• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 15,378 Views, 448 Comments

So What'll It Be, Dashie? - Arbarano

Dash has never particularly enjoyed these get-togethers at Rarity's place. It must be the tea. Yeah

  • ...

Chapter 4

“Hey, ‘Shy!” Dash called out, landing just as Fluttershy squeaked and stood bolt upright. Fluttershy slowly turned around, and Dash couldn’t help but smile a little wider as she caught sight of ‘Shy’s.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said, those big blue eyes twinkling and making Dash grin even harder.

Until she noticed that part of one still hid behind her mane.

Dash sighed, her smile collapsing so fast she felt a lip snag between her teeth. “Hey, sorry I’m late, Fluttershy.” Something felt tight and awkward in her chest. Probably just a build-up of flying energy. She hoped. “I got kinda’ caught up talking to AJ…” she finished, looking over at the maze of apple trees.

“Oh, that’s all right, Rainbow,” Fluttershy said in that pillow-soft whisper that always sounded so right. Like it was a little pat on the back all on its own. No wonder Dash’s smile had come right back. After all, it was Fluttershy; that was just what she did.

“In fact…” Fluttershy took a step back. “If you hadn’t been late, I wouldn’t have been able to catch up with one of my old friends!”

Fluttershy pointed a fore-hoof out to the side, out to a little blob of brown sticking out of a slightly bigger blob of brown. Except that the first blob had two beady little black eyes that Dash could only just see. And two tiny pink paws that clung to the rim of its dirt mound. And a thin nose, that twitched and shuffled about in that way that was just a little too oochie-coo for those shudders to not ripple down her back.

No wonder it was one of ‘Shy’s friends.

Still, it was Shy’s friend. Those ripples could have earthquakes and they wouldn’t matter.

“Moleville here hurt one of his paws last year when he tried to tunnel up into my living room.”

Dash stared at her. “He did what?”

Fluttershy’s eyes shot wide. Or as wide as they ever went when a dragon wasn’t nearby. “Oh! He didn’t mean it,” she said, patting his head, and he eased into her hoof with a big smile on his face. “He just lost his way after looking for something to eat. So I took him in and made sure that he had somewhere warm and cosy to stay while he healed.” Her gentle little smile spread out again.

And stayed there until the little guy started chirping.

“Oh, what’s that?” ‘Shy titled her head.

More chirping. That smile of hers was back in a moment.

“Oh, of course you can help me out when I’m gardening, Moleville. But only if you really want to, okay?”

The little guy nodded, before he disappeared back into the mound, a few flecks of dirt spraying out behind him.

Fluttershy kept her eyes locked on the hole for a few moments, and Dash was sure she heard a little sigh whisper out of her friend’s nostrils. She definitely saw the little heave of her shoulders, anyway.

And the much bigger one a few moments later, after which Dash could feel the weight of those soft eyes on her.

At least they weren’t wet this time. Thankfully. She didn’t know how she’d kept breathing after the last time she’d seen… those.

“Sorry, Rainbow… I-I know you’ve already missed flying this morning…” Fluttershy’s head slipped further and further down with each word, a little more hiding behind her mane, too.

“Eh, don’t worry about it, Fluttershy.” That perked her right back up, and pulled back the covers. Dash grinned. “Guess I’ll just have to fly even faster, now.”

Fluttershy let out one of her light little giggles, while Dash took a moment to chuckle and definitely not giggle.

All right, maybe it was kind of like a… giggle. A little. But she was with Fluttershy; that made it okay.

Dash smirked. “Ready to cheer?”

She needed only a glimpse of Fluttershy’s smile and nod for it to finally happen. In the blink of an eye, she inched her fore-hooves ever so slightly further apart, levelled her brows, flared her wings to their fullest extent, tensed her legs…

And took off.

With one beat of her wings, she was already high enough that she could only just hear Fluttershy saying, “Oh yes, Dash!”

