• Published 22nd Dec 2018
  • 4,468 Views, 468 Comments

To be a Breezie - Obsi

Trapped in the world of the breezies, Twilight has to learn how to be a breezie and help her clan make it through the winter. And like every time learning is involved, she is quite eager

  • ...

Epilogue- Welcome Home

Lights burned in the windows of Ponyville like fireflies in the evening. Breathing a relieved sigh, I allowed my wings to rest by simply gliding along for a bit. With a mighty yawn, I locked eyes with my castle, wanting nothing more than to snuggle up infront of the fireplace…

A laugh broke out of my mouth. A fireplace! I had a bed! I hadn’t even been away that long and still I’d apparently need to reacclimate to civilization.

Though, moving the bed in front of the fireplace doesn’t sound too bad either…

A far-off swishing sound suddenly intensified before a face appeared just inches away from mine.


“GAH!” I shouted, my wings aching from the strain of stopping in mid-air. Before I could react, my cheeks were squished by blue hooves.


“Rainbow Dash!” I grinned. “Tirfan zulip!”

“Uh… are you okay, Twilight?” Rainbow asked, backing out of my personal space

“Oh-oh of course.” I muttered, knocking my own head (which earned me another confused glance). “I’m just happy to see you.”

“Well, what happened?!” she demanded. “Spike was all worried about you when he didn’t get a message- why didn’t you send us a message?”

“I’ll explain, I promise. Can you maybe get the others to meet me at the castle?”

“In ten seconds flat.” Rainbow grinned, before zooming away.

“Honeydew?” I whispered in breezish, feeling him move around in my ear. “You didn’t say anything…”

“Sorry. T-this pony was just so large and-”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.” I whispered. “And she’s a friend, so she will too. In fact, you’re gonna meet all my friends in a moment. And I promise, none of them want to hurt you.”


I’d just had enough time to get comfortable on my crystal throne when the others arrived.

“Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, rushing just before the others, hooves opened widely for a crushing group hug.

I couldn't let that happen. “No!” I screeched, erecting a magical barrier in which the pink pony ran headfirst.

“Twilight?” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “What’s this about.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie rose up again, clearly unfazed by the full-speed collision. “Aren’t you happy to see us?”

“Of course I am. It’s just that I can’t hug at the moment-”

“WHAAAAT?!” Pinkie gasped, reaching for her throat before falling over on her back.

“A think what Pinkie meant to convey,” Applejack said, rolling her eyes. “Is that yer actin’ a bit strange. Would’a thought you’d be more excited to meet us?”

“I-I’m sorry, I am. But I’m more focused on-” coughing into my hoof, I took a breath, allowing my mind to calm down. “I want you to meet someone.” Smiling, I reached up to my ear, earning a set of confused glances (I was used to it now).

“Uhm…” Fluttershy tilted her head. “So, who is it?”

“Just a second- Honeydew? You can come out now, it’s safe.”

I felt a tickle in my ear as he poked his head out of my ear before climbing onto my hoof, eliciting shocked looks from my friends.

“You- you brought a breezie with you?” Rarity asked.

“But isn’t that dangerous for him?” Fluttershy said, but her voice got swallowed by Pinkie’s outcry.

“Ohmygosh, he’s so cute!” Suddenly, her face loomed just above Honeydew, causing him to let out a startled shout. “Hello, who are you, I’m Pinkie Pie, supreme party planner in Ponyville, what’s your name?!”

“Pinkie!” Applejack pulled her back. “Yer jus’ scaring him!”

“Yeah, and besides, he… doesn’t speak ponish.” I explained sheepishly, before assuring him that everything was okay.

“Ooooh, I’m super sorry!” Pinkie said, her expression morphing into a gigantic frown. “So, who is he?”

“Well, his name is Honeydew-”

“Is he a guest to see Equestria, an explorer just like you-” Pinkie gasped for air. “Is he your breezie buddy? Your Breezie Buddy Best Friend Forever?!”

“Pinkie,” I chuckled, slightly shaking my head. “He’s my coltfriend.”

For a moment, everyone was silent. Then, a sudden giggle emerged, causing everyone to turn their heads to Rainbow.

“What? It was funny.” she shrugged, meeting our blank expressions. “Wait… you were serious?!”

“Yes. I was.” I growled, my eyes narrowing at her shocked expression.

“But he’s a breezie, that’s so- not awesome!”

“Honeydew is plenty awesome!” I crossed my hooves. “He helped me defeat a windigo. Plus, with his training, I bet I could beat you at hoofwrestling now.”

