• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 3,297 Views, 343 Comments

The Operator - The Legist

After finding a journal in the woods, Scootaloo finds she is being watched wherever she goes.

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Final Authors Notes, Thank You's and more!

The Operator

Final authors notes, thank you's and plans for the future!

My Inspiration: Fear

Boy has it been a ride writing this story. As I'm sure you can tell, this was my first experience writing in the horror genre. I love the feeling I get when I'm writing something scary, and I love the feedback I get when people actually feel what I want them to feel. I'm not very good yet, not compared to the greats, but I really felt inspired to write this story.

My first encounter (if you can even call it that) with the Slender Man was four or five months ago. I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to move or talk. I felt horrible, like something was coming to kill me. Everything was dark and fluid, and there was a long black figure standing in the corner of my room. I felt sick, and deeply disturbed. Even writing this down right now is giving me the chills because I have to think about it. I really tried to incorporate these feelings into my story, because I felt they are very powerful. I don't know what I saw that night, but to this day, I believe Slender Man is the best medium of modern horror because of the way he messes with your mind... him being real or not doesn't even matter.

I had heard about Slender Man a very long time ago on 4chan's /b/ board, and decided to read up on the legends. Everything you see in my story is information directly from poems, short stories, encounter logs, and pictures that I have found on the internet. None of the Marble Hornets crap or the Slender game that made Slender Man so popular. I have done my best to show Slender Man as what I believe he truly is: A Phantom of the Mind.

My goal for this story was to do Slender Man justice. I see too many pictures and stories that just aren't scary. Whether or not I accomplished this goal, you be the judge.

Fear has power. True fear is hard to induce, but once you are afraid, I believe your mind has the ability to create whatever it wants with the resources available. You may see or hear things that aren't there. You may feel sick, or nauseated. This is your brain telling you to get out of there. The power isn't in the phantom, but in your own mind. So, the question is, is he real or not?

We all believe what we want to, but the fear is truly there. You just have to reach out and feel it.

(The lyrics of this song inspired the ending of the story. It just felt right to put it here.)

Thank you's:

First off, I would like to thank my server player, and Number One Assistant, Pinkie Beam! This story wouldn't be what it is wit)(out your creative input, advvice, and the correction of my incessant errors and pro8lems with the comma. If you like clop, go check out Fluttershy's Little Dashie: Assertion is Rewarding, or My Little Snout: Physics is Painful.

I would like to shout out to NotTheOP for pre-reading the first chapter and somekindabrony for entertaining me throughout the writing process. I guess they are somewhat my number one fans.

Next up, I would like to thank Andrew Hussie, the mastermind behind the Homestuck Series and fimfiction user Deviance, author of the fanfiction The Machinations of a Trickster. I believe that reading their stories has improved my own writing greatly. They are artists of the written word, and I highly recommend reading their works. I doubt they will ever see this tribute, being that they are all big and famous and I'm just some little guy, but thanks for the inspiration, guys.

Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to thank you. That's right, YOU. The person reading this. The people who watched me, and talk to me through the comments. Without you guys to tell me whether or not you liked the story, it would have died long ago. This story was always in my head, but thanks to your support it has been given form and purpose. It's nowhere near perfect, but I hope that throughout the process of writing it I learned something so I can make the next stories better.

Which brings me to...

Plans for the future!

There will be a second operator story. Depending on the success of said story, there may be a third if I have enough ideas. I finally came up with a name for it, and although I'm excited to unveil it, I am going to keep it a closely guarded Serket. Ahem, secret.

But I can say this. I will use everything I learned about horror and the horror genre to make this story the best it can be. The scariest, deepest, and saddest. For the people! Because ya'll deserve it.

Also, I may do a humanized version of these stories to reach a wider audience and satisfy my goal of being a good creepy pasta writer. If you ever want to read that, I'll be sure to post a blog entry or something about it if/when it happens. Keep your eyes peeled!

I'm going to leave you now, but then again, you aren't really alone are you? Don't look behind you.

-The Legist.

Comments ( 23 )

1281850 I'm sorry man, it had to be done. Just wait for number two. :trixieshiftright:
1320066 I know, that was kinda done on purpose in order to make the finale really sting.
1329591 Don't riot yet, there is more to come.
1380929 Thanks man, that's my goal. Stay tuned for part two. :trixieshiftleft:

Bravo sir, on a well made story. This story was my first encounter with the slender man, and (stupidly) reading it at 11:30-12:00 when the first couple chapters were released gave me chills. I look forward to a squeal. Keep up the excellent work

General thoughts, regarding both the last proper chapter, and this. One, Diamond Tiara is next to die. This is pleasing to me, because she is a terrible, terrible pony, and deserves it. Two,,,Scootaloo was impaled on a branch, with enough force, as I remember, for the branch to fully penetrate her chest cavity and (if I read the implication right) come out the other side. And the assumption they all make is that she killed herself? These are not terribly clever ponies we're dealing with.

Third...have to ask why you keep dumping on Marble Hornets. Bear in mind, I haven't actually watched it, or actually...really any of the Slenderman stuff. First couple episodes of Everyman HYBRID, but otherwise, most of what I know just comes from TVTropes and all that. Not important. Point is...the progression went SA Forums thread, and within a few days of the original pictures of the Slenderman, we have the original post which provides the basis for Marble Hornets. A quick double check, and it seems that they're the ones who actually came up with The Operator in the first place. So, just kind of wondering what's the deal with the hate. Seems kind of like...I can't even come up with a proper comparison.

