• Published 1st Dec 2018
  • 496 Views, 1 Comments

Starswirl's Journal - Galaxyishigh

When Starswirl's original journal is found in a cave, Discord is forced to tell a story he was sure would be forgotten forever.

  • ...

I Used To Rule the World

The castle was huge, expanding into the large village below. It reached as tall as the skies and had several basements inside. The king, Star Shine, walked in holding the baby in his magic. Guardsmen surrounded him at his sides, making sure the ponies wouldn't crowd around Star too much. He smiled and waved as the ponies called his name, some even singing a song praising him. Star continued walking, eventually leading up to the huge castle doors. The king watched as the young chimera, who had fallen asleep in his arms, slowly began to open his eyes and fidget. Discord looked around at the ponies as they began to see him. Star Shine paid none of their frightened and confused looks attention and instead focused it on the lowering drawbridge.

When the drawbridge was fully lowered, the king walked in and waved to the peasants as it heightened again. When he turned around, he looked at his guardsmen and smiled.

"I can't believe we thought it was the endtimes, my ponies. I had no idea we would have found such a healthy baby. What do you think we should name it?" He looked around.

"I think that should be discussed with her majesty and you, instead of us."

"Why nonsense!" the king said. "I let you all name my firstborn, and my wife had no problem with it then. I see no reason she would have one now." One guard stepped up. He spoke with a slight English accent, pronounced by his high-pitched voice

"With all due respect, your majesty, I have a huge problem with you taking this creature into your castle. That thing is a demon," He pointed to the Chimera. Star Shine's smile dropped a tad. "That child will bring ruin to your kingdom." Star Shine held a small smile still.

"With all due respect, Guardsmen #667, I do not believe that at all. I will only hear such accusations like that from either a priest or a fortune teller. If I shall hear such a thing from you again about this foal, I shall see to it that you are humiliated to the fullest extent." The king then looked to everypony.

"Any ideas? None?" Guardsmen #667 muttered under his breath "Discord." The king turned around and spoke.

"I'm sorry, did you a hear single thing I just said?" Guardsmen spoke up again.

"HE. IS. A. DEMON. MY KING, HE WILL BRING NOTHING BUT DISCORD AND STRIFE TO OUR KINGDOM!" He shouted. The king fell silent. He stayed silent, then:

"Alright, kill him." Star Shine stomped his hoof and commanded in a tone as if was asking for a sandwich. Several other guards grabbed him by the arms and began dragging him away.

"Wait, NO! I-I was just kidding!" He yelled as he was dragged out of the entrance. Star Shine looked at Discord again.

"Now that I think about it, Discord is a perfect name. What a lot of people get wrong about Chaos is that it isn't evil, nor is it good. It's different. Just as harmony is neither good nor evil. It is sameness. They cannot exist without the other. However," The king looked around the men in the room. "We have too much sameness right now. Different is the perfect thing to be. Yes, Discord is a great name for this child."

Star Shine finished his speech and had left towards the royal dining room. He sat the Chimera down on a seat. It looked up at him.

"Are you hungry, Discord?" The king asked. Discord nodded his head. Star Shine chuckled. "Alright, my boy, I shall fetch you some of my wife's milk stored in a bottle." He got up and left. Several minutes later, he found Discord on top of one of the serving tables.

"Now how did you get all the way over there?" He picked Discord up and placed him back upon the eating table. He handed the Chimera the bottle and watched. Before the king's eyes, Discord's eyes began to glow. The king looked at the milk as it turned a nice brown, becoming incredibly confused. Once Discord's eyes stopped glowing, Star Shine picked up the bottle. He hesitantly tasted it. He took another sip and began to chuckle.

"Chocolate milk? Really?" He continued laughing. He left for a minute and returned with some cow's milk in a bottle. Discord changed that into chocolate as well. Star Shine laughed again. Discord began to giggle, enjoying making his father happy. Star Shine clinked their bottles together and began drinking with him.

Shortly after then Star shine had begun to feel sleepy.

"Come, Discord, I believe we are in need of a nap." He scooped the Chimera up and brought him to the royal bedroom. Star Shine then stopped and facepalmed.

"Of course, I haven't introduced you to your brother! Come Discord, I must show you." He ran all the down the hall into one of the rooms. When Star Shine walked, he did so as quietly as he could as too not disturb the baby. Holding Discord in his magic, he placed him down opposite to the sleeping baby.

"See Discord? That's your older brother, Starswirl." Discord looked at his older brother, investigating him curiously. Starswirl slowly opened his eyes and stared back at Discord. Slowly, the unicorn sat up. The foal began to smile, going over to hug the Chimera. Star Shine smiled.

"There you go, making friends already." Star Shine yawned and turned around.

"Have fun you two." He said quietly, closed the door and left to go his ow bedroom. He turned towards his door, closed it, and promptly fell asleep.

He wasn't expecting to hear the shrill scream of his wife when he awoke. Drawing his sword, Star Shine ran in the direction he heard her voice: The children's room. He saw her there, in horror at the beast that was inside the crib. Star Shine relaxed, withdrew his sword and went to calm her down.

