• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 747 Views, 14 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Shadow Play - MyEcho4

See the Guardians Harmony in an all new adventure as they face news foes and challenges that will test they're friendship.

  • ...

Party Time?

Author's Note:

Hey Guys. SO SORRY it took so long for this to post. Ive been busy all summer long with work and had little to no time to work on this but finally its done. sorry if its a little short too, Im planning on making Chapter 4 a bit longer to make up for this. anyway hope you still enjoy!

Chapter 3: Party Time?

The final school bell rang for the day as the students ran off in different directions to get home. One of the last people to leave were the guardians who all looked exhausted after another day of graduation practice.

“Ugh my feet sore.” Hiro groaned as he sat down on the stairs rubbing his sole.

“Yeah? Well I think I got blisters!” Akari protested. “Why do we have to practice EVERYDAY for graduation? Its like two weeks away!”

“Akari, I already told you.” Gallant replied while holding a clipboard in his hands. Its takes approximately two week to get everything prepared and perfected for the ceremony. Just missing one practice can jeopardize the entire event!”

“Y’know I’m started to wonder if Gallant and Akari were switched at birth” Hozu whispered in Mai’s ear who couldn’t help but giggle slightly.

“Well maybe just for tonight, can you forget about that?” Hiro said as he got up the stairs. “Cause tonight is party time!”

The team cheered and whooed for their big party tonight! All except for one. Chi casual walked down the stair and began walking home not until Iris noticed her.

“Oh..right. You won’t be able to make it because..”

“Iris its okay.” said Chi, who gave small smile. “Again, you guys have fun.”

“Look if you need any support, we can call it off.”

“No!” the wisp exclaimed. “You guys have been planning this for months! I can’t let my issue ruin your fun. Besides this is something I need to this alone.” Chi placed on a hand on her shoulder. “You guys enjoy yourself. I’ll be fine.”

Iris sighed and nodded her head. Though deep down she knew she wanted to help her friend. It wasn’t always natural that she would be acting like this. She was always there for her friends, from cheering everyone up during a storm when they were younger to even comforting Iris when Tenzin passed away. She did so much for them, at least they can do is return the favor but if this what she wishes then she has to accept it.”

“Alright..If you say so.” she replied. “Tell you what? Lemme go pick up Eclipse from school and take him back to my place. That way you can head home get ready.”

“Really? You’d do that?”

“Of course! Besides, He’s been BEGGING for me to help him with his magic. I think its time to him to advance to the next level of his training”

Chi hugged her childhood friend. “Thanks, Petals.”

“Anytime, Bubs.”

The group waved goodbye to Chi as they went their separate way but as she walking away, she had no idea who was in her way as she accidentally bumped into someone and they both fell to the ground.

Chi rubbed her head and looked over and nearly squeaked. It was the same boy from class today. He wore glasses and had on an unbuttoned jacket. On his neck was a pair of geo-buds He was shaking his head from the sudden impact and tried to. Unfortunately he was listening to music and he had no idea who was in front of him while he was on his phone. He adjusted his glasses. The next thing they knew, they were both staring at each other.

“Uh excuse me!” they both said. “No Im sorry!” they said again. “No I am!” the boy simply began to blush as Chi glowed a faint green.

“Here. Need a hand?” he said as he pulled himself up and offered the wisp a hand. Chi was too frozen in place to even say another word but she was quick enough to jump back on her feet.

“Oh no! Im fine! Just clumsy little Chi! Heh heh” she said with a nervous laugh. The boys simply chuckled and helped her pick up her stuff. “Thanks, Akira.”

“No problem.” he said as passed her phone to her. “Hey..sorry about this morning.”

“Oh nah. Its fine.” she scoffed. “Not the first time I’ve been turned into a wisp-cake.”

“Are you sure you’re alright? Aku can be a real jerk sometimes but today was just a new low.”

“She just tripped me.”

“While you were half inflated. I’m just saying that girl is bad news.”

