• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



This story is a sequel to Motion Sickness

On the eve of their 20th Wedding anniversary, Bright Mac and Pear Butter tell their children the story of how they fell in love.

Written for Valentine's Day.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 39 )

Not gonna lie. I'm a little concerned because of the sex tag but I'll still give it a read when I get the chance. Quick question though-Is reading the prequel required to understand the story?

I'll remove the tag. I think that's there in error.

No. Reading the prequels is not required. This story is part of my wider EqG universe, but each works as a standalone story.

9445176 Oh. Okay. I'll give this a read when I can.


Yep, it was an error. That teaches me to edit 3 stories at once!

Seeing as every previous story in the line features trains, I’m going to assume that you’re one of those guys who likes trains...

That's one thing that will never change about us though X3

Aw, thanks. More coming up tomorrow, but what does concern me is that the commenters have dried up...

Sorry for the long delay. Work took over and when I did have free time, I was too tired. Now that I've finally got to it, the only thing I got to say is I'm disappointed... that this doesn't get more love. The simple reason is it's well written and it's a shipping(well, canon wise) that isn't seen very often. My only question for you is this- You like trains?


You wouldn't mind telling others? I tried a signal boost on Shames Self-promotion but I'm not sure that it worked at all.

9481487 As much as I would love to, I dont think me saying anything will help since most of my followers dont even look at my blog. However, once I get like, 300 followers, I'll definitely start doing shootouts.

I'll try to rustle up some support for you.

I appreciate that despite its title, this story isn't just a copy of "The Perfect Pear" episode except with humans. My favorite change that you made is Granny Smith being the most hostile parent and Grand Pear being the most accepting. I also like how Granny Smith came around when Big Mac was born.

Mac thought for a moment. “He’s half-Apple and half-Pear, not ta mention half-Californian and half-West Virginian. This may seem a tad ironic at the moment, but how about ‘Big Mac’?”

This implies to me that the first half of Big Mac's name is in honor of his grandfather, which fascinates me. Granted, "grand" has more than one meaning, and it probably means "very good" in Grand Pear's name, since he's not large in stature. Still, I like the idea so much that I almost wish I had thought of it while writing my Apple family fanfics.

Speaking of which, I'll try to resist making too many comparisons between this story and my EG fic that reimagines this episode. But I couldn't help noticing that we both included Granny Smith's spouse and not Grand Pear's. I don't know about you, but I figured Grand's wife must have died sometime before Pear Butter eloped, because I couldn't imagine that she would also disavow her child for the rest of her life.

That said, this story's plot structure needs work. For example, there are a couple of scenes near the beginning that have no impact on the plot and are never mentioned again. The first scene was Bright Mac's concert, which drags on. It could have led to Bright and Pear bonding over their love of music, but instead the scene never goes anywhere. The second scene is when Bright met Bow, Windy, Chiffon Swirl, Rich, and Spoiled. It made me wonder why they were introduced if they weren't going to show up again. Chiffon's absence in the rest of the story was especially odd since she was Pear's best friend.

Thanks. I accept this is one of my weakest stories, and I'll probably re-write it from the ground up.

Somebody else did a sorta similar thing. Ever read Mac to the Future?

Mac says something similar in the episode.

So I calculated how many days approximately 20 years was.

I love this story, there was so many heartbreaking stuff here and I love it:raritycry::twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading.

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