• Published 24th Jan 2019
  • 5,161 Views, 213 Comments

Noctis Ascending - LEN NARD

After defeating Ardyn, Noctis was given a second chance to ascend in the land of Equestria.

  • ...

Ch 2: Little King.

It was a stereotypical morning at the peaceful, earth pony, village...

The sun shined its first rays of light over the distant, but still quite visible Carnterlot mountains; starting another bright sunny day. Having no pegasi citizens until recently, rains were quite rare. Not that they don't receive weather from Cloudsdale, or anything. Their economy being, mostly focused on manufacturing than farming, there really aren't a lot of reasons for it. And for those that did grow crops would get water from the river irrigation that littered the town with little streams that foals like to splash around with.

Noctis woke up as he usually does in the past couple months. Inside a crib, trapped in a hug by his grabby sister. The colt sighed. The girl just couldn't sleep without clinging on to him. He tried different ways to get out of it, from dodging, sacrificing his pillow in substitute, to stuffed toys. The filly just won't have it. It's either this or a whole night of crying, extra loud and annoying. A baby could only take so much. Long story short, he caved. This is his life now... His parents appreciate this though and give him treats whenever they use him to calm the pegasus down.

Noctis stared at the wooden ceiling, falling into routine. Waiting for the filly to wake up and let her call their mother for the both of them and get breakfast.

Being a baby was weird. He doesn't remember being born, and thank goodness for that. In fact, he couldn't remember the first three months, at all. But, his memories didn't just popped out of nowhere, though. As his brain developed, his memories grew with it. At first he was scared he would be forced to play a dumb baby to avoid suspicions, but was worried for nothing as it turns out, this level of awareness were normal for foals.

Though his mind was developed, his body was a different story. It's been six months now and he still struggled to walk. His knees bending forward took some getting used to. The colt tried talking too, but everything he says turns into nonsense garbles. His mouth, like his legs, just does its own thing and refuses to do anything he tells it to.

...... Also he's a pony now! It freaked the hell out of him at the beginning when he was conscious enough to realize the fact. He was a bit miffed at Fausticorn for not warning him in advanced, but, after he had calmed down and actually thought about it. It, kind of, makes sense. God created man in his image, after all. It's only logical for a pony goddess to make ponies.

Makes you wonder. If Shiva had a realm of her own, would it be full of sexy, naked, fairies?

Feeling a familiar shift from his side, Noctis braced himself for the incoming noise.

The former king sighed. Another day, another morning sucking horse tits...

It's been a year now, and things had only gotten weirder.

Normally, their mother was the one taking care of them. Writing her book as the foal's play or nap, but today, their father took a day off from his job (He's the mayor's secretary.) as Rose attends a convention. Though, not a particularly famous writer, her gothic novels still got her a couple hundred fans. Fans that needed their books signed.

"Oh dear, oh dear. Come on Cadence, please come down from there. You might get hurt!" Their father pleaded to no avail. The stallion had been chasing after the filly for a while now as she flew around their living room, net at the ready for when the pegasus inevitably runs out of juice. They were usually corralled inside their baby proofed room where Cadence could fly around to her heart's content without worry. But today, somehow, she got out. Bright Night, not wanting to leave his son alone, took Noctis with him. Placing the colt on the floor, completely trusting the foal to behave, as he always does, their father took chase and just like the other times, the filly suddenly started falling for no reason what so ever.

Noctis learned that foals had this thing called surges where their magic manifests at random bursts. At the looks of it, pegasi flies around doing feats of acrobatics that seems to ignore the laws of physics. And as for earth ponies...

Noctis narrowed his eyes, trying to gage where the pink pony was going to land. Gently and softly, the colt tapped the sofa next to him - PAK! - and it shot rapidly to the other side of the room, halting perfectly under the falling filly.

... They have super strength and super durability. Noctis discovered this when their crib suddenly broke just by leaning on it and accidentally knocking off a potted plant right to his head and hardly feeling anything. Noctis usually deals with this by just staying still, far away from any supports, and waiting for the feeling of hype to disappear.

Wanting to fly some more, the filly flapped her wings but failed to take off. Determined to get off the sofa and continue her fun, she flapped harder but to no effect. Disheartened, the filly started to tear up and sniff.

"Hey, hey don't cry..." Night's eyes widen at the impending tantrum. Without hesitation, the stallion picked up Cadence's favorite toy. "Here, why don't you play with Noctis instead!" Figures.

The filly clapped her hooves, immediately changing moods as she gave the colt a tight squeeze as if he were a plushy. Noctis sent his new father a glare. Night at least had the decency to look apologetic. The former king could only sigh.

They better give me an extra sesame biscuit for this...

Three years, and they're still sharing a room. Still sharing a BED! Why?

Noctis closed his eyes and sighed. He knows exactly why.


Cadence squeaked, whimpering as she squeezed her brother tighter. Noctis swear he heard something cracked.

What you are seeing was the filly's first experience with a thunder storm. The river's water level was dropping down. So, to fix the drought, the council ordered a storm to fill it back up, or something. Noctis doesn't really know how that works. It could be that, the adults we're just messing with him. Maybe they're actually storing water on water towers?