With another, a smirk dragged all the way across her muzzle farther than it had all day. Or maybe it was just the wind forcing it out?

Or maybe it was the great rush of pure awesomeness and energy she could feel surging through her.

Yeah, it was probably that.

Dash narrowed her eyes, and she raised her fore-hooves above her head. Their proper position for proper stunt flying.

With every beat of her wings she could feel the wind rush through her coat ever more quickly. The tension squeezing across her forehead? The tightness yanking her shoulders together? Those little niggles and grumbles that just built and built and built across the last week, like Derpy accidentally setting off a lightning fork into her tail even if she would never actually mean to do it and she’d apologised for hours after it, or the post-office forgetting about her subscription to Wonderbolts Weekly, or the weather patrol putting her on for two three-hour shifts back-to-back yesterday, or the Cakes’ foals choosing her tail to chew on?

All gone.

Lost to the blur of the field and houses below, and the whistle of the wind through her mane, and the thundering of her own heart.

Aw, YEAH! She’d needed this!

Dash finally reached her target, where the chill tingled through her wings even though they were like a blur by her sides, and only the best fliers could stay up with the thin air. She smirked.

And pushed her wings behind her, angling them so they almost flattened against their sides on their own. She could feel her primaries occasionally whip against her side, more and more as she dove and picked up speed like Tank inhaled lettuce.

She somehow found the time to raise an eyebrow. Bad example.

Either way, the ground rushed up towards her, even with the cold wind stinging at her eyes. She paid that no mind; she lived for this.

Just a little further…

The dark green lines around the edges of the field sprang and branched out into hedges.

A little more…

Fluttershy stood out clear as a rainbow across a clear sky, her eyes huge and staring and her smile somehow even wider. Hay, she was so excited that her wings had popped up and she was even leaning forwards!


She could suddenly see every blade of grass a few feet from her hooves, looming and threatening like the traps from a Daring Do book.


She threw her wings out, grimacing as the full brunt of the thicker air whacked against them and they strained so hard she almost let out a groan. But she didn’t. Instead, she arched her back and tilted her wings back just a tad, and watched with an ever-growing smirk as the greens suddenly gave way to clear, pure blue.

And then she felt the little tickle against her hooves that told her she’d pulled up at just the perfect moment.

For a tiny moment, she could hear Fluttershy cheering with a whole chorus of those soft little yays that just never got any louder no matter how hard she tried. And tried she did. Dash could actually hear them while flying, now, so that counted as progress, she guessed. Tiny progress, definitely, but progress.

And at least ‘Shy was actually down there.

Dash smirked and levelled off into a smoother climb. Besides, if this all went well, she wouldn’t need Fluttershy to be cheering and making herself all uncomfortable and working herself up every other month or so and making Dash feel squirmy enough inside to have to hug her while she went all… ugh, teary-eyed because she thought she wasn’t a good enough support when she was—she so was, and she’d kick the flank of anypony who said otherwise—and—

Why was she doing that again?

That thinking about that?

Dash scowled, and she tilted the very tips of her wings so that the world whirled between green and blue.

As she was thinking, if all of this went well… she’d have a real cheering section. In a real stadium!


She threw her hooves right, arching her back again. Fighting to keep her eyes open and her mouth closed, she focussed on keeping herself as tight as she could as every force slammed into her. Wind resistance… centrifugal… some others that Twilight told her about once…

Eh, those didn’t matter; the world was spinning too quick for that.

She gritted her teeth, staring at the flash of colour she knew as her own tail, while the world spun around above and below in the corners of her eyes. Harder and harder she pumped her wings, until finally she forced one out.

And shot away from her little circle in the sky, smirking all the while before pulling to a series of routine loop-the-loops. So she could catch her breath. The little she need to, anyway.

She let herself take a quick look back at her perfect Tornado Twist, just as the last of her rainbow flare faded.

Best start to a routine ever!

