• Published 15th Dec 2018
  • 994 Views, 8 Comments

Orc’s Breath - Chemtest

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Me and Ghorbash step up to the door of the black building. Ghorbash draws Chillrend, “So what? We enter in the front door?”

I nod, and draw Wuuthrad, “The most straightforward plan is the best plan in this case.”

He smiles, “Good. Malacath witness our deeds.”

I kick open the door, and move into the building, “Come and face me, cowards!”

Ghorbash moves in behind me, but we are all stopped in our tracks by the sight before us. Small horses, very colorful, all sitting near strange devices that they seem to be crafting. The movement of the entire floor stops as we burst in. Both of us stare at each other in confusion, until one of them shout, “We’re under attack!”

The building erupts into chaos as a red light starts flashing and a loud blaring noise fills the hall. Small creatures with single red eye and a nose that sticks out way to far swivels to look at us. Within an instant, the two creatures start to cast fire spells at us with loud bangs.

Ghorbash holds up Spellbreaker and I allow my Ebony Mail to deflect the spells. I charge at the thing, and swing Wuuthrad at it. Wuuthrad connects, and the creature explodes for some reason. But, instead of blood, all that flies onto me are metal and wires. I hear a similar explosion as Ghorbash walks to me, “I don’t know what kind of creatures these are. My bow didn’t absorb any life, so they lack a soul.”

I nod, and am about to speak when a bang sounds out in the room. I feel a bite into my back, no worse than an average iron sword. I turn around to see one of the small ponies pointing the devices they were crafting at me. I shout at him, “Zun!”

The shout meets him, and sends the weapon flinging away. The small horse looks at me in fear as I approach.

I grab the pony by the neck, and grip so that he can still breathe as I hold him. I look him right in the eye, “Okay, miniature horse, I am confused. I don’t like being confused. What is this place, and what are you?”

He fearfully responds, “I’m a pony! All I want to do is make weapons for my country! This is a factory!”

I shake my head, “No, you misunderstand. What Provence are we in?”

He says out, “Canterlot! We are under the jurisdiction of Canterlot!”

I tighten my hand, “I’m afraid I don’t understand. Vvardenfell, Morrowind, Black Marsh, High Rock, Hammerfell, Cyrodiil, Elsweyr, Valenwood, Skyrim, or the Summerset Isles?”

The pony speaks around my hand, “None of them! I don’t even know the names!”

I frown, “I lose my patience. Where is Alduin?”

The pony speaks with the fear running through his voice, “I don’t know anypony called Alduin!”

I sigh, “You speak too fearful to be trusted. Let’s give you the balls to say what you mean to say.”

I summon up Courage, one of the only Illusion spells I know, and cast it on the pony. They start to speak instantly, “You don’t scare me freak! Kill me, I don’t care! Lord Raven shall heal me, and shall kill you! You hear that, freak!? Raven is coming, and he’s going to shove that axe up your plot! Hear that in the distance, that’s him coming to save us!”

I throw the pony into the corner, and turn to face Ghorbash, “Sounds like a cult of ponies worshipping a necromancer or vampire to me.”

Ghorbash is about to respond when he is interrupted by a squealing sound. Light slowly starts to shine in the room as a young voice speaks from behind me, “Got one out of two right.”

I turn around to see a smaller pony wearing black robes, standing next to a wall just peeled off the building.

He smiles at me, his eyeless voids somehow carrying it, “Come, I just prepared a batch of tea. I’m sure we could settle down and talk about this like adults.”

I draw Wuuthrad, “You ask me to back down!? You will regret that!”

Ghorbash puts his hand on my shoulder, “Wait, maybe we should listen to him. This is the first foe we faced that tried to talk to us.”

I glower, “Stormcloak tried to talk to us, and he was the most evil enemy I’ve ever faced.”

He shakes his head, “Stormcloak was a murderer, we knew that. But this enemy, we know nothing about.”

The necromancer speaks, “Listen to your friend. We can sit and talk over a bottle of something.”

I turn to face my foe, “You think I would surrender?”

He shakes his head, “If you need to make it about surrendering, than I’ll say this. I surrender. Now, can we talk this out?”

I put Wuuthrad back onto my back, “If it means I won against you, than yes.”

He smiles, “Wonderful, follow me. I know there’s a tavern around here.”