• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,601 Views, 108 Comments

Trials of A Princess - Rose Quill

Twilight is accused of magical crimes by the Deerkin, leaving Sunset to be her advocate.

  • ...

29 Homecoming

“How does it feel to be home?” Sunshine asked as we walked through the door of our house. The repairs were done, and though I could still smell a hint of smoke, it looked like every last detail had been recreated.

“Honestly? I’m just ready to sleep for the next week.” I sighed. Tapping ley energy here was more exhausting than it was in that other Equestria. The strain of tapping so much of it in addition to the fact that Twilight and I had slept only fitfully most of the last week was catching up to me.

“I’m not surprised,” my wife said as we entered the bedroom. “Sounds like you had a rough time.”

I nodded. “Trying to wrap my head around some of the differences was odd. Celestia slain, Luna as queen? Everything was different, and all the girls were separated, but still friends.”

“Thinking of Shining Armor as a mare is a strange thought, too.” she added, a small smile growing. “Shame I couldn’t have seen that.”

I smiled as well as my horn lit and the blankets slid back.

“It was worth it to see the look on Twilight’s face when she pranced in.”

We giggled a little as we climbed into bed. She shifted a little, trying to get comfortable and I slid a wing over her as she snuggled into my side.

“Do you think what we did will work?” I asked.

She nodded, the tip of her horn brushing against my locks.

“She’s essentially a fresh start. Her memories are gone, and she’ll be growing up in the hive along with a lot of other young Changelings. I’m sure if we meet her again, she’ll be just like that young girl, Ocellus I think her name was? The one that Thorax introduced to us when he arrived to take Chrysalis in.”

“Ocellus, yes,” I yawned and felt sleep grabbing at my eyelids. “I love you, you know?”

Her response was to snuggle in closer and slide a forelimb over me.

“I love you, too,” she whispered.

There is something about sleeping in your own bed after being gone for an extended time.

Noon found us sitting around the council table again, this time with a few new faces.

“So if I understand this correctly,” Heartshine said, her wings fluffing slightly. “She began to terrorize and plague the village to create a reason for us to come and bring Princess Twilight to the Glenn just so she would be transported to the other realm?”

“I think she would have been happy if you had judged her and wiped her memory,” I said. “My accompanying her likely made her alter the plan she had come up with along with the Umbrum.”

Pine sighed. “We sought out Dunford and found him to be missing. We suspect that a Changeling had taken his place or he was possessed by one of the Umbrum and later disposed of once his purpose had been completed.”

“That begs the question of how she got free from her prison in the first place.” Twilight ruffled her wings as she shifted slightly in her seat. “Didn’t we have guards in place around her?”

“We did, and on questioning them we learned that they had a compulsion geas on them to make them believe she was still there.” Luna frowned. “We suspect that was her test of the geas that she eventually laid over us and you.”

“But how did she make everyone forget us?” I asked. “She couldn’t have cast it on everypony individually.”

“In that, I must shoulder some of the blame,” Luna said, bowing her head. “With so many still dealing with the nightmares of the attacks during Entropy’s brief release, I have found myself overtaxed, as you may know. I believe the Umbrum used my distracted state to enter the dreamscape of ponies and spread the geas like a virus. And for that, I am sorry.”

“It’s alright,” Twilight said. “And if you need help, I still remember the Dreamwalking spell you showed me when I took over for you. I’m sure I could spend a night or two on patrol with you.”

“I will… consider it, Twilight.” The midnight mare pursed her lips. “It is likely more hectic than it was when you patrolled them last.”

“You seem more at peace, Sunset Shimmer,” Heartshine said as her eyes fell on me. “Last time we spoke, you had an inner conflict.”

“I did?” I said.

The small deer nodded. “Upon reflection during my travel here, I believe the backlash was partially due to a schism in your thoughts. I wonder, would that same indecision be there now?”

I smiled at her. “It isn’t any prettier in there,” I said.

Heartshine smiled in return.

“Have you come to a conclusion, then?” she asked.

