• Published 16th Dec 2018
  • 8,767 Views, 771 Comments

Conversion Bureau: The return of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. - ClearlyNotTremor230

Conversion Bureau storyline. When Celestia started her plans for Conversion, she could not imagine that a group of teens would have come to stop her, and by stealing what she could not defend: the Hearts of Equestria. The Phantom Thieves are Back!

  • ...

Chapter 6: In the Land of Smiles...

Author's Note:

Such a positive response to the story! I am honored to see so many of you accept and even enjoy this! I thank you for this warm welcome and your open mind about the whole project.

I decided to (kind of) hand-wave how you can enter the Palace from the 'Base' you have as a Phantom Thief whenever you want instead of going in front of the Palace physical manifestation every time you need to, I hope you others don't mind.

Thank you for reading my works here, I wish you the best of days.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!

the theme song that I have added here and that inspired me for the palace belongs to the Youtube Channel 'Derek & Brandon Fiechter' that I hope won't mind my shameless sharing of their wonderful job, all credit goes to them for this amazing theme that helped me set the mood of what the Phantom Thieves are facing this time.

Mementos -

No...I will...I will change!...I-I can change!” a pony with golden armor, and golden eyes, said tiredly gasping for air.

“You can? Really? You can drop this crusade against humans and help stop Conversion?” Yusuke asked with narrowed eyes.

I-If we really are just killing you all...Then yes. I-I didn’t join the army to hurt civilians! I just wanted to help them survive the Barrier.” the pony soldier answered with a weak voice still dripping determination.

“We will believe you, this time. Do not make us regret giving you a chance.” Ryuji answered sneering.

You won’t, you won’t. On my honor...” the Shadow Self of one of their ‘secondary targets’ list answered before fading away in small sparks of light.

- Sigh! - “...How many?” Makoto asked as soon as she was sure the pony disappeared, and making everybody drop the thug attitude in a second.

“With this one, we got seven of them from the Army.” Morgana answered.

“At least we are being productive.” Haru answered, sighing.

It had been almost two weeks since their first try at finding the entrance of Pinkie’s Palace, and since they still could not find a proper place the mare was attached enough to turn it into the entrance to her Palace, the Phantom Thieves decided to occupy their time by going through the list of secondary targets Igor had suggested them through the Metaverse App, detailing a lot of ponies that were still good targets even without a Palace of their own.

All to still advance their destabilizing of Celestia’s forces while waiting for Futaba’s research on Pinkie to be done.

“Let’s get back, we spent even too much time here, and we had to dodge The Reaper for an hour at least, we have done our part today too.” Ann said while stretching lazily.

“...Do you think there is still something deep in here?” Akira asked out of the blue.

“The room maybe, but I believe that it will also remain empty for a long time.” Morgana answered.

“It was a close one, eh? We really put our bacon at risk that time...” Ryuji admitted shivering.

“Do not remember me. Please.” Yusuke begged with a full-body shudder of dread at the mere memory.

Two days later – Human side of the Barrier – Run-down car factory -

In the dusty and empty main building still housing the abandoned carcasses of half-built cars, a hooded pony figure hurried towards the very back of the building while looking everywhere just in case they were being followed.

“Of all the places you had to choose...You pick this one?!” a new voice asked, making the first pony almost die on the spot in fright.”

SSSSSH! Not so loud!” she answered with a loud hissing whisper.

“The fact remains that you choose very poorly.” the other answered calmly.

“Yes, you are the expert in covert operations, yeah-yeah. But I remember you that I have a friend that is a ‘secret agent’. Do you have any idea how hard is to sneak past a spy?!” the startled unicorn mare answered, pulling back her hood to show her mint-green fur and matching mane.

“Lyra...Do you have to remember me my past affiliation with the Storm King every time we argue?” the other, a wine-red Unicorn with a broken horn, answered, hurt and disappointed at the same time.

“Sorry, Tempest. But I have good news and didn’t want to wait for you to go through your usual paranoid ways to tell you.” Lyra answered with a low voice.