Her cheering section’d definitely go wild for that. Little foals would be shouting her name and saying she was the greatest and declaring that they wanted to be just like her when they grew up! Her fellow ‘Bolts’d be giving her those little nods and smirks that everypony knew meant a job well done. The stadium would be filled with ponies, all waving banners with every colour on them, or letting off party-poppers and streamers, or standing far below, talking to Pinkie!


Dash cocked a brow, and looked down again.

Sure enough, there was ‘Shy, her head darting about as Pinkie bounced all around her.

Eyes still glued to the pink blur that could pop up at any time and destroy all the tension of a Daring Do climax, Dash floated back down to her friends. After all, Pinkie wasn’t supposed to be there…

She heard Pinkie’s faint chirp. “Really?”

Sure, she would have liked it if Pinkie showed up to her practicing. Hay, she’d have liked it if any of her friends would come and cheer for her as she cheated death and forced the wind to do her bidding. Yeah!

“Oh, yes, Pinkie. It’s just that, um… Rainbow…”

And if Pinkie showed up, she’d probably bring her party cannons and her streamer launchers and all sorts of things that all just seemed to make everything at her parties better. And they were already completely, one-hundred percent awesome to begin with.

“So nothing’s going on at all?”

But wasn’t Pinkie supposed to be planning another party? For tomorrow?

“Hey, Pinkie!” Dash called out as she landed.

“Hi, Dashie!” Pinkie chirped.

And Fluttershy jolted again, crouching behind her mane.

Dash’s brows creased, and she aimed them at Pinkie. “What’s up?”

Pinkie gave her one of those huge, face-splitting grins that chased off the hardness that had been in her voice. “Oh, nothing’s up, Dashie. Well, except for you, but you’ve come all the way down here now!” She let out one of her little snorty giggles, and Dash couldn’t help but smile.

“I just wanted to ask Fluttershy about something I saw earlier when we were all at Rarity’s.”

“Ah-huh,” Dash grunted, taking a look at Fluttershy. She was back out from behind her mane, now, but her smile still looked kind of weak.

“I mean, you were just totally ignoring everything Rarity and AJ were saying when they talked about their colt-friends. It was kinda’ funny, really. They were both like I love him so much and he’s so lovely and he completes me, and you were just sitting there in your own little world—guess it must be kinda’ like the world I go into when I plan my parties but with rainbows instead of streamers and where you can just think about flying or the Wonderbolts—and then you said you never wanted a special somepony!

“But then I saw you and Fluttershy being all secretive and you trying not to look at her when you were at the table, and then you said something about meeting up together tonight!”

Pinkie may have grinned, but Dash felt her hackles rise. “And there’s something wrong with that?”

“Nope! Nothing at all!” Dash could not stop her frown from melting under another Pinkie grin. “It’s like Fluttershy told me; you’ve known each other since you were both teeny-tiny, little Splashy-Dashie and Flutter-Wutters! Well, she didn’t use those names, since I just made them up, but it still means the same!”

Pinkie leapt over to Dash’s side, wrapped a hoof around her middle, and squeezed all the air right out of her. “This is just something that you and Fluttershy like to do together. Like when you go pranking with me, right Dashie?”

Breathing deeply, but not too deeply, Dash looked at Pinkie. At her sugary-sweet smile, and the mane that still bounced along with her, and the bright blue eyes that she could see twinkling.

Dash had to hold back a sigh. This was the pony who’d thrown the biggest party ever last week, just ‘cause she felt like celebrating the fact that she had such good friends by her sides. The pony who was always there with cupcakes and muffins and sweets, all out of the goodness of her hear—

Yeesh! When did she get so cheesy!

Pinkie shifted a little at her side, hugging her even tighter, and Dash felt her guts shrivel and writhe.

The same moment she’d thought something not cool about one of her best friends forever that she’d ever-ever had. That’s when.

She managed a smile. “Yep.”

