• Published 10th Jan 2019
  • 3,231 Views, 30 Comments

A relief for the eyes - Twilight Star

Luna invites Twilight to the castle garden to confess her feelings to Twilight. But unfortunately this does not happen as she expected.

  • ...

At the hospital

Celestia was heading straight for the Ponyville hospital. After she was informed that Twilight was injured, she needed to go see if her student wasn’t seriously injured.

When she arrived at the hospital, she waited in the waiting room, sitting in a chair in the waiting room.

Then a nurse opened the door to the office and saw Celestia and bowed.

“Your Majesty! What brings you here?”

“I was informed that Twilight was injured, can I see it?” asked Celestia quietly.

“Yes, your majesty, follow me“, said Nurse Redheart as she started to show the way to the room where Twilight Sparkle and Luna were.

Luna was in the room where Twilight Sparkle was lying on the doctor’s bed with a medical band in her eyes because both eyes were injured. Luna was sitting on her hips, looking at the sleeping form of Twilight.

Luna couldn’t think of almost nothing, besides that it was all her fault. After all, she was distracted looking at the ground because she was shy and nervous and couldn’t tell Twilight from the tree. If she hadn’t looked down, she might have warned her.

“This is all my fault. I’m sorry, Twilight “, said Luna with her head lowered with tears starting to trickle down her cheeks.

Then she heard a door slam open, she got up and she turned her head to see who it was. It was her sister. Suddenly she tensed. What if her sister gets mad at her?

“Sister? I knew Twilight was hurt. Do you know who hurt Twilight’s eyes?” asked Celestia at her sister.

The only answer was more tears. Celestia noticed, and went to her, “sister? What happened? Why are you crying?” asked Celestia worriedly, approached her sister.

Luna didn’t want to tell her what had happened, but she knew that sooner or later her sister would beg her to tell her, “W-well, t-today I and Twilight went to take a w-walk in the C-Canterlot gardens, the main m-motive of me invites is for there was for me to confess my feelings, b-but I was s-so Shy and n-nervous to tell her, and i was staring at the floor and i didn’t see that Twilight Sparkle had hit in a tree, which a-as a result her eyes were injured, and now she’s wearing a m-medical band a-and it’s all my fault!!” Luna said some parts stammering, on account of still crying.

Celestia then tried to console her, “sister, it wasn’t your fault. You and Twilight Sparkle were distracted and hadn’t seen the tree”

But those words of consolation only made Luna cry even more.

“Yes it is, it’s all my fault”, She distracted herself by looking at me to know what I was going to say. It’s my fault that she distracted herself and that she hurt her eyes and now she is blind for a while, “ more tears came out of her eyes. " It was me who distracted her and because of that she got hurt! I should have gone blind, and not her!” with that statement, she sat on her haunches, crying. Then she grew taller, her fur changed from navy blue to black, her pupils turned into dragon slits, and her teeth became prey, her black crown became a light blue helmet, her princess perks turned a light blue armor.

Celestia was surprised and frightened to see this. Nightmare Moon returned, but there was something strange about it. Nightmare Moon was on the floor crying, as if she were still Luna, her sister. She needed to know if Luna was still there, but only with the appearance of Nightmare Moon or if Nightmare Moon had really come back, “Luna?”

Nightmare Moon looked at Celestia, still with tears in her eyes with a sad expression on her face, “What is it, sister?”

“Are you still there? Are you still Luna?“ asked Celestia carefully.

“I’m still here, sister. It’s just that I’m so sad about what happened to Twilight, that I ended up becoming Nightmare Moon again, but I’m in control of my actions"

Celestia was relieved to hear this, at least her sister was still there, she just only with the appearance of Nightmare Moon .

Then she and Nightmare Moon heard a yawn. Twilight Sparkle woke up!

“W-What happened? W-why is it so dark in here?" asked Twilight confused.

“Twilight! You woke up! Are you okay?" asked Celestia to see how Twilight was feeling.

Nightmare Moon decided to remain silent, just listening.

Twilight Sparkle heard her teacher’s voice, but she didn’t know where she was and where and from which side her voice was coming, “princess? Where are you? I can’t see anything“, said Twilight Sparkle as she raised her front hooves trying to find Celestia.