“It’s okay. What is it that had you organize a meeting here all of a sudden?” Tempest Shadow asked.

“I got in touch with Thorax, he and the other reformed Changelings are ready to help us smuggle the New-Foals back here in the Human Side, they all are in position to switch place with several guards.” Lyra answered.

“My old acquaintances are also up to this, they recovered several airships just for that, sure they wanted to simply storm the guards and forcefully recover those Converted...But the sentiment is still there.” Tempest answered.

“You mean those cat guys?”

“Abyssinians, yes, ‘Those Cat Guys’.” the other replied rolling her eyes.

“Cool! Also-”


“Darn it! RUN!” Tempest yelled at seeing the human cop point at them with his torchlight.

“WAIT We are not...FUCK!” the man called-out at seeing both mares escape from the back.

“I am agent Fuyuki! I need assistance! I think I saw the two mares the Director was looking for, I’ll try to chase them!” the young man yelled at the radio on his lapel while madly chasing the two.

You want to run behind two horses?!” the woman at the other side asked in disbelief.

“Not for long if you hurry up and send somebody to intercept them! They are fast!”

Your position?” the other answered while already preparing to call reinforcement.

At the same time - ‘Untouchables’ - Pony Side -

Futaba, the smallest and most unassuming-looking member of the Phantom Thieves, was at the moment cursing-up a storm with the vehemence of a drunken sailor as she glued her face so close to the screen to almost look like about to phase through it while rabidly tapping on her keyboard.

“...I think I saw our toilet blush...” Ryuji admitted impressed.

“Does Sojiro know you have such vocabulary?” Haru, looking almost ill from the stream of curses, asked horrified.

“No, and if you all don’t want me to plaster on the entire internet any humiliating pictures, this will remain a secret!” Futaba answered waving her off and without looking away from the screen.

“I don’t have...”

“Photoshop exists for this kind of things too.” the girl answered with vitriolic annoyance, making Yusuke snap his mouth shut immediately.

“So you found nothing?” Akira, ever the unperturbed one, asked calmly.

“I am almost there! I can almost smell it!” Futaba answered with a growl.

“The drone we dropped there is working?” Ann, tentatively, asked with a low voice.

“Yes, I have to use it sparingly because the batteries are not eternal, but I am looking everywhere I can whenever the extra guards are not in sight.”

Where are you looking?” Morgana asked.

“Close to where we first were caught spying, she said that her super secret project must remain a secret...I was hoping it meant I was close...” the girl replied with a soft whine following her words.

“...But you found nothing.” Ryuji finished for her, making her drop her head to whine again, albeit way louder.

Nyeeeeeeeeeeeeegh!” the super hacker wailed with her face buried in her keyboard.

“What are the most likely places? we’ll check them all.” Akira proposed while rubbing her head until she started purring.

“Dude, there are dozens of guards in there.” Ryuji said, unsure.

We have no other choice, we are wasting time as it is. We have to steal the Hearts of all those Targets if we want to stop this Conversion War, we can’t stop just at the second name on the list.” Morgana answered gravely.

“Yeah...” Makoto admitted with a tired sigh.

“These are the three places I think can be a good enough start. Out of every place in a one hundred meters radius, they are the only ones where Pinkie Pie took great effort in stopping everybody from seeing what’s inside.” Futaba said while opening three pictures on her laptop showing the front of three stores of Akihabara.

“A Manga store, a Maid cafe and a Sailor Moon-themed Sushi Bar. Why those?” Haru asked.

“The manga store has a very big storage room on the back, the Maid Cafe is on the third floor of the building and has a nice view of the entire strip, and the Sailor Moon Sushi Bar is a new construction, it was supposed to open in a couple months so I guess inside is still empty of furniture...Lotsa space to plan and store stuff for her ‘Secret Project’, AKA her personal Theme Park.” Futaba answered.

“But?” Akira prompted.

