• Published 25th Jan 2019
  • 1,369 Views, 14 Comments

Icarus' lover - ssunsxt

Sunset wants to fly; Twilight is the wax that holds her wings together.

  • ...


“I’m sorry, what? Can you repeat that, I think I might’ve misheard you.”

Sunset’s brows furrowed slightly as she looked up from her pancakes, topped with a whipped cream and raspberry smiley-face, to stare at the older woman at the head of the breakfast table. Celestia forked a mouthful of sweet, maple syruped batter past her lips, and chewed, before taking a sip of her morning coffee.

“I said: I’m taking on another personal student. She’ll be staying in the west wing of the castle, and from now on our one on one classes will follow a curriculum.” The princess gathered more pancake onto the end of her fork with her knife, and lathered it in cream before glancing up from her plate to meet Sunset’s gaze, the red-heads own mouth slightly agape.

Turquoise eyes blinked and narrowed, “But-”

“Relax, Sunset,” Celestia gave a gentle smirk and quirked a brow before setting her knife down to ruffle the younger girls curled bangs, “I know how you feel about meeting new people, but, you’ll be fine.”

Sunset pulled away from the older woman’s hand and set down her own cutlery, to smooth her hair back into place with a harrumph. She pushed a ringlet of red hair from her face, only for it to fall back into place over her forehead anyway, and pursed her lips into a straight line. “That isn’t-... Why do you need to take on another student, anyway?” She furrowed her brows once more.

There was a slight pause, and a hum, as Celestia chewed another mouthful of her breakfast. “I’ve been watching this girl for quite some time, actually. She shows promise and appears to have talents far beyond that of her fellow classmates. Something I feel that you of all people would be able to relate to, no?”

The red-head grumbled and averted her eyes as she sunk into her seat. Resting her cheek in the palm of her hand as it was propped up by her elbow, she pushed a raspberry around her plate. “Then why not just move her up a year? I don’t see why she has to come stay here.”

Because, Sunset. There’s only so much an academic administrator can do to lead and inspire the aptitude of young minds to reach their full potential. There are those who simply aren’t willing to or merely aren’t able to go beyond that of an academic institute. This young girl shows enthusiasm in expanding her magical knowledge.” Celestia smiled and looked down at the blueberries at the edge of her plate, and allowed her shoulders to drop slightly. “Plus… She reminds me of you, just a little bit. Seeing her unable to reach her full potential seems… like a waste of talent.”

Sunset’s lips fell into a lopsided frown, a pang of guilt turning into a knot at the pit of her stomach, as she watched the light of the sun glisten in the older woman’s eyes. “Right… I-... ugh,” she huffed, and stabbed at her pancakes. “When will she be here?”

“Her invitation should be arriving sometime this week, and I’m giving two weeks in order for her to mull it over. If all goes well, she should be moved in by the end of the month.” Lifting her mug to her lips, Celestia took another long drink of her coffee before gathering up her plate and cutlery. The wooden legs of her chair squeaked as it scraped across the tiled kitchen floor, and Celestia paused to give Sunset another smile. “Cheer up, Little Star. It won’t be as bad as you think it’ll be. Just give her a chance.”

White feathered wings traced along the bottom of Sunset’s chin in order to tip her head upwards to allow Celestia to press a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be off. I have a public appearance today at ‘Canterlot Middle’, and then I’ll be in my office for most of the day doing paperwork. Don’t overwork yourself today.”

The younger girl rolled her eyes and groaned out “Yes, mom,” as she heard the princess’ dishes clatter in the washing basin. She then paused and lifted her head from its place in the palm of her hand, “Wait…”

“Hm?” Celestia quirked a brow and stopped in the doorway to glance back at her daughter.

“What’s her name? The new student, I mean. You never said.”

“Oh!” She smiled once more, “The new student’s name is Twilight Sparkle.”