“You?!” Flabbergasted, Rainbow even stopped flapping her wings, settling down on her chair. “No way.”

“So, you and… Honeydew… really are a thing?” Rarity exclaimed, grinning widely as stars glimmered in her eyes.

“Then that means,” Pinkie exclaimed. “I get to throw both a Twilight-is-back and a Twilight-has-a-coltfriend party?! Wow…” she muttered quietly, rubbing her chin as she looked up at the ceiling. “Never thought I’d get to throw that one. I haven’t even made a plan for it yet.”

“Excuse me?”

“Uhm, Twilight?” Fluttershy chimed in. “D-did you mention a windigo?”

Immediately, the sound ceased. I briefly closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. “Yes, I think it’s about time I tell you…”

“Well… that was somethin’.” Applejack accurately summed it up.

“And I guess your breezie friend was kind of awesome in that windigo fight.” Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her head.

“I-I’m sorry, But did you say Kalypso?” Fluttershy asked, practically leaning over the table. “Like, the prophetess Kalypso? Founder of the first city? Uniter of the tribes and friend of a great spirit? The one who is said to have created the portal in the first place?”

I blinked, looking down to Honeydew, before briefly translating her words to him. He didn’t look any less confused.

“I’ve never heard of that…”

“But every breezie knows the tales of Kalypso!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “How can you not-”

But her words were cut off as Rarity practically shoved her out of her chair. “Fluttershy, darling, why must you waste this moment with so insignificant questions.” Leaning over the table to the point of practically lying on top of it, she met my eyes. “Twilight has a coltfriend now,” she purred, her eyelashes fluttering. “I want details, darling~”

Author's Note:

And here you have it. The final piece of To Be a Breezie. the journey has come to an end.

I am really thankful for everyone who stuck around with it to the end, it was really encouraging to know that so many people enjoyed this piece.

Now, how does it continue? I... don't know yet. Definitely keep your eyes open for blogposts, as I am still evaluating what I want/can do without further pushing away my next project. I'll need to find a balance between both of these and work... or I'll just do an occasional little one-shot when the fancy strikes me. I simply cant say yet, but I certainly want to show a few little adventures Honeydew would have in this strange gigantic world.
Where he'd have to learn-

To Be a Pony. (not coming, if I made a sequel that was a little more substantial than a one-shot, I'd call it "Sweet as Honeydew"

Wish you all a fantastic evening. This is Obsi,
signing out

Comments ( 59 )

I'm sad it's over, but it was an absolutely wonderful story.

Sounds like time ebbs and flows differently where the portal may be concerned! Whoops!

rarity was unsuccessful in distracting from the big reveal.

twilight didn't go to a different world, she went thru time. and likely kalypso either made her come there, or it WAS an accident, and she is still responsible for for making the portal the breezie use from then on...

To be a Breezie or How I accidentally became the stuff of legends.

Too bad this does not seem to be set up for a sequel, seeing where all of this goes would be interesting.

I could confirm the question about the portal with the word of the author, if you want.

you could..but why deprive me of being an ancient astronaut theorist though?

friend on discord when i mentioned this- [

h2]MosAntedToday at 3:30 PMcould be a predestination paradox

so, thats a no?

Now Twilight turn honey big

“I-I’m sorry, But did you say Kalypso?” Fluttershy asked, practically leaning over the table. “Like, the prophetess Kalypso? Founder of the first city? Uniter of the tribes and friend of a great spirit? The one who is said to have created the portal in the first place?”

I have only this to say:

It is sad to see this story end, but a all storys must.
Thanks for a great story and hope to read more from you in the future.

P.S I agree whit Rarti, Fluttershy. Let the past be in the past.:trollestia:

thats a nice song, and it fits pretty well ^^

you can. i was just being silly. it's a severe plot point that is only revealed at the end, and even then it's forcefully glossed over.

Wanderer D

Congrats on finishing the story!

When we saw Kalypso open up the portal, that was her creating it. it wasnt there before. however, since it exists through time, it can appear before it was created.

I finish all my stories

makes sense to me. lol love how you had twilight reference 'arm-wrestling' at the end there. nice call back to your previous installment there...

Lol time travel

Wanderer D

9823388 Okay then. Congrats on finishing another. :derpytongue2:

...so how do I suggest my story in the Seattles Angels review group? I tried following the link in the group but it didnt work

That's a friggin' giant tease on your part with Fluttershy. That SO needs more exploration. Maybe with Twilight & Honeydew going back in time again and helping with the foundation of the first city and such. And/or going to the present of the breezies and seeing the fruits of their labors. I wonder if they'd be recognized?