“Actually, Pinkie…” They both looked over at Fluttershy. Her smile was the same neat little one as always. “I don’t mind you joining us tonight. Um…” She looked away for a second, “but if Rainbow—”

“Nah, that’s cool with me, Fluttershy.” Dash grew her smile into a full-on grin.

Pinkie took away her hoof, and she tapped it against her chin. Then she giggled, shaking her head. “I don’t think I can make it tonight, really. I’m hosting one of my special parties.”

The moment Pinkie shifted her shoulders, and made that little jerk of her head, Dash couldn’t stop her grin from flattening into a smirk. After all, everypony knew what one of Pinkie’s special parties were.

So she hardly batted an eye as she noticed ‘Shy curl away behind her mane again, her eyes fixed on the ground and her cheeks glowing pink.

“… Oh, did I tell you guys about last night’s?! …”

Fluttershy shifted a little on her hooves again, and Dash was sure she heard that tiny little squeak.

The same one she’d heard all those… well, not that many years ago, really, but it was back at Flight Camp anyhow.

“… Caramel and Lucky both came along for some fun, this time…”

There she’d been, laying down on the floor looking up the latest epic routine that the Wonderbolts had shown off in Hoofington, and working out just how she was going to do it, when Fluttershy just burst into her room.

“… And then I got out my secret stash of super-squirty cream and caramel—well, why wouldn’t I, Caramel himself was there! …”

And Fluttershy never burst into anywhere before. Of course. Fluttershy. So she’d looked up from her magazine, and that was when she’d seen just how… heavily ‘Shy was breathing. If she’d been panting any harder she might have blown the window out the cloud frame. That’s what it‘d felt like, anyway. And her cheeks had gone bright red, and she’d looked all over the room with those big, wide eyes.

That was when she’d gotten visions of those… those dumb colts, crowding around her and calling her Clutzershy and just being… argh

“… So we all went upstairs to my party palace…”

But she didn’t even get chance to ask Fluttershy what’d happened before she just shot under her comforter and wrapped it completely around herself. Completely. Like it was a cocoon, or something. And then every time she’d tried to peel back the cover—and been really gentle with it—or just even tried to talk to Fluttershy, all she’d get in return was a little tremble, or a whimper, and she’d curl herself up even tighter.

Or she’d get a little sniffle.

Dash shivered in the present. Fluttershy… crying

“… Even I don’t know how they both did that at the same time…”

She shuddered again.

So… she’d stood next to her bed for what felt like forever, just watching ‘Shy as she trembled under the covers, feeling like that one time she’d tried to fly through a hail cloud and come under fire from thousands of these little ice shards.

“… Hay, I didn’t even know ponies could bend like that! …”

And just as her cheeks’d started to ache from all the awkward grimacing, and her eyes had started to get a little warm for some reason, her door’d opened again, and this skinny little green filly let herself in.

But Dash hadn’t minded; it was Minty Fresh. Fluttershy’s room-mate.

“… But I guess I’ve said enough about last night’s fun…”

The two of them had gone back over to Fluttershy, only to find that she’d poked her head out from under the covers. With two dark tracks under her eyes…

“… Altho-ough, this does explain why you never came along too, Dashie…”

And then the next few seconds had kind of passed in a blur. Fluttershy said she was sorry for taking a peek at something, and Dash had had to look away ‘cause her eyes started to bubble up again, but this had left her staring at the magazine that Minty had poking out of her saddlebag.

The latest Flying Fancier. The one with Solar Flare on the cover, flying through a waterfall.

Dash had smirked.

“Right, Dashie?”

She’d heard her own room-mate bouncing on her cloud through the night to pretty much the same magazine to know exactly what was in it.

And that it’d not be something Fluttershy’d want to see.


Then before she’d known it, Fluttershy and Minty had both made up what hadn’t actually been anything at all, and Dash had been able get back into her magazine. With a smile on her face. Sure, her sheets had been a little clammy that night, and that hadn’t been so hot, but it was worth it to see ‘Shy smiling again as she went back to her room.



