What's the enchantment? We can use it to get this done faster. Plus, it would be cool to see copies of myself.". She imagined herself and an army of clones doing all sorts of things, like mountain climbing, extreme water rafting, barrel ridding, and various other extreme stuff.

Cloudy Quartz said "I do not know it. Only Igneous Rock Pie and his family knows the chant. However, he suggest that having duplicates of yourself can be troubling if you are not strong in mind, body, and spirit." She then noticed Velvet is still day dreaming about making copies of herself.

Celestia said "Cloudy Quartz had a point. I've know some ponies who've messed with the mirror pool before with terrible results.".

Velvet said "She followed up with that as well. Besides, I get the feeling that she knows the enchantment but won't say it because she made a promise to Igneous. She may not show it but I can tell that she likes him a lot. She has a strong sense of loyalty to him.".

Celestia said with an intrigued tone in her voice "I see.".

Velvet said "Oh before I forget, I brought this with me." She grabbed a jar out of her bag.

Celestia read "Pear Jam by Twilight Velvet .". She used her magic to open the jar. After she at it, she smiled and said "It taste delicious.".

Velvet said "I made it with Pear Butter.". She used her magic to eat the jam too.

It was after Pear harvesting season and she needed some extra hooves to make the jam itself. Her father, Grand Pear was out of town on business so she was by herself. Her friend Chiffon was going to help but she was busy too.

Velvet asked "Are you sure we can't use my magic to make the rest of the jam you need?" as she is using a hammer to smash the pears into a paste.

Pear Butter said "Nope. Pear jam is at it's best when you do it with your bare hooves. Besides, my dad is still not over the whole exploding pear incident yesterday." as she is doing the same thing as Velvet but better.

Velvet said "It was an accident. How was I suppose to know that pears explode when exposed to magic on a tuesday when the temperature is at least 85 degrees?".

Pear Butter said "I know it was but he's very stubborn about that sort of thing. Although, it's hard to change his mind about anything general.".

Velvet said "We changed his mind about moving to Vanhoover, didn't we?"

Pear Butter said "That's true but I'm still not sure we've entirely convinced him about that yet. He may have been touched about my bond with you and we managed to expand his clientele but that may not last long. He still doesn't like the Apple Family and he doesn't know about my true feelings for Bright Mac. I want to be honest with him about it but given how he and Annie Smith are that's next to impossible."

Velvet said placing her hoof on Pear Butter's shoulder "Don't worry, we'll figure something out for you and Bright Mac."

Celestia said as she continued to eat the pear jam "I hope things work out for them to. From what you've told me about Pear Butter and Bright Mac, they seem to be very much in love."

Velvet explained "They are. The girls and I have been able to keep their romantic life a secret from both their parents but we're also figuring out a way to get their parents to understand as well. Although, Cookie thinks they should just run away like she did from her parents. Her parents haven't been asking anything about her to you, have they?"

Celestia said "No, they haven't. She doesn't have to be so paranoid."

Cookie wouldn't call it paranoia per say. She calls it being extra cautious. That was made obvious when we went shopping for dresses for the Summer Sun Celebration.

Cookie said "What about this one?". She is wearing a black and white stripped dress that covers her whole body with a black top hat and a mask.

Velvet responded "Again Cookie, I think it looks good on you, just like all the other dresses that you've tried on these past few hours.". She is sitting on the chair nearby while Cookie is in the changing room

Cookie said "I know but I need to have the perfect dress for when I got to Manehattan to watch Hondo and the Ponyville Hoofball team face off against Manehattan's hoofball team. I want to look good but also not draw too much attention to myself.". She started blushing at the very thought of Hondo Flanks.

Velvet asked "What makes you think your folks are going to be at Manehattan Stadium at the same time you are?".

Cookie explained with a deadpan voice "Because my dad likes the Manehattan Maniacs and it's quite possible that he'll be in his reserved box seat and quite possible see me cheering from the very bottom if he's not paying attention to the game.".

Velvet said "I'm sure you'll be find. Your folks still haven't figured out that your living in Ponyville yet."

Cookie said "I know but you can't be too careful. If they found out where I've been and what I've been doing then they'll try to drag me back to Canterlot and work at the elitist bakery again."

Velvet said "Like we'd ever let that happen."