“But I still can’t enter and look, that mare has bolted the windows of all three and the guards are standing right outside their doors, they never leave.” she answered, depressed.

“So two are decoys and one is the real one?” Yusuke asked.

“Or one is her main base and the other two are being used just for storage.” Ann countered.

“That too is quite possible, yes.

“...The Manga Store.” Akira muttered once looked at the three pictures.

“Uh?” Makoto uttered in surprise.

“She is fixating on smiles, manga are supposed to entertain...” the young man answered shrugging.

Is a bit of a stretch, Joker.” Morgana admitted grimacing.

“We are shooting in the dark, it’s either right and we find the proper Entrance, or we just need to check the other two places, with a 33% chance of success, a guess is good as any other.” Yusuke commented.

“How close do you need to be to try and see if the App takes you into the Palace?” Futaba asked.

Uhm...The closer, the better. We can try from few meters away, but not too much in this case.” Morgana answered.

“What do you have in mind?” Ann asked, somehow feeling the cold grasp of dread strangle her spine.

“Sewers.” the girl answered smirking.

“NO!” Haru, Ann and Makoto yelled as one.

“Choose: Lots of Pony guards with spears and Conversion serum, or some bad smelling sewage?” Futaba asked with a truly evil smirk.

“No, no, no, no, no, no!” Ann answered with a petulant cry.

Lady Ann! Even should you smell of feces and rotten food, Nothing will change for me!” Morgana said immediately.

“THAT IS NOT HELPING, MONA!” the girl shrieked.

“We have no other choice. If you want, me, Ryuji and Yusuke will go there first. Then you others will be able to follow us from here through the App.” Akira proposed.

“Really?! You would do this for me?” Ann asked hopeful, happy to see him nod.

“There is no way you three are going alone, it’s too dangerous. We are coming too.” Makoto interrupted both.

“No, please Makoto!”

“She is right, Ann, we can’t leave our friends alone just because of some bad smell.” Haru added.

“But! But! But!” the blond girl said, almost in tears.

“Don’t be an idiot, Showers have been invented for this too. Let’s go.” Ryuji answered annoyed, and both he and Makoto grabbed an arm each to drag the girl away screaming and kicking.


“We will inform you as soon as we are in position, Futaba.” Yusuke, skillfully ignoring Ann’s crying fit, offered with a gentle smile.

“’Kay! Tell me when to enter the Metaverse and I’ll join you.” the girl answered nodding.

One hour later – Akihabara -

The group of teens were silently stalking closer to the entrance to the famous street while half-dragging a still angry Ann behind them.

The node you need to look for is not too far, it’s all about few small tunnels normally used for renovating and maintenance.” Futaba instructed from Akira’s phone.

“Okay, thanks.” focusing on his ‘Phantom Thieves Senses’, the young man guided the others behind a near shop towards the manhole they had been pointed towards by their friend.

“I hate this...I hate this, I hate this, I hate this,” Ann muttered sniffling.

“We hate this too, but sacrifices must be made.” Yusuke answered.

“I promise you we all will take a very long bath after this, okay?” Haru offered with a kind smile.


“Get ready.” Akira said pulling the thing open with a crowbar.

“Shit! It smells too much!” Ryuji admitted gagging.

As a cat I can smell it even worse than you, now enough talking!” Morgana answered, and one by one, all of them went down into the darkness and horrible smell of the maintenance tunnels running under Akihabara.


“...Light?” Makoto asked.

“Here.” Akira said turning on the torchlight he took with him.

“Now then, by the small map Futaba drew for us...We need to go that way.” Haru declared while looking at the crude drawing in her hand.

How are you holding up, Lady Ann?” Morgana asked in concern.

“Let’s just hurry up, please.” the girl, now sporting a ‘lovely’ green face, begged with a strained tone.

“This way, it is not that far away.”

“Beware of the rats.” Ryuji cautioned.



“Sorry,” Makoto whispered with a chastised expression.

“R-R-Rats?” Ann asked with a moan of despair.

