• Published 24th Dec 2018
  • 708 Views, 27 Comments

Hello, Luna - TwiPON3

Twilight Velvet has a heart attack, then her family has to keep one BIG change from her that happened during her coma.

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Author's Note:

The news intro is based off a combination of the Soviet intros at, in this order:
4:52 - 5:10
3:55 - 4:10
4:10 - 4:28
4:28 - 4:42

And..... done! I know it's extremely subpar and probably rushed like hell, but I haven't seen the movie in a while now, and I know next to zero Deutsch. Subtitles don't help as much as you'd think for a movie like Goodbye, Lenin. I know I left out a bunch of scenes, but I intend to watch the movie again soon, so I'll come back and fill in.

A week later, they were all back at the hospital with Velvet, who was on her deathbed. This time, they were trying to figure out what to do next, since their lie was getting more and more difficult to carry.

"Twilight, Darling, we can't keep this together for very much longer."

"We have to," she responded, "I know you all love her, but I also know that you have your own lives to lead."

"Twilie," Shining said, "I'm with Rarity. I almost feel like we nearly made her go into another coma."

"I have it," Seth said, "We kill da monarchy."

"Kill the princesses!?" Twilight said.

The only one who wasn't shocked was Princess Celestia, who picked up somewhat on what his idea was.

"No, tune in [and] hear me out," he said, "We've been faking da monarchy through fake broadcasts. Equestria is a diarchy, so no killing anypony. I'm saying dat we put an end to dis, once and for all," he turned to Sunset, "Is ya mom and Aunt okay with making a tape?"

"Actually," the princess said as Sunset pulled a book that was titled To Die with Dignity from her bag, "They told me how you want to be a writer. I would like to broadcast this all across the world, and for you to script it."

"You want me... to write a news segment... main anchor it... involving you...? Ta be broadcasted...? Globally...?"


"Oh," he said, sitting down, "Okay, but you'll have to write your own speeches. You're Equestria's rulers, for your sake."

"I'll get to work on that with my sister."

Dr Arzt came out of Velvet's room, "She's awake. You may go in, now."

One by one, they went in the room, Sunset giving the book to Velvet.

"To Die with Dignity, by TwiPON3?" she said, "It sounds good."

"It's large print, Ms Velvet," Seth said, "Da only copy in existence."

"Pushed out, just for you, Mom," Twilight said as the bedridden mare's family went to hug her.

"What have you got planned, Seth?" Sunset asked.

"Well, I'll be anchor of TIME, an' I want you to be wit ya mom and aunt when dey make their speeches. It's gonna have Risen from Ruins playing behind it for theirs, den I want you to come forward and welcome everycreature into Equestria, wit Equestria's Hymn behind ya speech. Da shot's gonna go back to me so I can announce the barriers falling and the guards returning, and then da Elements will speak in their shot, with A Heart Carol."

"This may be your greatest work yet."

That night at 9:25, Night Light was finally able to get to Velvet, but they both noticed Ponyville hadn't killed their transmitter yet. All of the channels were still broadcasting with none on standby, so she tuned to channel sixty-seven.

This had only happened once, but that was a long time ago. Little did they know that everypony everycreature in all countries had aerials, dishes, receiving television pylons, you name it. From the small towns like Ponyville to the bustling Manehattan to the backwoods Appleloosa. Every television in Las Pegasus, was set, even the casino having turned into a theater-type deal. All countries: Yakyakistan, Kirin Country, the Changling hive, Mt Aries, Griffonstone, and the Dragonlands, just to name a few.

In short, this was big.

They were greeted with a clock, ticking to 9:30; something standard for Current Camera and TIME to do a few minutes before they started, although this one was CGI with some extra scenery.

At the broadcast office, Seth was anxiously waiting until the startup began.

In Velvet's hospital room, the television showed a CGI clock that, somewhat dramatically, ticked 9:30, then moved out of the way for a pendulum to swing across the screen, showing gears similar to the inside of a mechanical clock, then swung back to change the scene to a world map made with dots, then swung back across to a spinning globe with rings that were made up of video clips.

Next, the globe moved to the center of the screen before the Princesses' cutie marks moved from behind said globe to either side as the video-clip rings turned to beams that were aimed at a satellite, that projected a world map into a PIP-square.

A moment later, the PIP filled the screen, showing a blue map with all of the video clips from their native lands as they zoomed to Canterlot's place on said map as the image zoomed into its place on the map as a few buildings stood up and the words «TIME» SPECIAL WORLD BROADCAST

"Honey, do you know what's going on?" the bedbound mare asked her husband.

"I... really don't have an idea."

A moment later, Seth appeared onscreen as his anchor persona.

"Hello, and thank you for tuning in tonight, as there are quite a few announcements," as he named the cities, recent shots of them appeared onscreen, "Manehattan: Rarity For You breaks top sales in the Northeast Manehattan area. Hooflyn: Infrastructures are increasing in quality and quantity for creatures willing to move. Appleloosa: High-speed Internet Access will arrive in the coming months," his tone changed to an enthusiastic one, Canterlot: The Princess implements changes that will better the creatures of Equestria in many ways," it swapped back to him at the desk.

"What?" the couple said at the line for Canterlot.

"We shall begin with the Princess."

The picture swapped to the princesses and Sunset in the throneroom, Celestia standing.

"My subjects, we have all been through hard times in the past, we may be experiencing challenges now, and we will experience challenges in the future, all of which require adaptation. My sister, absent for a millennium, has rejoined us and will now be ruling alongside myself on the throne."