“Look. She’s not a big deal.” Chi replied, handing him his head. “The day when she hits a new low is when she hurts my friends but even she knows thats a big no-no.”

“Why? Because your best friend’s mom is queen?” he said with a small smirk.

Chi staggered. “W-well yeah but I was mostly gonna say that she’d had to go through me and my girls, Knuckle. Wisp.and Sandwich.”

Akira gave her an odd look. “Uhm. you do know you only have to hands right?”

The wisp smirk and commanded her wolf tail to appear, the tip of it turning into a large fist.

“Ah..right. Shapeshifter. Forgot.”

“So..you uh heading to the party tonight?” Chi asked as she put her stuff into her bag.

“Uhm...no unfortunately.” He replied. “Me and some friends of mine have some business to take care of before the end of school. What about you?”

“Who me? I..uh..also have some...business to take care of. More personal things but NOT THAT personal like relationship personal NOT that I’m in one because I have feelings for you WAIT NO. I meant mutual relationship like uh friends! right? hehehe”

The boy chuckled a bit trying not to sound like he’s laughing out loud. “Yeah.sure.”

Suddenly, the two heard what sounded like a small meow and looked down to see a black tanuki cat with white underbelly and bright blue eyes. Around its neck was a yellow neckerchief, glistening in the afternoon sun.

“Oh. hey there mister kitty.” she said with awe.”Where did you come from?”
“Oh uh..thats my cat.” said Akira as he bent down and picked the cat up and held it in his arms. “He likes to wait for me after school. His name is Mona.”

“Aww! How cute! Hey there, Mona. how are you?” she tried to give it a scratch on the ears but the car growled and tried to scratch her with its paws. Fortunately, she was able to retract her hand in time.


“Mona, bad cat!” Akira shouted as he gave him a small bap on the head but not too much to actually hurt the little guy. “I’m so sorry about that. He’s really ...”protective” of himself.” he said while giving the cat a small glare.

“I can definitely see that.” she muttered as she rubbed her hand. Akira handed the last of Chi’s books to her before he felt his phone buzz off. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the text he got. The cat gave a small meow and tapped the phone.

“Hey, Look I gotta go. Been nice talking to you!” he said as he placed his cat down and began to run away from the school grounds.

“Yeah same! Good luck on whatever your doing!” she called back. “Oh hey! Aki-”

By the time she called out again he was already long gone in the crowd.

“Way to go Chi.” she said hitting herself on the head. “Stupid Wisp! Stupid Stupid Stupid!”


Neighbors were lucky enough to buy earmuffs when they can because the Sato residents was not making this night a forgettable one. All the senior class was at the household having the time of their lives. From chilling and playing in the pool to enjoy the snacks and pizza from Pinkie’s. Of course they had more healthy options for those who don’t want to wake up with a stomach ache in the morning. Over on the other side of the pool was a large stage, all set for the biggest moment of the night. Rara and Songbird’s first duet performance since Songbird’s first show at the Friendship festival a year ago. Everyone was excited for the main event.

Well..almost everyone.

The Guardians, while happy for everyone else, were not having the best night of their lives. While fellow classmates and friends hung out and played in the pool, some of them just stood off to the side, Well except for Hozu who was chilling in the shallow end by some girls telling some of his “adventure stories”. As for the rest, none of them was really feeling in the party mood, not even Hiro who was trying to put on his best party smile but to no avail. This party wasn’t the same as other ones because it was missing a key component. Something that made any party really come to life. That something, or in this case someone, was Chi.

Anytime there was a party, she was always there to lighten it up. Even the boring ones. Her shapeshifting powers made it truly come to life when she did crazy things like the time she turned into an octopus for kids and adults to ride on during the grand galloping gala or becoming a clown and turning into different balloon animals for Eclipse’s 5th Birthday. Everyone felt guilty, especially Hiro. She was missing out on the biggest party of they’re high school year and they had it on this very important day for her. He created the parties and made them fun but she was the one to just add that extra spark that was needed to fire it up a notch. Backstage, Nori was putting the finishing touches on Rara and Songbird’s outfits and hair for the big concert later that night. But while she was doing that, Songbird began to notice that she wasn’t talking as much as she used to. Nori was always energetic when she was around her idols but for some reason, today she looked distracted. So much in fact that she tied the bow on Rara’s head a little too tight, causing her to yelp in pain.