Where was he? Right, Cadence. "I really don't see what you're so scared about. It's just thunder." The filly only whimpered in reply. "Look, you’re a pegasus! Shouldn't weather be your thing or something?"

The filly looked up, giving her insensitive brother an annoyed stare. "You’re an earth pony and you hate vegetables!"

Well, she got him there... "Can you at least let go?" Cadence only buried her face on his chest and held tighter. Guess, that's a no...

After three years, she's as clingy as ever. Following him around like a puppy, constantly needing attention and easy to upset. And you want to know what the worst part was? The worst part was, it's his fault!

He spoiled her too much and now she won't leave him alone! He let her cuddle him to sleep, let her have some of his snacks, brush her, clean her mess, take blame to some of her mess, fix her dolls, attend her tea parties and a whole lot of other things.

Don't look at him like that! The fact of the matter was, Cadence was ADORABLE! Her cuteness levels were astronomical! A lovable black hole in which no heart could escape! No brothers were safe. She didn't even have to beg too hard, heck, she didn't need to beg at all most of the time! Noctis did all those things on his own free will.

It's scary to think about. But he'll learn eventually... right?

Another flash and Cadence was holding on for dear life. Her eyes shut, unable to bare the loud booms. So cute! Noctis gave the trembling filly a comforting nuzzle.

It doesn't matter. He got all the time in the world learn. But, right now, his sister needs him. So he'll just put up with it for now.

Perhaps he over did it... He was half asleep! He wasn't thinking straight! He'd take it back if he could but it was too late. Noctis did one of the worst mistakes he had ever made in his pony life...

"Brother, time to wake up~" Said the sing-song voice of his sister. Noctis only grunted and covered his head with his blanket. With a frown, Cadence started tugging at the fabric. "Come on, Noctis. I want to play!"

"But, I don't want to play." The colt whined while clutching his blanket. "I want to sleep..."

"You always say that! Why don't you just get up already?"

"No, I refuse to get up before breakfast."

"But, Noctis!"


"You promised!"

"No, I didn't."

"Get up already!"

"No, I won't."

"I'm going to tell on you!"

"Stop being annoying for once in your life and leave me alone!"


Noctis realized what he just said and immediately shot up, about to apologize, but froze when he saw just how hurt the filly looked.

They have been together for almost four years now and this isn't the first time he had denied his sister. Heck, this isn't the first time he, accidentally, said something mean to her in frustration. So he was shocked. He had never seen Cadence this hurt before. What's so different this time?... With his sleepy mind, he didn't question it. But, why was she so insistent on spending time with him that particular morning? It doesn't make sense...

... Something's wrong.

Taking his silence as a bad sign, Cadence shakily spoke. "... Why? Why won't you play with me? Sniff. D-Don't you l-like me anymore?" Her tears started flowing at full now. Noctis winced. Tremendous amount of guilt suddenly crashed on the colt. He stood, about to beg for forgiveness, but didn't get the chance as his sister ran out of their shared room.

"You idiot, I hate you!" THUD!!!

What have I gotten myself into now? Dear Gods, Mom's going to kill me...

Whatever was wrong with her, Noctis didn't have the time to ponder as he jumped off the bed and took chase.

I have to fix this!

As he predicted, The colt found Rose looking right back at him through the kitchen entrance. And she looked absolutely pissed. Noctis gulped.

The colt almost cowered when the mare shot him a deadly frown. "What have you done...?"

Noctis- Slayer of daemons, hero of Eos- sweat bullets and fled. "I-I'll explain later! Got to go find Cadence!"

The mare could only sigh and returned to making breakfast, a small smile on her face.

Good boy...

"Stupid Noctis -sniff- stupid brothers. Who, hic, who needs them..."

I do... I need him...

Another wave of tears started flowing. After Cadence ran away, she found herself curled up under a tree nearby Bright flash woods. Though, not forbidden, Ponies seems to avoid entering it for some reason; perfect for crying fillies.

It just hurt so much...

What's that on your back? It's freaky...

No, it's not...

She have wing and she can't even fly! What a loser!

Please stop...

You’re just a freak! Don't talk to us freak!

N-No, I'm not...

How many times do I have to tell you! We don't play with freaks like you! Gosh! You're so annoying! Just leave us alone, already!

... I just want to be friends...

"Stop being annoying for once in your life and leave me alone already!"

Pain shot through the filly's chest at the last one. Even for her brother to say that...

Is it true? Am I... Am I just a freak? Cadence curled tighter to herself. Why does everypony hate me? I never did anything to them, so why? And most painful of all. Oh, Noctis. Big brother, why you too...?

"Well, look who we have here, girls!" Cadence flinched. She knew that voice, very well. It's the source of all her suffering in the past few days. "It's the winged freak!" A series of laughter followed.

With her brother never leaving the house, Cadence thought it would be a good idea to find playmates outside. She found the group of fillies playing together one day and asked if she could join but only got teased for having wings. Again and again, she tried to befriend the fillies, thinking if she was persistent enough, they would realize that she's actually nice and change their minds.

It was a mistake.