"The Princess justified her decision in a statement of Harmony and her purpose," Seth said, voicing over as Luna made her way over and Celestia returned to her throne.

"Creatures of the world, I have been lost, wandering for a thousand years, separated from my sister. If you've been lost and on your own before, then you may already know how easy it is to lose trust in your strengths, as I near made that... terrible mistake all of those years foregone. I wish all fair health and prosperous lives as your new Princess."

Sunset moved forward as Princess Luna sat down.

"The Daughter of the Sun and Niece of the Moon, Sunset Shimmer, has decided with the elder princess for rights."

"Creatures of the world, from all reaches, these recent times have been hard for you, especially trying to enter into Equestria, you have been needlessly pushed back and denied. During a time of incapacitation of Princess Celestia, your trouble only grew. When you're around other creatures, naturally you'd become curious, then proceed to interact with them. When you do, you know that it's only on the surface that separates us. The only differences are what we are, which makes no creature evil. It's who you are that defines good or evil. With that, we wish to open Equestrian borders for all to enter."

Seth did a voiceover as various shots of walls fell because at the hands of guards and civilians working together and going into Equestria as fast as the could, "As the walls and barriers came down, thousands seized the opportunity to enter into our kingdom, we as ponies live among each other as friends, hand-in-hand, but these creatures may not have this luxury in their own homes and nations," the shot returned to him at the desk, "Our Nation's six elements have personally welcomed a few creatures in already."

The picture swapped to Twilight and her Ponyville friends standing next to a Yak, Dragon, Hypogriff, Changeling, Kirin, and Griffon.

Velvet and Night Light's smiles grew as they heard and saw what was in front of them.

"We decided 'at the Element o' Honesty oughta speak first," Applejack said, walking forward with the Griffon, "So, while Ah ain't one for formalities an' such, Ah promised 'at these here creatures won't run into a pony 'at'll straight-up lie to 'em. Ah want all y'all ta keep it, ya hear?"

Next was Pinkie Pie, coming forth with the Hypogriff.

"It took a lot to lift their spirits after the trouble we had put them through, so whenever you see somecreature who's down, lift 'em up, and that's coming from the Element of Laughter!"

Fluttershy with the Changeling.

"I embody the Element of Kindness, so I ask that you always lend a helping hand."

And Rarity with the Kirin.

"I embody the Element of Generosity, so, to be brief, my request is for you to give to these creatures, especially if they're in need. They are like you and I, after all."

Rainbow Dash with the Dragon.

"I'm the Element of Loyalty, and I just gotta ask that you stand up for 'em, you know? Loyalty is both ways, not just one."

And finally, Twilight, who came forth with the Yak that dislodged the hayburger from her throat that night.

"I embody the Element of Magic, and I would like to say that, for what it's worth, I may not be here today if it weren't for this Yak. We all need to share the true magic of friendship with them."

All twelve creatures gave a simultaneous welcome as the shot, once more, turned to the newsroom.

"All creatures may now enter and exit Equestria, freely!" he said with much-needed enthusiasm, opening his wings slightly, "Canterlot 67 and the crew for TIME would like to extend a welcome to you all as well!"

Everyone who saw the broadcast cheered in glee. Rather than the usual message about being quiet for the ponies who were already resting for the evening, the whole world was celebrating. Families and friends were partying, streets were crowded with creatures who were cheering and celebrating, and music was being played. Bars and restaurants served all on the house for the rest of the night, and ponies who had known about the cast and had been anticipating it had proposed to their significant others. Enemies and ponies who had burnt bridges with each other were brought close again.

Fireworks lit up the skies across the world to celebrate as thousands were both entering and leaving Equestria.

Everywhere, you could hear a song being sung by enormous groups of all creatures alike, whether they could sing or not.

When the march begins
And the trumpets are heard
The people will shout
And the walls will fall

When the walls fall, when the walls fall
Sing (dance) with all the joy in your heart

When the comrades on the wall
Raise their hammers to strike
The people will dance and sing
Until the walls crumble in

When the walls fall, when the walls fall
Sing (dance) with all the joy in your heart

When the love has left their eyes
And your lovers ceased to be
Give voice there may be a key
Maybe these walls don't need to be

When the walls fall, when the walls fall
Sing (dance) with all the joy in your heart

The non-pony creatures that had been arrested for being in Equestria those months ago were released with a full pardon and clean slate, even the ponies who were locked up for legitimate reasons were let out for the night to celebrate.

It would come to be known as a holiday around the world.

Velvet's wish had come true.

A few hours later, everycreature from the newscast came to the hospital.

"You may have to take turns," the receptionist said.

"Good work," Twilight said to Seth.

"Forget about it."

Making their way to Velvet's room, nobody could decide who to go first, so she ended up being pushed out in a wheelchair.

"I'm so happy for all of you, and I hope you lead good lives," was all she could say before she began to run out of energy.

Two days later, she died, but left a legacy that spread to every end of the world: her children and their friends. The funeral was massive to the point that Canterlot Gardens could barely hold everycreature that showed up.

During the coming time, Twilight and Seth would leave the cable company, she would return to being a full-time student, Seth would join the TIME crew as a part-time anchor and get his book published, the elements would continue to protect Equestria, Flurry Heart would grow to be the Princess of Joy, and Night Light would dedicate his days to honoring his wife's memory and life.

"I raised a good family," she said from above the clouds, a tear falling from her eye, "I couldn't be more proud."

Comments ( 1 )

Nice to see this story finished.

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