I do know this sorely needs a sequel. Don't be a tease, please :fluttercry:

It's still an awesome story that's well worth the favorite. Kudos for that! :twilightsmile:

sorry, but even if I made a sequel, I wouldn't answer these questions. Kalypso becomes more interesting because you dont know what she can do. note that although the spirits are obviously real, I never gave proof of the breezie gods existing. if I just said "yeh, they real", it would cheapen the faith... because faith would then just turn into fact.

and I dont think I can explore Kalypso in such depth without explaining some of this... which I dont want to

Why would you need to tell what she can do, in relation to the gods? The tease was about being the one to effectively start breezie civilization - "Founder of the first city" - and Twilight's legend - "friend of a great spirit". Uniting the tribes can be said to be that too, and interesting in it's own way, but the mystic part is honestly the least one in need of more exploring. Elevating the previous tribal society to a proper civilization is way more exciting and interesting than revealing - and ruining the mystery - the nature of the breezie divine.

Why would you need to explain their gods to explore that? The way you approached them in the story was awesome and I fail to see how that'd have to change. At most you'd have to deal with Kalypso's doubt in her own abilities but that'd be more a question of character growth than scientific exploration of them.
Hell, cannon has a perfect explanation of a mysterious ability that simply is and defies explanation in Pinkie, making the breezie gods be as unknowable would be rather simple, no?

Good story, but no sequel please. It really wouldn't fit.

Loved it. Enjoyed all of it and it's worth the time you put into it.

Good job on making this story! Really enjoyed it from start to end.

Because this is a different world and Twilight had no idea Windigos existed there?

I'm not usually big on romance, but this is well-written enough for me to be interested. It also had a nice blend of other things in it to keep it nice and varied. Though I did manage to predict most of the plot twists, it didn't really hurt my enjoyment of the story. There are a few mistakes and typos here and there, but I didn't really feel they were intrusive enough to be worth my time trying to keep track of and point out all of them.

I think I will be enjoying the sequel.

“Then that means,” Pinkie exclaimed. “I get to throw both a Twilight-is-back and a Twilight-has-a-coltfriend party?! Wow…” she muttered quietly, rubbing her chin as she looked up at the ceiling. “Never thought I’d get to throw that one. I haven’t even made a plan for it yet.”


You may credit that joke to my friend kildeez, he came up with it.

Im on my phone rn, but im giving a link to him later

It was a great joke and was well timed and stayed in character with how pinkie is


The best jokes from Pinkie are the ones where she gets quieter for

I loved every single thing about this story.
So much so that I binged it in one sitting.

Haven't seen a story that's done that to me in a very long time, fantastic work!

Neat, Twilight ended up where she was supposed to be, just not when.

So, there's a few things I've been wondering about.

1) How long was Twilight there...? It seemed like a good while. I don't... think most sandwiches hold up for that long, even stale.

2) What ever happened to Twilight's potential breezie house?

3) ... did Twilight just leave her saddlebags there? It seemed like she did. That... seems like it'd have consequences.

(I wouldn't be super surprised if 2 and 3 were intentional and tie into things later, but I had to ask.)

EDIT: Almost forgot, it seemed a little odd that Twilight didn't at least try a big friendship love thing against the windigo, since that's a definite lore. Even if she thought it was exaggerated or fake you'd think she'd at least take a whack at it- and I don't really even see her thinking it's fake with all she'd been through.

1) about a month, to be honest. One thing I tend to forget would be significant time-skips, and my stories are usually within a much shorter time-frame than it seems. Twiligh'ts sandwich is magic. yeah, thats my explanation.

2) never built it

3) she did. the breezies may or may not hold their prayers there now.also,

4) Twilight never attempted to sweet talk Tirek or Sombra either. Windigoes, as she knows them, have no other goal than to spread winter, which is deadly to anyone around them. The out-of-story explanation is that I never intended the windigo to be a character, it was an obstacle, a menace to overcome, so the story never entertained the idea of them being anything but hostile. thats not their place

You misunderstand me. What I mean is that the Windigo was defeated by friendship energy. That was the original lore behind it in MLP when it appeared in Hearth's Warming Eve. What I'm surprised by is that Twilight didn't try to unite a few breezie tribes or try to throw a party or something. I dunno.

well, the hearths warming tale is a theatre play, where you'd have to show something like a battle as a metaphor. in short, the Windigos have always been defeated conventionally (without friendship beams), it was just portrayed like this in the play, since it did take the three pony tribes to work together

Fair enough, I suppose that was kinda hinted at :P would have been amusing though if she just thought the heat from so many tiny friendships wouldn't be big enough for the friendship fire heart thing.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing where the sequel goes. Maybe that unused house eventually comes back into play...? o3o there's so many ways Honeydew's new adventure could go.

you're... acting like I have a plan. ^^

Ha ha... well, plans are good! But spontaneous can be too. I just know that Rarity best be making the tiny boi an outfit :raritystarry: and that no matter what happens with Fluttershy I'm sure it'll be gold.