Cadence turned to her left. She saw three fillies approaching, but her focused was on only one of them; the ring leader of the group, a baby blue earth pony filly with milky pink mane and pretty blue eyes. "Prism Show, what do you want...?"

With a smirk, Prism looked down on the pink filly. "We don't normally talk to freaks, but, I'm feeling charitable today and it would be nice to Grace you with our presence!"

Cadence almost rolled her eyes at the smug filly. "Just leave me alone. Sniff. I'm not even bothering you today..."

Prism let out a cruel laugh. "Aww. Is the winged freak crying? What? Are you a crybaby too?" At this, the whole group started laughing. Gaining more confidence, Prism continued to mock. "Waaa! I'm an annoying, winged freak, crybaby, who won't leave her superiors alone! Waaa!"

"So that's what's going on..."

Cadence's eyes widen at hearing the familiar voice and looked behind the tree. A light feeling suddenly washed over the pink filly as her hopes were confirmed. "Noctis..." She whispered. He's here! He ran after me! He looked for me! Cadence couldn't believe how happy she was at the fact. He cares! He actually cares about me! And then, another thought came to her. But... What if he's only here because Mom told him to...?

The group grew silent and turned to the new arrival. Prism eyed the colt with a huff. "And who are you supposed to be?" The filly asked only to feel something scary shot through her bones.

Noctis returned her gaze with the most bored and uninterested look the bully had ever seen in her entire life! "None of your business,"

For the first time in her life, the blue filly knew true fear. Being so used to being adored, being always the center of attention, and always receiving praise from colt, fillies and adults alike, for how pretty she was. The idea of somepony being so uncaring and aloof in her presence was just absurd! Yet here he was, looking at her with such boredom, such disinterest! Prism Show felt something unpleasant stirred inside her.

"H-How rude!" The bully stuttered, resisting the urge to step back as the mysterious colt approached towards Cadence. "Do you have any idea who you are talking t-"

"Let me stop you right there." Noctis raised a hoof and to her shame, Prism actually shut her mouth. "Because, filly, I couldn't care less." The colt continued. The bully almost tiered up. Those words were like a slap to her. A blow to the gut, even! But she managed to hold it in.

Finally reaching his destination, Noctis stood protectively in front of his sister.

"H-How dare you-" Prism tried to argue.

"Ugh." But the colt won't let her.

"Don't you interrupt m-"


"I'll have you kn-"


Prism's eye twitched; finally having enough. "Will you stop that!? I'm trying to tell you something here!"

"OH, SHUT YOUR MOUTH, ALREADY!" Unfortunately for Prism, the colt just doesn't have any patience for her. "Get a hint! I. Don't. CARE! Seriously! Don't you have anything better to do? Other than parading around, acting like some prissy princess, when actually, your just some village nobody, trying to make herself feel better! Seriously, grow some class, will you."

"T-Take that back, I'm not a nopony! I'm the prettiest filly in town!" Prism's lips started trembling, uncontrollably.

"Pffft! Girl, please! I've seen waaay prettier fillies than any of you! In fact..." Noctis turned. "...Cadence is, like, a hundred times prettier than you!" The colt, coldly, returned his gaze to the bully. "Way prettier than you'll ever be."

Cadence felt heat spread throughout her face. Feeling oddly happy and all sorts of other unusual emotions the filly never felt before. She felt weird. Her heart's beating loudly and everything seems so wonderful and bright! Hearing Noctis say she's prettier than the most popular filly in the neighborhood just makes her feel all flip pity inside and couldn't help but let out a shy, blushing, smile.

Prism desperately tried to hold it in. But, despite her effort, a hic and a few tears managed to escape, which didn't go unnoticed.

"Oh? Did I hit a nerve? It's true isn't it? You’re jealous!" Noctis was full on mocking now. A king protects his own. If your foolish enough to hurt my charge, you better prepare for painful retaliation.

Prism shook her head in denial. "No! Th-That's not true!" But the colt wasn't finished. "Is it? Have you looked at yourself recently? Your make-up is running and all I see is ugly. Geez, talk about embarrassing..." Eyes wide, the filly touched her cheek and to her horror, he was right! The dam came dangerously close to breaking when she heard giggles behind her. She trembled, her knees felt weak.

"Just pathetic; you think so highly of yourself when really..." Noctis paused, building tension for dramatic effect, making sure that his next words would crash to her head like a hammer. "... You're just a crybaby..."

She couldn't take any longer. The flood gates opened all at once! Utterly crushed, Prism fell on her knees bawling her eyes out, further ruining her make-up.

Noctis knew he shouldn't feel proud about making little girls cry. But, he couldn't help but be satisfied.

His work done, Noctis turned to his sister, once more. "Let's go, I think Mom is-"


Oh for the love of- What now!?

Everypony turned to the source of the voice. From the distance, Noctis found a group of older colts approaching.

There were five of them. At the center of the group was an athletic looking colt with blue coat; dark blue mane, swept to the back.

Noctis produced an exasperated sigh. Where are all these ponies coming from? This is Bright flash Woods for crying out loud! Nopony goes here!

Of course, 'near Bright flash Woods' isn't the same as 'inside Bright flash Woods'. The lack of ponies made the woods' edge the perfect place for delinquents to hang out.