“I’m here, Twilight”, said Celestia putting a hoof in Twilight’s mane.

“Princess, what happened to me? Why am I’m not seeing nothing?" asked Twilight Sparkle wanting to know what had happened to her.

“Luna sent you to the hospital at Ponyville, and the reason you’re not seeing anything is because you hit in a tree in Canterlot’s garden“, replied Celestia.

“Luna”, said Twilight Sparkle remembering that she and Luna had been in the garden before.

“Is she here?” asked Twilight Sparkle.

“Yes. Would you like to talk to her? "


Suddenly, Nightmare Moon tensed. But, like, very tense really. What if Twilight Sparkle listens to her voice and realizes she’s Nightmare Moon, and Twilight wants to use the elements of harmony in her, even if she says she was still Luna.

Nightmare Moon was next to her sister looking at Twilight Sparkle. She would speak words that would demonstrate that she was still Luna. And she knew what to say, “so, Twilight? How are you feeling? “ asked Nightmare Moon still tense with the possible answer she could receive.

Twilight noticed that Luna’s voice was different and she started feeling insecure.

“Nightmare Moon?” asked Twilight Sparkle frightened with her ears lowered.

“Please Twilight, listen to me. I’m still Luna. My appearance just changed“, Nightmare Moon said hoping that Twilight Sparkle would believe her words.

Twilight Sparkle was silent for a moment, wondering if she should believe her or not, 'Well, during Nightmare Night, Luna used an illusion spell to be Nightmare Moon just to scare some foals over the holiday. So why not trust her now then?'

“Okay, I believe you”, said Twilight Sparkle decisively.

“Thank you, Twilight. I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me, “ said Nightmare Moon relieved and a smile on her face.

But her smile soon wavered, remembering why Twilight Sparkle was in that state.

“Twilight. I’m sorry you stayed like this. It’s all my fault, I understand if you hate me now, “ said Nightmare Moon with a sad expression as she looked at Twilight Sparkle , awaiting Twilight’s reaction and expression.

But Twilight Sparkle was looking at her with a knowing smile. Then she embraced her with her front hooves, while Nightmare Moon was still with a sad expression and a tear coming out of her eye.

“It’s okay, Luna. I know it was an accident and you didn’t want it to really happen”, said Twilight Sparkle soothingly and sweetly, knowing she was still Luna.

‘She’s being so nice to me, even after what I did to her ...’ thought Nightmare Moon with a sad expression on her face as another tear came out of her eye.

Twilight Sparkle took off the front hooves in Nightmare Moon, sat down and covered the side with the blanket.

“I think even with the help of Spike, I can’t t manage to be alone, like, he also has things to do, besides helping me”, said Twilight Sparkle a little insecure.

Then, Celestia had an idea, she left the room and went to talk to Nurse Heart who was in the segregation, “Nurse Heart, can Twilight have Luna to help her, since Twilight isn’t seeing anything?”

“Yes Princess. For this, she will have to wash the handkerchief once a day, when Twilight wakes up and before Twilight goes to sleep until the eyes improve. I checked the states of both eyes, and from what I could see, her eyes aren’t so hurt, tomorrow she will return to see normally, I’ll give you the supplies so she can clear the medical lane, “ replied Nurse Heart with a smile.

“Really? That’s great. I’ll tell Luna“, replied Celestia happily with the response she had received.

She then went back to the room where she was and told Nightmare Moon the news.

Nightmare Moon looked at the door and saw her sister with a smile on her face.

“Luna, guess what? I went to talk to nurse Nurse Heart and she said you can take care of Twilight until she sees again. For that you’ll have to wipe Twilight’s medical lane when she wakes up and before she goes to sleep! “ shouted Celestia cheerfully hoping her sister would agree.

“W-what?” asked Nightmare Moon a little stunned by the answer, but a small smile was on her face.

“Will Luna take care of me? I think it’s okay for me,“ said Twilight Sparkle timidly while a blush appeared on the cheeks as she tucked the blanket around her snout shyly.