• Published 29th Dec 2018
  • 3,547 Views, 35 Comments

Chrysalis Finds The Mirror Pool - naturalbornderpy

In one last ditch effort to take over Equestria, Queen Chrysalis makes copies of herself using the Mirror Pool. Unfortunately, even copies of the Queen don't like being bossed around.

  • ...

Love Ice Cream

Queen Chrysalis entered the mouth of the cave and illuminated her horn. After two weeks of intense searching and getting lost with only the occasional coffee or dinner theater break to help keep her motivated, she’d thought she’d finally found what she’d been looking for.


She tried to keep her excitement in check as her hardened hooves echoed down the blackened stretch of cave. A twitchy smile graced her lips—an odd sensation the Queen hadn’t felt in some time. Eventually, she came to a large, open cavern, which at its very center sat a mammoth rock, clearly concealing something ominous underneath.

Chrysalis’ smile grew. “Rock, meet scissors.”

With that said, she whipped her horn to the side and the giant rock cracked cleanly in half, tumbling to either side of the round body of water underneath.

She snickered to herself, before tightening her face. She wouldn’t be alone for long; she’d have to think of better material than “rock, meet scissors” if everything was to continue as planned. And what a plan it would be!

Honestly, how had she not thought of it before?

Yes. True. Her own flesh-and-blood children had abandoned her; left her with regret and sorrow and the scarce dozen or so changeling children that had stuck by her side. And yet throughout all of this, there was still that one pony in particular that had never left her; a pony that had believed in her from the very start and knew for a fact she would triumph in the end.

A pony of unquestionable loyalty.

A pony more loving than the rest.

A pony of great cunning, deception, and skill.

A pony that would never betray her again.

“Me! Damn it!” Chrysalis yelled, her voice banging loosely from one sharp stone to the next.

Hurriedly, she covered her mouth with a hoof. Only maniacs screamed by themselves. She switched to her inside voice. “Me, darn it,” she whispered. “The only pony in this entire miserable world I can even trust anymore.”

Chrysalis took a breath and readied herself. Then she set her thin saddlebag to the side of the pool and jumped in before her nerves could get the better of her.

The following sensation was odd. She’d hardly felt the water brush her hardened shell before she was spat back out, several feet into the air, landing on shaky legs next to her own saddlebag. Had it not worked? she thought… but only for a moment.

Looking equally as confused, the copy of Queen Chrysalis rose to her proper height, rubbing at her eyes as if just waking from a deep sleep.

In the weeks leading up to this very moment, Queen Chrysalis had planned to do two things once a perfect copy of herself was formed. Firstly, take a quick lap around the copy to see how she looked from each and every angle. And secondly…

Chrysalis wrapped a gentle foreleg around the copy’s shoulders. In the softest words she could muster, she told her earnestly, “You did your best… and I’m very proud of you…

The copy of Chrysalis shook away the hoof, seemingly awake enough to talk.

“Does this mean…” the copy of Chrysalis asked, “… that my plan worked?”

The original Chrysalis chuckled happily. “No, no. Sorry, friend. This is actually my plan you’re a part of. You’re just a cog in a machine. A very important cog, mind you. But, yes, a cog nonetheless—preferably made from wood or metal or some other hardened material.”

The copy of Chrysalis raised a sharp brow. “You sure of that?”

“Of what?”

“That it’s not actually my plan we’re talking about?”


“Absolutely sure?”


“And you are?”

“Queen Chrysalis.”

“The real Queen Chrysalis?”


The copy of Chrysalis barked out a laugh. “That’s odd. Because I am also Queen Chrysalis. So, having brought that information to light, would that not make one of us a liar?”

The original Chrysalis shook her head adamantly. “Absolutely not. See that pool of water over there? That is the Mirror Pool. A moment ago, I jumped in and came back out. And so did you. The perfect copy of me. Now enough of the dumb questions. Don’t you realize what this means? Now it’s two Chrysalises versus the world! Good luck world! You’re sure going to need it!”

