• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 384 Views, 1 Comments

A new World, a new generation!?... - RandomFics271197

A few months after Daybreaker defeat Equestria as returned to it's previous state. But not for too long...

  • ...

Chapter 7:'The Deal'

Author's Note:

Chapter 7 is out, hope you enjoy it.
Just a quick note, the prosthesis that is mention something like a bird prosthesis (REMEMBER: It's not the same thing but you could get the idea) but it's made of metal.

After a while, the bright light dissipated and he could see his surroundings again. Looking around him, he could tell that he was imprisoned since there were bars in the front door. Looking back at the pony he could tell that was a pegasus and was coming towards his cell. Grabbing the keys the pegasus opened the door and stepped in, putting its saddlebag on the floor it took his meal out and offered it to him, denying at first but soon regret it when he heard his stomach grumble. The pegasus shared a little laugh and shook the meal in front of his eyes.

"Come on, I know you want it," it said.

Slowly reaching the dish, he grabbed the plate and sat on the floor. Looking back at the pegasus he raised his right hand and wave it in front of the pegasus.

"There are some knife and fork for me to eat these?" he asked.

Raising an eyebrow and looking confusing at him the pegasus asked.

"Knife and fork? What are those things?"

Still looking at the pegasus he answered.

"It's what I use to eat, mister."

The pegasus raised his hoof to cover its mouth from laughing.

"Just use your hooves, and it's Ma'am," she said while trying to not laugh at his misunderstanding.

"These are called hands," he answered while he shook his hands in front of her face, "And I'm sorry, wearing that armor I couldn't tell if you're a male or a female."

"It's ok," she said while taking out her helmet.

Sitting beside him, he saw something particularly strange about her.

"Is that a prosthesis?" he asked while pointing towards her left wing.

Raising her left wing she waved it for a bit and then she fold it back.

"Yes. It's prosthesis. There's a doctor here that started to research how to make these things."

Looking at her left wing he was surprised that her wing still there. There were only some pieces of metal that keep its feathers together. It seems that she had almost lost her wing.

"And you can fly with that?" he asked.

"Yes. I can."

Noticing that she had kept the door open, he put the plate down and rushed towards the door, noticing this she got up and rushed towards him, but since he was bigger he reached the door before her. Hearing a grunt and a thud following it, he looked back and saw that she had tripped on something.

"Stop right there. You got no way to run" she ordered.

She unfolds her wings and flew towards him, tackling him down she pushed her dagger towards his neck.

"Don't ever try to do that on my watch or this thing will be right on your throat," she said while keeping the dagger closer to his neck.

Nodding in a panic the human raised his hands in defense and grabbed her by the hoof, pushing her to the floor, he got up and pinned her down, using his knees to hold her in place.

"You think that you can threaten me, huh. Do you think that you can take me down like that and say those things and expect that I accept?" he asked.

Still holding her in the place he raised his hands and closed the cell door. Noticing that both of her wings were spread on the floor, he reached towards one specific spot.

Realizing what he was aiming for, she started to squirm and whimper while she kept shaking her hooves to try to free herself from his grasp.

"NO, STAY AWAY FROM THAT WING." she yelled while kept trying to free herself.

"I'm not gonna do anything to it. I just want to see it," he said.

Realizing that her efforts will lead her to nowhere she gave up from trying to free herself, she begged that he won't do anything bad to it.

"Please don't do anything bad to it I beg you," she said.

"Don't worry alright, your stupid leader surely told you that I'm dangerous but I'm not. I'm just curious because I saw something like this back in my dimension," he said.

Slowly reaching her left wing he carefully grabbed it and gave it a little check.

He realized that she had metal shaped feathers that were connected towards the prosthesis.

"You got no feathers," he said. "What happened? I know that dead feathers grow back," he asked.

"That's nothing of your concern, now that you saw it get off me," she said.

Carefully placing her wing back on the floor, he got up from her and stood by the door waiting for her to get back up.

When she got up she looked at him angrily and stepped towards him.

Raising her hoof she pressed against his chest and said.

"Name is Lighting Hooves."

Looking at her he immediately said.

"And I'm Mathew, a pleasure to meet you."

She left her hoof from his chest and walked towards the cell door.

"Wait," he yelled.

She stopped by the door and looked back.

"How long I will be down there?" he asked.

"Until we see that you can leave."

She grabbed her helmet and stepped out the cell, closing the door behind her. She glared back at him and then kept moving forward keeping a small blush on her cheeks.

Mathew decided to leave the door and headed towards his bed, sitting on the bed he raised his hands towards his head and started shaking it.

'I could just hurt her enough to escape. Why did I just do that? They killed him, they killed my father. Why did I just stood there and cared for her hurt wing? Witchery, that's the only explanation.'

He sighed heavily and laid on the bed, slowly his eyes closed until the Dream Land embraced him.

Near the entrance of EverFree Forest...

Shadow Night was going back to Zecora's cottage to tell them how the potion reacts on him and Luna.

After a few moments walking between the woods, he finally got near her cottage, raising his hoof he knocked on the door and waited for an answer. After a few seconds, Zecora greeted him and he stepped inside.

Zecora led him towards the main room and asked.

"Something that I can help you with, dear friend?"

He nodded and answered.

"I'm here to share the results of the potion that Andrew gave me."

Zecora nodded and headed towards the potion room and called for Andrew, after a few seconds he appeared at the main room.

Seeing Shadow Night standing in the middle of the room he asked.

"So what happened? Did it work? Did you have some results for us?"

He nodded.

"I test it first and I got teleported to the day that I meet you."

He clapped his hands together and said.

"Well, more things."

