• Published 13th Dec 2018
  • 609 Views, 3 Comments

Family in the dark - Thomasfactoryuntold

What was igneous like before pinky was born? As he visits his high school crush, he knew that sometbing was wrong with her, he knew who her family truly was. He wrote down the prophecy.

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Family in the dark

This is my Journal, for I have seen everything beyond the comprehension of all of Equestria's origins; I know what she has in store.

She was my crush in High School; sugarcoat was her name. A bit nerdy, but otherwise nice; after all, she built a machine that she said enables us to see things that were invisible.

She got thrown out of school for building it, and I never really engaged with her afterward. The thing that disturbed me the most was the fact that she was wore sunglasses even when indoors, and never removed them under any circumstance.

I eventually plucked up the courage to speak to her, and although she put on a show of not liking me, in reality we agreed to meet at an old cave.

And this was where it got really weird. She licked my face, but her tongue didn't feel like that of a pony. It unsettled me.

That evening, I got up from my bed and crawled out the window, heading to the cave. The lantern shone ahead of me to light the way. Sugarcoat regarded me with a grim smile.

"You made it!" sugarcoat called. "You will learn the truth!"

"What the Tartarus is going on here? I don't like this one bit."

She put both hooves on my shoulders looking at me seductively through her sunglasses, flattering me a little.

"Believe me darling, you will know. Come sweetheart, there is something I want to show you."


The cave reeked of horror and madness. bizarre painting covered the walls, and the place smelt of death.

But I was a fool for not questioning anything. Sugarcoat had me distracted.

We finally made it, and my heart filled with dread. It was the machine. So it was a lie.

sugarcoat began to strip off for some reason. Why we were wearing clothes I have no idea.

" Listen very carefully igneous, these instructions are crucial. This machine can create powerful waves that allow you to see things from beyond our reality itself. Therefore you must remain still if you don't want to have unwanted attention. The project works better if you take your clothes off."

I stripped off, my heart filling with dread. What was she talking about?

sugarcoat removed her sunglasses. "I noticed how nervous you are but you have not seen anything yet."

The machine starts to activate, creating bizarre waves.

"Close your eyes Igneous, for 5 minutes. And after you open them, tell me what you see. Do you see them?"

I closed my eyes and as 5 minutes passed, I heard strange noises all around.

"Do you see them?"

I did not answer her question, for my eyes were kept shut according to her instructions.

Even stranger noises here are heard around us; I felt something touching my back as if some tentacle was crawling on my back.

"Do you see them?" she asked the 3rd time, but her voice was no longer sentient, it sounded as if it was coming from everywhere and nowhere at once.

I wanted to flee, but couldn't.

"Open them."

My eyes were finally opened, what I saw terrified me. What I witnessed cannot be described, but I was not the only one to have witnessed them. Know of Hoofcraft?

It was the Outer Gods, ancient beings that guard reality. It was now obvious I was no longer in Equestria, but in Hell.

"What is this place? What are they? What have you done?"

Sugarcoat's eyes had a truly insane glint to them. I had no idea what was going on now.

"These are the quivering monstrosities that float around the cosmos beyond your comprehension. This is the place is where dogs bark and cats prickle their ears after midnight, and this is their realm, where they were cast into a deep sleep by a filly named Celestia after the alicorn race rebelled against us. They were ment to destroy, not to create.

"I have broken down the barrier between realms to give you visions no one else has ever seen.

Their purity is only surpassed only by savagery."

One of them touched me with its tentacles as if it was examining me, and then floated away from me.

"Notice the way they fight, and take offence at one another. They are the ultimate forms of life.

sugarcoat now looked angry. "Your friend already knew my secret, and yet dissmissed it as pure lunacy!"

"Yet there you stand, trembling to the ultimate truth that I have shown you. I can read your mind that you have already figured out who I am, but let me tell you that sugarcoat is but one of many names. You can call me ana-staja. An outer god like me is quite generous enough to grant you your wish."

She walked closer towards me, and I dreaded what was coming next.

"Let me ask you this igneous, how did I come to your school? How do I know who you are? And do you wish to have me? It's because I was looking for you, and we have found you. In fact," She whispered in my ear, "I'm not even in front of you."

She vanished into thin air, and there was something behind me. I shook with terror at this...thing.

sugarcoat, or ana-staja, or whatever she was, was as big as the Manehattan state building, she had yellow eyes all over her body staring at me; her hair was nothing but long tentacles and tendrils that floated about her like clouds in the sky, her jaw was split open revealing sharp fangs and a long gelatinous tongue.

I was dragged from where I was standing, and hurled into the abyss.


As I fell, everything grew hotter, and then my memories fade totally.

I woke up in the morning, horrifically burned. And what I noticed that there was a note on my bed, inked in blood. It read as follows;

"Igneous, I have gotten pregnant with you. At the mountain next to Insideroth, we will meet again. But until then, do not worry.

Your ex-marefriend, sugarcoat"

My heart sunk to fear itself at the horrors of that night.

Years went by. I got married, had children, and on the wholecompletely forgot what had happened. But then, outside my door one day, I opened to see what it was, no one was here. I looked down, and there were two foals; one pink and one bland. There was a note written in blood, which read;

"I have delivered the children to you as I promised, they were known in ancient times as dark ones. Take care of them.

"Your ex, sugarcoat."

My heart raced. She had delivered her children to me as she promised. What were these things?

Cloudy Quarts saw me carrying a basket with two fillies and placing it on the table. Marble and Limestone asked; "Daddy, whos foals are they?"

"It's nothing," I answered, "your mother and I need a private chat."

Cloudy and I walked to our rooms. She was not pleased.

"Igneous, what is going on? Have you married with another woman?"

I shook my head, and explained it all.

"You... you were raped!? By... by that monster!? Why didn't you tell me about this!?"

"I'm sorry cloudy i was afraid that you may not believe me if I told you this. Wait, how do you know who she is?"

She had told me her story.

"I was kidnapped by a cult of this creature you spoke of, they were to kill me, but I was rescued by Celestia's Royal Guards.

"They plan to raise Cthulu and raise madness in Equestria, turning our planet into their hunting ground."

Cloudy hugged me in tears, "We have to stop them!"

I have hugged her back, knowing the end was nigh.

But now is our time to leave to find Pinkie Pie. Please limestone, find us.