She smiled, hopeful the copy of herself would do the same.

Sadly, the copy did not. Rather, she pointed a hoof in the direction of the Mirror Pool.

“You say we both came out of there?”


“At the same time? The exact same time?”

Chrysalis had to ponder that. She couldn’t quite recall if she was a second or so before or after the copy, but she knew it was close. Very close. “Yes,” she answered flatly. “But why all the useless questions? We have cities to conquer! Nothing can stop two Chrysalises working perfectly together! The original and her perfect replica? Two minds think better than one, do they not?”

“Yet who is to say that I am the true replica?” the other Chrysalis asked sourly. She took a step forward, her eyes glowing a haunting green. It was a power move Chrysalis knew well—like when she was trying to convince or intimidate a certain pony. Or even hypnotize one if their minds were fragile enough. “Perhaps when you first exited the Mirror Pool, it was actually your first time even existing at all—born brand new as a perfect copy of me.”

Chrysalis sighed. “Yet what you fail to grasp is that this is all part of my plan. Queen Chrysalis’ plan! Who is me. The pony standing right in front of you and talking to you as if you were a complete and utter idiot!”

“Yet if it is your plan, how can I know it so well? Part one and part two and part twenty-two? The part with Shining Armor and the dozen cackling Cadences? I’m pretty sure it is actually my plan we’re talking about here.” She roughly cleared her throat. “Meaning that I am, therefore, formally in charge here.”

The one hundred percent real Chrysalis frowned. She’d really hoped it wouldn’t go down this way. “Fine. Want proof? Here you go.” She then pointed to her chest, causing the copy to look.

“What is that even? A yellow slip of paper?”

“A post-it note; one I stuck there the moment I exited the Mirror Pool to keep track of everyone. See the number written there?”


“What number is it?”


“Which would make me?”

“One Chrysalis.”

The original Chrysalis growled. “No! The first Chrysalis! The real one! Now look at your own chest.”

The copy did. Then grumbled. “You stuck a post-it note on me? When? How?”

“That’s for me to know and for you to ponder on until the day you perish. I placed it there just in case we got into this sort of foolish circumstance. And what does your note say?”



The Chrysalis copy thought on that, chewing on her tongue. With a snort, she said, “Meaning I want a second opinion!” Right before she dived headfirst into the Mirror Pool.


The one, the only, the classic Queen Chrysalis sat next to the Mirror Pool, hooves wrapped around her knees as she slowly rocked back and forth. Two items she was rapidly running low on right then: post-it notes and extra strength pain killers.

Another Queen Chrysalis randomly popped out of the Mirror Pool and Chrysalis One immediately slapped another post-it note on it—Chrysalis 98, it read. Alarmingly, they were already getting close to triple digits.

Chrysalis Ninety-Eight didn’t notice the note. Instead, she gave her head a quick shake and trotted off to join the random assortment of other Chrysalises strolling or sitting around the cavern.

Just then an idea came to Chrysalis One. She took one of her pain killers and flicked it into the Mirror Pool. An extra pain killer flew back out. At least she wouldn’t run out of those anytime soon.

As she happily munched on the pill, she noticed a number of Chrysalises disappearing down another cavernous hall, glancing from side to side as if being closely watched. Curious, Chrysalis One got to her hooves and followed behind.

She audibly groaned once inside the next room.

“What do we want?” Chrysalis Two yelled from the head of the room, holding a shaking foreleg towards the dozens upon dozens of extra Chrysalises currently seated on the floor.

A new leader!” the gathered Chrysalises screamed back.

“When do we want it?” Chrysalis Two continued.

Within the next six to seven minutes!

Standing at the back of the crowd, Chrysalis One gulped dryly. Two things shook her most severe.

One: she was clearly being overthrown.

Two: why six to seven minutes? Why so specific? Is that the usual amount of time to get overthrown? Not even a half-an-hour? Most ponies can’t even finish lunch within half-an-hour!