Nori snapped out of her trance and gasped. “Oh barnacles! Im so sorry, Rara!” she exclaimed as she loosened the bow up a bit.

“Its alright, Nori.” she replied calmly. “At least we know thats not coming off during performance. Heh.”

“Yeah..right” Nori chuckled a little but her smile quickly went back to a frown. Songbird had enough. It was time to see what was going on.

“Nori. Dear.” she said to the merpony. “Is everything alright? You dont seem yourself tonight”

Nori was about to lie to her but she realized that it would be proven futile since she was acting down even when the two arrived. She sighed and lowered her head.

“I’m sorry guys. I’m really looking forward to you guys I really am. But...My friend. You remember Chi right? Well today is a very VERY important day for her and me and the others were dumb enough to have this celebration on the day of...well...her parents passing. We insisted on canceling the party so we can be with her but she said to continue without her but I have a feeling in my gut that I need to be with her. I know she said she wants to be alone but today is important and she needs to be surrounded by those she loves. Her family. But I don’t want to leave you guys and cancel everything after all the time you put aside even ending your tour early to come to u-”

Before she could say anything else, Rara placed a finger on her lips. She was hoping to hear the worst especially since she left her friend alone on this night. But when she looked up at the two singers, she didn't see anger or disappointment. Rara lowered her finger and opened her mouth.

“When I was a filly. Me and Applejack were close and best friends but you already knew that by now but I understand what you are going through. On the last days of camp me and AJ were at the climbing wall and one of the stones broke loose. Applejack lost her footing and fell to the ground, breaking her leg. And to make matters worse, I was to perform at campfire that night. So I was given a choice: continue to sing that night or go be with my friend. And you probably know which one I chose. But hey, it was well worth it. Even the other campers came over to the nurse station and we all say a metor shower together. Still to this day I never regretted that choice because if I chose the latter, I probably wouldn't be the same today.”

Nori tugged at her hair a little. “So your saying that I should go support her.”

“She’s not saying that you should.” Songbird replied. “I think she means what do you think is the right thing to do? Respect her wishes or be a friend and be there to support her”

The merepony sighed. She was right. She couldn't be here. Her friend needs her support. She was always there for her when she needed them the most. Now it was time to return the favor. She took her phone out and sent a quick text to someone before putting her phone away and getting her coat.

“Silver Lining will be here shortly to finish you guys up...if thats okay with you."

The two ponies looked at each other before flashing a wink at Nori.

“Go say hi to Chi for us will ya?’

Nori smiled and gave them both a hug but not too hard so she wont mess up her hard work. She ran out of the dressing room and pulled out her phone to send a text to Iris and the others but she didn’t need to when she bumped into Iris who was already with the others. The all looked at each other and didnt even need to say anything because they all had the same mindset as if they were one person. Nori looked to see if everyone was here but noticed someone missing.

“Where’s Hozu?”

“I thought he was with you?” asked Gallant.

“You know he can’t stand perfume.”

“Hey guys?” Hiro chimed in and tapped Iris shoulder. “I found him.”

Iris and the others turned around to see they’re half spirit friend lounging in the pool flirting with some girls in the class. Iris simply rolled her eyes and used her magic to levitate him out of drop him right in front of the team.

“Ow! Hey what the-” he looked up and nearly squeaked like a mouse when he saw who took him out of the water.

“Come on, Prince Charming. We’re leaving.”

“Leaving? W-well its about time. Those girls were kinda boring anyway. Only talking about books, science and some other school jun-oof!”

Akari threw his shirt at him to shut him. “Just put your shirt on and lets go.”

The Guardians began to head out while Hozu was looking down at his shirt and back at the team in confusion.