Dash shook her head and looked over at Pinkie, who immediately started giggling. “See? You’ve done it again, Dashie!”

Then Pinkie’s grin vanished as her mouth shot open wider than Ghastly Gorge, and her gasp echoed in Dash’s ears. “It’s that late!” She didn’t take her stare away from the sky, which Rainbow was sure was looking more orange and less blue by the second.

She could already feel her groan tickling at her throat.

“Sorry, girls, but I’ve got a party to get to!”

As Dash stared at the ground, she just noticed Pinkie bouncing away in the corner of her eye. She heaved her shoulders, finally letting out that groan.

Then a set of light-yellow hooves trotted to beside hers.

She looked up, her eyes landing on Fluttershy’s, and hers were very much facing the other way.

“Um… I-I’m sorry, Rainbow…”

Dash stared at her. “Eh, don’t be, Fluttershy.” That made her turn those wide, staring eyes onto Rainbow. “It’s just Pinkie being Pinkie… and it’s my fault for coming down here, anyway.” She gave Fluttershy another of those… soft smiles, and, sure enough, it brought another right out of her. “It’s just…”

She looked up at the sky, and she couldn’t hold back another sigh. Or stop her shoulders from sagging.

She could practically hear Fluttershy nibbling at her lip. “Uh… Rainbow, if you want to keep flying on your own—”

“Nah.” Dash forced her smile back, aiming it at Fluttershy. “I’m still up for tonight.”

Maybe it was the sun being so low, but Dash thought she could see something sparkle in Fluttershy’s eyes. Or maybe it was her teeth; she was definitely grinning hard enough to show those pearly-whites, now.

Dash countered it with a smirk and squared her shoulders. She looked up at the sky again. “But I gotta’ go make sure Tank’s okay, first.”

She had just enough time to hear ‘Shy gasp an, “Of course!” before it faded into the whoosh of the wind.

Comments ( 72 )

Well, that was an entirely necessary wait, wasn't it? :twilightsheepish:

I'm not sure if this latest chapter won't affect the rating, but for now it will remain the same. :twilightsmile:

Only one left, now, and I promise I won't spend the next two weeks or so wondering just how I'm going to continue on from this point without disappointing a significant chunk of those tracking the story for this one :twilightsheepish:

Rainbow has a SERIOUS case of ADHD.

1188223 Do I see hints of FlutterDash in this? :trixieshiftright:

1188223 You're going to disappoint people no matter where you go with that last chapter anyway - either the shippers, if it turns out RD actually is asexual in this fic (which admittedly looks a lot less likely after this chapter), or the people who were attracted by that possibility of an asexual viewpoint character, if it turns out this is an RD/Fluttershy fic after all. For every six who love you, there'll be half a dozen who loathe you. Tell the story the way you think it should be told, and don't mind the haters.

let me put it to you like this: I'll be happy no matter how you do your story, but if it does turn out to be a Flutterdash story... I'll be MEGA SUPER AWESOMELY AMAZINGLY EPICALLY EXCITEDLY HAPPY. :yay:

1151841 Have you never been in a situation where you were forced to sit through someone talking about something you had absolutely no interest in whatsoever? My guess is that RD's inner monologue here is supposed to show what goes on in her mind in that exact scenario. She doesn't care about her friends' (or anyone's) love lives. At all. Be it because she subconsciously tries to avoid the topic out of a fear of romance, or because she honestly isn't interested in the mushy stuff, she's tuning out. It may be a tad overdone in places - I don't believe she'd be as inconsiderate as she's painted here -, but I do understand what the author is getting at. At least I think I do, I might be completely wrong, and this could still turn into a standard shipfic by its end (dear Celestia, please, don't let that happen).

i had to reread the last 2 chapters, i completely forgot what happened. i liked the story:moustache:

Honestly, to me it just seems like an extreme case of denial, as every time a sexual anecdote comes (heh) up in the conversation, that's when Dash has her spaced-out flashbacks, almost like she's not letting herself hear what everyone is talking about. Also, her rationalizations of her feelings around not just Fluttershy, but some of the others.