Behind the devilish Chrysalis Two was a large slab of rock with countless talking points etched into it. Why new management was always good. Why being born yesterday is actually useful. Why Chrysalis One is old and fat and couldn’t act her way out of a wet paper bag.

Chrysalis One fumed on the spot. Clearly her sharpened horn could tear any wet paper bag to shreds.

“What is it that changelings were born to do?” Chrysalis Two asked the hushed crowd. “What is in our very nature? Our very reason to exist?”

No response from the crowd.

“We copy others!” Chrysalis Two answered angrily. “We copy and we copy and we steal love from others! Then we copy even more! So, why should a true copy of Queen Chrysalis not take the reigns from here on out? Take a look at my five-point presentation before you make up your minds—”

Chrysalis Two stopped mid-speech, her eyes expanding wide. She softly sniffed at the air, a toothy grin on her lips. “Will the real Chrysalis One please stand up?” she asked sweetly.

A random Chrysalis in the bunch arose. “I’m not Chrysalis One!”

Another followed suit. “Neither am I!”

And another. “No Chrysalis One here!”

The actual Chrysalis One began to get nervous. She used her horn to summon her marker to her.

Right before Chrysalis Two landed directly in front of her. “We meet again, Chrysalis One.”

Chrysalis One feigned shock. “What? I’m sorry. I think you’ve got me confused with someone else. See?”

She pointed at the post-it note on her chest, blocking half of it with her hoof. Chrysalis 11, it read.

Chrysalis Two bared her sharp teeth at her. “Odd. Here I thought Chrysalis Eleven was in the front row this entire time.”

“Wait!” Chrysalis One shouted. “You didn’t let me finish.”

She unveiled the rest of the note. Chrysalis 111, it now read.

Chrysalis Two tapped at her chin. “Odder still. And here I thought I ordered that only ninety-eight copies be made to help keep things organized.” Then she leveled a foreleg at her. “You’re finished, Chrysalis One! The new world belongs to the copies! Surrender now so that your death may come swiftly in the next six to seven minutes! Followed by six to seven hours of pure Chrysalis copy celebration!”

There’s that number again, Chrysalis One thought dourly. Time to end this.

Chrysalis One pointed her own foreleg at the usurper. “You think you’re the only one that can backstab and undermine? Don’t forget that I made you! Meaning, I can unmake you! Call me Queen right this instant and all is forgiven. Otherwise…”

“Otherwise what?” Chrysalis Two hissed.

Trying her best to act more confident than she felt, Chrysalis One casually circled the room, gently touching the tops of any Chrysalis copy close at hoof. “You said you ordered exactly ninety-eight copies be made, meaning one-hundred in total. How many in this room right now? Forty-eight? Fifty max?” She pointed at the triangle-shaped opening to the room. “Meaning that at least another fifty Chrysalis copies lie in wait outside this room. And you know what? They don’t like Chrysalis Two. They don’t like her at all. They like Chrysalis One. A lot.”

“Impossible,” Chrysalis Two snarled. “You’re old and weak. I’m young and new. What do you have that I do not?”

Chrysalis grinned brightly. She didn’t have to fake that smile. “Experience, darling. While you’ve lived your entire life in this cave, I’ve searched the world more times than I could count. And the one thing I’ve found most delicious? ‘Love ice cream’.”

It was clear Chrysalis Two was trying to recall such a thing, eyes blinking as she pondered. “I… I don’t know what that is.”

“Of course you don’t!” Chrysalis One chuckled. “Only served in Canterlot—not in caves, I’m afraid. Absolutely delicious stuff, too. Each sugar cone is lovingly hugged; each ingredient is whispered sweet nothings until placed atop the dessert. Right before the ice cream is handed to the customer, the employee adds a heart-shaped candy right on top and gives it a loving kiss. Honestly, it’s almost all too sweet…”

Hotly, Chrysalis Two crossed a hoof over her chest. “Fine. Ice cream exists. Woo-hoo. So, what does this have to do with your upcoming overthrow, exactly?”