“No rats in sight, don’t worry.” Akira answered with a calm tone, and stealthily shooing away the cat-sized rodent that was spying on them, and even Morgana looked unnerved at the rat that was almost as big as he was.

“It’s hard to tell how much we walked, every tunnel looks the same.” Yusuke admitted while shining around the torchlight in his hands.

“Then be happy that we are dealing with just three tunnels, had this been a movie or a game, we would be seeing a sewer big as a city.” Ryuji answered sighing.

“We should be above that Manga Store.” Haru finally declared after twenty minutes of endless wandering.

“And there is a manhole right there...Can we risk a peek?” Makoto answered.

“Wait...” Akira said while climbing the short stair right under the manhole until the top of his head touched the cold metal of the cover.

“Futaba? Can you hear me?...Futaba?”

“...Signal is too weak.” he then said aloud as only static noises answered him.

Open the thing slightly, just enough to see the building, then try to see if we can guess the Key Words to enter from here.” Morgana suggested.

“So?” Pinkie’s voice cut through their discussion, almost making Akira fall from his hiding spot.

“Nopony out of us was around. But Princess Celestia insists that you come with us to the Royal Palace, you will be free to finish...Whatever you are doing once resolved this Phantom Thieves issue; we already chased away several spying humans and that means you are at risk of being the next target.” the soldier mare answered, annoyed.

“I am the next target! My Pinkie Sense is never wrong!” Pinkie answered giggling.

“Your what?...Whatever, this is no laughing matter, you must come with us!” the soldier said.

“No laughing matter? You silly, there is hardly a place where a smile is not needed! It will be fine! No humans can pass the Barrier! Unless they have some strange powers that can bypass it by going through some scary dark place!”

...Her ability to describe with uncanny details what we do without knowing it before hand is starting to get on my nerves..” Yusuke admitted with a low whisper.

Yeah, it’s freaky as hell.” Ryuji confirmed.

“Well, we cannot rule out that PONIES are now the Phantom Thives every human apparently know everything and nothing about! So gather your things and follow us, or so help me, I will drag your sorry plot there myself!” the mare roared.

“...You are too angry, it is unhealthy for your blood pressure. Try to smile a lit-”

“NOW!” the other barked loudly.

“I am going! I am going! You look like AJ when she has cider withdrawals...You are no fun.” Pinkie answered pouting, but doing as requested and following them, and even walking over the manhole under which Akira was hiding.

“At least I hope nopony will enter there while I am away, all my Super Duper Secret Projects are in there! I hate to have my surprise spoiled!” the pink mare said whining.

“No. Nopony will enter. I promise.” the soldier said with a growl.

“Pinkie Promise?”


“...No need to roar like that...I was just making sure…” Pinkie muttered, mollified.

Once waited several minutes just to be sure, Akira once again lifted the cover of a couple inches until he could see the front of the Store Pinkie had commandeered and turned into an air-tight bunker by closing every entrance and obscuring every window.

“...They should be gone.” the young man declared.

“Good, I think we can start then.” Makoto declared nodding.

“Any idea what to use?” Ryuji asked.

“I would start with Carnival.” Haru suggested.

Match not found.” Akira’s phone answered.

Festival?” Ann asked.

Match not found.

Pinkieland?” Ryuji tried saying.

Match not Found.

“...Silly for us to not try this immediately. Theme Park.” Yusuke offered with a soft chuckle, and as soon as the world around them started melting, everybody else too developed a sheepish expression.

“Well yeah...It was pretty obvious...” Ryuji admitted.

“We even saw the first draft of the place’s name.” Haru admitted embarrassed.

Metaverse -

The sewer system broke down and 'melted' all around them, just like everything else, soon leaving them right outside the tall gates of a giant Theme Park worthy of an horror movie; even the sky was dark-red with black clouds slowly hanging above them.

“For once I would love to see a Palace all bright and cheerful.” Haru said sighing.

“Palaces are made of the hidden darkness inside the Owner’s Heart, cheerful is not possible.” Morgana answered shaking his head.

