• Published 16th Jan 2019
  • 21,554 Views, 3,309 Comments

To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 18

There was a loud shout that echoed from the hallway followed by a great room rattling explosion. A bright green flash sent the door to the class along with parts of the adjacent wall shattering inward, kicking up a plume of dust and debris. The alicorn slid across the floor; a dome of pink magical energy surrounding her briefly before flickering out.

He felt hooves wrap around his middle and then something pressing against his back. When he looked behind him he saw it was Ocellus, protectively holding him tightly against her, with a look of shock and terror on her face.

Gallus, Silverstream, Sandbar and Smolder all rushed over to the alicorn who was struggling to stand on her hooves. Yona stayed with him and Ocellus and moved to stand protectively in front of her friend. The ferrets darted away and hid behind various objects in the room.

“Sparkle! Where is my child!” roared an angry out of sync voice that made his ears perk up.

Another flash of green erupted from out in the hallway, dissipating the cloud of dust quickly and revealing five figures. The first was the yellow pegasus, shivering in fear, with her hooves firmly held to the floor by thick globs of green resin. To her left was Odonate, firmly holding down a struggling purple lizard by pressing a front hoof down against its back; and on her right was Phasmid.

In front of them all loomed an agitated Chrysalis with her lips drawn back and fangs bared.

“I know she’s here so don’t you even dare attempt to lie to me!” the tall changeling shouted venomously as she stalked into the room.

“Mom!” he called out as he wiggled free from Ocellus’s grip and galloped up to her.

The changeling queen turned to look in his direction and the look of rage vanished from her features, replaced by one of relief. She scooped him up in her front hooves, and pressed him against her in a carapace crushing embrace. He rested his head against her neck, comforted by her familiar scent and her long mane as it rested against his back to cover him like a safety blanket.

“I’m so sorry I let them steal you away,” she said so softly only he could hear her. “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay,” he squeaked back, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

At the open end of the room four pegasi flew in and landed on the stone floor. They quickly looked over the scene in front of them before green flames burned away their disguises to reveal the changelings underneath. Ocellus and Yona moved away from them quickly, joining their friends along with the alicorn.

“My queen,” Odonate said as he moved to stand beside Chrysalis so he could whisper to her. “I’m sorry to interrupt but it’s not safe to linger here much longer.”

Chrysalis nodded and passed him over for Odonate to hold before she returned her attention to the alicorn.

“How dare you and those disgusting traitors try and take my child from me,” she hissed, her tone distorted and full of malice. “Give me a reason not to burn your precious school to ash Sparkle.”

“What are you talking about?” the alicorn asked as she stood defensively in front of the six students. “Her cocoon was found just outside of the school.”

“In a tree,” Silverstream added.

“Silence!” boomed Chrysalis, causing the students to huddle closer together behind the alicorn. “I know all about your disgusting plot with Thorax.”

“What plot?!” the alicorn yelled back. “I really have no clue what you’re talking about!”

With a contemptuous scoff, Chrysalis used her magic to make a scroll appear and hurled it to the floor before the alicorn’s hooves.

“Is that not one of the silly magical scrolls you use to send out messages?” Chrysalis growled.

The alicorn stared at the scroll for a quiet moment before her horn glowed a soft pink and her magic surrounded it. The scroll rose into the air and unrolled in front of the alicorn's muzzle. As her eyes quickly scanned over the page, the look on her face went from curious to incredulous.

“I would never condone something like this,” the alicorn said, looking up at Chrysalis with a serious expression, “and I did not write this.”

“I’m not here to argue semantics, Sparkle,” Chrysalis motioned with her head behind her where the purple lizard was being held flat against the floor, under Phasmid’s rump. “You dictated it to your stooge then.”

“My stoog- Ugh!” the alicorn groaned. “I mean Spike didn’t write it either!”

“Then why would one of my changelings have one of your signed scrolls among their possessions?” the changeling queen spat acrimoniously. “Why would he steal away my daughter and why was she delivered to you just as your scroll directed?!”

“I don’t know why one of your changelings had the scroll or why they took your daughter!” the alicorn shouted back, “and I would never even consider being involved in something like foal-napping or, or that! All I know about this entire thing is that her cocoon was found outside; one of the students brought it inside and she’s been watched over carefully ever since!”

“Twelve, Sparkle!” Chrysalis choked out before quickly recomposing herself. “Twelve.”

“Chrysalis... I am so sorry that-” the alicorn started to say, her voice full of sympathy.

“Shut up,” snapped Chrysalis.

The changeling queen glared daggers at the alicorn before swiveling her neck to look over at him, her expression softening as she looked into his eyes.

“Did they hurt you?” she asked him.

“No,” he said shaking his head, “Ocellus showed me how to feed and Gallus got a fish for me and I threw a bunch of things at the alicorn, and I got to play with ferrets and I made a pony faint too.”

“Your highness, we have an angry orange mare incoming,” Phasmid called out as he moved into the room, dragging the purple lizard with him.

The young guard’s horn lit up and a translucent green wall appeared in front of the hole to the hallway. A moment later an orange earth pony, with a blond mane and a brown hat on her head, skidded to a stop on the other side of the barricade. She turned around quickly, balanced on her front hooves, tucked her rear legs back and then bucked the barrier so hard it caused Phasmid to wince and stumble slightly.

“We should leave before any more reinforcements arrive my queen,” Odonate whispered to Chrysalis.

“Tell your friend to stand down, sparkle.” Chrysalis hissed to the alicorn. “We don’t want any casualties among your precious students do we?”

The alicorn looked over her withers at the huddled group behind her, to the gang of changelings that stood beyond them, and then she looked over to the orange mare and the growing crowd of ponies that gathered around her.

“Applejack, stop,” she called over to her.

With an angry snort the earth pony mare lowered her rear hooves onto the floor. She turned to Fluttershy, stomped hard against the resin that held the pegasus to the floor, shattering it and freeing her. Then, unable to do anything else, she began to pace back and forth along the magical force field, studying the room’s changeling inhabitants.

“So now what happens?” the alicorn asked.

“Me, my daughter, and my changelings leave, unmolested and without any creature following us,” Chrysalis instructed as her horn lit up and a shimmering field of green magic lifted him, away from Odonate, back into her embrace.

“Done,” the alicorn said, “just leave. No pony will stop you or get in your way.”

“On your word as the princess of friendship?” Chrysalis asked, tilting her head inquisitively at the alicorn.

“Oh my word,” repeated the alicorn, “as the princess of friendship.”

“Oh sparkle…” Chrysalis said, mock sadness in her tone. “That title means nothing, just like your word.”

With a nod from the changeling queen, Sandbar was pulled quickly away from his group of friends, in the grip of a green field of magic, and into the clutches of a changeling.

“Sandbar!” the alicorn and the five others behind her called out in unison.

“That’s why we’re taking a guest with us,” Chrysalis said.

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