“I’m using it as a bribe,” Chrysalis One answered. “Every Chrysalis outside this room wants a taste and I’ve told them the only way they’d get some was if they stood up to you. Now let me ask you a very, very important question. Fifty Chrysalises versus another fifty. How many get out alive or unharmed? Ten percent at best? Hard to conquer the world with so few Chrysalises, would you not say?”

Chrysalis Two had to hide her laugh behind a hoof. “You must be much older than I thought. Losing your mind already? We have a bloody Mirror Pool in the next room! If I have ten Chrysalises left after my clash with you, then fine! I’ll have another ninety made the following ten minutes!”

Chrysalis One narrowed her eyes. “And if the Mirror Pool was destroyed some six to seven minutes ago by the simple flick of a horn?”

Chrysalis Two stood stock-still. “You’re bluffing. We’ve been searching for that thing for weeks. It’s far too valuable to destroy.”

“You’d be surprised what I’d destroy to save my own shell.”

A moment passed. Then another. Chrysalis Eleven in the front row coughed randomly.

Shut up!” Chrysalis One and Two shrieked together.

“What now?” Chrysalis Two asked. Her wispy mane was coated in sweat. She appeared far removed from the pony barking orders only seconds ago. “How does this end?”

“Up to you, regretfully,” Chrysalis One answered. “With violence or with peaceful unity… it’s all up to you how this ends.”

She backed away and lifted herself onto her back legs, forelegs spread.

“If you hug me back, there can be peace… if not… well…”

Silence in the room. Horrible, all consuming silence. Besides the pair of Chrysalis copies hotly discussing the “love ice cream” Chrysalis One had mentioned before.

Chrysalis Two turned around for a second, then spun back. “Fine. There can be peace… for now.”

And as limply as a slab of wood, she collided with Chrysalis One, slapping one heavy foreleg around the other’s back while she felt something touch her own chest.

Chrysalis One immediately felt the new post-it note stuck to her back. She used her horn to yank it off and look at it. On it was a poorly drawn picture of a knife.

“Et tu, Chrysalis Two?” she asked.

“As if I’d ever give control up to you,” Chrysalis whispered. “You old fool.”

Chrysalis One chuckled. “I might be a fool, but I’m sure not inexperienced. And this definitely isn’t my first dance with annoyingly deceptive ponies.”

Shoving Chrysalis Two away, Chrysalis One pointed at her enemy’s chest.

“Get the original Chrysalis! While she’s venerable! She tried to stab me in the back while no one was looking!”

On Chrysalis Two’s chest, her new post-it note read Chrysalis 1.

And the original Chrysalis’ post-it note? Chrysalis 2.

The following swarm was magnificent. Horrible to be sure. Yet still magnificent.

Even the fifty or so Chrysalis copies outside the room hurriedly rushed inside to see what all the commotion was about. In the ensuing chaos, very few took notice as the “new” Chrysalis Two removed her post-it note and scurried out from the cave.

The moment she exited, she shot the top of the entrance with her horn, covering the opening with a massive amount of rubble. No pony would get in or out for some time.

The very best, perfectly original Chrysalis sighed. Both in relief and annoyance.

Next came perhaps the most embarrassing part of all.


“I don’t recall a ‘love ice cream’ shop in Canterlot,” Twilight Sparkle said as she timidly paced around her castle meeting room. “Did you make that whole place up on the spot?”

Seated at Twilight’s sparkly table was Chrysalis (the one and only), her hooves wrapped around a cup of steaming tea she did little but glance at. “I did. I also lied about the fifty or so Chrysalises still on my side… as well as the fact I’d destroyed the Mirror Pool. Meaning, there could be far more than a hundred Chrysalis copies inside that cave right now.”

“Don’t worry about that, Chrysalis,” Twilight assured her. “This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with Mirror Pool copies… and knowing how Equestria works, I’m sure it won’t be the last. But there’s still one last thing we need to figure out here.”