“Let’s just take a ticket and get in...” Ryuji answered with shrug, walking towards the empty ticket booth and breaking its glass to grab a ticket for himself and one for each of the Phantom Thieves.

“Skull!” Ann said, appalled.

“What? We are here to steal the Treasure and need to enter without making a fuss.” the blond young man answered uninterested.

“Whatever.” Makoto commented as the group showed their ticket to the gate, making it flung open by itself with a loud cry of untreated hinges.

“Creepy Theme Parks, I thought this cliché was dead.” Yusuke commented unsure as the group watched humanoid and pony-shaped shades walk around with bright balloons and only unnaturally-large smiles on their otherwise featureless faces.

“Okay, I still can’t see Shadows, only the projections of what Pinkie sees everybody else as.” Makoto said looking around the bustling park, the various stalls and the huge number of ‘people’ waiting in line for each ride.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!WELCOME EVERYPONY TO MY LAND OF FRIENDSHIP AND FANTASTICATION! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” a distorted voice blared from the various speakers as two simply GIGANTICblimps painted bright pink and sporting ‘PINKIELAND’ painted on the side in blinding yellow, came into view while keeping afloat a huge platform covered in binding neon lights where shades kept dancing and partying.

In their middle, standing proud on a platform keeping her above the shadows around her, stood the manifestation of Pinkie’s Distortion, dressed in a white jester outfit and smiling way too widely to be not only healthy, but also possible.

“Hide!” Akira yelled, prompting the PT to scramble and hide at the best of their abilities.

Come one and come all to the promised land of fun and friendship! Fill your stomachs in joy and happiness! And in candies full of artificial sugar too! Here in Pinkieland parties never stop! Happiness never stop! You only have one rule! SMILE! SMILE ALWAYS! ONLY SMILES ALLOWED! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Distorted Pinkie declared with wide golden eyes and fanged slasher smile.

Have fun! Take pictures! Smile and party! And at midnight, join me for the Super Special Show in the main building! ‘Pinkie’s Fortress of Friendship’! There we will party together FOREVEEEEEEEER! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” the mare yelled in ecstasy while flying away with her giant floating dance floor.

With the Phantom Thieves -

“Okay, she told us where to find her, where do you think is the Treasure? On that platform or inside that Fortress of hers?” Haru asked.

“Fortress first, even just because it will be hard to reach that flying dance floor.” Morgana answered, unsure.

“It’s a start, let’s go!” Ryuji declared as the group hurried towards the giant stone building covered in neon signs and with huge light projector shooting dozens of immense cones of light upward towards the night sky.

Dodging the featureless thousands of guests filling the Theme Park, the group of teens rapidly reached the tall doors of Pinkies’ Fortress, only to find them closed shut and not bulging at all.

“Of course it’s closed! Heaven forbid things are easy!” Makoto growled annoyed.

“Then we can just climb and enter from somewhere else.” Ann offered.

Unfortunately every window you see are fakes, the only entrance is that gate. Unless you fly inside with that platform Pinkie was riding, and that lifts and descends only from inside the fortress itself.” Futaba answered from the group’s phones.

“Ah...Thank you, Navi.” Ann answered with a depressed tone.

“What now?” Akira asked.

“Here says we need a ‘Wonder Ticket’ to enter.” Haru answered, reading from a tall plaque near the tall doors.

“And where do we find one?” Yusuke asked.

“I have no idea.” Haru answered sighing.

“Let’s look around, maybe there is an info booth somewhere.” Ryuji answered shrugging.

“We also have to be careful and do not run into Shadows, Skull.” Ann added, annoyed.


“Let’s split: Me, Joker, Mona and Panther will go left while you others go right, we will split the Park in two and keep in contact with our phones.” Yusuke proposed.

“Okay, should one of us find something or be in trouble the others will come to help.” Haru answered nodding, soon taking charge herself of the second group.