Absolutely amazing!! You have truly done a wonderful job creating this astounding story!! Well done, well done indeed!! I am happy to say that this story will be taking its honored place in my Silver Standard Library, as is befitting a book that is a cut above the norm. I hope to see more of the sequel soon and look forward to reading more of your books!

See you next time, and keep up the great work,
Shadow Quill, Messenger of the Moon.

This story was a lot of fun to read, and Honeydew is a lucky stallion. ♥
To be honest, Kalypso is my favorite non-Twilight character, though. I'm pagan, and I meditate, have visions, all that jazz. It can be so frustrating trying to divine a vision with a dream, if they're even separate, and just imagining an entire village counting on my every word as from the gods would be overwhelming. So I sympathized with her quite often.

Great work! :D

thats really interesting. how close were Kalypso's descriptions to your kinds of visions?

Quite similar. Sometimes I will see colors and shapes, and then a brief image of someone or somewhere, and I have no idea how it's supposed to connect, or even where that person or place can be found. The images come in a flood, rarely are they clear and easy to interpret on the spot, and if you're being pressed by someone to explain them in a clear manner, it can be frustrating beyond belief, er, as it were.

The creepy ones are the ones where I've seen a face or heard a name, and then I learn that person has died. That has happened a few times. I don't like those.

Read this on a recommendation from a friend.

Wow. The amount of world building and depth you added to this was amazing. There were the odd bits of grammar here and there out of place, and (like most fanfic writers) you seem overly liberal with commas, but not hard to look past these and see the great story you've written.

The thing that really sealed it and put a huge grin on my face was Fluttershy's bit at the end there. Bravo for a wonderful twist.

thank you so much for your kind wor-
you wrote 91 stories?! holy quack, that's amazing! I'm glad you like mine, you maniac!

10039157 You should be dang proud—it's a great story. Now, onto the sequel! :twilightsmile:

I very much enjoyed this story. A good ol' adventure. The justification for Twilight not using magic wasn't very clear at the start, I think that was the weakest part. I was interested and liked your characters.

I'm late to the party, but I wanted to say I absolutely loved the story.

Especially the creative worldbuilding with the ants, the bees, the perils and interesting points of a small civilization, and so much more. Including the parts left mysterious, like how exactly prophesy and the Breezie Gods operate.

I liked the detail of the Windigos association with discord (not the character) causing the hive madness.

Generally the attention to detail and variety of ideas made it feel immersive, like we were out of our element and discovering things alongside Twilight, and it made it feel more real and fantastic at the same time.

Twilight being able to transform herself felt a bit cheap at first when it happened, but the limited food supply justified it as something she couldn't do casually.

The seeming warp back in time for the portal was a really unexpected plot twist though, and I'd guess it was the doing of the Breezie Gods, or at least Frindri, to save them. Her arrival when a Windigo was terrorizing the clans does not seem likely to be an accident.

This belongs in the best of MLP fanfiction: expanding on a wondrous world with creative, but grounded world building while respecting and understanding the pre-existing characters used.

I’m a bit confused on what blinded the Windigo, though. Was that Honeydew’s feelers? An attack of light from the spirit that somehow backfired?

If it was from Honeydew, I don’t remember setup that their feelers could get that bright for defense and escape: but I could be mistaken.

And the epilogue got a good laugh out of me.

There's something bittersweet in the ending that Honeydew may truly never be able to see the clan he know again, though the Breezies seem much more advanced and better off in the show / what now exists. Though perhaps the time portal could open again, or perhaps not,

I've read that you burned out on the smaller sequel to this, but I'll still look forward to reading it, and looking at your other stuff when schedule and life loosen up a bit.

There's always something bittersweet in leaving a well-crafted world behind.

Enough rambling from me though, thank you for writing this!

awww thank you, thats really nice to hear. I always thought Breezies were really underrepresented in fanworks ^^

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