Unless, of course, I'm being unintentionally dense, and the author notes and comments are supposed to be some kind of "IC" thing or some such. In which case, disregard the third point. First and second still hold, though. Looking forward to the sequel, regardless.

Run, Run, Run as fast as you can, here comes the Slender Man...:ajsmug:

1380973 Yeah, those first two points do hold merit. It is possible for Scootaloo to push herself on the branch, but then again, these ponies don't believe her about Slender Man. I could change it around to have everypony think it was wild animals or something more realistic, but I wanted to symbolify Rainbow Dash's promise that she would fly. She did indeed fly. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Regarding Diamond Tiara, we shall see. Death has already been done now, so I want to flex my creativity a bit. Death isn't the worst fate when it somes to Slender Man, I'm sure.

And my hate for Marble Hornets... It's not really that I hate them. In fact, the first 20 videos are what got me into Slender Man in the first place. They did do the whole Operator thing, and for that I guess I have to give them more credit. But my main problem with them is that they took it too far. They turned it into a series with a facebook page and everything. It was better when it could have been real, but once I see posts like "New episode will be up friday!" It totally ruins the realism and suspense for me. Granted, I don't exactly think Slender Man is "real" in that sense. But it is fun to be able to believe it.

1380969 I'm glad your first experience with slendy was a good one. He is damn scary, and I love it.

1381003 Don't get me wrong, the symbolism of getting impaled after finally being able to fly was nice. I'm just saying, it seems like "accident" is the more likely assumption then "suicide" in that case. Also, I rephrase my previous statement, "Diamond Tiara is next to meet a terrible fate." "Die" just makes a convinent shorthand.

And the bit about MH makes sense, then. Was just something that struck me as odd, that you talked about the...I think the comment was "original" stories at some point, when...well, yeah. But makes sense what you're saying. Like how Jason Voorhees used to, ostensibly, be frightening...until he went to space.

1381253 Yeah, that all makes sense. And yeah, that's the problem with Marble Hornets. And the Slender game. Because people get all into it thinking Slender Man is so scary, but they don't know the myths and folklore behind it. Slender and Marble Hornets did a good job I guess, I just wish they wouldn't have blown it up so much.

You put me and Op in the credits? I feel so special now. :pinkiehappy: Thanks. :heart::rainbowkiss::yay:

1381387>>1381402 Yeah man, you guys deserve it. And about the mansion map, yes and no. I have some spectacular ideas for this next story, ones that I hope will differ from the typical Slender Man staking in this story. Keep your pants on, shit's about to get real.

1381412 Aww Shit! It's about to get serious!

I'm your server player AND Number One Assistant... does that make me a fat, Sburb-playing dragon pimp? :rainbowwild: (Spike's totally a pimp; don't even kid yourself... Twilight's Treatment; 'nuff said. :derpytongue2:)

I am late.

I blame the vacation.

A fellow /b/tard, eh? I did prefer /x/ more, though, but I did spend some time in /b/, too.

You're welcome. An author this great deserves my support and my interest. I'll be there when your new story will be up. You can count on that!

Fear is a powerful thing. You can do things that you never thought you were able to when you're affected by the most disturbing, yet so interesting of emotions.

The Slender Man. Simply another paranormal being who decided to place their name on my 'List'. And the number one way you do that is by going after the children. And when those beings steal them away in the night, lures them into forgotten places, devour their souls, or perform other abominable acts upon the innocent, those dark ones better remember that even if I never find them, He will. And in the End, when Judgements are cast, the Truth will be known. And when that day comes, they shall reap what they have sown.

1384803 Yeah, /b/ is alright. I do prefer /x/ though.

1384995 That was epic

1385102 Thanks man!

I just wrote how I felt. And I felt sorrow for the loss of the child, anger towards the monster, and sorrow again with the knowledge that it will happen again. That alone is proof of how well written this story is.

1386523 Thanks man, I appreciate the compliment.

I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to move or talk. I felt horrible, like something was coming to kill me. Everything was dark and fluid, and there was a long black figure standing in the corner of my room. I felt sick, and deeply disturbed.

Sounds like sleep paralysis.

I finally found this fic again after, Oh a year of not reading, and a month of searching, and I still got chills while reading it...
Kudos to you Legist, you Magnificent Bastard!
Adeiu Restful Nights!

So far this is the best Slender man story I've read yet, The ending was good and really while I would love to see a sequel I'm happy with what we have. The Slender man always came off to me as an Eldritch horror, something beyond what a human mind can understand. This is still a good version of him

Well, I just read through this, leaving one (possibly creepy) comment per chapter, and I have to say: I'm never sleeping again!

4782376 Why not Zoidberg both?

I'm not sure if Slender Man is real or not, and if he is, if he was the figure you saw in your corner, but what you experienced was sleep paralysis, which is a state of being in between awake and asleep. At this point, almost all or all of your muscles have shut down, along with some parts of your brain. During this time, your brain produces a large amount of chemicals which regulate the body. If you experience these chemicals awake, then you experience powerful hallucinations. These effects combined cause you to not being able to move, see stuff, hear stuff, and even feel stuff, which is called sleep paralysis. This could have nothing to do with Slender Man, but some say he is capable of causing it.

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