Now I want to know what would happen of the ponies got medication for some things...

Rainbow could use some Adderall, Shy could maybe use some anti-anxiety drugs, not sure what would help Twilight, and Pinkie... not sure there either but she seems stable enough most of the time. :pinkiecrazy:

So uh, you gonna expand a bit on what exactly Pinkie Pie is up to at that 'special' party? :rainbowderp:

Once more the story unfolds and I'm not sure how it's going to end. I see hints here and there and yet nothing is completely clear. However this story comes to an end, it was delivered with a unique touch I enjoyed. I was kinda hoping for an asexual Dash, since I've never seen one before, but if it ends up going another route this will still be a favorite of mine since it was presented in such an interesting manner with a not oft seen kind of perspective from the character.

I look forward to this stories startling conclusion! :twilightsmile:

Eeeeeh, kinda hoping this won't go the FlutterDash route. I'm suspecting much of this chapter was filled with red herrings, but I'm not banking on anything yet :applejackunsure:

In any case, this story continues to be beautifully told and a joy to read :rainbowkiss:

So far, I absolutely hate the way you are characterizing pinkie.

other than that, it's really great.

I will still keep reading though, because it would be stupid to give up on such a good story for something like that.

...While reading this chapter I couldn't really tell what was going on.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Rainbow_Dash.png
I think I need some form of ADD just to keep track of what's happening where. It seemed kind of difficult to tell what was flashback, what was dialogue, and what was happening...might just be me though.

Still holding out for asexual Dash though.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Rainbow_dealwithit.png

Couple of odd sentences.

"Fluttershy slowly turned around, and Dash couldn’t help but smile a little wider as she caught sight of ‘Shy’s."

'Shy's what?

"Those ripples could have earthquakes and they wouldn’t matter."

I believe you meant to say "could have been earthquakes," yes?

Other than that, a nice, sappy little chapter.

Seems Rainbow shows apathy to all things romantic. She ignores anything she feels or notices. She goes off on thought tangents whenever it's discussed. But knowing the "Romance" tag and the Flutterdash hints, I'm guessing she's going to have to confront this apathy pretty soon.

I must say I love the description of flying in this chapter. Well done. Now I want to fly. :twilightsmile:

1188372 With our luck, probably will. Though I am myself hoping for a Rarity on Rainbow action.
But I digress, we've seen her with a bloody kitchen sink for crying out loud!

A sink!

Maybe she'll end up banging on Zecora.
That's never happened before.... Ever....

1188690 I've noticed this particular characterization trend in other stories, and I simply don't get it. Pinkie is a little oblivious and a party animal, so she must be promiscuous to the point of nymphomania? Yeah, no. I don't think so. But since she's not a major character here, and we only get a third of her dialogue at best, I'm willing to let that one slide.

Pinkies special partys? did Pinkie invite Dash cause she asked her why she didn't come.
Lot of hints of FlutterDash, hell she could end up with Pinkie (hopefully) later on.

I'm really looking forward to the conclusion! Any idea when you will release it? :trixieshiftright:

1188343 1188223
Actually, I'm one of those weird asexual shippers, and I'll like it either way. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for writing this, Arbarano!

still going for asexual dash

I'm going for awesome dash. (Meaning, I'm gonna love the story no matter what). I love seeing it all unfold.

Opposition to Flutter/Dash right here!

Not sure if we want to know.