“What? What did I do? Did I say something bad? Wait up!” he shouted as he put his shirt on and grabbed his boots.


The blue wisp walked deeper and deeper into the forest, a bouquet of flowers in her hands as she approached a rather big tree with a now dead bundle of flowers, Her hair was now flowing freely in the nighttime breeze. She took up the old flowers that were there and placed a new bunch on the tree. Every few years she would go visit the site where her parents passed. What was left of her home was completely consumed by the everfree forest. Only thing left was that she could remember was a large tree that stood in the very center of her home.

"Hey Mom. Hey Dad.” she started. “Its me Chi bu I probably guess you knew that already..heh.” the wisp stayed silent for a little bit pulling at her hair.”

“Hey! Good news. I’m graduating in a couple weeks. Gallant and Iris has been working us to the bone to get the graduation march perfectly right. Sometimes I cant even walk after practice. Then there’s Hiro who really wants to fill the room with party cannons to shower us all in confetti but I think the last thing we need for graduation is too spend our first days of freedom cleaning the campus.” She chuckled a little bit to herself. “Nova and Sunset are doing alright. And Eclipse. Oh Eclipse is still the most precious bundle of joy you will ever see. That unicorn is so determined for his age. He’s already learning how to skateboard by yours truly. Don’t worry! He’s wearing a helmet.” she looked both ways before stretching her head to them. “But I’ve made exceptions some days. Thought they usually end with him getting all scraped up but he sees them as progress.” She couldn’t help but laugh at out at that memory. “You guys would’ve loved him so much. Especially you mom since he has your wild side.” her blue light began to fade a little to a grey color as her smile turned slowly into a frown.

“I really miss you guys.” her voice began to crack. “I miss you. I miss Shade. I miss everyone. I dunno why or if this was supposed to happen. If it was fate or...destiny but I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” She could feel several tears began streaming down her face as she quickly wiped them off with her sleeve. “IIts not easy being the last of your kind you know. Going every night, knowing every day that Im the last of my kind. I really don’t know what can happen in the future. I could die anyday and thats it.I promised you I would be strong for you. For our people. And I still am but...I dunno if im strong enough. I was given the element of loyalty for a reason. I mean I was loyal to my family for all these years and I will do anything to protect those I love. Just like you taught me and Shade but..recently I really don't feel like Im...well...loyal. I just wish you guys were here, you would know what to say.”

Chi got up from her spot and gazed around at the site. On the outside everyone saw her as the girl who never worries and always bounces back from a tragedy but what they don't know is that deep down, the blue wisp was sad, lost, and broken. She held in her grief and sorrow for years bottling up inside to just hoping that it would just go away but like a disease, it just stayed around. She loves her friends and new family but there's still a hole left in her heart. One that could probably never be filled.

(I Miss You by Miley Cyrus)

You used to call me your angel

Said I was sent straight down from heaven

You'd hold me close in your arms

I loved the way you felt so strong

I never wanted you to leave

I wanted you to stay here, holding me.

Chi began to walk around the makeshift memorial site that she made over the years. If you looked closely, you could still see the remains of several houses and structures but now consumed by a millennium of mother.

I miss you, I miss your smile

And I still shed a tear every once in a while

And even though it's different now

You're still here somehow
My heart won't let you go and I need you to know

I miss you

The wisp continued to pour her heart out as memories began to flash before her eyes. From the day she was brought into the world, meeting her older brother, learning how to shapeshift for the first time.

You used to call me your dreamer

And now I'm living out my dream

Oh, how I wish you could see

Everything that's happening for me

I'm thinking back on the past

It's true that time is flying by too fast

She transformed into her wolf from as the moon shined down on her like a spotlight on stage, her bright blue fur added a beautiful blue glow to the moonlight as she continued walking through the forest recalling some happy moments in her young life including some memories with Shade. On the outside he may seem aggressive, easily annoyed, and sometimes a little grumpy but like Nova, deep down he’s as soft as a teddy bear and is always ready to hang out with her sis. Even during the bad time when they separated, she knew deep down Shade was still that soft teddy bear she hugged every night before bed or every morning she woke up and this proved it when he was willing to give up his own life to save her’s. Even after everything he did.