"Well it can work on two or more ponies, I don't know. But I can guarantee you that it works with two ponies. You just need to keep some kind of connection like a hoof or embracing each other."

"That's fantastic. And there's a way to come back or..."

"Oh, I almost forgot you need to burp to end the effect of the potion"

"It makes sense," he said while keeping his hand at his mouth. "I need to work more on that, maybe I can teleport the drinker to an even past moment."

Shadow Night raised an eyebrow and asked.

"What you mean by that?"

"I could work on it to teleport you towards a time that you weren't alive. This potion only works with timelines where you are alive. For example, you can't teleport yourself to a day where you weren't born. If I keep researching maybe I can deny that."

A sudden knock made them jump in panic. Zecora headed towards the door and opened it. Luna stormed inside and walked towards Shadow Night.

"Ah--- They got her--- they got---" she tried to speak while trying to control her breathing.

Shadow Night sat Luna beside him and tried to calm her down.

"Breath in, Breath out. Slowly. Tell me what's wrong."

Luna took a large breath and her breaths returned to normal.

"They took Lysithea, those guys who kidnapped me they got Lysithea."

"What?" he asked. "Where?"

Andrew and Zecora noticed how the eyes changed from deep blue to deep red.

"WHERE?" he asked.

Andrew and Zecora trembled when they heard his voice, it's so loud that even the potion that he was holding shattered on his hands.

"Sparkling Fire told me that she was kidnapped by some strange ponies. He tried to defend her but they used some kind of magic that kept him on the place."

"The talisman forger is here. Oh, God. I thought that they won't need him." Andrew said.


Andrew noticed the eyes that were on his face.

'The Legend is true. OH GOD. OH GOD. OH GOD.' he said to himself.


"Sparkling Fire told me that they got into the EverFree Forest but he lose their tracks when he got inside the forest."

"I know where they might be."


Andrew brought the map from the shelf and showed him where they might be.

After confirming that was the place he rushed out the cottage and teleported himself towards that hideout. Luna followed behind him.

'What was that? I never saw him like this.'

The ponies on the hideout kept organizing boxes until a sudden light appeared in the middle of them. Shadow Night used his magic to disperse them and kept moving deeper in the cave.

Using his horn to detect Lysithea Life Essence he kept moving deeper and deeper into the cave. After a few moments, he reached, what he could tell was the main room of the cave, looking around he saw Lysithea caged and surrounded by ponies that kept their back to him. He grunted and rushed towards them.

The sudden noise of his steps made they looked back, seeing him rushing towards them they tried to react but it was too late, igniting his horn he readied his attack until he felt a large aura surrounding him and raising him to the top of the cave.

Trying to free himself from the spells, he used spells of teleportation for without success. Following the tracks of the magic aura, Shadow Night saw a mage that was carrying something strange to him.

'Is that the guy he talked about?'

Suddenly the talisman shined and drained his magic, feeling weak he cried in pain and felt his magic leave his body. The aura slowly descended him to the floor.

Looking back at that pony he grunted and tried to get back up but was too weak to do that.

"Look at you. Thinking that I won't be ready for you, huh," he said. "Now you don't feel so strong do you?"

He charged up his talisman again and said.

"Now, let's end this, shall we?"

The pony shoots a beam from his talisman but it was repelled by a shield that enveloped him, turning his head back he saw Luna charging up her horn and striking the pony with her magic.

She rushed towards him and used her magic to cover them from any attack from the talisman. Crying in pain Luna dispelled her shield and collapsed beside him.

The pony slowly stepped towards them while charging up his talisman. Luna stood up and kept shielding him from him. A large beam was shoot by the talisman that sent her flying away.

Grunting in rage Shadow Night got back up and charged up his horn. Changing towards his Final Form, he got bigger and his muzzle got fangs sticking out of it and his hooves became paw with sharp claws.


He charged up his horn and enveloped the pony on a black cloud. "PARANOIA. FEAR YOUR FEARS. LET THEM THROUGH YOU."

The pony inside the black cloud started to shake in despair as he tried to get away from it, suddenly he appeared in front of him.


He grabbed the pony by his neck and ripped the talisman from his neck.


Charging up his horn, he readied himself and aimed at him.

"Stop, let my mom go."

He heard Lysithea crying in despair.

When he got out of the black cloud while carrying the pony he saw Luna and Lysithea being cornered by the ponies.

"Put him down." a guy said.

When he traded gaze with him he could tell that he could be the leader of this crew.


"I thought that Shadow Ponies were dead. How are you supposed to be alive." the leader said.


He grinned while kept shaking his head to the sides.

"You think that's too easy," he said. "Now drop him."

Shadow Night looked back at the pony he was holding and drop him on the floor, keeping the talisman he decided to make a deal.


"If---" the leader said.

"If you let them go," he said while pointing towards Luna and Lysithea.

He dispelled his true form and stood his ground.

The leader looked at him and back at them, then he signaled to his followers and they release them.

They grabbed the ropes and headed towards Shadow Night, wrapping the ropes around his bodies the ponies dragged him towards a cage and headed towards the portal.

"Daddy!" she called back as he was teleported away together with those ponies.

Luna ran and grabbed Lysithea and hold her against her chest while she kept crying.

"Where are they taking him, mommy?" she asked while she kept stroking her eyes with her hoofs.

"I don't know," she answered. "We need to speak with someone that could help us. We will go to meet your aunt."

She wiped her tears and smiled.

"Could she bring him back?" she asked.

"I don't know, but I need to see the guy that she has imprisoned," she answered.

"I will see Celestial Hope again, yeah," she said while clapping her hooves.

Luna smiled and stroke her mane.

'I need to see Andrew first.' she thought to herself. 'I will bring you back I promise.'.