• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?



Six thousand years have passed since Empress Cosmos vanished from Equus. The realm she helped build is fracturing, destroying itself in a war none can remember the reason they fight for.

Only her Exarchs remember her at all now and the dream it once was. They have retreated from the world that has forgotten them and have families of their own.

But in the aftermath of the Breaking of the World, Amber will find a reason to hope again, and a distant dream of a better future is born.

A friend long gone has come home, and now they will wait for the day they can be reunited.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 26 )

Your welcome I REALLY DO find it interesting.

Thanks. In the beginning though this wasn't even planned to be shown. But I figured fleshing out more what exactly we saw with Moon Petal in the first chapter of the sequal would help.

Off the bat with world destruction... I like. Time for the next chapter!

Definitely liking where this is going... going to read the sequel! You're a good author!

This was very....very cool

I share part of a name with a character!

Except this Amber isn't alicorn, nor does she think she's anything more than she actually is.

And yes that is me poking at your bio.

*frowns thoughtfully*
Yeah, I’ve been thinkin’ about changing it!
As for the alicorn thing: It just seemed like a fun thing to do!

Is this all before the time of sparkle?

...well, that was quick.

Very before. This is set four millennia before season 1. Heck Celestia and Luna won't be born for another thousand years.

Why do you keep reusing this cover art?

Because I can for one. And the fact that the stories that do use it are set in the same universe makes it work.

Fascinating. Definite shades of Jordan179, a big positive in my book. Very fast-paced, and it doesn't end so much as stop, but you have me intrigued enough to see where you go with the sequels.

Hmm interesting. Looking forward to reading more.

Hmm very interesting. Looking forward to more.

i didn't think i would re-read it this soon but i guess i was wrong

i am reading the two again since the second one is finished

the ending of this chapter hits hard for me since i recently had a particularly terrifying dream of a nuclear war in the dream i was sitting in class the teacher addressing the class and i looked out the window and as the clouds i saw a mushroom cloud the dream ended with me and others running in a field outside of the school building.

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