My only problem with this chapter was the flashback. I read it twice and I still don't quite understand it. Did Fluttershy barge into Rainbow Dash's room and hide in Rainbow's bed? And was the problem between Fluttershy and Minty Fresh? And what was with the references to the magazine? Was that the point of contention between the roommates? I have no idea. Oh, and I'll add myself to the people that aren't a fan of Pinkie Pie's characterization. I totally get why people make her the sex-crazed pony of the group, but I see her as the innocent, naïve one who focuses on child-like fun over the adult variety. Actually, since this is Equestria, and it's a pretty straight-edge country, I could go into a whole rant about... Oh, never mind. Anyway, that doesn't really matter. People have different opinions on what these ponies do in their spare time. The important thing is that her character hasn't been horribly changed into something barely resembling her and is merely a terrible shadow of what she once was. In essence, she is still Pinkie Pie. And that's really all that matters.

Otherwise, a pretty fun story. I totally get Rainbow Dash's train of thought displayed here. I'm exactly like this. A lot of times I'll start by thinking, "Okay, I'm going to actually pay attention this time. This is important. I actually want to hear this..." And then I'll immediately go off track and daydream about something else. Even when it's a subject I care about listening to. And, as far as I know, I don't have ADHD. But you portray it perfectly. Getting bits and pieces of the conversation, but ultimately finding refuge in your own thoughts until finally being pulled out of them by reality.

The story's pretty legit. Seems like standard FlutterDash to me. They're the only two not paired off, they're spending quite a bit amount of time together to build their relationship, and there is only one chapter left. It's either FlutterDash, something random from left-field that will be hilarious but make no sense, or there really is no shipping (and the 'Romance' tag is merely because this entire fic dances around the subject without giving the story's main character an actual partner). I really don't care what the answer is (although I'd prefer FlutterDash because I'm a sucker for romance in general), as long as it's delivered in a fun, engaging story like this has been so far.

1188489 apparently it involved two stallions, this particular one involved cream and caramel (because Caramel was there), Pinkie's party palace, a lot of unusual bending...so I'm guessing we don't want to know what happened

"...she was already high enough that she could only just hear Fluttershy saying, 'Oh yes, Dash!'"

Aren't things so much more interesting when you take them completely out of context?:rainbowlaugh:


There is NO such thing as the centrifugal force. That's just the inertia of an object resisting centripetal acceleration. Twilight would NEVER make a mistake like that.

The flashback:

- Rainbow Dash was reading through her Wonderbolts fan-magazine and copying the poses and whatnot like the vain RD she is.
- Fluttershy opens Dash's room's door, and flies in, hiding and going to Rainbow, a pony she feels will "protect" her from danger or harm (evidenced by the cuite mark story, this would be post-that).
- Rainbow doesn't know what is going on at this point, but comforts Flutters.
- Minty, Flutters' roommate at flight camp, had been clopping to some erotica when Flutters entered the room, and likely reacted as anybody would if walked in on whilst clopping. Even a harsh shout would send Flutters running.
- Minty knows this, and after the heat of the moment (no pun intended) passed, went out to find Flutters and bring her back and apologize.
- She goes to RD's room, as everypony apparently knows the two are good friends.
- They leave.

So, in short... Whilst talking about a sex party, Rainbow flashbacked to her possible ship-mate being traumatized by cloppers. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_cry.png

Also, Re: Pinkie: I can see it in sexual fics that Pinkie is the sex fiend. She is all about making ponies happy, and if we assume similar biology to humans, sex makes people happy when all parties are willing, and Pinkie loves all parties and all parties are willing when she's around. She is not so much a sex fiend as some, for lack of a better term, charitable coitus caretaker. I doubt there is any bad feelings or tension or fear at her parties, and that everypony knows what's happening there. From the words, and from Mental Partition (adult side) headcanon, Pinkie actually didn't do much herself. She watched, made sure everypony was safe and having a good time, and facilitated the party, didn't get lost in the festivities herself. In other words, she was being a REALLY good friend to everypony there. Or not. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Rainbow_Dash.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Pinkie_Pie_lolface.png

I sense FlutterDash...

I have ADHD, too, but Pinkie has wayyy more severe ADHD. Rainbow just happens to zone out a lot.

Rainbow has ADD for certain, since she's just able to tune the world out like that. and i know it ain't ADHD otherwise she'd be bouncing off the walls while in this little world of hers. good for laughs.