I closed my eyes and thought for a moment. Two weeks ago if I had been given the chance to be rid of my wings, I would have leapt at the chance. A return to being a regular pony. I hadn’t had a coronation, so it isn’t like it would affect the royalty or anything. I didn’t even hold a throne here.

But, after the events of the last week, being without had felt wrong every moment they crossed my mind. The tiara on my head didn’t feel as heavy anymore, nor did my wings drag on me as they once had. Somewhere in the last few days, the feeling of discontent had faded, leaving acceptance in its place.

I may have given up on seeking the wings, but perhaps that was what earned them for me. I wasn’t going to question Harmony or Serendipity. The granting of the wings had a reason, and as I looked at the dark times that had followed, I saw the reason.

Yes, I had been forced to fight.

I had been forced into a role I hadn’t wished for.

But the reasons I fought weren’t because I feared that which faced me. I didn’t hate what opposed me, but I loved those behind me. That was why I fought. Twilight - both of them - and the girls. My sisters and their families. Azure and Gleam.

And that in and of itself was the main duty that Luna and Celestia held. Protecting the ponies of their land.

I had passed the trials that had been placed before me and never realized it.

I opened my eyes and nodded.

“I have.”

“Why did I agree to this, again?” I asked as I fussed with the mantlet I wore.

“Because you decided that being a Princess was worth it after all,” Sunshine said, horn lighting to straighten my regalia. “And you agreed to this after Princess Celestia brought it up.”

“I plead temporary insanity.”

I smiled as my wife giggled. I could hear Celestia’s voice as she addressed the crowd that had gathered outside. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. To the side, Tempest stood tall, the crystal sheathing on her horn glittering.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

I glanced to the side at Sunshine, radiant in her formal wear. A look towards the balcony showed Twilight looking in towards me, smiling brightly. A glance from Cadence showed a similar smile.

“I’m ready.”

A cheer went up as I stepped out onto the balcony and Celestia spoke, the Royal Voice lifting her words to all assembled.

“Princess Sunset Shimmer, Princess of Empathy!”

When I was younger, I had wanted this so badly, the adulation of the populace. Now, I recognized the price that came with the title.

And it was one I will gladly pay, if it led to my child having a safe place to grow up in.

“Speech!” a voice called up from the crowd. I looked down to see Azure grinning impishly, River on her back and smiling up as well.

I smiled back, stepping forward and clearing my throat.

“Thank you all very much.” I said. “But I’m not much of an orator. I will simply say that I will uphold my duties to the best of my abilities and will hold the wellbeing of the ponies I see to the highest standard.

“I may be new to you as a crowned princess, but I had taken several royal duties prior to this. For those of you that stood with us in the Crystal Empire, I was on the front lines with you. I was also present during the incident with the Cult of Entropy recently.

“Some of you may question my qualifications,” I skewered Blueblood with a glare. “But I assure you, I will execute my duties with the same dedication that I showed during my time as Princess Celestia’s private student. Again, thank you all.”

And I stepped back, allowing Celestia to take the lead again.

“Not bad,” Twilight said as she slid over to me.

“I’ve never stood before so many ponies,” I whispered back. “I feel like my knees might give way.”

“You’ll get used to it.”

“I suppose I will.” I reached out and slid a wing over Sunshine. “But, after everything we’ve been through, it’ll be easy by comparison.”

Sunshine sighed, and I reveled in the feeling of love that flowed through our bond.

It was good to be home.

Author's Note:

And there we have it, finished finally! This is by far the longest story to my name and I feel like it tried to go off the rails once or twice.

Let me know what you all think, we authors live on reviews, and as long as you all enjoyed the story, that's enough for me.

Comments ( 4 )

I'm not sure if I should feel happy or afraid for Sunset now that she's taken up the mantle. Well, guess we'll see.

Loved it, was great following our favourite princesses and duchess
Middy's arrival.....

While I kinda forgot of what mostly has happened in this story, I enjoyed it in the end. :pinkiehappy:

Congratulations on finishing this. I know there is an overwhelming sense of relief and joy that you made it. As far as the story, it was a journey of rediscovered growth. For Sunset she accepted the crown that had been previously offered after realizing that she earned those wings for a reason. Next, the biggest challenge of them all. Parenthood!

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