Cookie said "I know but I still can't be too careful. My family, especially my mom, has friends in very high places. By the way, aren't you going to buy that new dress that you like." While Velvet was waiting for Cookie, she noticed a dark and purple dress with stars on it. She tried it on at the same time Cookie was trying on dresses and she really liked it. But there was a problem.

Velvet said "I was but it's too expensive. I'm a few bits short.". The dress was too expensive.

Cookie said "I'll pay the difference. I still have some extra bits and a coupon so I can help you out.".

Velvet said "Cookie, I couldn't accept such a thing.".

Cookie said "Darling, I insist. Besides, I hear that wearing a dress like this during the Summer Sun Celebration brings you good luck. Magical luck to be precise.".

Velvet asked "Where did you hear that?" as she scratched her head.

Cookie said "Steven Magnet. You know, the sea serpent we met while we were chasing after the mysterious hooded pony who stole that book from Princess Celestia's private library. He's a reliable source I assure you.".

Velvet said "I'm still not sure if it's true that my new dress will bring me good luck yet, but I plan on wearing it during on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration.".

Celestia said "Speaking of the Summer Sun Celebration, I've heard Ponyville is doing something big for it.".

Velvet said "I can't reveal much about it since the mayor wants to keep it a secret. However, I can reveal that it has something to do with petunias that Rain Flower and Windy Whistles were working on."

While Windy was using a cloud to make it rain fro the petunias, Rain Flower was singing to them. I was using my magic to protect them petunias from any animals that wanted to eat them.

Windy asked "Hey Velvet, how are you holding up?" while she's flying over Velvet as she is casting her spell.

Velvet said "I'm fine. I can keep this up for another hour. Besides, I love hearing Rain Flower's beautiful voice." As she continues to hold the barrier, she and Windy continue to listen to Rain Flower's beautiful voice. To them, it sounded like an angel spreading its wings in the sky.

Rain Flower said "All done. Ok Velvet, you can put up the force field.". Velvet then broke the first force field around the area and put them around the petunias.

Velvet asked "So, these petunias are going to shine brightly during the night?".

Rain Flower said "That's correct. According to my grandma petunia, as long as you sing to them, have plenty of rain water, enough sunlight, and change their mulch daily then they will glow as bright as the sun during the night.".

Windy said "And it's a special mulch that you can only buy in Ponyville.".

Velvet asked "So the mulch is magic?".

Rain Flower said "Only if you follow the exact instructions when taking care of the petunias. Any deviation and the petunias won't glow.".

Velvet asked "By the way, are you two going back to Cloudsdale for the Summer Sun Celebration?".

Windy explained "Yeah. We would celebrate in Ponyville but Stormy Flare is holding party this year and we were invited. Also, it doubles as a personal flight camp reunion for us since all our classmates are going to be there.".

Rain Flower said "It'll be nice to see everypony again. Thunder Ash, Swirly Head, Bow Hothoof, Gino, Gerald, and Shy Breeze. That's just to name a few.".

Windy said in a playful voice"I bet your especially excited to see Shy Breeze again, aren't you Rain Flower?". Rain Flower started to turn red before running away.

Velvet said with a stern-angry look at Windy's face said "Did you really need to do that?"

Windy said with a nervous look on her face"Oh come on, she knows I'm only teasing her.". She and Velvet then ran off to find Rain Flower.

Celestia said "She didn't know she was teasing her, wasn't she?".

Velvet said "She knew but Windy still apologized to her after she woke up. Rain Flower may have known that Windy was just joking and trying to get a good laugh but she still scolded her for doing that to her. But she wasn't mean or angry about it. Rain Flower is kind like that.".

Celestia said "I see. It's good to hear that you've been learning new forms of magic and its effects from your friends."

Velvet said "I have. I'm learning a lot more than I did in a boring classroom with boring teachers." She then ralized what she said and told Ceelstia "I don't mean you, Princess Celestia. Your not boring.""

Celestia said "I know what you mean, Velvet." Then someone came into the throne room. Both Velvet and Celestia recognized the unicorn as Night Light.

He said "Princess Celestia! Sorry for interrupting but I need to talk to you right now."

Velvet said "Hi Night Light. Long time, no see." She then gave him a big hug and he started to blush.

Night Light responded "Hello Twilight Velvet." before breaking off the hug.

Velvet said noticing a golden scroll in Night Light's bag "What's that? Can I see it?"

