• Published 15th Feb 2019
  • 686 Views, 28 Comments

Lightning Dust: The Story Of Shadow - Whooves235

After Rainbow Dash ruins her chances of getting into the Wonderbolts, a mysterious group called the Shadowbolts approaches her with a chance for revenge

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Year 3: Part 2

Two Ponies flew through the air, clashing metal wings and daggers, both seemingly exhausted. One flew left, the other flew right, back and forth over and over again.

"You're not going to win. Unlike the Shadowbolts, the Wonderbolts know how to fight as a team," one of the ponies said. The pony was wearing what appeared to be a Wonderbolt Battle Suit, and had a metal wing with an unmistakable rainbow mane.

The second pony, who appeared to be wearing a Shadowbolt uniform with a strange silver necklace around her, spat the dagger out of her mouth.

"Why do you throw away your life so recklessly, Rainbow Dash?" the pony asked.

"That's a question you should ask yourself," Rainbow Dash said. The ponies flew at each other until they clashed wings and daggers again.

Lightning Dust jolted awake. She was panting, as if she had been fighting someone equal to her strength, but when she looked around she saw only her belongings.

"That was some dreem," Lightning said. It felt so real to Lightning: the struggle, the strength both ponies used against one another. She looked at the clock. It was 4:30 AM; she had some time before the beginning of the day. She got out of bed, got into her jumpsuit, and walked out the door to the training building.

Shadowbolt Training Building

As Lightning walked into the building she could see that Nightshade was here as well, doing her regular workout routine.

"Hey Nightshade," Lightning said as she walked over to her. "I see you're up early today."

"Yeah, well, I wanted to practice some more before the big day," Nightshade said.

"I'm sure the day when we reveal ourselves will come too, Nightshade, but you've got to take a break at some point. It's not like the big day is happening tomorrow."

"You never know, Dust," Nightshade said, a bit of sarcasm in her tone. "With the way Cinch is running things she could make it today."

"Why do you hate Cinch so much?" Lightning asked.

"I don't hate our leader, I just wish she would tell us more things," Nightshade said. "I mean, we don't even know much about her."

"We know she is the oldest of the Royal Sisters," Lightning said, "nd it's pretty obvious that she and Sombra know each other."

"Yeah, well what else do we know?" Nightshade said. Lightning thought for a moment and just stood there blankly. "Exactly, we know nothing about her."

"Yet, I trust you and don't know anything about you," Lightning said, smirking at that last remark. "How can we trust Cinch as you say we don't, if we can trust you?"

Nightshade stared at the wall for a moment. It looked as if she was thinking of something to say, yet she did not know how to say it. "I want everypony to trust me, but after everything that has happened to me, who can I trust?"

"We are a team, we should trust each other if we are going to take what is rightfully ours. We need to know we can trust each other," Lightning said.

"I don't do teams. I only did this job because it's my birthright. Unlike you and Sky-Striker, I willingly came without being asked," Nightshade said. "Furthermore, I don't need ponies like you to tell me to be all friendly and stuff. We are in a war, and wars are not won by friendships, they are won through blood, sweat, and deception," Nightshade then walked to the door and looked at Lightning. She had the same look Spitfire did when she went into the office the day she was kicked out of the Wonderbolts. Nightshade walked out the door, slamming it behind her and leaving Lightning to herself.

"What's the point of trying anymore?" Lightning said to herself, then walked over to the training equipment and began to work out.

Throne Room

As Cinch sat in her throne, she looked over her papers. She had been watching her newest recruit for a while now, and while she was still rusty, she had faith in her; faith that she would be the one to lead them to victory. The only things that stood in her way were Nightshade and Sky Striker. Cinch had noticed that Nightshade had become less trustworthy than before, and it seemed to her that Lightning Dust might like Sky Striker. So she put her papers in her drawers and waited for her guest to arrive. The door then opened and Sky Striker entered the room.

"You wanted to see me ma’am?" Sky Striker said, curiosity in his voice.

"Lieutenant Striker. Tell me, what is your relationship with Cadet Dust?" Cinch asked.

"Ma’am, I..." Sky Striker said before getting interrupted.

"Please, no formalities, just tell me," Cinch said.

"Well, she is nice I guess, but I do see that she wants to spend more time with me when Nightshade is not there," Sky Striker said, letting his guard down to his Commander.

"¨Sky Striker, I think that Lightning may have feelings for you," Cinch said. "This, cannot happen."

"I agree ma’am, this would compromise the mission, Sky Striker said.

""It doesn't matter whether or not Lightning has feelings for you. The important thing is she is expected to do great things because The Shadowbolts have a reputation. And it is that reputation....my...reputation that is responsible for everything we have here," Cinch said.

"I'm confused. So you want me to have a relationship with Lightning?" Sky Striker asked.

"I am simply saying that it would be....unfortunate...if she were to have her heart broken, for it would really affect the way she looks at things, and at ponies."

"I understand ma’am," Sky Striker said. "If I may ask ma’am, what about Nightshade?"

"She has been a thorn in my plans....if she continues to go the way she is, then let's just say she will be, dealt with."

"Yes ma’am," Sky-Striker said as he walked out the door. As he opened the door, however, Lightning Dust walked up to the building.

"Oh hey Sky Striker, what's going on?" Lightning said.

"The princess just wanted to check on my progress. You?" Sky Striker said.

"Actually, she asked me to come as well," Lightning said, blushing a little.

"Well I gotta go, see ya later...Dusty, Sky Striker said, walking out the door, the nickname in question making her blush more.

"Please, Lightning, come in," Cinch said.

"You wanted to see me?" Lightning said.

"Lightning, you and I both know that what you do during your free time is of little interest to me, but while you're here, your training requires your complete focus," Cinch said.

"Yes, I am aware, ma’am," Lightning said.

"Then why is it that you look so distracted?" Cinch said.

"It’s Nightshade, ma’am. Every time she talks to me she acts like I'm the enemy, and she also continuously insults your leadership," Lightning said.

"I am aware of Nightshade, and trust me when I say it's all being handled. However, with your initiation coming up, I need you at full attention."

"Yes, ma’am," Lightning said.

"Now, go and continue training," Cinch said.

"Ma’am, If I may ask, what is going on in Equestria?" Lightning said, stopping at the door.

"My Shadowspies have told me nothing. The Princesses have not done anything, the only thing that has happened was a little skirmish in a town at the outskirts of Equestria about two months ago," Cinch said. "Apparently the leader of the town was driven out by a revolution, but it's nothing that concerns me. One measly unicorn won't be any trouble."

As Lightning left the room Cinch pulled out some papers, then picked up a paper labeled Equestrian Convict List and set it down next to Lightning’s file. She grabbed the papers and put them in her desk.