I miss you, I miss your smile

And I still shed a tear every once in a while

And even though it's different now

You're still here somehow

My heart won't let you go and I need you to know

I miss you

Chi ran through the last remaining trees as she approached a cliff side looking over what was once her beautiful home. Where nature now resides used to be an amazing place for wisps can live peacefully that was ruined by someone who wanted nothing but power and respect. Although she has forgiven Tirek for what he’s done, it was not only because her parents would want her to but also she knew deep down it was the right thing to do but it still didnt change the fact about what happened during and after the flames has settled.

I know you're in a better place, yeah

But I wish that I could see your faces, oh

I know you're where you need to be

Even though it's not here with me

I miss you, I miss your smile

And I still shed a tear every once in a while

And even though it's different now

You're still here somehow

My heart won't let you go and I need you to know

I miss you

Sha la la la la, I miss you.

Chi sighed and laid down on the grass looking into the sky. She closed her eyes so she could focus on hearing the sounds of the night before she sat up and heard rustling in the bushes down the hill. She growled before she smelled a familiar scent and raised an eyebrow. It almost smelled like that cologne Hiro always put on before a party and it would stink up the entire place because of it.

Wait...it couldn’t be.


At the sound of the name, several figures began to emerge from the bushes, the moonlight shining on them as they were revealed to be the rest of the Guardians, still in they’re party clothes.

“Guys? What are you doing here? Your gonna miss the party!”

Iris stepped forward “Yeah. we know.”

“Bu-But all that planning you guys did. I said I would fine without you guys.”

“We know Chi.” said Akari as she walked over to her. “But it wasn’t the same without you.”

“Your our friend, Chi.” Gallant added. “Its the right thing to do. Us being there to support you is more important than some party.”

“Yeah. Besides, its just some party. We can always have another later.” Chrysalis said.

“What matters right now is us being here with you.” said Mai.

“You guys were there for me when Tenzin passed away,” said Iris. “Especially you. You and Hiro would spend all day trying to make me laugh or even crack the smallest smile in anyway possible. Even after Hiro left for home, You promised you weren’t gonna leave the castle until you have completed your mission to make me, even if it took all night. And uh….you kinda did. So what im trying to say is, were staying here with you and you can’t stop us.

Chi was beginning to feel tears coming out as her friends surrounded her but she then noticed Hiro standing still a ways from them rubbing the back of his head. She turned back into a human and walked over to him.


The earthbender sighed. “Hey..look dude. Im really REALLY sorry. I was just so busy about making this night a night to remember that...I completely, well, un-remembered your night. I hope you can forgive me.

Chi walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. By the look on her face, Hiro thought he was gonna get a mouthful of fist, and that theory was proven as her hand enlarged to the size of basketball. He gulped and closed his eyes to await his fate but instead of his face getting punched, he felt his head instead getting rubbed vigorously, messing up his clean hair.

“Ow! H-hey! You're ruining the finish!” he laughed.

“Haha! Consider that payback.” Chi said as finished giving him a nuggie and embracing him in a big hug. “But yeah. We cool. You were always a one to forget things.”

“That is true” he replied with chuckle.

“Plus that party was probably boring without me of course.”

“Yeah. it kinda was.” Hozu whispered to Nori, only to get a foot to the knee. “Ow! Watch those heels!”

Chi then stretched her arms out and embraced the team. “Oh I love you guys so much!”

“We’re family, Chi” Iris said. “No matter what happens we will always be here for you.”

“Pinkie swear!” Nori added.

The wisp could feel her body glowing brightly as she felt they’re love and embrace from them. Even after she lost everything she gained almost everything. Maybe this was fate. Maybe this was destiny. Maybe she was wrong but in the end all her sadness and worries melted away like snow. Because her family was here for her. No matter what.