The older colts stopped at the younger group. "What cha' kids doin' on our turf?"

Noctis almost laughed."... Are you for real? Seriously; calling us kids? Aren't you like, seven or something?"

Prism's eyes widen in horror. Asking herself if the colt was insane. What are you doing!? Don't make the scary looking colts, mad! Unable to find her voice in fear of attracting attention to herself, she turned to her friends only to find that they're already gone... They ran away... And left her... Alone... It hurts.

"And a half!" The leader proudly added, halting Prism's thoughts.

The young king couldn't help but facehoof. "Just. Who the heck are you guys?"

The leader grinned. With a nod, the group arranged themselves in various poses. "The Hard Wood Gang, the strongest colts in town!" The group exploded in cheers and continued to high-hoof each other.

".........Pffft!" Noctis tried to hold it in. Really he did! But with the ridiculous poses and the name, he just couldn't.

The leader's face and twisted. "Woa, woa; guys hold up! I think the runt's laughing at us!" The rest sneered at this. Sending threatening glares at little colt. "You think this is funny, huh? Ya' dissin' us?"

Noctis composed himself and made eye contact. "Look, we don't want any trouble. So just let us leave and you do whatever, okay?" Noctis sent the most charismatic smile he got. But it seems to have no effect as the delinquents sent cruel grins of their own and stated surrounding him.

"I don't think so. You need to be thought a lesson. No one laughs at us and gets away with it! Now, eat this, brat!" The leader launched, sending a hoof to the colt.

Adrenaline rushed and old instincts awaken. Noctis' heart was beating fast but his expression calm. He saw the attack coming miles away and only took a step, a little to the left. The hoof passed by harmlessly. The leader looked so surprised. Acting as if he completely expected the colt to just stand still and take the hit. The other foals sure did so why wasn't this colt on the ground crying for his mommy? Gritting his teeth, the leader tried once more; again and again, over and over with the same result. Seeing their boss struggling, the others decided to jump in and catch the colt and hold him for the leader to beat up, but the colt was just too agile; constantly evading their grabs and punches.

Noctis didn't know what he was expecting. He continued dodging as the feeling of hype rapidly faded away. His once loudly beating heart has now returned to normal and his excitement turned to boredom. At first he was worried that with a new body, his muscle memory would be useless but he was on the zone, ducking swings and dodging swipes. He was also worried that his shut in lifestyle would have affected his performance, but, he seems to be doing fine. And even if his neet body was weaker than it's supposed to be, the same couldn't be said about his reflex and reaction time.

For normal ponies, the older colts' speed was above average for healthy foals. But with all the battles he has been through, the colts move like turtles in his perspective. He was used to dodging bullets and monsters with super insane speeds. So imagine just how unbelievably slow the older colts must be to Noctis.

Utterly bored now, Noctis internally groaned. It was like fighting children. A realization dawned on the young king. He WAS fighting children! No wonder the fight was so pathetic! And here he was getting all serious. How embarrassing.

Noctis was planning to let the colts tiered themselves out but, after a few minutes, realized he forgot to factor in their earth pony stamina. If you think that children have endless energy, try taking care of magically charged ones. Feeling himself getting hungry. Noctis decided, it's about time he did something.

One colt stood on his hind legs, delivering a punch with all his weight on it. Noctis was silently impressed; the colt seems in good form, but still too slow. There was a cry from behind; another colt trying to grab the young king from behind. "Ha! I got you now!" Again too slow; Noctis ducked under the hold and let the incoming hoof to connect on the second Colt's snout.


The second colt fell on his rump, clutching his now bleeding muzzle and proceeded to, loudly, bawl his eyes out. Eyes widened at the accident, the one who threw the punch glared at Noctis and charged. "This is your fault!" But the younger colt simply sidestepped and held out a hoof, tripping the older one. With a scrapped knee, he too started crying.

With two of their comrades down, the other two unimportant grunts hesitated.

Realizing that coming after the little colt was hopeless, the leader looked around. Checking his surroundings for an answer, he locked eyes with a blue coated filly. Having found another target, the leader grinned and galloped towards his new prey.

Frozen scared, Prism couldn't move! She was trembling uncontrollably as she watched the scary colt came closer and closer. When the gang leader finally reached her, the filly could only shut her eyes and wait. With a vicious grin, the older colt was about to give the filly a hard slap when something hard crashed painfully on his side. When no pain came to her, Prism took a peek and was surprised.

Cadence clutched her poor head. It all happened so fast. Cadence saw Prism was about to be hurt and then, suddenly, without thinking, her wings buzzed and she shot like a rocket! Hitting her target head first.

"C-Cadence...? But, w-why?" Prism just couldn't understand. She saved her! After she has been so mean to the pegasus.

"Mmm?" Cadence questioned. The pink filly turned her slightly teary eyes towards the blue one, still clutching her bump. Prism was about to elaborate when a furious scream echoed loudly throughout the wood edge.

The leader stood over the fillies, shaking with rage. His sights focused on the pink one. "How dare you hit me! This is your fault, freak!" He rose on two legs, hoof poised to hit. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

Cadence screamed. Instinctively closing her eyes shut, anticipating pain. There was a loud clack! But the there was no pain. Curious, the little filly slowly opened her eyes. She couldn't help but let out a happy sigh of relief at what she saw.