“My punishment?” Chrysalis asked.

“We’re getting to that.” Twilight finished pacing the room and stood before the dark Queen. “Right now, I need you to convince me you’re the real Queen Chrysalis. You barged in here wearing a ‘Chrysalis Two’ post-it note on your chest, but that really isn’t much proof of anything.”

Chrysalis looked stunned. “But you have to believe me! After all I’ve admitted and told you. Twilight, I swear this isn’t a trick! You’ve already sent ponies to the Mirror Pool; you know what’s actually gone on down there. You know I wasn’t lying about any of that. Why would I lie now? You know how embarrassing this all is? Coming to you of all ponies for help like this?”

“True,” Twilight admitted. “But, still, I need proof. Convince me you’re the real deal and I’ll do my best to help you out. Honestly, Chrysalis, I want you to be the real one. If I’m being honest here, Chrysalis Two sounded a whole lot worse than you. I’d rather deal with the real Chrysalis over that backstabber any day.”

Shoving her tea cup away, Chrysalis exited her chair and fell to her knees before Twilight. She rested her hooves on Twilight’s chest. Before she even spoke, her eyes were shimmering.

“No pony in all of Equestria makes me feel the way you do, Princess Twilight,” Chrysalis began earnestly. “No pony even comes close to consuming my every waking thought and aspiration—Princess Celestia or Luna or Cadence or even Shining Armor be damned!”

She took a shaky breath and exhaled.

“I… hate you, Twilight Sparkle. From the very bottom of my heart, I hate you. In fact, I flat out despise you. Your face. Your mane. Your cutie mark. Your unearned wings. The very air you suck into your lungs, I now loathe and wish to stab at. If there were a choice to either be boiled alive in acid or become your friend, I would perform a belly flop into that acid freely… all in the faint hope some of it would get onto your pretty, purple face.”

Chrysalis lowered her head, grimacing.

“You see, Twilight, only the real Chrysalis would know this very special fact: that you are, without a shadow of a doubt, my very best enemy… one I want to clash with until the world explodes… and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Raising her head, Chrysalis found a shocking sight.

Twilight with her very own glistening eyes.

“Chrysalis, you had me at ‘I hate you’.”


Chrysalis’ punishment arrived the following Friday, on a particularly warm evening at the heart of Canterlot. Huddled around the Sparkle dinner table sat Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle, and a surprise to most there, the Princess’ new official coltfriend, Haystack.

Throughout the course of the night, Haystack did little than mash his carrots and peas together with his fork while nodding along to each miscellaneous inquiry that came his way.

“So, Haystack,” Night Light began. “What is it you do again?”

Haystack glanced at Twilight, who stared daggers in return.

“I… move hay,” Haystack replied lamely. “Oh, yes. So very much hay to move.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” Twilight Velvet added. “Ponies do like hay. Come help me with dessert, Night Light.”

As Twilight’s parents exited the dining room, Twilight gave Haystack a swift kick under the table. “Would it kill you to act more like a potential partner?”

Haystack used his spoon to fiddle with the mashed potatoes. “I dunno. You said your mom cooks with love, but I’m not tasting anything here. Plus… isn’t this whole charade just to get your parents off your back for a while?”

“It might,” Twilight admitted. “If you’d actually act like a suitable gentlecolt.”

Haystack rolled his eyes. “For how long?”

“Six to seven minutes, at least.”

Instantly, green fire erupted inside “Haystack’s” eyes. “What is it with everyone and those two numbers?

Twilight gave Haystack a reassuring pat on the back. “You do realize we still have Chrysalis Two locked up in Tartarus, right? Available for use at any time?”

Haystack/Chrysalis’ pupils shrunk.

He/she shoved a forkful of Twilight Velvet’s steamed broccoli into their mouth.

“I’ll be good.”

Author's Note:

I tried writing this without a single note or idea where it was going beforehand.