I read this chapter and now im even more confused than i was with the last one.

Rainbow seems to have unconsciously trained herself to drown out anything to do with an intimate situation or a relationship. I'm kind of curious where you're going with all of this.

1188474 Lithium. :pinkiecrazy:

Seems to be leaning towards 'Shy ship.

Lithium for Twilight? I'd go with something a little gentler, but yeah I'd call it being somewhere in the bipolar range. :twilightsmile:

Flutterdash FTW!!!!!!

The hedonist Pinkie Pie trend seems to be spreading like wildfire. Not a bad thing, it makes a strange sort of Pinkie sense. I would've bet money that she'd be the asexual one out of the group, but fanficiton has forever warped that headcanon.
However this story ends, it was a very creative piece that really got inside Rainbow Dash's head. I'm not even a big fan of Rainbow Dash, and you story held my interest. That's saying a lot.

Focus factor, Dash, focus factor!
So far it looks like we're seeing hints of FlutterDash and DashiePie. I'll ship anything, pretty much, so either is fine by me :derpytongue2: .

wow... can't wait till the next chapter! and... wat makes me think that Pinkie is actually talking about ice cream and Twister.... instead of... you know... :pinkiecrazy:

Yeah. you can go basically anywhere with this...I'll be happy with this no matter wat! :twilightsmile:


The hints to FlutterDash in this are about as subtle as a delicate waltz, danced to the lilting music of an elite orchestra led by a veteran conductor, masterfully moving into an intricate twirl. It's as subtle as that... being interrupted by Batman taking a sledgehammer to the dancer's knee cap.


I've read a couple of stories where you're led to believe that something naughty is happening, but it turns out that somepony is just going to the dentist, or some stallion is forced to cool off "mares in heat" with a giant FAN.

Then I read a parody of this sort of thing where the author set a story up so that it looked like Twilight was setting up a computer in the basement to clop, only to actually end up clopping at the end!:twilightblush:

It was hilarious!:rainbowlaugh:

Oh... i love that one where Twilight goes to the dentist! Hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

I know.... this stuff is awesome! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

*brings out a stick*

I was promised no shipping. Am I gonna hafta swat a bitch? :twilightangry2:

1188372 It is boring as hell listening to someone, even a close friend, going through something you have no interest in. Also like you said, it could just turn into a standard ship-fic and ruin the fic for me. It's a nice change seeing Dash as a complete, 'don't give a shit about romance' type.



You also said not to care what the detractors think. The party animal, the extrovert, is more likely in a mature continuity to be the promiscuous one. It's personal tastes and feelings that's holding you back from that basic logic. She does things for fun, she does things because she enjoys having fun and her friends having fun.

For those who don't see sexual intercourse as some sort of romantic enthrallment just because some parts slapped together over the course of a night, it'd be just another fun activity. Sure, all of the girls could be the more sexually active of the group any way you swing it... but Pinkie just fits in naturally because of her inclinations and viewpoints.

And I say there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

1194158 I have no problem with it per se, but in this fic, it came a little out of left field. Up to that (seemingly rather long) monologue, there were no real signs of innuendo in the fic, and then suddenly, we get Pinkie the promiscuous one. Unless the fic is actually rated Mature or veers close to it, I believe this addition to her character - a natural expansion, but still something we haven't seen in the show and never will - needs a little more groundwork before it becomes believable.

Oh, and while I did say to ignore the haters, what I meant was that you shouldn't let them get to you. Tune out the emotional responses, yet try to react to valid points of criticism, because otherwise, you might as well not bother asking for feedback at all. Of course, separating valid points of criticism from commenters' pet peeves isn't exactly easy, but it's part of the workload you subject yourself to as a writer.


In the interest of being as clear as possible...

For every six who love you, there'll be half a dozen who loathe you.

You do realize that half a dozen is six, right? So, for every person who loves the author, someone will loathe him?

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