With Akira and his group -

Walking discreetly through the immense river of shadowy people and ponies enjoying the various games and boots, the teens marveled at how ‘natural’ everybody acted, as if the place was a real Theme Park in the real world.

“This one looks like a proper Palace.” Ann commented.

“Yes. It’s as we thought, Fluttershy’s Palace had just the time to form before we attacked it. Here is properly formed: everybody is acting following Pinkie’s delusions and there are protections keeping intruders away from the probable location of the Treasure.” Morgana said while looking around them with critical eyes.

“Wouldn’t that mean that the ticket we need may be in the Real World then?” Akira asked, making the others stumble a little in their steps.

“I really hope not, recovering it would be way beyond our abilities if we won’t to remain discreet.” Yusuke answered with a troubled expression.

No shit, Sherlock!” Ryuji answered from Ann’s phone.

“Found anything?” she asked, annoyed.

Not yet, we checked the Ferris Wheel and the roller coaster, and we just met Shadows acting as both guards and Staff, we are actually escaping from the two Shadows that were manning the bumper cars!” Makoto answered huffing.

“...Right, Shadows...” Ann answered slowly as she saw the masked ‘Face’ of a pony Shadow dressed like a security guard and the one in a bright striped suit from the ‘House of Mirrors’ slowly walking threateningly towards them.

“Deal with them, before Pinkie knows we are here!” Morgana ordered, prompting their own Shadows to jump them, and transforming mid-pounce in their true form.

The guard turned into a pair of Inugami: canine creatures with elongated body and a mark on their forehead, while the one owning the House of Mirrors turned into a single Bugbear.


“Oh, God...Inugami...” Ann muttered in dismay.

The dislike is mutual!” Inugami 1 said, sneering.

Only Pinkie’s friends can enter here! If you are not friends, you must be removed!” Inugami 2 answered.

“You mean you will kick us out?” Morgana asked, curious.

No. We will kill you and use your skin to make a bathroom carpet we will then gift to our friend Pinkie.” the Bugbear answered with a ferocious smirk.

“Why I am not surprised...Goemon!” Yusuke hissed while summoning his Persona.

Pulimpa!” Inugami 1 answered by cursing Yusuke with its confusion skill.

“Do we change our desires following the change in the outlook of our life...Or do we change our outlook in life following the change in our desires?” Yusuke declare with a very thoughtful expression.

Giant Slice!” Inugami 2 added insult to the injury by attacking Morgana and launching the small cat way back with the powerful attack.

Lucky Punch!” Bugbear added, triumphant.

“...That is why I hate those two Shadows...” Ann moaned in despair, while watching her boyfriend fly away from the tiny punch of the monstrous teddy-bear landing a ‘critical hit’ on his sternum.

Meanwhile – With Pinkie – inside the ‘Fortress of Friendship’- Main Hall -

The Distorted version of Pinkie was at the moment at the head of a giant table of ludicrous length and stuffing her face with lethal quantities of sweets, so many that any other stomach would have already burst open and killed any normal human or pony, and yet she kept going.

Let’s party agaaaaaain! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Distorted!Pinkie called-out happily as yet another giant birthday cake went carted to the table so that she and her guests (Both human and pony shaped) could keep feasting in a never-ending stream of Parties and laughs.

In fact, the entire place echoes in laughs, always happy, never faltering laughs, coming from the room completely packed in tables with people eating and partying.

I want more friends! MORE! Hahaha! Do you know why? Because if we are all friends, Wars can’t happen! TO FRIENDSHIP!” the Distorted mare intoned happily, face plastered in dozen of different colors of icing, and rising her cup so that everybody in the room could answer to her call in similar cheerful screams.

And once everybody will be my friend...Twilight and the others too will return to me! We won’t be separated anymore!” Pinkie added while looking with a deranged smile to the five empty seats next to her with ‘Reserved’ written on them.

Miss Pinkie?” A guard dressed Shadow asked with a low voice once neared her.


We added the opening mechanism for the ‘Wonder Tickets’ as you wished...But isn’t the price of one too high?” the guard asked, curious.