"It's okay - it's okay - it is okay my dear!" He repeated until she looked at him. Her breath hitched.

"What. the hell. Is in my child's' crib?" She asked with unsteady breathing. Star shine looked down at his hooves.

"We investigated a thunderous noise outside near the kingdom. When we got there, there was a child. That one, right there," He pointed to Discord. "While the guards wanted me to kill him, honey, you know I can't harm a child without good reason. Since no parent seemed to be near, I made the choice to take him here and raise him as our own." As he spoke, his wife calmed down slowly. She looked over to Discord again, and then back to Star Shine.

"Most of the kingdom will not be happy with this," she replied. Star Shine nodded.

"Yes, but as long as I am king, nopony will harm him."

"What is its name?" Star Shine smiled as she asked that.

"Discord. It's a he too, by the way. At least I think. We'll know soon enough."

"How?" his wife asked.

"Eh well, if it starts destroying things the minute it has its hands on it, then it's a boy." He joked. She took a moment but soon laughed heartily, falling onto him. Discord and Starswirl looked between the two and then back to each other. Discord shrugged and fell back asleep, joined promptly by Starswirl.

Two years later, Discord has grown almost as tall Starswirl, who is four years old at this point. They do everything together: eating, playing, sleeping and much more. Star Shine and his wife, Sapphire Shine, happily take care of the two, despite rising tensions between them and the fearful commoners. Most of the guards have grown used to the two and even join into the play fighting often. Discord and Starswirl both show excellent magic abilities at a young age.

A young woman walked in the castle to have some business with the king and queen. She walked with a gate that presented wiseness. Her dark purple coat was accented by her golden badge. She, albeit a bit hesitant, knocked on the castle drawbridge and stepped back. Several moments later, the drawbridge lowered and outwalked Star Shine and his wife.

"Don't you think a giant drawbridge is a bit unnecessary for a castle with no moat?" The woman asked.

"A little bit of defense, my dear, if anyone were to try and attack well..." Star Shine made a crush sound and clapped his hooves together as a demonstration.

"I see." She simply responded. She was walked into the royal throne room as the king and queen sat down in their respected seats.

"Now, what is it you need?" Sapphire Shine asked.

"First, I would like to thank you all for letting me have the time to talk to you, That is a huge honor," The rulers nodded. "Secondly, my name is Amber Gem, I am with the kingdom of equestria's school for exceptional magic. I have come here today to allow your son, who has shown an amazing ability or magic, to come to our school for the betterment of his skills." She finished. Star and Sapphire Shine looked at each other smiling. Star Shine turned back to her.

"Perfect! Just one question, which son?" He asked. Amber seemed confused at that.

"What do you mean; which son?" She asked.

Star Shine looked over to the hallway and projected his voice using magic.

"Starswirl! Discord! Come here for a minute!" within a few seconds, Discord had popped them into the hallway. They walked up to Amber but faced their parents.

"Boys, this Amber Gem, She's in a magic school and wants to take one of you," He turned to her. "Have you remembered which one to go with? I say Discord, he has shown an abiltiy for magic far above us unicorns." Star Shine carefully observed her reaction, of which he duly noted disgust towards Discord being the main part. He turned his nose up at her.

"Exactly what I thought. I just heard you spew nonsense for what, the fifth time again? Amber, you're not the first one to come here from that school, and certainly not the first to show blatant racism towards my children. I suggest you choose very wisely what words to use next, as they may be your last." He stopped his rant to look back at his wife. "I seriously don't understand why we just don't let the school to continue to ru- "

"Father, please" the rich voice of Discord interrupted. Star Shine turned back to his son. "I understand where you're coming from, but I'm sick of letting Starswirl's opportunities pass because of me. I want him to go." He pleaded. Star Shine stared for a moment, then began to smile sadly.

"Oh, my Discord, already speaking at the level of adults and he's only two years old," Sapphire said. Discord smiled.

"Thank you mother, I only wish that my speech doesn't become a hindrance to you in the future."

"Nonsense my child. You will never be a hindrance." Sapphire assured him. Discord looked up at Amber and handed Starswirl to her.

"Take good care of him. Make sure he has a lot of friends." Star Shine, Discord, and Sapphire Shine watched as she carried Starswirl out of the castle. With Discord left as their only child, both rulers decided they would teach him everything they could about being both a ruler of Equestria and a good pony in general.

"Listen up Discord," Star Shine began. "As a king, the first thing you need to need is you can have anything you want with the ease. Now for me, I stomp my hoof, but for you, It would be as easy as a snap of your fingers." He leaned into the child. "What do you think about that Discord? Anything you want with just a snap of your fingers." He poked the chimera playfully. Discord looked down at his hands.

"Anything I want…?" Discord snapped. In came a glass of soda. Star Shine smiled.

"Yes Discord, especially for you it seems!" He joked.

Now, if only he could get Discord to make some more chocolate milk.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading so far, and I hope you stick around for the ride.

- Galaxyishigh.

Comments ( 1 )

I am very interested to see where this goes...

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