Noctis stood protectively in front of them. Left hoof raised, to the older one's right, his grip, tight like a steel trap. Eyes obscured with hair, the young king coldly, spoke. "What did you just say?... You want to kill her?" The leader shrieked in pain as the little colt squeezed and his hoof let out a few pop. "You don't really mean that, do you?" Noctis finally looked up. Revealing red eyes, filled with cold, silent rage. "Listen to me and listen well." The little colt pulled, forcing the bigger colt down to eye level. "I don't want to see your faces here again. Ever. This is my turf now, understood?" The older colt tearfully nodded. The young king huffed. "Good. Because if you try to hurt my sister again..." Noctis pulled his left hoof back. "...This is what I'll do to you." And his right hoof shot forward, impacting the gang leader's right cheek, sending him flying a few meters before landing unconscious.

Noctis knew he should feel bad about punching a child. He searched everywhere within himself, but, he just couldn't muster any sympathy for the poor donkey butt. Something about his threat just doesn't sit well with the young king.

Noctis turned to the rest of the colts. "Get out of here. And take your friend with you." He gestured towards the unconscious leader. With fearful nods, the group dragged their leader as fast as they could.

The colt didn't even have the time to breathe a sigh before a crying mess of a filly crashed into him. "H-Hey, shush, Cadence. It's okay. You’re safe now."

The pink filly shook her head, burying her face at her brother's chest. "No! It's not okay! What was that!? I'm so scared!" She had never seen Noctis that angry before. When he hurt that colt... Cadence shivered. She never thought her brother would be capable of such cruelty. Those hateful eyes, she never want to see them again! "Please, come back to normal. I don't want to see you angry anymore..." she stiffened when a hoof lifted her chin up.

Noctis gave the filly a kind and reassuring smile. "Hey, look. I'm not mad anymore. See?" Cadence couldn't help but cry in relief. Her brother was, indeed, back to normal. His earlier cold expression has reverted to his usual calm but indulgent face. "Hey, don't cry. You're not a crybaby are you?"

The pink filly sniffed and half-heartedly smacked Noctis on the chest. "I am a crybaby! And it's your job to make me feel better. Daddy said so! So just shut up and hug me already!"

The colt couldn't help but chuckle at his sister's adorable pout. "As you wish, Princess," He enveloped the filly and gave her gentle pats. Feeling her brother's hoof on her head fills her with glee with each stroke.

Waiting for his sister to calm down, Noctis turned to the other filly. "You okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

Prism was shocked. Not expecting the question. "You... You're asking me...?"

The colt tilted his head, confused. "Um yeah, why wouldn't, I? They tried to hurt you too, right?"

The blue filly couldn't help but gape at the unexpected kindness. What a strange colt... Prism felt something strange inside her; a weird, but pleasant feeling in her heart that her young brain couldn't decipher. Asking in concern for her wellbeing, It was so sweet of him! And now that she looked, closely. Without the cold tension on his face aimed at her, Prism found the colt actually kind of cute... She blushed. "I... I'm fine..."

Satisfied, Noctis nodded and hefted both Cadence and himself up. "Well, we should get going now. Mom's probably looking for us and I'm starving." Wiping her tears, Cadence agreed and together, they started walking back to their home.

As they walked, the pink filly scooted closer to her brother and spoke. "I'm sorry..."

Noctis looked at her confused. "Hmm? what for?"

The filly looked away ashamed. "For saying, I hate you. I don't really mean it."

The colt smiled at her. "It's okay. Just forget about it."

Cadence shook her head. "No, it's not okay! I'm annoying you, right? I always ask you to play, even if you don't want to. And when I cry, you’re always there for me. I'm a crybaby but you're always there to make me feel better..." the filly looked down, depressed. "I'm the worst sister, ever."

"No, you're not." Surprised, the filly looked up as the colt continued. "If anything, I should be the one saying sorry. If I didn't ignore you, you wouldn't have ran and we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. I should have just played with you like I was supposed to. I promise, I'll spend more time with you from now on..."

With a shy blush and appreciative smile, Cadence held the colt's hoof. "I love you, Noctis..." Noctis looked down and cringed internally when met with his sister's expectant eyes.

Cadence doesn't know why, but, she really wanted him to say it. He looked away, embarrassed.

"I, uh..." The colt gulped and blushed. "I- I love you, too..." It came out as a mumble, but, she heard it all the same. The pink filly let out a happy squeal and proceeded to peck the colt sweetly on the cheek. Her mood has only gotten brighter when his blush went deeper.

Prism sighed as she watch as the pair disappeared to a corner. She walk slowly towards the tree where Cadence has been and sat on the exact same spot, deciding to stay a little longer and contemplate what just happened. She learned a lot about herself from this experience. The way she acted, her 'friends', all the things the colt said. She thought about it all. Considering to herself that maybe she did became a total brat. But the one in her mind the most was the colt himself. He was like a knight in shining armor! Though, he was a bit scary. And he said the winged fre-filly was his sister. No wonder he was so mad.