Too high?...Too high...Naaaah! We have lots of games and attractions here! I am sure our new friends will take no time to collect the one-hundred-and-sixty thousand points (160.000) needed to buy one!” Distorted!Pinkie answered, cheerful.

Even if the games and attractions only give one per ride/game?”

Mine is a never-ending party! What a better excuse to play with your friends over and over then?” the mare answered with a pleased smile.

Oooh! That’s brilliant!” the Shadow, ever the simpering sycophant like any other member of its kind, answered in pure amazement.

Yup! That is why I made sure a Wonder Ticket only gives entrance to ONE person, so a group of friends will have the perfect excuse to play together again and again while collecting enough tickets for all of them to enter!...And we will also buy enough time for more cakes and sweets to be ready for everypony.”

Yeah, we really need to enlarge the kitchen.

It’s in the ‘To Do’ List. But Ooooh! I can’t wait to hear the first round of happy laughs as soon as the first guest see what they have to do to get a Wonder Ticket! Hahahaha!” Pinkie said, happily.

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” yelled in answer the Phantom Thieves in a chorus of horrified voices.

Extra Scene – Caroline and Justine -

Velvet Room -

“I still don’t get how can you stomach a Persona Fusion...” Ryuji asked with a green face as he and the others watched once again the guillotines do their gruesome work to summon a new Persona.

“You get used to it, eventually.” Akira answered shrugging.

“So...Inmate...” A familiar voice said mockingly, making Akira’s eyes bulge out.

“We finally meet again.” another, way softer, added more calmly.

“I asked to Master Igor if Caroline and Justine could return, he graciously accepted my small, selfish request.” Lavenza explained as the two young warden Twins appeared behind her.

“We knew you could not do a thing without us, you are just so helpless.” the bun-haired girl Caroline said with a smirk as she grabbed Akira’s hand to force him to kneel so to look at him in the eyes.

“What she is trying to say is...That we missed you, Inmate. Dearly.” Justine admitted with a tiny smile as she too neared the young man.

“Y-Y-Y-You are not supposed to say that!” her twin bellowed, ashamed.

“Why are they back?” Ann asked, growling.

“Safety in numbers, and I know that more than once my beloved Trickster enjoyed their company. So I wanted to relive that once again.” Lavenza answered, huffing.



“...” A tense silence fell in the Velvet Room at that.

“...Isn’t that illegal?” Ryuji muttered unsure.

“They are ageless beings from a different plane of existence, I don’t know if we can judge with our own laws.” Yusuke answered uncertain.


“She means in the platonic sense. Head pats, compliments and kisses on the forehead.” Akira answered with a calm tone, calmer than usual even.

“She is still a bitch!” Ann countered hissing.

“What does he see in you, I wonder. Whatever ‘Goods’ you have, we can offer the same, but better. In triple.” Caroline said with a smug expression.

“THAT’S IT! MISTER IGOR!...Eh?” Ann bellowed in fury, only to notice that the seat behind the desk was empty.

Out for Lunch – I’ll be back in 5 minutes.

Was written on the small sign attached to the seat.

“FUCK IT! COME HERE!” the blond woman roared as she jumped the two twins plus Lavenza.

“Ann, I don’t think...” Futaba started saying unsure.

“SHUT UP AND PLAY ‘RIVERS IN THE DESERT’! I am going to Solo those three Bitches!” Ann replied with blazing eyes and Carmen already summoned behind her.

“Okay, okay...” the young Hacker answered, sighing.

- Meanwhile -

“So you never...” Haru asked, curious.

“I did, but it was before me and Ann got together, so please, keep it a secret.”

“Our lips are sealed, man! We don’t want you dead.” Ryuji answered shaking his head.

“How was it?” Yusuke asked.

“Don’t…Just...Don’t.” Morgana answered with a begging tone.



“...This is going to take a while...” Makoto muttered with a sigh of defeat while she and the others watched Ann’s helpless fight against the three monstrous Powerhouses.