Night Light said"I'm afraid this is for the princess's eyes only.". He used his magic to give the scroll to Celestia.

Celestia started to read the scroll and said to herself "I guess it's only a matter of time. "

Velvet asked "What is it?"

Celestia said "It's nothing you need to worry about Velvet. I'm afraid we're going to have to stop our one on one review today. Something important just came up. I'll have one of the guards take you back to Ponyville via chariot."

Velvet said "Alright. See you next time.". She then left the throne room with some pegasus guards with her.

Night Light said "Princess Celestia, if I may be so bold, why didn't you tell Velvet about her destiny?".

Celestia said "It's not the right time for her to know, not yet at least. Even so, I've foreseen that Velvet and her friends will succeed in stopping Nightmare Moon.".

Back in Ponyville, the chariot brought Velvet down in the middle of town. Velvet thanked the guards before flying back to Canterlot.

A voice said "Hey Velvet. Your back early." The voice turned out to be Pear Butter. Windy Whistles, Rain Flower, Cloudy Quartz, and Cookie Crumbles are with her.

Velvet said "Princess Celestia had to cut my review short due to royal business.".

Windy said "Well it's a good thing that you showed up when you did. ".

Cookie said "We were heading over to Sugarcube Corner to try out a new cake recipe that Chiffon made.".

Rain Flower said "I heard it's suppose to have a lot of chocolate and cream frosting in it.".

Cookie said "Not to mention doughnuts.".

Pear Butter said "We're also having Rockville tea with it. Right, Cloudy?".

Cloudy said "My parents recently mailed it to me today.". She then showed her a box with a rock in a teacup in it.

Velvet said "That all sounds great. Let's go." The six mares headed for Sugarcube Corner together.

Author's Note:

After seeing all the mothers of the mane 6, I've always tried to imagine what it would be like if they met first and became the mane 6 instead of the mane 6 that we know and love in the show. This kind of test the waters with that and the fact that Twilight Velvet is the one close to Princess Celestia but not in the same way as Twilight Sparkle is.

I didn't want to make this a long running story so I decided to turn it into a one shot. Test the waters of this idea and see how it goes.However, I might do other stories related to it or someone could pick where this left off. I mean, who hasn't thought about what it would be like if the six of them became friends. That being said, there may be some changes to what I have here and what I do afterwards should I do more stories about this.

I tried not to mention their "future" husbands in this but it couldn't be helped since I already mentioned Bright Mac and Igneous, largely due to them needing to be mentioned for Pear Butter and Cloudy, I decided to do small nods for the others.

And based on how I ended it, you can see where there future as friends is going to lead. I'll say this much, if I ever chose to continue doing works like this: I WON"T MAKE TWILIGHT VELVET AN ALICORN.

Comments ( 24 )

this was nice

I have to say this is a really good "Water-testing one-shot". I loved the exchanges, character interactions and sequel hook. The Velvetverse/Motherverse DOES look like it has a great deal of potential. I particularly liked how well you showed the differences these mares have to their future daughters as well as the similarities.

Very interesting idea, nice work.

Collab group anyone? =3 :yay:

I wouldn't mind doing that given that it is a concept I do like a lot. It would just come down to who's willing to do it and what their time(s) are like. It's also a lot of work that even I would only have a certain amount of time to really do since I do other stuff, mainly M stories.

Yeah, I tired to have as much mixture of their personalities and how they relate to their (future) daughters. Granted I took certain things out because some of the Mane 6's traits do come from their fathers (or at least some sides of their fathers).

Thank you very much.


I would like to join as well


If you guys are serious about talking about that, then come to the Mom 6 group and create a discussion there. I'm the admin of that group. I mainly created that to give out awareness for the concept of the Mom 6 and stories focusing on them in anyway.

Heh X3

Someone should start the group for me =3

feel free to invite me to a group of pm me

You can just go to the group and join. You don't have to be invited.

I don't know the groups name

It's called "Mom 6" You can find it at the very bottom of the groups my story is in.

I would normally call them that if this was one of my Rated M stories.

Your review has been posted in the Reviewers Cafe here.

Wow another interesting take on the Main 6 parents I would love to see this kind of story again

A great story telling about their adventures would be awesome!

我喜欢Mom 6的友谊!我认为她们将会有很多共同话题,但很可惜的是原作中几乎没有提到她们,更不用说她们的友谊,这让我一度很伤心: (

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