I wonder what's his name...

Prism closed her eyes and sighed once more. Letting herself slip down the soft grass. Tiered of it all, she decided to take a nap. What she should do next? She had no idea. But one thing was for sure...

... She wanted to see him again.

Just my luck! Noctis thought sarcastically to himself as he ate his breakfast.

After he explained what happened, his parents thought it was only fair that he do some chores around the house for a week as punishment. Though, that's not really what's bothered the colt.

No, the real problem was that. Oak Wood, the colt he punched yesterday, turns out to be the mayor's son!

How ironic.

Being the mayor's secretary, his dad apologized furiously, fearing for his job. But the mayor only laughed and reassured the nerdy stallion that he was not in trouble. The truth was that the mayor was a little grateful that his son was finally taught a lesson. But, even justified, Noctis still knocked a colt unconscious and such actions just couldn't be ignored.

So he was sentenced with Community Service, clearing sticks, leaves and other junk that's clogging the village streams.

He had to wake up early AND go outside! As he said, just his luck am I right? Of all the foals in the village, the one he punched just happened to be the mayor's child...

And as for Oak Wood; the mayor thought that going to school with a swollen face was humiliating enough a punishment for him. Though, a bit unfair, the image of the donkey butt being a laughing stock almost made the punishment worth it.

Noctis thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking on their front door. "That must be them." Bright Night stood up. "Come on, Noctis, time to go." The stallion led the colt outside to meet the other volunteers. What? You don't expect a four-year- old or so colt to clean little rivers by himself now, did you?

Cadence waved as she watched her brother take his leave. "Noctis sure is amazing..."

"Oh?" Night inquired, returning to the table after seeing his son off, just in time to catch the filly mumble. "I hope you're not thinking of punching ponies too."

Eyes wide, the filly began stammering at the accusation. "N-No! I don't want to do anything like that, honest! I-It's... I mean... Just-" Cadence looked back at the door where Noctis was, trying to draw a bit of confidence. The filly took a deep breath and let out a comforting sigh. "It's just, he's so brave. When those fillies we're mean to me, and when the scary colts showed up. He wasn't scared at all! All I did was cry." She turned her gaze to her parents. "And when the mayor came to our house, I was so worried but, Noctis, he's not. He just sat and listened while I thought I'm going to pee." Cadence looked down. "How does he do it? I can't be alone by myself. I'll get too lonely. But we leave him all the time and he just takes care of himself. How is he so good at that? How does he never leave the house and never get lonely. I always need somepony to take care of me, but, he's just fine on his own; how?"

"The fault lies with my blood, I'm afraid to tell you, my dear." Cadence turned to her mother. It's her turn to talk now, it seems. "Unlike your father, my clan has been known to be quite the introverted bunch."

The filly was confused. "Antay... Antee-what?"

Rose giggled amusedly and explained. "Introverts is what you refer to ponies that enjoys being alone."

"WHAT!?" Cadence just couldn't process this! It doesn't make sense! She shivered at the thought of being alone. But, ponies do it on purpose!? "B-But, how about friends!? Noctis he doesn't want friends? But why?"

"I said 'Introvert'; not 'Antisocial'." The mare clarified. "There's a difference." When the filly gave questioning look, she continued. "What you are describing was an antisocial; ponies that avoids interaction with other ponies. Though, my family was known to be that, as well."

Cadence gulped. "But if that's true; does that mean, I have to start learning how to be alone all the time? Did I make a mistake trying to make friends with those fillies? I already blew it, didn't I?" The filly was scared now. Did Noctis lie? Does he secretly hate her for acting different than him? She doesn't think she could last long as a Goth

Cadence's freak out was interrupted as Rose gave her a reassuring hoof. "Do not worry, my dearest. As young Nocturnal Solstice took after my dark and gloomy ancestry, you got your sunshine bright personality from your father's overwhelming light."

The filly wiped the built up tears on her eyes. "Really?"

Both parents smiled and nodded. It was a convenient excuse, one that held truth with it. With her personality and color scheme, Cadence fits just perfectly with Bright Night's family! Aside from the wings; put her with the rest of them and you really wouldn't know the difference.

"See? Nothing to worry about; just be yourself! Now be a good filly and eat your anchovies. They're good for your wings." Checking the time on a nearby clock, Bright Night stood from his seat. "Well! I guess it's time for me to go as well."

Rose followed and gave her husband a kiss. "Safe travels, my love."

The stallion returned with a bright smile. "And have fun writing, to you!" The stallion turned to his daughter. "You'll be okay, right?"

Cadence gave her dad a confused look. "Uh huh, why wouldn't I be?"

The stallion scratched the back of his head and replied. "Noctis will be out for a while so you won't have a playmate until he gets back. And since you hated being alone so much I figured, I... Should... Ask..." Bright Night froze, realizing his mistake.

Cadence sat, unmoving; eyes blank and devoid of light, looking at the distance, but at the same time, not really. She stayed like that for five seconds before the reality of those words came crashing back. Trembling on her seat, the filly spoke. "Th... That's right. Big brother won't be back until sunset. Oh no, what should I do...?"

