• Published 23rd Dec 2018
  • 352 Views, 54 Comments

The String of the Stars - computerneek

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Ah-hah! There’s my target. She’s a green pegasus, with purple mane. Not the prettiest combination, in my opinion, but when does that matter? She’s married, after all.

I make a fuss about putting on my dark sunglasses before I step out of a local storefront to talk to her. Nevermind it’s thoroughly overcast, not sunny. It’s “agents” like myself that make it so easy for real agents, also like myself, to hide.

“Hey, um, miss… Hearts, was it?”

She raises an eyebrow at me, before a wash of recognition flashes across her face. Not that she knows who I am; rather, I’m rather much of a laughing stock in the area: The secret agent wannabe.

She chuckles lightly. “Yes, the name’s Dancing Hearts. Did you need something?”

“Uh, Yes, please,” I stammer; I don’t think anypony has ever responded quite so positively to my false-agent efforts. “Can we, um, talk?”

She chuckles again. “Sure. Where to?”

“Uh…” I honestly hadn’t planned that part- which I really should have, because this is legitimate Agency business I’m chalking up to my false-agent persona. Before I think of a place, though, she suggests one… An Agency favorite, actually.

“How about a private booth at the Hooves and Pans?”

I blink, out of only partly feigned surprise. “Uh, sure, that works.” I make a show of bowing to her, gesturing down the street. “Lead the way.”

She chuckles again. “You know, that’s the wrong way,” she states. “Hooves and Pans is in the other direction.”

I blink. Had I allowed myself to become disoriented again…? Yes, I had. It’s a bad habit of mine, sourced from my persona. I quickly use my real Agency skills to reorient myself from the building faces on the other side of the street, and clear my throat, turning the other way. She’s right. “Well then, lead the way.” I repeat the bowing performance.

She lets out a snort of laughter and obeys. “Sure thing, dear.”

I follow. She leads me straight to the Hooves and Pans- even uses a shortcut I didn’t know of before. She also leads me into the famous restaurant.

“Welcome to the Hooves and Pans,” the door greeter states, bowing gently as we enter. “Is it just the two of you?”

I fill my lungs to speak, but she’s faster.

“Yes, for a private booth. I believe the password is…” She leans in close, mutters something in his ear. I strain mine, but don’t catch it.

He blinks. “Uh, Roger that. Um…” He fumbles with the documents on his desk.

I tilt my head slightly. Why do I get the feeling that Agent Pots is trying to hide having expected her?

He shortly gets his papers in order, makes a tick mark on one of them, and leads us to an empty booth. “Right then,” he states, offering our menus as we take our seats. He continues to name our server, and the manager on duty, before promising the server- the cover name that Agent Pans uses, if I remember right- would be out shortly and disappearing himself.

Mrs. Hearts immediately lets out a chuckle. “You know, if you’re going to play the spy game, it might help to do some research on your targets before making contact. I’m married.

I feign surprise, and blink. “... Oh. Um…”

“Right,” she states, before leaning in and hushing down to a mutter. “The server is coming, isn’t he? But once he’s gone, you’re going to be- oh, what was it again? Agent Black Glasses?”

I blink. So, she saw right through the false-agent-hiding efforts and decided to play along. She doesn’t have a clue as to my real Agency identity, as Agent Shotglass. “Uh,” I mutter back. “It’s Agent Briefcase, actually… was I really that obvious?”

She snorts. “With glasses that dark on a cloudy day? I don’t know of anyone that wouldn’t see through it. Server inbound!”

I look up- and sure enough, it’s Agent Pans, trotting up with notebook, quil, and inkpot floating in her magic aura.

“Hello, my name is Serving Speed, and I’ll be your server today. Are you ready to place your orders?”

“Yes, I think?” Hearts states, glancing up at me.

I nod hastily. “Uh, yes. Um…” I proceed to order something off the top of my head- and barely catch myself in time to avoid reciting the catalogue number for it.

Mrs. Hearts shows no such restraint, reciting three separate catalogue numbers for her order. I remember seeing them in the menu, but I don’t remember what they are.

No biggie. Agent Pans trots away shortly.

“So,” Mrs. Hearts immediately begins. “This is the part where you ask me as many questions as you can in as roundabout a manner as you can, in an effort to get me to answer candidly. It is my job, in return, to answer honestly- and, to help you improve your, um, cover, try and guess both what you’re seeking and why you ask each question. Right?”

I blink at her. “Um… Yes, I suppose. I… I never really thought of it that way. Um… That works, I guess. Um…” I rack my brain for a roundabout method. I’d planned to use my false persona to bullnose my way through the questions; the matter at hoof isn’t very sensitive and, honestly, my previous investigations suggested she’s more susceptible to that kind of questioning- thus, the hours I usually spend before going into an interview session… I must pack them into a few seconds, and with no papers, to boot.

… This isn’t going to go very well. I ask my first question.

She laughs. “Not very roundabout, is it?”

I cringe. “I’m… Not very good at asking roundabout questions.”

She raises her eyebrows. “Oh?”

I sigh, hanging my head. “I’m still working on it.”

She chuckles. “You know, I think I can see why she thinks you’re the real deal.”

My head snaps up. “What?”

Her chuckle intensifies. “Yes. That odd combination of blundering stupidity and fine coordination. That does seem a little, shall we say, incongruous, Agent Shotglass?”

I can only stare at her. My jaw is probably hanging wide open, but I’m not sure.

She smiles. “Anyways, you asked a question, and it would be rude to leave you hanging. Let’s see…”

Author's Note:

First person to guess whose point of view this is gets... nothing, because he self-identifies. Don't worry, the mystery will be open in the future- and, probably, get harder/easier as the chapters go along. After all, as my characters develop, I expect my clues will go from explicit statements or suggestions to more contextual or behavioral notes.

Do note that I will try to make it at least possible to guess the POV of every section, no matter where.

And if somepony wants to guess who Mrs. Dancing Hearts is, you're welcome to. It'll probably be revealed in Chap. 1, though...