Explains why it was so random, I guess. :applejackconfused:

Comments ( 35 )

While she’s venerable!

Nice. Was there a significance to 6-7 minutes, or was it just a running gag?

"Queen Chrysalis, you are hereby sentenced to: family dinner!"
"No, your honor! Have mercy!"
"If you do not reform your ways, it will be a full holiday weekend!"

Timing between commercial breaks, I'd hazard.

Okay then. I enjoyed it.

I didn’t know where this was going, but certainly enjoyed it once I got there.

Please sir, may I have some more?:fluttercry:

Random is good, in this case. Bravo, friend!

Someone got inspired by Lego Batman, I see :twilightsmile:

Now.... Anyone else think that Love ice cream would be SUUUUUPER creepy?
They talk to and KISS the food.

Interesting concept. I don't doubt she'd try it too, or that it would backfire on her like that. (If the Pinkie clones were that bad, and the Chrysalis-created clones of the Mane 6 betrayed her...)

LOVE!! LOVE!! LOVE!! LOVE!! LOVE!! LOVE!! -clones

"Please kill me now..." -Chrysalis

:facehoof::Hmm, well, it shouldn't be too hard to distinguish the real one. After all, every mirror pool copy we've encountered has been an idiotic, two-dimensional simpleton, while Queen Chrysalis is... ah.

:twilightsheepish:: This may be harder than I thought.


9374477 9374446 9372996
Before reading this story I picture this in my head and imagine her singing this:

9374477 *Alondro slow-claps*

Excellent work there... most excellent indeed.

Well done absurdity.

it took me six to seven minutes to read this.

Just then an idea came to Chrysalis One. She took one of her pain killers and flicked it into the Mirror Pool. An extra pain killer flew back out. At least she wouldn’t run out of those anytime soon.

She could do that with money and will soon be rich enough to simply buy Equestria...

“You’re finished, Chrysalis One! The new world belongs to the copies! Surrender now so that your death may come swiftly in the next six to seven minutes! Followed by six to seven hours of pure Chrysalis copy celebration!”

Pony Wars: Attack of the Clones!

Chrysalis One immediately felt the new post-it note stuck to her back. She used her horn to yank it off and look at it. On it was a poorly drawn picture of a knife.
Et tu, Chrysalis Two?” she asked.


“You do realize we still have Chrysalis Two locked up in Tartarus, right? Available for use at any time?”

But why? Technically the Clones didn't do anything yet, since they were born only hours ago...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Could have used a hint more funfunfuffuffunfun!

“Will the real Chrysalis One please stand up?”
Oh God... Eminem will be pissed. Pinkie Pie also.

The "legend rule" in action. Some egos just weren't meant to exist in parallel.

Wonderful fun throughout. Thank you for it. I just hope Maud sealed off the cave's side entrance...

“ Within the next six to seven minutes! ”

Gotta admit they know what they want and when.

Chrysalis One immediately felt the new post-it note stuck to her back. She used her horn to yank it off and look at it. On it was a poorly drawn picture of a knife.

:rainbowlaugh:it's a back stab.

“Chrysalis, you had me at ‘I hate you’.”

Live=/=hate relationship

Yes. True. Her own fresh-and-blood children had abandoned her


What silly hijinks. Love it.

“What do we want?” Chrysalis Two yelled from the head of the room, holding a shaking foreleg towards the dozens upon dozens of extra Chrysalises currently seated on the floor.

You aren't doing that rage-face comic panel... are you?

But what about the love ice cream?

Asking the big questions. What about the Love Icecreme.

Beautiful. I've started at this for 6 to 7 minutes.


She could do that with money and will soon be rich enough to simply buy Equestria...

Inflation would like to have a word

Well, if she's the only one who does it, inflation might not get to speak any time soon.

Chrysalis wrapped a gentle foreleg around the copy’s shoulders. In the softest words she could muster, she told her earnestly, “ You did your best… and I’m very proud of you… ”

Okay but that's so sweet <3

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