Oh, horse apples. There goes her mood... Night turned to his wife for help only to find her doing the same. The couple were freaking out! They didn't plan for when Noctis actually leaves the house. They thought it would be years before that happens!


The whole family jumped when a sudden knock came from the front door. The couple was confused as to who could be at the door, but, Cadence eyes grew brighter, full of hope. Hoping that Noctis came back, the filly jumped off of her seat and rushed towards the entrance. Throwing open the door, the pegasus was about to beg her brother to take her with him but I recoiled back instead. Who greeted her on the other side was unexpected.

A baby blue hoof hesitantly waved. "Um... Hi?"

Cadence awkwardly waved back. "H-Hello, Prism..." They stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before Cadence broke the silence. "So, um, what are you doing here?"

The blue filly started rubbing her hooves together. Awkwardly, she spoke. "I, um, I came here to apologize...for everything." Prism bowed her head. "And, if you want to, we could maybe play togeth-GAH!" The filly yelped in surprised as she was, suddenly, yanked inside the house and proceeded to be crushed in a hug.

"Oh, gosh, YES!" Cadence, excitedly, jumped up and down, still holding on to the other filly. "Thank goodness your here! I'm so lonely! Thank you! Oh, we're going to have so much fun! We could braid our mane, play dress up and -GASP!- play OUTDOORS! I never played outside with Noctis before! This is so exciting!"

From the dining room, the couple felt relieved. Maybe Cadence had a point; maybe she should to learn how to entertain herself a little. Though, watching the scene, maybe they don't have to...

Prism was starting to get dizzy.

What have I gotten myself into...?

What have I gotten myself into?

Noctis grunted, scooping another load of wet leaves and sticks with his shovel on to the pile. The colt wiped his forehead and casually looked to his right but immediately looked away when met with crystal pink eyes.

She's still watching me. What's up with this girl?

From the moment he got out the door, the first thing he immediately noticed what her, mainly because of her color scheme. Milky white coat with long, bright red, mane tied to the side and clear pink eyes. Very eye catching. He doesn't know why but there's just something off about the filly, he just couldn't tell what. She seems normal enough. About the same age as him by the looks of it, and aside from the staring, she was just cleaning like everypony else. So why does his guts telling him to not let his guard down?

"Noctis, Is that you?"

"AHH!!!" I let my guard down, crap!

The filly smiled brightly. "It's really you! Finally! After all this years, I thought I would never see you again."

Recovering quickly, Noctis looked at her, confused. "Um, do I...know you?"

The filly frowned at this. "Only a few years and you already forgot me? Noctis, I'm hurt!"

The colt narrowed his eyes. "A few years? I'm pretty sure we've never met before- wait a minute..." Now that he looked closely, she does look familiar. Those teary eyes, that pout! He had seen them before! With wide eye, Recognition struck. "Fausticorn!?'

The filly sniffed. "I don't like how I need to cry first for you to remember me."

"By gods, It's really you!" Noctis gasped.

"I also don't like that you've been crying out to other gods." The filly goddess pouted, lecturing the ungrateful colt. "Remember, you’re in Equestria now! So, I should be your one and only! Don't you know it's wrong to be unfaithful to ladies?"

Noctis shook his head and ignored what she said. "What are you doing here!?"

The filly gave an exasperated sigh. "Aren't you listening? I said, I'd see you in a few years, remember?"

The colt shook his head again. "No, I mean, what are you doing HERE. As in, why are you a mortal? Seriously, I can't sense anything from you. Are you okay? Did something happened"

"Don't be so dramatic. I do this all the time!"


"Gods do this all the time!" When Noctis kept staring at her confused, the filly continued. "Just think about it for a second. Why do gods create realms?" The filly turned and started raking leaves.

Noctis followed, not wanting to get in trouble. "Um, so they could rule over them?"

"Close, but not quite; some gods does create only to do that. But there's one collective reason for why we do it." The goddess looked at him meaningfully. "Loneliness... We're lonely, Noctis."

Returning to her raking, The filly continued. "We just pop one day with all this empty space that we don't know what to do with. We just float around scared for a while, not knowing what to do. Then, we discover that we can make things; little things to put in the void so it won't be empty anymore. We create and create until the empty space turns into bright space that we don't know what to do with. And that's when the loneliness hits you the hardest; all this beautiful creations and no one to share it with. Through that loneliness, another power awakens; the power to create life!" The filly did a happy twirl, splashing water in every direction. "Of course, it's not easy as before. Life is very delicate and if you’re not careful, it will destroy itself. It takes a lot of trial and error before you realize what's wrong. Life kept dying because it's supposed to do that. It's not supposed to last forever, it's a cycle! And that cycle is what you call a universe!"

Pausing on her work, Fausticorn turned at the awed colt. "Now picture this. We created light; we created life; we have a working cycle going on. What's next? Just play with it a bit? Give miracles left and right and just disappear? Abandoning your creations for a really long time, promising salvation if they're still worshipping you when you return at world's end? Doesn't make sense, right?"

Coming closer, the filly gave Noctis a boop, giggling at his expression, "Still with me? Don't worry; I'll make my point soon." The young king could only nod. "So! I'm lonely and my little ponies just looks so happy playing together. What's a goddess to do?"

"Join in the fun?" Noctis guessed.

"Exactly!" The filly beamed at his answer. "Though, I just can't jump in as I am." The pony goddess continued. "I'll crush them if I did. So, I have to make an avatar and have it born naturally in to the world; an empty vessel that I possess and interact with." The filly skipped away and doing another twirl, presenting herself. "Who you are talking to, right now, is my latest incarnation, Stellar Bell." The filly did a playful curtsy, "Nice to meet you!"

Noctis rolled he's eyes. "Nocturnal Solstice," Playing along, the colt came closer and gave Stellar's hoof a light kiss, "Pleased to meet your acquaintance, my lady."

The filly giggled, "Oh you!" She gave him a joking swipe before turning serious. "Now that I found you, I have bad news."

At this, Noctis gave his full attention. "So something did happen?"

Stellar nodded, grimly. "Yes. The darkness that plague your world had escaped and followed us here."

Noctis almost dropped then and there. No, it can't be... "How? I thought the kings destroyed it."

"I thought so too." The filly replied. "It was so weak that I didn't notice it until it was too late. It came around a thousand years ago in a place called-"

"Wait, a thousand years ago!?" Noctis cried. "But I'm only three years old, about to be four! How did it come here before me?"

The filly goddess gave the colt an annoyed glare. "I can't just plop your soul here can I? You have to wait your turn to be born, just like me and everypony else! Especially you! Do you think it was easy converting your human spirit into a pony soul? Reincarnating you with all your memories intact was hard work, too! You should be more grateful!" With a harrumph, the filly turned away and crossed her hooves.

"Okay, I'm sorry." The colt, bowed his head apologetically. "Can we please continue on? Like where is it now? If it's weakened like you said, maybe we could destroy it?"

"That's kind of the problem." Stellar replied, facing the colt once again. "The darkness grew smart. It fragmented itself into many pieces and each one possessing anything that have the potential to feed it lots of magic and negativity. Most of them are dormant; sealed by my best ponies. But they'll awaken soon in about a few decades."

Noctis rubbed chin in contemplation. "So, you're saying that, it split itself, increasing its chances of survival. But, every time it split itself, each fragment gets weaker and weaker. Destroying those one by one is our best strategy." As he was thinking, a thought came to him and gave Stellar a curious look. "Hey, why didn't you just destroy them yourself? You’re the supreme goddess right? Did you already try anything?"

"Yes, I did. But, it's not as simple as you might wish. The most that my ponies and I can do was seal them and destroy its creations. Those that weren't sealed were lying dormant and conserving energy, waiting for ponies to stumble to it. And before you ask; my avatars can't do much either. These bodies can't handle more than a droplet of my power. Any more than that and it burns to ashes."

Noctis nodded. It doesn't matter. They have him now. He's the chosen king! This is his star now; and just like before, he will be its shining light. He has beaten it before in its full power. Crushing its puny fragments should be a synch!

Noctis decided to roam for a while after the cleanup. He and Stellar talked for a bit as they worked, chatting about each other's lives.

The filly was living a normal life, just as he was. Her Dad runs a blacksmithing shop, while her mother takes care of them. Dinner Bell, Stellar's mom, volunteers for community service, once in a while and takes her daughter with.

Nice lady. Noctis thought it was adorable how she couldn't stop gushing about how cute Stellar and him looked together.

Noctis walked aimlessly. Digesting the news he got from the pony goddess. Almost a thousand years had passed since he 'died'.

He thought about Insomnia. Did it get rebuilt after all this years? Did the people come back now that Ardyn's gone?

He wondered who the new king was. He guessed it would probably be Ignis.

What about the magic? The crystal's still there, but, without the ring, he doesn't know what good it'll be.

And he thought about his friends. They're, probably, all dead by now. He hoped that they had a long life and a peaceful death...

The young king found his legs had led him to Brightflash's edge once again. Without losing momentum, he kept waking forward, going in.

Noctis always thought it strange how the ponies avoided the woods like the plague. He asked around if there's anything dangerous in it before he went home. The answers were all the same. It used to be a regular patch of trees, nothing but birds and various rodents. But a few years ago, a blinding light flashed from it. Not an explosion, just a bright flash, hence the name. The colt learned that ponies could be very superstitious. Saying it was cursed and telling their children stories about ponies that went in and never returned. Oh, please! Noctis constantly goes to places where people couldn't survive and returned completely fine!

The young king came to a halt as he encountered a certain circular, clearing in the woods and silently gasped at the gorgeous sight. On the ground; flowers painted the ground, majestically, with splotches of reds, whites, blues and violets. Noctis took a deep breath, taking everything in and wishing he had brought a camera.

Well, if he's going to hunt down darkness fragments, he would need someplace to train, right? And here's a completely secluded clearing surrounded by thick trees so nopony would see and far enough that nopony could hear. No pegasi to see him from above, either. This was perfect!

Noctis close his eyes and focused. "My training starts now!"

... ... ...

"I said. My training starts NOW!" Noctis open his eyes. No weapons, no crystals, no nothing!

"... Right, the Crystal's still at home... In the castle...in Lucius...in Eos...which is in another dimension..."